CNN Poll: The nation remains divided on impeachment as House vote approaches

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'We don't do impeachment by poll,' says Sen. Bob Menendez. 'It's not a question as to whether or not the polls suggest the President should or should not be impeached. The question is, what are the facts? And abiding by your constitutional obligation.'

RELATED: Full poll resultsSupport for impeaching Trump and removing him from office stands at 45% in the new poll, down from 50% in a poll conducted in mid-November just after the conclusion of the House Intelligence Committee's public hearings. Opposition to impeachment and removal stands at 47% in the new poll, up from 43% in November. Support for impeachment and removal among Democrats has dipped from 90% in November to 77% now.

Full House Judiciary Committee impeachment report Those who oppose impeaching and removing Trump, however, are more likely to cite Trump's overall job performance than his innocence as a major reason to oppose impeachment and removal.


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IMPEACH before he gives us to the Russians!

And we KNOW HOW WELL YOUR POLLS ARE!!! LAUGHABLE!!! Just like Hillary was 37 points above Trump for president in 2016... don't need your bias POLLS...

What a load of billows

My my what a surprise for CNN to try and show something reputable. But Americans no longer believe anything from CNN or other pollsters


If you cant get 51% votes to impeach him then why running a sham impeachment? This will only hurt you cnn and the democrats more... Sorry..

It’s a Democrat induced division! Shame on and DNCWarRoom

As an Libertarian I heve been telling you dems that most people don't think impeachment is right. There are more issues to deal with

Who TF are they asking in these polls? I’ve NEVER been asked and I’m a voter that wants his ass removed!!!

Your pole is taken by 1000 people who YOU say speaks for the whole country? 😂

It’s really too late to impeach. The only thing we should do now is make sure he doesn’t get re-elected. This process is a waste of time and money. It’s going to die on the floor of the senate anyway. Good luck trying to get republicans to vote against their party.

As usual, Democrats wasting the tax dollars of the working class because “orange man bad”

Ummm 45+47 is not 100

Bullshit polls

what's wrong CNN, more Americans are against this Schifft show than for it.

How is it that we have so many stupid Americans in this country? Such a tragedy they trade their morals for money.

Wtf. Impeaching and removing are two entirely different things.. Is that why there's 8% missing? That's how many people think this is a stupid/loaded question?

Not at all! If all CNN could muster was 45% support that means the real is more like 10%. Great job dems👍

A totally worthless & biased poll from the fake News media. Remember polling CNN does not count

Democrats Clown Show

Sooooo what are we Impeaching him for Exactly? He broke No Laws! He has only do e what every other POTUS HAS DONE!! The Dumbass Democrats have just set their party back decades!!

Would be interesting to what percent among those that took the survey actually listened to the hearings to-date and heard the testimony and facts. I suspect not many.

This looks like the same poll as 2016.

We’re not divided. Media clowns are divided by who pays your checks and in turn lie to us so it makes sense that half the people getting one set of lies would agree and the other half getting the other lies wouldn’t. You’re all clowns. Nobody cares about rich people power games

I don’t care about CNN’S Polls. The constitution has never said, to impeach a corrupt president, it has to be based on the polls. We have a constitution to protect; we have a democracy to protect; the norms, institutions and the rule of law to protect. Polls are meaningless.

But when it was two points the other way you said it was 'overwhelming'

With “No” winning.

Soon after the next election the pundits will ask the familiar question: What were the Democrats thinking?

United states of nuts, what a shame

Ummmm that doesn't equal 100% 🤔

54 % Yesterday.

54% The day before, still is.

Wel those who use what POTUS or his state media says as their information feed cannot be confronted with the truth.

Where did you get this pole, did you see the FOX news pole? This is bogus.

Let me assure you...many more than that DON'T even want this sham to continue beyond today. Dems should admit their lies, apologize to Trump, and get to work making his gains permanent.

That’s close!! Come one VS get it done!!

Trump 44 (+3) Biden 41 Trump 44 (+5) Sanders 39 Trump 45 (+8) Warren 37 Trump 43 (+9) Bloomberg 34 Trump 43 (+10) Buttigieg 33 Suffolk University/USA Today Poll - Thanks Nancy, Schifty, and the round mound of the gavel Nadler. We much appreciate it CorruptDemocrats

I bet that poll was excruciating for to post! Finally some truth in msm!

Most people say NOOOOOIOOOO

It’s the same as every political issue , divided by party lines only . Doesn’t really have anything to do with the issues only whether your republican or demoncrat

Now u have it.

CNN called only Republicans.

Even with the help of CNN the Dems can’t remove our President. GOAT.

Strange your little poll came out the day before the vote on impeachment makes your wonder who CNN is trying to influence before the vote?yep

Wow! If those that agree with a corrupted president, would just put America first, he might just resign and we can get back to a more normal government.

this guy and Allison so bias as can be - working for the pathetic dems ! - disgrace - like DEMS CNN'S NUMBERS WILL FADE AWAY !!!!!!!!!!

So who was that divided us

CNN polls, cmon man!!!

AND STILL YOU PUNDITS PUSHING IT !! DEMS will heavily pay for this childish fake impeachment - there never was or will be a better Pres than Mr Trump !! Long live Mr Trump !!!

Your poll is flawed...and very wrong. Stop trying to make Trump happen.

Curious as to why you keep showing polls like these. Almost 50/50 split as we expect, so no new information. Trump likes seeing polls like these so you are convincing him to remain in office & fight.

Trump landslide 2020, want to bet!

You didn’t ask me!! Yes!! Impeach trump!!!!😡

Just saw the poll on GMA. And that poll has different findings. Don’t go by these polls. Research the truth. My mom was good at saying, “Follow your ‘gut’ instinct.” It usually doesn’t steer you wrong if you’re being truthful. Just don’t be the uneducated.

And Hillary won, right. Just basing that off of the pre-election polls.

If this is what your Poll says, it’s actually about Yes-15 No-85

I am a Hispanic Democrat and All of YOU Democrats will be Surprise how many of US hate all the CRAP you are doing trying to impeach President Trump!!! And Pelosi You are in for a rude awakening You will not be Speaker for long!!!! Socialists!!!!

More people Don’t Want Impeachment even w/h LiberalMedia1 being Anti-Trump 24/7/365 & supporting IMPEACHMENT for the last 3 yrs. With a Normal Fair Media, potus would have an 80% approval rating. FakeNewsMedia FakeNewsCNN VoteRedToSaveAmerica2020 AmericaFirst KAG2020

Is this from your declining list of viewers

47% of Americans need a civics class. You can't impeach POTUS because you dislike him. That's what elections are for. I'm an independent voter and see right through the impeachment attempt. It's weak. If they could prove bribery, sure, impeach. This is blowing up in their face.

tired of fake news and fake poll trump 2020

This shows 47% of the people ignorant fools.

So most say NO!!!!!

Fox news polls are better.

Impeach and remove....THE END

Too bad for you 67 votes needed for removal.

That looks like an electoral college victory for the “yes” side!

All that matter are the swing states and of those swing states only 6% are undecided. They are most likely to tire of the impeachment process and side with Trump.

FakeNewsCNN 👌

We need to evaluate the facts. I make it a point to listen to both sides Based on that I personally can not fathom anything other than impeachment. I do however welcome other people s thoughts


fake,poll-more nos

CNN home of fake polls to go along with their fake news and propaganda. Are these the same polls that had Hillary winning? CNN is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the radical democrats.

Pelosi's words in the spring...It is unwise and inappropriate to impeach unless there is bipartisan support and the vast majority of the nation agree. Unfortunately, Nancy painted herself in a corner. Now she is pushing something through that she knows is wrong. HateDestroys

Unbelievable RepublicansNeedToChooseCountryOverParty

Firstly your poll says more people don't want to impeach Trump. What a backfire 😂😂😂 Secondly you poll like 5000 people and majority of your viewers are democrats meaning Trump is winning over moderate democrats. I see a re-election coming 💅

Impeach trump now!!!

It's not. Polls are flawed. Less land lines that people may or may not answer is not an accurate count.

After all the hearings including the weak mueller report and KEY important main witnesses not testifying. It’s only obvious how Trump is gonna be removed Either in 2020 or the end of his BS and his term.

Yet another poll showing how people who feel strongly enough about the issue to bother taking the time to answer a poll feel about it. It's like reviewing a product or business online, only the people who either really loved or really hated it bother to post a comment.

CNN polls are not worth a crap. We already learned that in 2016. CNN is merely the marketing arm of the far left Democrat party. Therefore everything they claim is pure propaganda.

It's discouraging to know that 47% don't want impeachment. The proofs against him are so strong. I guess the far right media propaganda get into their head.

CNN and fake polls, BTW we do not impeach Presidents based on polls...

Fake news, fake science, fake polls.. No credibility on ANYTHING. NONE!!

Since Rudy implicated the president last night to the New York Times, we have a fact witness. He briefed the president a few times to “get Yovanovich out of the way”. Trump told him to get with Pompeo and she was gone a week later.

I don't know how these polls are done, What I don't know is I wasn't apart of it,are people of color included?

Trump will be your god until 2024. Accept this.

Trump 2020🇺🇸

Two thang says polls,polls,poll, I don't trust this one. beside that's may have been the same number of peoples oppose to slavery put the good peoples prevailed that too!save our democracy America

The country (most of which don't even know what impeachment really is) is divided, but our 'unbiased' media is not.

Am not abig fan of him. But he is not leaving WH... Dems must focus on2020

A majority opposes .

I think Dems wanting impeachment has declined is because they know it will go no where in the Senate. If there was a chance in the Senate that Trump could be removed they would stay strong about it. That's what I hear anyway.

Technically, more don't want him impeached

Trump will be impeached in the next two days. No doubt about that. Tons. Tons of evidence. Like his admission. His own words. Now Rudy running around admitting to even more. The majority of Americans are totally sick of this and just want our country back. The majority will win

Everyone will leave and the living God will not die.

These polls...... sample of 1,005 adults reached! No matter how hard you try you cannot extrapolate to the population of the USA...

Polls that could be hacked by Vlad to support his “boy”.

Sore losers....

The Baby King must resign!

How can we watch you again until you let us know how you got everything so wrong, FISA, Russia/russia/russia, why was it Foxnews to get Comey/Schiff to admit to their mistakes/lies. Iwanthonestnews

Lol impeachment is now underwater. Dems losing again

47% idiotic.

Your Polls are....

Zero push back now if a Old white male republican would have said this there would have been plenty of push back.

CNN i see what you did there “evenly divided” when it tips in Trumps favor

Trump is going no where. God almighty is with him. I guess we all know that the end justifies the means. He's unstoppable and I know.

Have any if you ever been polled by ANY news media outlet? Nope, me neither! Its all fake PROPAGANDA! Do YOUR OWN RESEARCH. And Epstein didnt kill himself.

The REAL POLL NUMBER IS 57% vs 43%

This is another OUTLIER!! Trump will be impeached!!

I will never believe another poll as long as I live. NEVER!!!!

300+ million people in America, but we'll ask 1,000 of them and claim that's what the nation feels. Politicians and journalists love polls, math not so much.

Where do you poll people? From all over the country? And how many peoole do you poll?

America is NOT divided. Stupid brainwashed cultists with their fake religions and their fake Dear Leader overlords are never going to join modern society. Our stupid people always vote against their own best interests and always fall for the same lies. They're not patriotic.

We impeach based on presidents behavior and actions, not polling

Lol at the dems thinking this will hurt him. They definitely don't know many true republicans.

It’s a matter of law, not opinion. If Trump is not impeached, then he is above the law.

That polls is about as reliable as your 2016 election poll.🙄🙄

Where does CNN gets its ?

Impeach the sob! If Congress does not impeach Trump, the voters will in 2020!

Maybe you could say majority voted NO.

With that number President Trump re-elected.

He not going anywhere

Alternative headline. “Support for impeachment falls” 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️

.. /poll finds that Trump's approval rating has also held steady in the last month: 43%/ ..Common Knowledge™ in this term of maga TheDonald DonaldTrump (who was installed by adversarial foreign govt) & Putin/Russian interference in '16 elec ..cannot trust polls like n past..

evenly split? I'm not even living in america, and I can tell you that your numbers are off.

Impeach the Motherfucker.

Dems are all about dividing the country Thank God New York and California don't get to pick our President Every factory here in this small town is hiring all the fast food places have raised their hire in pay Abandoned houses get fixed up people are buying houses Dems go to work

Those polls are wrong, 51% don't want Trump impeached ! How about a poll if congress is working for USA. How about all the bills lying around awaiting their vote while they play petty politics ?

Dumbnald Chump

This is why we have elections — you don’t get to just impeach the winner if you lose, you have to try harder next time.

I voted for President Trump and I will vote for him 2020

If CNN, MSNBC and other main stream media actually published the truth and not just repeat ad nauseam the lies and talking points of the Democrats, you would find many, many more people would understand that this whole politically motivated partisan process is a political sham.

You said “ CNN POLL”. HAHA!

You wanna quote the guy who narrowly avoided corruption charges by virtue of a hung jury? Okay then...🤦‍♀️

We don't care what the people who elected us want. Why should we listen to them.

Trump for PREZ 4 LIFE

What ARE the facts? after watching 3 and 1/2 days of Intelligence Committee hearings, I heard nothing that actually proves Trump did anything the Dems accuse him of. It's all uncertainties, personal opinions. Does NOT meet the 4 criteria for impeachment.

BobMenendezNJ well said, I wish Democracy is truly practiced in Nigeria. Dictator Buhari is still holding the US-based journalist in detention despite court order. His spokesman said they are not bothered about the US intervention on the matter.

The facts are, the people who elected these clowns are against impeachment. If legislators continue to vote apart from their constituents, they will be replaced. It’s called democracy. The moment that legislators vote apart from the people is the moment democracy ceases to exist.

Oh he’s the guy you want to ask about being removed from office. Menendez should be rotting in jail for the crimes he committed. The US attorney punted on the retrial because he didn’t have the political will to take Bobby down!

That's right Bob, there is no evidence so if you vote to impeach you should be removed from the senate.

Yeah just like the facts stopped your re-election... right

Coming from a man who had sex with 14 year old girls this is really rich

What facts were presented? Not a one. All feelz and OrangeManBad

Wondering why the Dems polled in an effort to find out which term polled best to the american voter? The result was bribery, but it is specifically listed because lack of evidence. You keep spinning and selling an none is buying this crap.

Just imagine if Menendez was a republican with all his scandals.

The Fact is the President is a criminal and everyone around him from top to bottom are enablers and are complicit in all his actions.

Only said when the polls aren’t in their favor

Joe Biden’s son—$50K a month oil job, no prior experience Hillary Clinton’s daughter—$600K news job, no prior experience John Kerry’s daughter—$9M In no-competition contracts from the State Department What do they all have in common? Prominent Obama administration parents

Democrats’ chances to win the 2020 presidential elections are gone. They destroyed them with this Impeachment soap opera.

Had the polls reflect in favor of impeachment, courrpt SenatorMenendez would be singing a different tune.

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