Cesar Millan wants to help Biden’s dogs feel at home in the White House

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Dog whisperer cesarmillan is 'waiting and ready to help' the Biden dogs, such as: 🐾 Introducing Champ and Major to their 'pack' in the West Wing. 🐾 Giving them 'jobs' to do in the Oval Office and outdoors.

Bringing a dog into a new home can be a stressful experience, whether it’s your house or the White House.

And this is a doggy dilemma likely shared by the many Americans who adopted or fostered a pet as the pandemic allowed them to work or spend more time at home. Indeed, animal rescues have reported record numbers of adoptions and fosters over the past year. So it’s not too surprising that many people sided with Major, a 3-year-old German shepherd that the Bidens rescued a few years ago, when they learned about the altercation.

And the root of the disconnect between folks and their fur babies comes from a good place; people consider their dogs a part of our family, Millan says, so we start seeing them as people, and forget to see them as dogs. Indeed, Americans collectively dropped an estimated $99 billion on their pets in 2020, according to the American Pet Products Association, which is up from $95.7 billion the year before.

“The way [Champ and Major] see it, they just appeared from one place to another place one day. And to us, the White House is a very symbolic house in the world, a very powerful house — but in the dog world, it’s just a house where people are not in sync,” Millan says. “So you have to let the dogs adapt in their way.”

When Major is inside, the Bidens and their team can keep him in a “calm, surrendered state” by giving him a “job” in each room of the White House, such as a specific spot where he is supposed to sit, stand or lie down in each room. “He needs to know exactly what he’s doing in the Oval Office: stay here to the right or to the left, sitting or standing. You have to let him know. He can’t choose,” Millan said. “It’s like how soldiers or the Marines are trained to do their work.


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So many negative thoughts on $TWTR. Cesar would be perfect for President Biden’s Shepherds

Pope Joe is the problem.Fix the ho ,too.


Still remember your GME goof! We’re supposed to forget? Nope.

cesarmillan 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

he should start by taking Biden’s dick out of his mouth

Please MarketWatch I don’t ever want to see some shit like this again. Thank you

is this bullish MarketWatch?

thanks for this news

He’s just tryna get a head start on stimulus not slick

cesarmillan Oh yeah...Cesar to the rescue. 🥰

cesarmillan If anyone can do it.....

cesarmillan Great idea!

cesarmillan You would be perfect for that. I love you Cesar.

cesarmillan You know how I know Trump is a bad person? Bc he doesn't own a dog

cesarmillan YES!!!!! CeasarMillan would be all Biden needs to assist with major!

cesarmillan Let’s put it this way “help”

cesarmillan Slow news day?

cesarmillan How badly was that person really bitten?

cesarmillan And this is MarketWatch?

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