CDC says don't drink hand sanitizer - it can kill you

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People are getting sick and even dying after swallowing hand sanitizer, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. Four have died and others have suffered impaired vision or seizures, the CDC says.

People are getting sick and even dying after swallowing hand sanitizer, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday. Four died and others have suffered impaired vision or seizures, the CDC says.

Hand sanitizer is everywhere and is useful for cleaning the hands during the coronavirus pandemic. But it's not safe to swallow, the CDC cautions."Alcohol-based hand sanitizer products should never be ingested," the CDC said in a new report.A CDC team described the cases of 15 adults in Arizona and New Mexico hospitalized for methanol poisoning after consuming alcohol-based hand sanitizers between May and June.

FDA commissioner weighs in on Trump's disinfectant claim 03:37"Practicing good hand hygiene, which includes using alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not readily available, is an important public health tool for all Americans to employ.

This isn't the first time that public health agencies have reminded people not to ingest certain disinfectants or use such products improperly.In April -- just a day after President Trump suggested during a White House briefing that injecting disinfectant might be a possible coronavirus treatment -- the CDC posted on Twitter:"Household cleaners and disinfectants can cause health problems when not used properly.


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PartisanFront Because these are the same people who ate Tide pods. stupidpeople

PLEASE PASS ALONG.... AND.........VOTE.......VOTE....... VOTE....VOTE.........VOTE!!!!!!!

If your dumb enough to swallow hand sanitizer you probably have no buisness being alive, next thing you show up to work with terrible ideas

People are idiots if they swallow hand sanitizer sounds like pretty common sense stuff to me.

God bless.

Why are we so desperate to keep stupid people alive?

They ate Tide Pods also

You have to be pretty stupid to drink hand sanitizer

I’m old enough to remember when we called these people re-tards

This is Darwin’s greatest experiment

CNN sucks.

Did you think the average American is smart? The average American is a democrat. Of course they’re swallowing hand sanitizer

Tell them that Tide pods are safer.

Now play the clip of Trump suggesting people drink disinfectants.

Lots of idiots, but than again the younger set likes tide pods.

I think I know where they got the advice from!

This is POTUS’ fault. I explain how no.

I thought your anchors were missing

Jeez don’t tell them about the vanilla extract.

Says right on the bottle 'kills 99.9% of germs'

Trump says drink it....the cult will.


It’s sanitizers not a sperms 🤦🏼‍♂️

Same people that drank Clorox?

4 dead!?! Damn, that’s as bad as Covid! Let’s shut down the nation!

Well ppl are fucing ignorant. Trump suggest they do that? 😂😂

Mix it with koolaid powder it’s called saniweiser shit gets you fucked up like four loko but taste better ( please don’t try this )

Keep drinking please, it won't let u drunk

BethHolli realDonaldTrump This is what happens with lack of leadership, intelligence and even the ability to speak, read and comprehend. VoteNov3rd

Darwinism is indeed real.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Quit telling people this, if they are that stupid let em go for it

Serves them right if they are that stupid

Just thinning the herd

Only tRump Supporters are Naive enough to do something like this. If tRump told them jumping off a cliff would cure COVID, they would do it.

Can't cure STUPID!!

Well if they’re that dumb 🙄

Stupid is as stupid does

Hopefully they’ll serve it at the bars at the RNC.

So I’ve been doing it wrong this whole time ,,dang man

Slurp /j

The msm spreading more bs Did they say the same when those were swallowing Tide pods These say numbnuts age group If you ingest it its on you BTW those that do lean left

Natural selection at work. Darwin would be proud

oh hear we go again

If you don’t want people to drink it don’t make it a liquid for christsake!!

Fewer Biden votes.


? WTF!

So these ppl that die from drinking sanitizer are really the dumbest. Well they are resting well.

Shades of Bygone Days when people were killed when Grain Alcohol was no longer used by Catering Services to heat Chafing Dishes at Parties!

Not for human/animal consumption !!!

Imagine that?! What is that 0.000000000000000001% death rate? ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wil_Johnson1 realbeachbum5 sandiegodavo theMRC MediaBUZZ foxandfriends FoxBusiness CNBC TeamCavuto 7777MYNAME senatemajldr MikeESteelr0077

Why will a human being drink hand sanitizer. HAND sanitizer.

Duh. Who would do this?

Please get Trump to drink some.

Natural Selection,weeding out the weak

The alcoholics in my family would have to disagree 🥴


You idiots can blame realDonaldTrump for that. He said use it often. That should have meant drink it to nut jobs at FNN

My word the left just gets dumber and dumber.

The real pandemic in the US is a toxic mixture of ignorance, stupidity and hatred.

I bet they're is alchohol in involved. I bet they are Democrats. I bet they have mental health issue. It how we thin the heard. A drunk Democrat with Alzheimer's disease. Oh mean Joe Biden.

But cause of death was still listed as Covid, right?

Things you'll never hear of in Africa.

Oh my God - I swear instead of “survival of the fittest “ 2020 will be “survival of the most intelligent”

Desperate alcoholics?

Swallowing hand sanitizer the stuff public service and safety announcement warn not to do.

Alcoholism is a disease, stop the conspiracy reporting.

This song is for all the Americans and the world that are suffering. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Greetings from the Netherlands 🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱

First of all, how stupid are these people? I'm tired of stupidity in this country. When are people going to be responsible for there actions.

Why does this even need to be said ffs?

You forgot the word 'stupid' in front of People.

It isn’t called alcoholism.

Darwin awards

Keep your hands away from your mask face use soap&water to remove the virus. 'Not only are you neutralizing the virus with the soap, but you’re also physically knocking it off your hands,”Pastula said.“Hand sanitizer doesn’t do all of that.”U.CHealthToday..

You’d think “don’t ingest hand sanitizer” would go without saying...

you have to have little common sense to do this, the world is upside down

Why is this only happening in America?. What could go wrong?

😑😑 is this America?

Idk why people have the thought of drinking it ! 🤷🏻‍♂️

That should be commonsense!

Population control; how to eliminate really stupid 101 'People are getting sick and even dying after swallowing hand sanitizer, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.' Four have died and others have suffered impaired vision or seizures, the CDC says

What.the.f$&k. The idiot that drinks hand sanitizer.... well.... good riddance.

📢During the CCP virus epidemic: 'wearing a mask'and'frequent hand washing'are very effective protective measures. When going out, keep a certain distance, choose to wear a smooth coat and disinfect, outdoor shoes and door handle disinfection. 🌞May people be safe and healthy! 🙏

Duh! Scary to think these people might have been voters.

Didn't you guys post this yesterday

Dumb ass people.


Seriously? Who told them it was ok? Oh yeah...

*Severe alcoholism

Are some people not insane?! Why in the world would you be swallowing hand sanitizer for goodness sake? That's absolute madness. 😡

Why are people still getting sick while complying with mask mandates for months on end!!

Wonder who they got this idea from?

If you’re gonna drink it, then so be it when you croak.

Huawei Technology, one of the largest manufacturers of smartphones and network equipment, is at the center of tensions in the United States and China. ThingsICanNoLongerDo KanyeConJob

I call it a cleansing if the gene pool

This is that orange genius' fault. He goes on national television and talks nonsensically about ingesting disinfectants and ultraviolet light. So irresponsible!! To save our country, PLEASE VOTE trump OUT IN NOVEMBER!!!

Must be Antifa doing it

Darwin approves

This story keeps popping up. Face it, people can be stupid, you don’t have to keep reminding us. CNN is no longer relevant!

Isn't this part of the disenfectment treatment Trump recommended?

I guess some would rather drink hand sanitizer than have to listen to CNN

How messed up do you have to be to be like “welllllppp im gonna go try drankin this here hand sanitizer..see what it does”... doesn’t the name Hand Sanitizer tell your dumbass its not for consumption? “hand” “sanitizer” does this sound drinkable?

I approve this message!

President Trump clearly said to inject disinfectant, not to drink hand sanitizer.

Looks like the Democratic Party isn’t getting their shipment

Blindly following the President’s advice.


Do we know what causes such stupidity?

Clearly it’s not Trump supporters since they believe the Rona is fake and refuse to wear masks.

Wait a minute. Why does this have to be said? 🤦🏾‍♂️

So many darwin awardsto give out.

Tide pods all over again. Thank god for Mother Nature. She weeds out these people.

Let's just agree that Americans are a special breed. Remember those ending in E. R. after eating dishwasher pods? Do you remember other similar achievements

The Rove/Cheney/Koch effect....the dumbing down of America and absence of critical thinking skills is taking its toll on the “base”. Almost like natural selection.

I bet they used to eat them tide pods 🤔

Swallowing, being the key word here. Ralphie knew better!

Darwin's theory at his best!

Good thing no one told them to inject it ..... that would have been just as stupid....


Natural selection. Please move on.

Trump supporters?

Why would you even drink hand sanitizer in the first place ? I don't get it

Searching for alcohol content

Who in their right mind drinks sanitizer These type of people were clearly unstable before this pandemic. It’s is important to check on your mental health and others. 😢

Lmao must have been Dumbocrats that wanted to make TRUMP look bad.

Are you joking? People can't be that stupid.

Murica. Morons! 🙄


Good luck to the dumb fool who do.

Not a new occurrence

And some thought that in the 21st century they shouldn’t be telling us this... but here we are... Ironically enough, the people drinking hand sanitizer, are probably those who don’t want to wear masks, because freedom...

....they must have been Trump supporters

They really have to say that?

CDC says don't drink sanitizer.. people act surprised this is said. I mean we all remember Smokey the Bear telling us not to start forest fires... I mean just saying 🤣

They must be liberals.

No shit

2020 is the year of Darwin

LOLOLOLOLOLOL I nominate all of them for the Darwin awards.

Mind numbing they have to release this statement.

Democrats hopefully

Tell them to continue using it! Yeye people 🙄🙄

Natural selection.

Are these the cult members following Trumps advice?

What moron is drinking hand sanitizer. Good grief

Who would 🤔 drink hand Sanitizer⁉️

You got to be dumb to drink hand sanitizer

Can’t help stupid

So warning labels don’t work? 🤔 Oh wait.... This must be Trump’s fault... 😂

Only Americans are this dumb hence the president of the United States of embarrassment

WLHEARNS Who the heck is drinking hand sanitizer?

A Native American on the news said to do this.......

Drink some more koolaide assholes

doctorkim Why? Why are they doing this? Same logic as drinking bleach?

Come one people. It’s obvious what the problem is here. You should be drinking bleach. Not hand sanitizer. 🤦‍♂️ hydroxicloroquin and rainbows also work. I also have a monkeys paw you can make a wish to get better. knowshit SeasonedWithSarcasm

Were they out of tide pods are the store? ...this is what they call natural selection...

Let nature take its course

Same people that were eating tidepods

Either these people have a mental illness. Or this is just FAKE PROPAGANDA.

what would we do without the CDC guidance!!🤣

So this is Fauci's and the CDC's fault, right?

probably maga people living in florida

May be based on ISO-PROPYL ALCOHOL. That’s not a lot of fun!

This is what happens when SOMEONE realDonaldTrump suggests that injecting disinfectants might be a viable option.

Why are people so dumb sometimes?! Hand sanitizer is not to put orally!!

VanJones68 Darwinism in action

Please democrats stop drinking hand sanitizer. Try to behave like republicans. You might grow up.

Woah...people are ingesting santizer

We shouldn’t have to tell ppl this... it’s called natural selection

The stupidity of the general public is sometimes astounding. This is why we have to have legal warnings on EVERYTHING! 🙄

This is rediculious. Is this even news? If your stupid enough to drink sanitizer, Lysol, Draino or any other chemical not designed for human consumption then you deserve what you get! FakeNews

You can't fix stupid and I wish 1 reporter would ask realDonaldTrump what the difference is between Ethanol and Methanol is. ItIsWhatItIs Trumpadvicekills

Darwinism my dear friends. Let it happen...

Wow ppl really this stupid?

America is slowly becoming the idiocracy

More than likely all Democrats

Now THAT’S Darwinism. It’s called HAND sanitizer. The most disappointing part of this whole “pandemic” has been the realization of how many stupid people are on this planet. I had no idea.

Idiots are idiots

And we wonder why Trump got elected in the first place? This country is full of idiots.

Trumps base is shrinking

An injection of Clorox should cure them...

Some people possess it as vodka to save their lives...the reverse is the case. No one should be blamed on that. It was a choice they made for themselves.

If ur dumb enough to drink hand sanitizers, your death won't be a great loss to society

The only people eating hand sanitizer and dying are people that get their 'news' from MORONS

I guess the tide pod fad is over now.

What I’ll say about this is, C’mon man! Who are raising these geniuses? Probably the same people who say.. “I just allow my kids to make their own choices” yeah..because kids don’t need direction, or to be taught some choices have bad consequences 🙄 Ah, the “woke” generation.

I have never in my life seen so many idiots out there no wonder we have to worry about the election they are morons anyone that would drink hand sanitizer are you getting me and the recalls on the hand sanitizer they are from Mexico if you notice does that tell you anything

Do not listen to Trump, it can kill you.

Day by day the people get dumber and dumber. Any adult who wants to drink hand sanitizer, by all means, spare the rest of us ur stupidity.

I thought we were injecting bleach. Not drinking sanitizers. 🥴🥴

I hate to be so heartless, but fuck ‘em

More fake news.

I guess this also holds true for gasoline, Clorox, and round up. We need to publish this much more.

Are they alcoholic?!

All Democrats 😂😂😂 good riddance if you ask me 😒

The fact it even needs to be explained that you shouldn’t drink hand sanitizer speaks to just how low the intelligence level is of the people doing it.

In the end, if you’re dumb enough to drink hand sanitizer, that decision is on you. Doesn’t matter who said what when. Your choice, your mistake.

It’s called the Darwin principle. Weeding out dumb.

Are Americans really that stupid? First, you choose a clown to be Potus .... second, you listen to him and follow his stupid advices 😂😂😂

Thinning the herd.

Sad zero cure for stupid thinning the herd

Geez, did ya ever think the gene pool would be stronger by just leaving things alone? Just thinking. Wouldn’t we be better off not saying anything? Any genius that thinks it’s a good idea to drink hand sanitizer ... well ... Shsssh! Drink up, drink that free bubble-up!

Honestly I'm surprised the numbers are this low.

It’s what they deserve. Atural selection

Stupid people

But then again, trump sympathizers are drinking it... I see this as an absolute win

Blame goes directly to Trump for announcing on national TV that disinfectants in the body will kill Covid on the spot. Negligent homicide.

Hand sanitizer normally contains ethanol, just like the alcohol people drink. It is actually really concerning that some of the pop up pandemic brands contain poisonous methanol. I suspect experimenting teens may end up being harmed/killed. Not a joking matter.

Sounds like Trump supporters


Wonder where they got that idea from If we could inject disinfectant into the body.... TrumpHasNoPlan TrumpIsACompleteFailure TrumpVirusDeathToll160K

I’ve seen alcoholics drink mouth wash, is this what this is cause I can’t imagine anyone in their right mind being so reckless.

Only in USA would this warning be required! What a shithole

But...but...but... Trumpy said to ingest substances to get, 'Almost like a cleaning. And you'll check on that?' This isn't true? 🤦🤦🤦Of course it's a lie... Everything is a fcking lie ☠️

Maybe don't drink it?

Can’t fix stupid ? 😎

TrumpVirus still insist hydroxychloroquin is working lol


What would make you orally take hands sanitizer? You can’t blame the president, people need to own their own stupidity, not his.

It's natural selection.



4 people out of millions. I remember when we thought eating tide pods were stupod

Drinking sanitizer - the same people are eligible to vote.

People are frigging idiots...

Why are people swallowing hand sanitizer? I don't understand where people would get the idea to do something like that? COVID19 survivalofthefittest COVIDIOTS

I wonder where they got that idea from?

It’s called natural selection. If you’re dumb enough to drink hand sanitizer, then you probably shouldn’t be reproducing.

But Trumph said so

Wearing a mask is important, unfortunately there is another factor using hand santizer breaks the cell wall of the virus but it's not washed off like when you use use soap and water. Wash your hands America....

Are people reallythat STUPID? oh, yeah they really are. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

Darwinism....shhhh let it happen

It isn't just alcoholics as some will say. A warning label they had on a fishing lure a few years ago. 'warning sharp hooks- do not swallow'. How many dumb people had to try before they felt the need to put it on to cover liability in case of a lawsuit?

It's as if they had a highly influential person tell them to do it.

I say let the idiots be idiots.

Who is the dumbfuck drinking this shit?

Those People deserve to die for being STUPID

Do you believe that COVID-19 is a hoax? If so why?

Something to do with the president of the United States saying that taking disinfectants internally might kill the virus?

Trump voters !!

Dr Brix is looking into putting the disinfectant inside the body...

theharpoonman And some people have the audacity to tell me humans are no longer subject to natural selection. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Is this the new tide pod challenge If is this the boomer equivalent? Or did something rubbing two crystals above a child plus a glass of sanitizer will fully cleanse the mind and body

No thanks to the disinformation or misinformation from Trump who ordinarily should be providing good leadership in the Covid-19 fight

Do not drink hand sanitizer kids! Protest and riots are the only thing that cures Cov-19 according to CNN and MSNBC.

There's actually people who really need to be told this in the great USA a 1st world country 😂🤣🤣

SoyBoyManBun Natural selection at work


Trump voters.



Aż niewiarygodne

Dumpy trump can own this one .....

In all fairness, it does pair well with a Tide pod. 🤪

Can we see Pictures 🖼 of these ppl I’mma let the Hood Know what Crazy 😜 looks 👀 like BLM BlackLivesMatter 🐃

Trump supporters died. 😟

What is wrong with Americans?

Are they thick

Can’t believe in 2020 we have to say this but yes ladies and gentlemen please don’t drink hand sanitizer it can and will poison you and mess up your stomach


Unbelievable that this actually needs to be said

What's wrong with Americans ?


Rapist released from prison, victim killed !!

Only the deplorable supporters of Trump do such a stupid thing! I mean who on their right mind listen to what the moron suggests unless you are a moron yourself! I never heard the doctors and scientists say that so we can’t blame them! I, for one, only trust science🤷🏽‍♀️

they must've finished all the bleach.

Thinning the defectives..oh well!

We are devolving rapidly 🤔the more people are 'informed' the dumber we get; you can't get a dog to lick sanitizer even if you mix it with Kibbles and Bits🙄

Yes! You have to think and, be a little bit better than the this Clown we’ve got in office. Don't drink the hand sanitizer. Even if you want it to protect yourself, from future encounter with any virius.

Wonder how anyone ever got this idea? cough

These days especially, STUPID will get you killed!

Why the fuck are they eating it?

Its really unbelievable

It is what it is.

Nice try libtards now that I know you don't want me to drink it now I really am! Rekt 😎

question these people deserve to be alive in the first place? do we really need more stupid?

What the hell…

And by 'people', you invariably mean Americans.

Well, ya know, when you have realDonaldTrump running his mouth off suggesting to do that very thing. Then cnn runs it constantly, people are bound to do something stupid like this. Stop airing his bullshit live and fact check him...YOU’LL SAVE LIVES.


The age of madness where the mind of mad men get credence, says something to who does such things.


I’m sorry what did I just read

That's the intelligence of American people.

Common sense is not common after all. Who in their right senses would drink hand sanitizer?

wa mnyota ako kila mahali,hadi majuu😂

I see dumber shit each day 🤦🏾‍♂️

No one really drinks disinfectant. Hahaha

Why are they drink it, FGS? Its on the label, Hand Sanitizer! Perhaps they cannot read

Americans🤷🏼‍♂️ FFS

Well so can Covid so I guess I’ll take my chances

What kind of idiot drinks hand sanitizer? 🤦‍♀️

wow!!😅😅😅😅😅that's new!!

Americans gonna be American

Is it outside the US?

Remind me, please… How did this all start? Ah, yes, some oaf suggested there might be something in it and that it was worth looking into. Then he said he was being, er, sarcastic. Probably worth taking more care who you vote for next time?

Gee, where did they get a crazy idea like that?

Guess common sense isn't that common.

If they're kids..sad. If not..they deserve it.

Just stop putting methanol in it. The only purpose of it is to kill those who drink it.

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