Canadian Goes on Racist Liquor Store Rant After He's Asked to Wear a Mask

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Racism is rampant in Canada as well, it seems.

Racism ... it ain't just an American problem, as this pissed off white Canadian guy proves with a wildly racist and unhinged rant against a liquor store employee.

As happens these days, it all started because the white guy was asked to wear a face mask while inside the store. That ticked him off, and his racial bias against the clerk -- a person of color -- came pouring out. He launched into this tirade, accusing the worker of being stupid and brainwashed, apparently by his religion ... in the racist's eyes. The best part is as he's screaming racist crap, he says his country of Canada was great before"you people" showed up, and"Canadians are the nicest f**king people in the world!!!"When the racist made a nasty comment about the clerk's beard, they came face-to-face, and nearly to blows. Luckily, there was no physical violence here ..


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I got a little confused when he said “you people” and then I was like oh ok hello racist

Why is TMZ using the moronic expression “person of color”? Be specific. The employee is a Punjabi person who is Sikh by religion. Punjabi peoples are actually Caucasian by race. TMZ please educate yourselves instead of lazily calling someone a “person of color”.

He lucky

The side of Canadians you didn't know lol These people are in every country, race, and ethnicity. Keep calling them out! They need to clean up their act. If you're angry with someone, fine but leave their race and ethnicity out of it

As a Canadian, I find this disgusting and am confident that fool will be pointed out in his neighbourhood as an example of utter stupidity. I hope the other young man is okay after this embarrassing display

The key word is Canadian. Their prime minister, Justin Trudeau, dresses in blackface and the Canadians just re-elected him so here we are.

Probably a visitor from the US who is not allowed to go back home since our border is closed!

I think his rant/insults were aimed more at Religion and not race - hence, the 'you people'/beard remark. Just clarifying. Perhaps an alcoholic - having a bad day.

Might teach him to his own business

And I thought Canadian were the sweetest people on the planet. 2020 has changed everything!

Quit half steppin Stop supporting his re-election!

Wow Canada learning a lot for its neighborhood country

Canadians are such angry people!

not canada, too...

I’m canadian and before I even clicked on this story after reading the title I thought to myself “for sure someone from alberta” lol I wasn’t wrong lol

He’s want Canada would call an Old Stock Canadian. 😂

Must be a trump voter

Oh this type of stupidity is global. It’s just that Murica has more than its fair share. Edmonton is a bit of a hole tho so...

Its not xenophobia to talk about Someones beard. I get some of what he said was prejudice . But he can be ignorant to the significance of that mans beard if he wants. Infact that guys beard is stupid. Who cares.

Typical hoser.

With a beard like that how could a mask work?

Ars you sure that wasn't a Trump-humper somewhere in the deep south

Send this guy to behavioural counselling too.

White people put a 😷your make ing who ate white and do look bad .Get over yourself .come on man

Racism isn't exclusively American. It may be more common there but sadly even a country known for its polite people has bad apples too.

Why do you assume he's Canadian just because he's in Canada?

Is he aware that mainly white Canadian politicians passed the laws, not the *checks notes* random liquor store security guard?

He should've told the clerk to cover his beard because it's unsanitary.

Not Hollywood

Call those cops with the big hats

Redneck Canadians. I am only surprised he didn't declare his love of The Donald.

That guy looks like my niece's old Canadian friends uncle! I always knew that family was scum


Oh gee he was a male and a racist. So much for the Karen stereotype.

You look better with a mask on

'My name is white mandingo' smh... 😂😂

This is what happens when you take hockey away from Canadians.

Those self righteous Canadians are eating a ton of crow lately.

But Canadians always say that they aren’t racist like Americans.

the one canadian that isn't nice

One for the history books, Canadians are supposed to be the 'Nice Americans'

Just obey the law.

He obviously been in the US for too long....

Canada is weird ! But everyone know that ONTARIO HAS MORE INDIAN than india !!!( dots not feathers ) 🤷‍♂️ European move to Canada and after few mo this they runaway ! Americans say they will move to Canada but they don’t bother ! Harsh weather ! Not much money to be made 🤷‍♂️

It hasn’t become mandatory for all Canadians to wear masks in stores and such, unlike the U.S. That clerk was just on a power trip, harassing an actual Canadian. The guy should have just left and spent his money elsewhere instead of fighting with him.

Discussing behavior

That’s a Sikh man,

Saw the headline...first thought...must have happened in Alberta!

Hey! Is that Trump?

Idiot f—-ing snapped

Wtf bruh. Just wear a mask , eh?

HPMomma1810 just by reading the headline, guess which province this is

Didn’t know there was a Canadian version of these ppl.😂🤷🏼‍♂️

Situations like this are easily avoided. Just wear a mask for the 5 minutes you are in the store.

This guy?

Nope. He had no right to

I knew it was in Albertabama 🤦‍♀️ Canadians capital of Karen/Ken

This is Olympia liquor in Skyview

Canadians are even starting to lose it...

Alberta is Texas’ dumber little brother

Imagine potentially ruining your life over a mask.

Canadians are waking up too

Wait other countries have racist /dumb people?



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