CDC study sheds new light on mental health crisis linked to coronavirus pandemic

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A new CDC survey found that almost 41% of respondents are struggling with mental health issues stemming from the pandemic — both related to the pandemic itself and the measures used to contain it, including physical distancing and stay-at-home orders

A new CDC survey found that almost 41% of respondents are struggling with mental health issues stemming from the pandemic -- both related to the coronavirus pandemic itself and the measures put in place to contain it, including physical distancing and stay-at-home orders.

Caregiver workload, especially in multigenerational caregivers, should be considered for future assessment of mental health, given the findings of this report and hardships potentially faced by caregivers."The study had some limitations, including that it was based on self-reported information from an online survey, which can lead to some biases if respondents are not honest in their answers around symptoms of depression, substance use, suicidal thoughts and other mental health topics.


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Live your life, wear a mask, social distance. 130 million Americans ARE working, making money and soldiering on. Life is great so ignore CNN.

Honestly the thing about this pandemic that has destroyed me is the realization that almost half of our country are extremely small minded, selfish, cult members who would gladly endanger the lives of others if it emulates their leader. I knew it was bad but I had no idea how bad

You mean the lack of measures used to contain it.

Democrats don’t care. Just cage people at home. That is Dems


Ok so since the CDC talks about it, it's real. 😒

99.5% survival rate is not a pandemic notapandamic CV19


The consequences result from the pandemic.


Bunch of Candy asses. Suck it up Buttercups..

If the US had had federal leadership and management, we would not be in this mess!!!🤬

So all democrats have a problem?

لو تتكلمون عن فوائد امتطبيع مع اسرائيل امحبيبة احسن لكم من امكذاب انتشخو مخكم

And watching the news..

Me. I'm part of the 41%😭😭😭🥴🥴🥴

Thanks China

The biggest disaster of Covid-19 has been that USAinKSA refuses to process my fiancé’s K-1 visa. We have waited 9 months already and have to sit back and watch while foreign athletes and students get visas they applied for less a than a month ago. Fuck this

But the fear mongering of the media has nothing to do with it ..

Really? Duh. CNN is the leading contributor to this. They want mass shutdowns, mass riots and kids not to attend school. Don’t understand why suicidal thoughts are coming up?

Trumps lack of knowledge and leadership is scary. No confidence there.

Of course we are. It’s a major change in our way of life; our “normal” will never be the same. We are forever transformed. But where there is life there is hope. We can mitigate this. Dead is dead.

Covid19 already drives the US president to craziness with his incoherent thoughts in public. Besides urging people to drink household disinfectants to clean body, he accused the Dem VP candidate as nasty as his mother. He accused his grand kids learn and dance CH from J.Biden.

Not news, we have always known the loony left have mental issues.

Anyone struggling with 'mental health issues' due to social distancing was in bad shape to begin with.

“Stemming from the pandemic” Good job Team Apocalypse

Why? They already KNEW what these draconian measures would DO. THAT is their Expertise or Should be to know the collateral damage😡

If you don't spend time creating a healthy mind it can become the very thing thing you fight against. Balance is key, turn that judgemental voice in your head into a positive and reaffirming one, you'd be surprised at the difference it can make.

It would help if young people were bailed out like wallstreet. But okay.

Let me know how they feel about having COVID and losing loved ones. Distancing isn’t that bad now is it

Let's put Lithium in the water supply!? You know CNN supports this proposal.

All due to the Democratic mind control

Good job CNN for advocating for these crazy policies. Now do economic damage and the food lines.

It's probably more related to this network spreading hate and trashing the image of our country everyday.

• 31% of those surveyed said they'd experienced symptoms of anxiety or depression • 13% said they'd started or increased substance use • 11% said they'd seriously considered suicide in the last 30 days

No shit

Because its all a big ass lie.

Nice job idiots. You wanted this.

I love staying away from everyone

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