Chelsea Handler says 50 Cent 'wasn't serious' about supporting Trump

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Chelsea Handler says 50 Cent 'wasn't serious' about supporting Pres. Trump.

Comedian Chelsea Handler joins "The View" on Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2020.

"I DM'd him and I said, 'Can you please call me about this?'" Handler said."'I really I want to know if you're serious about supporting Trump.'"


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Why isn’t he saying this himself?

Whites woman telling Black guy what he really thinks or is serious about.

Chelsea should be ashamed of herself for giving 50 cent a hard time about his decision!!

This is so 2020 A black man states support for Trump, so gets a white lady to explain that he was not serious about that support for Trump should check it’s bias because it sure looks like you’re running damage control: can’t have a black supporting Trump on our network

Who cares?

He was serious until you stepped in. Dumb and Dumber 🙄🤷‍♀️

I have one word...BULLSHIT

It seemed like she was offering him sexual favors to not vote for Trump, which I’m pretty sure is illegal.

She offered her beat up vag as a bribe to him not to vote Trump last week, now this? 🤣🤣

He made himself look weak and she made home look weak.

Here is another story you should cover........

Beat it Rat

I think it’s you he wasn’t serious about!

Keep believing that.

Anything to stay relevant. People on the fringe will do anything to remain in the news.

Handler is noting short of a crazy, heinous, pathetic individual who is just down right sickening!

She is doing the thinking for 50 cent again. What an utterly patronising person!

She’s his handler, I guess.

The patronizing racism of the left.

Whew. I can get on with my life now.

Why does Chelsea think she can try to bully people into voting for Biden the thief?

This is news? you are really becoming a joke. Let TMZ handle these stories and try to get back to the news and journalism...

She is such a loser. Why are you lowering yourself to report on this has been! Stay classy ABC.... stay classy.

Well I’m glad this bitch has all the answers 😂😂

GUCCI boot squad making headlines again...

These types of actions are straight despicable and for this alone nobody who looks up to Mr. Cent should follow his influence, you need to be strong and stick to what you believe regardless of what these kinds of people do, you are just a manipulator plain and simple. disgusted

Chelsea who?

Damn girl, this right here is a prime example of woman using their bodies and intimate holds over men in order to further their own agenda. This article just flat out proved that nobody is safe from the enthralls of a beautiful woman. 50 Cent just fell prey to a set of good tits

Why should we care what you think, he is able to speak!

Liberals treating blacks like children again.

Why is she news?


50 cents wasn't 'serious' about Chelsea either. He's gona get the last laugh AGAIN.

Man the mainstream is so worried about blacks supporting Trump.

She told him to get back in line like the racist she is

TIL - 50cent jumps when massa say jump facts


He's about as serious as she is a racist.

Oh, because the black man isn’t smart enough to think for himself, huh

So Chelsea Handlers racism is more of a story than Hunter Biden’s laptop? No wonder people are skeptical of the media.

I bet in that voting booth he’ll be serious

Because you said so?

Someone has him by the short and curly’s.


Okay, a white woman telling people that a black guy doesn’t mean what he said. Come on liberals, tell me this is not what it looks!

Why is the idiot speaking for 50 cents , doesn’t he have his own people? Can 50 cent speak , why is this fool talking ? Just need to get some press

DOES ANYONE CARE WHO 50cent supports anyway? He’s a washed up once-amazing artist with a few banger timeless albums but really he’s just been a social media troll for the last decade or so...

This is news?

That’s nice to hear but too late, that careless remark swayed immature people like lilpump

Well that’s surprising

Who cares 🤷‍♀️

Nothing says oppressed like a black man speaking his mind and a white women telling him he can’t have his own mind

Fuck fifty.

He was only joking. He does that.

Good Morning Mr. President TODAY’S US COVID19 DEATHS is 233,138 You can IGNORE the DAILY Moms, Dads & Kids Body Counts caused by YOUR INCOMPETENCE in directing the world’s most powerful Government’s Crisis Response! Sadly they are gone & can no longer speak out... However WE CAN

He may say something different but he’s voting red. Just like a lot of these stars. Their money means more to them than anything

What a KAREN

She wants change for 50 Cent?

Nah. He just bitched out. If you’re gonna cuck, at least have her be hot/under 25 years old.

Oh yeah after seeing the trend.......😂😭😭😭😭😭🤣😜

Then let 50 say it instead of her pretending to be his mouthpiece and white-splaining what he really meant.

I can't even begin to describe what little respect I have for 50-cent. First off, he sys he's going to vote for Trump over one issue - taxes. Pure self-interest. No concern for anyone else. Then, he lets a damn white woman tell him how to vote, and he obeys her. What a PUNK.

Really ?

Haha ok. What’s with these white women..

In a wig disguised as women's clothing and high heels. Armenian president detained with suitcase at airport (Video)


I didn’t think he was...

First she tells him how to think and then she tells us what she thinks. What a clown...

His supporting Donald Trump got him in trouble, that’s why. Maybe it hurt his brand or pissed off his girlfriend. No one is being fooled here.

KAREN has opinion.

Right!! Did she have to 'remind him that he's black' and was only joking about supporting Trump. I bet on his next song, she'll inform us that she composed it and told him the lyrics

Your 15 minutes are up.

50 cent is a grown man lol

Phew, thank God that poor ol' negro has a white woman speaking on his behalf to clear things up!

The left is nothing but privileged bullies. I’ll bet anyone when he actually casts his vote it will be for Trump.

Green screen.....

50cent chelseahandler it’s to late for us. His nasty comments about black women and his selfishness? We will never support any music, TV of movie projects he’s apart of and my husband and 13 year old twins thinks he’s a loser too. Way to kill it with a black family, ur fans.

She his lawyer?

Where’s hunter ABCNews has time for this but not the Biden saga.

And she speaks for the black man? Ok. But I have something newsy :a BidenCrimeFamilly text? What kind of father uses an addicted son to collect millions. Read Hunter Biden’s text to his daughter explaining how he has had to kickback to Pop for 30 years.

Who would listen to anything some 60 year old jewish roastie has to say? Lmao. Cmon man.

Skanks are on sale for 50 Cent, eh?

Here it goes again, she is doing the thinking for 50 cent.

Oh, that's not exactly how looked...or sounded.

Didn't this woman go to Canada yet ? She's a sorry ass individual!

Then he should’ve kept his mouth shut.

50 cents was not the 'full quid'!

F...K that! That Bum 50 cents was dead serious about voting for Trump, until he felt the back lash of Black Americans..


Why is she so worried about Trump winning the election? clout ? Trump2020 Baby!

Let her speak for her nigga. I guess he can’t do it on his own boss

Fake Ass News


News flash.. who cares! You make fun of people for a living! What a peach 🤨

Grow some balls 50cent

and you are? Who? Your buying someone's vote? Seriously!

50 cent only said that to stay relevant

Who cares what 50 cent has say about anything, let alone what Chelsea Handler has to say about anything!🤦🏻

Shouldn’t he be saying that himself?


Good thing that white lady can speak for a black man. What would we do without our woke white liberal saviors? Aren’t the “woke” people great?

Woke crowd: Is this the whitesplaining I've been hearing so much about?

Is that your purse Chelsea ? Is 50 cents nuts in there with his self respect?

Slow news day?

Is she 50's spokeswoman? Chelsea trying to throw the democratic life-ring to safe 50 from the leftist cancel culture.

Another white person trying to tell a black person what to do

Seriously, you cares what she thinkswhy give these type of people time a day?

Why is anyone even asking this drunk bambi her opinion on anything? Doesn't she have a bathtub to fall into or something?


So that means you paid his taxes already. Cool

Who really gives a shit😂

How dare he step off Chelsea’s plantation.

Here's your change

POTUS is corrupt, autocratic and he will destroy this country, November 4sent Donald J Trump to jail, he has ruined this country and killed 227000 due to covid

Hard to believe any loser could ever be whipped by Chelsea Handler, especially 50 Cents. He must love giving golden showers.

Who cares what Chelsea thinks

Chelsie hand some thing is also something less than partially talented much less intelligent

Actually 50 F*k donald trump

Well did you ask 50 Cent? Stop pushing unverified, misleadingly, and fake news to Americans.. realDonaldTrump VP

Words matter.

I'd call chelseahandler a whore, but that's insulting to prostitutes everywhere.

Hunter and Joe Biden need to deny that this laptop is their’s and all information on it is false! That they haven’t and that the DEM lead media refuses to ask the Biden’s the tough questions tells you their guilty of receiving money from foreign governments for political favors.

Should play fake fascist supporter.

He may not of been serious about supporting Donald Trump but I bet he was damn sure serious about not wanting to pay 62% of his salary to the federal government

Why does she speak for him? So weird.

AUDIO TAPES, VERIFIED EMAILS, Text messages, A witness has come forward, the FBI said this is not Russian disinformation. How much more information do you need to confirm!? The Biden story needs to be reported!

This is as impressive as Scott Baio being a keynote speaker at the 2016 RNC.

Tony Bobulinski’s story about Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Jim Biden doing business with the Chinese Communist Party is authentic and the documents, laptop and phone messages he provided to Congress and the FBI have been verified to be authentic. This needs an investigation!

Alcohol has done too much damage to this brain... leave her alone...

And with that, 50 Cent has done what he said he didnt want. He is now 20 Cent and continuing to lose value.

50 cents is just like Trump. Both are misogynistic. They like to grab women ....

White woman setting Black man straight Priceless

She fucking fiddy cent? Most importantly, who cares?

Why are you not following the Hunter Biden story

Well there is nothing serious about chelseahandler so what’s the point to this story

He made himself look weak. She made him look weak.

Conflict of interest: his dock was inside of her.

I am.


Didn't she loss the case against Trump on sexual charges?

Who cares!!! They mean nothing

Nothing like some old white woman telling a black man who he is voting for!

Why is this white woman speaking for a grown black man?

Let him speak for himself. If it is actually true, let him say so.

Well, it seems 50cent is content to have chelseahandler speak for him... as well as control his actions.

Imagine being bullied into voting for someone? Gross.

He made his bed, so it's time to lay in that

Yes he was , but he’s such a weak and easily influenced individual the slightest amount of pressure is all it takes to sway his opinion. I hope he doesn’t expect people to have much faith in him if he can’t back his own words.

Just in. Lil Pump has breaking news on 50 Cent endorsement✌️

White woman tells black man how he should think and vote, what are we in the 1920?

Look, any grown-ass man that doesn't get how important this election is doesn't deserve ANY of the money he's gained from the young ones that follow him. Like Trump, he's shown how he preys on his fan base, and it is shameful. Makes me glad I grew up on Coltrane......

It’s a good thing Chelsea captured him and put him back on the plantation. God forbid he be allowed to express an unapproved thought.

Too late, 50 cent ain’t worth 2 nickels. He can kick rocks!

It was a lot more about unsupporting the Biden tax actually.

Our reporting on the Biden corruption scandal is not over yet. Tonight, we have new recordings of Biden business partners. Plus: part of our conversation with Tony Bobulinski that we didn’t show you last night. Tonight at 8pm ET on FoxNews


And her opinion matters cause WHY

This is news to you?! GossipRag


Does anybody care!... Nope!

She’s still talking about this? Doesn’t chelseahandler have anything better going on? Move on....

Chelsea is so virtuous

She his interpreter

BS. I'm pretty sure 50 Cent heard from the crew.

What's that Chelsea Handler ?

Sounds legit..

Yes he was. The cancel culture made him retract.

50cent doesn’t even follow chelseahandler

Are you whitesplaining to 50?

Back tracking for yo’boy 50 cent? He figured out affilliation to tRump,can be bad for your career....

She's not only giving advice on politics, she's now telling you what other people think. The lady who made her living talking about her pussy and making fun of a little mexican guy on tv. What a time

This is ABC Breaking News? WTF oldest trick in the book, look over there😳

OMG!!!!!!! Breaking news🙄

The master cracked her whip and sent 50 Cent running back to the plantation.

He was until she called him out in the most perfect way.



He can’t speak for himself?

Who cares? Are you speaking for him now?!😂

Glad the white lady is here to tell us what the black man really thinks 😂😂

'I had to remind him that he was a Black person, so he can't vote for Donald Trump....' Has no one called her on this bull? Or pointed out how freaking racist she's being here, acting like he can't make up his own mind about who to vote for... because he's black!?

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