Can AI Machine Learning Enable Robot Empathy?

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Even as robots grow increasingly sophisticated, they still lack the social intelligence of human beings. A new artificial intelligence program could begin to change that.

“An individual has a theory of mind if he imputes mental states to himself and others,” wrote Premarck and Woodruff. “A system of inferences of this kind is properly viewed as a theory because such states are not directly observable, and the system can be used to make predictions about the behavior of others.”

The researchers created an actor robot enabled to do pre-programmed behaviors and an AI observer to perform image predictions using deep learning architecture. The AI observer “sees” raw camera images from an overhead camera that records the actor robot in a pen. The AI observer is not provided any accompanying information with the raw images such as motor commands, segmentation, trajectory coordinates, nor data labeling. The AI observer’s output consists of a single image of what it predicts will be the results of the actor robot’s actions, thus, it is a visual representation of its observations.


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tweetycami Gross generalization, but I am not sure the Venn diagram of “top coders” and “high empathy people” is a perfect overlap. They commonly refer to the world as “the offline world” like it is another planet.

ProfCaryCooper So many robot qualities which humans lack.

If they run out of battery, they are of no use until charged. Anything can happen to the system which makes faulty with wrong data.

robots are ungrateful

Can humans be empathetic to robots? By the way, they look cute on that picture

I think this study is limited a robot observing a robot ... Does not reflect empathy as a robot has no empathy to begin with. A human has history and experience and every reaction at a basic level but feelings and actions do not corelate consistently. It's p best prediction.

To have empathy you need to be able to recognize another persons emotions regarding some kind of tragic event. Facial recognition, body language and the tone of a voice is easy but could a robot read a person like a friend knows a friend with sub-conscience recognition?

Is psychology deteriorating in their robots?

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