California news crew's camera stolen, guard shot

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CBS affiliate in San Francisco says its news crew was robbed and a security guard shot while covering the Oakland teachers strike.


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California Dreamin’...on such a winter’s day.

You get what you voted for!

Did they yell this is MAGA Country

buellerevsky trump's america

MyPlace4U Where the robbers wearing MAGA hats? Did they have rope or bleach...and most there a subway nearby?


Lovely place.

Potheads and slackers

Crazy. Stay safe.

JackPosobiec Were they wearing MAGA hats and shouting, 'This is MAGA country!'?

That was the OOWC (Official Oakland Welcoming Committee)

trump_sylvia But don't worry it just another illegal that the police released. 😂😂😂

AmandaLeeHouse California at its finest! Hopefully the security guard is alright!

KTLA Was this reported by an anonymous informant?

Too bad for them! Haha

JackPosobiec Well, we hear all the time we don’t pay teachers enough to barely cover their union dues!

stacia_abby What is this country coming too

newsbusters The Bay Area, The Workers Paradise

Imagine living in a city so wonderful that the news crew has to hire a security guard to travel along with them as they report the news.

They think this is financially motivated crime. Maybe some people in that area want to discourage reporters from filming and taking pictures? If they’re already having to hire security, and it’s hard to fence what’s being stolen seems like they’re being targeted.

JackPosobiec Yeah, but it’s in Oakland. That’s normal.



Damn Red Staters...😂😂😂😂😂

JackPosobiec News crew has serious street cred now

Cernovich It’s news when someone isn’t shot or robbed in California. Thanks Democrats!

Lmao u

This is the result of the Trump effect

So why no name on the 21 year old arrested? Legal ? Illegal ? Skinhead? Trump supporter ? BLM activist ? Gun owner ? Stolen gun ? Relative of politician, movie industry, tech industry? ? Odd , Especially when it’s multiple crimes against news reporters!!

Welcome to Oakland, California !!

Funny shit

No description of the suspects? Did they not see them or what?


Let me guess, by white guys wearing MAGA hats? Seriously though glad no one was hurt or killed.

May be if they would quit ignoring it and carrying Pelosi’s agenda they and those outraged would realize that the citizens of Oakland live with this in their city & neighborhoods everyday.

Oakland, the butt hole of California and Pelosi is the tant.


Did they shout this is Maga country?

TheRalphRetort Build a wall sound your news team

Clearly because trump has labeled the press enemy of the people

Only in California, HaHaHaHa

newsbusters Welcome to Kamala's World!

Sorry to hear that about Little Mexico!!!

The fake news media will not cover

KTLA Oakland.... nuff said!

The reason Left wing goons attacking \\ the media isn't a thread to the FreePress FakeNewsMedia ? It's called friendly fire!

JackPosobiec how does this happen?

Now that can't be. Oakland is in CA and they have stupidly strict gun laws. Remember, gun laws reduce crime.

Oh welp that California

newsbusters Let me guess, they had MAGA hats and carried a noted noose..... Even though they were Nigerians

newsbusters Maybe there's a problem with Black criminality. 'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

They should have been gone getting ready for their Oscar party.

newsbusters Don’t fear Californian redistributionism

Diversity is our strength

Probably by an illegal alien

newsbusters Sadly, no MAGA hats were spotted on the perps.


How much did they pay the assailants to do it?

Its just the power of 'diversity' the media tells us is wonderful.

Welcome to California.

Wait. This is MSM. We have to wait at least 24 hours before giving this any credence.

JackPosobiec What did they expect in that location? My husband has worked in parts of the world where cab drivers refuse to drive at night...cities in California are the only places he/coworkers have been victims of crimes.

AnnNyberg Probably an ILLEGAL ANN NYBERG

Cernovich As the narrative surrounding this crime is still under construction, let me show off my psychic skills: They were furiously shouting 'MAGA! MAGA!' as they fled the scene in a truck completely covered with Trump stickers?

Most importantly, what is learned from such a heinous act?

I hope the security who was shot receivers well. But the irony that rules the universe: the news crew was right there on the scene but couldn't cover it because their camera was stolen.😉

KTLA Oakland.

Don’t worry though. It won’t be classified as an armed robbery. Just another parole violation. Thank you AB 109.

LovToRideMyTrek San Francisco is a self proclaimed Fugitive, I mean, Sanctuary City. CBSNews had to know the risks going in. ICEgov TheJusticeDept

steph93065 Welcome to California. When are you “journalists” going to write about the failures of an all-liberal state govt? We are plotting our escape from this CA nightmare.

Ask Putin...

Cernovich SF city is taxing the biggest corporations 0.05% to pay for all the homeless(whom many go out and panhandle, some make $1000+ a week). Many choose the lifestyle. They actually have a map that maps out where they all take a shit. SF HAS LITERALLY TURNED ONTO A HUGE SHITHOLE...

JackPosobiec California love

California is a hot mess

Cernovich Those who are at war with the police best make friends with the criminals...

Oakland ... where hipsters go to die.

Should have ran to one of the homeless they support so much and asked for help!

Cernovich Hey SenKamalaHarris - how’d your war against crime in Cali go again! 🤔

that’s Oakland for u

What did CBS expect? If it's a protest or strike by democrats then violence is in the equation.

BSkylstad San Francisco is gross bums drug needles and crap everywhere

KTLA Oh this is ripe!! The same media that coddles the same criminals. 😂


JackPosobiec So no video of the robbery then?

This is the most Oakland shit I’ve ever read.

Socialism experiment? They take from those who have because there are those whom have not.

Cernovich Haha. California.

BSkylstad Lets hope it wasn’t by an illegal alien

Trump's enemy of the ppl rhetoric.

Those MAGA hat guys are still on the loose!

Not in a sanctuary city where all are welcomed?!?! I’m sure the city is pissed this even got reported.

This story will disappear after tonight!

Fake news we all know California has strict gun laws fake news

Cernovich 2 white men in MAGA hats, yelling racial slurs and 'this is MAGA country', were seen fleeing the scene.

JackPosobiec LOL.

Cernovich Not a Trump supporter I will bet!

Cernovich Isn't that Nancy's district?

Trump's America

Were they wearing MAGA hats?

Fudge,that sucks

We're they yelling Oakland's MAGA Country!! Asking for a friend. 🤔🇺🇸🤔🇺🇸🇺🇸

JackPosobiec Lol, California. Get what they voted for I guess

Vote Democrat! And you too can become a statistic!!

And ... it's Trump's fault, right? I'm sure MSM has already made that quantum leap.

bankofkev Is Oakland MAGA country too?

Another day in sanctuary state paradise!

KTLA This maga country

'Assaults on routine assignments became so commonplace in recent years that some television stations have hired armed guards to ride with news crews.' Ya don't say!🙄

Well it’s good to see the hate staying strong. A divided country will make us great again!

Proud of AP for resisting the temptation to say the robbers were wearing MAGA hats! LOL.

Tv crews dont need armed guards in Indiana.

ChuckRossDC You’re in California. It’s what happens. SanctauryCity.

KatMcKinley Hilarious

But, but, but... just this week a lefty rag was protesting that California is a socialist paradise.

austinsagehurl1 Lol!!!!

Noooo!!! Not in San Francisco? Not in a sanctuary city. Say its not so.

This is a teachable moment.

They don’t call them the Raiders did for nothing

This is the fourth or fifth time I’ve read about a news crew being robbed and their equipment being stolen in San Francisco.. It’s not even a surprise anymore.

JackPosobiec Lucky they haven't caught typhus or measles.

MAGA suspects again

steph93065 Welcome to Gavin Newsome’s New World Order! Better hire your own security, Mexico City has nothing on these California cities! 🙄🙄🙄

Wow! That’s crazy! I had no idea...Aspiring film makers, maybe? I would add a tracking device to the cameras 🎥

I don't know the troll/bots from real people on this thread. Whatever, because you all are horrible people. These were terrible things that happened and you all wanted to show off your hatred for all to see. Empathy and sympathy are braver traits to have. Shame.

What about the gun free zone?

Hopefully it was done by an illegal so then they can’t do anything about it due to their sanctuary city laws. Karma would be a bitch

Journalists and their security. A 'manufactured crisis' in California? Asking for a friend.

ChuckRossDC It takes a news crew being robbed for someone to finally report the crime in san francisco.

Can’t be!!! California is a safe sanctuary state and Oakland and San Fran have strict gun laws!!! fakenews

But it’s Oakland, what did you expect?

JackPosobiec Honestly. Who cares anymore. Its the media. Its California. Who gives a rats ass

They live in CA, what do you expect?

Perhaps reporting the real truth and who’s not doing the job is worth it!

ReaganBattalion What did they expect, cookies and free hugs?

No police. All the money went to the high speed train thingy dingy

JackPosobiec Thanks AdamSchiff , RepSwalwell, RepMaxineWaters , and KamalaHarris . At least yall are good at trolling

steph93065 Sanctuary City

steph93065 Call the Berkeley police...

ReaganBattalion And now on to Weather....

Did the teachers recognize the criminals?

JackPosobiec Hurray great news. Sanctiary Cities shout and rob liberal fake news people. Reap what you sow.

JackPosobiec Socialism on display. Or should I say media's Utopia!!!

Welcome to oakland. As dangerous as Venezuela but with more hipsters


But it’s a gun free zone 🤷🏻‍♀️

JackPosobiec Sanctuary city’s are the bestest places to be !!!!!!!

Oil_Guns_Merica Good

Were they wearing MAGA hats ?

steph93065 Shit, someone stole an Ikegami camera. That's fucked up. Those things are amazing.

LOL. They need more gun laws in CA apparently. Good job TheDemocrats

JackPosobiec Duh! It is Oakland!

😂😂😂That’ll learn them

The Committee to Protect Journalist needs to staff a U S. desk.

steph93065 And here we're all told that Liberal cities were peace and safety, love and acceptance, rainbows and unicorns....😑 Oakland is a high crime, rough town. Make no mistake.

ChuckRossDC Not surprised. You’re in CA.

steph93065 How long till some witness tells us it was two white men in MAGA hats?

Good. It’s the media’s fault that these places are turning in to third world shit holes. Keep cuddling them and blaming everyone else for their bad choices and criminal behavior.

This violence is a direct result of trump’s rhetoric. Shameful!

steph93065 dang, that sounds like Venezuelan news.

JackPosobiec Concealed carry. Truck drivers do it. Excellent deterrent.

steph93065 Welcome to the Golden State...

steph93065 Hey they just wanted what you have. Socialism.

KTLA Just checked eBay and Craigslist. I got nothing.

So sorry for gaurd..

funkychicken Let me know when to cry. Or something.

ANTHONYBLOGAN This is insanity

Tough neighborhood don’t go there unless you’re packing

California home of the sanctuary cities.

Lol. Suffering the inevitable consequences of progressive policies

Not nice, but you gotta chuckle

By the orotesters


That's Kamala country.

ChuckRossDC Yeah sf is dangerous

So now we gotta find 2 white guys wearing MAGA hats and ski masks again.....

karolcummins Horrible!

KTLA Poetic if it was an illegal that was released after an ICE detainer request denied GavinNewsom XavierBecerra JerryBrownGov TuckerCarlson SebGorka

ChuckRossDC WELL

JackPosobiec Hmmm—wouldn’t it be ironic if it was an illegal alien who did it?

That’s breaking news!

Oil_Guns_Merica It is a sanctuary state so no surprise there!

KTLA But let’s let out more prisoners early. That’ll help.

It’s Dem controlled Socialist State of California what else do you expect? Must be an illegal immigrant robbing them. What an irony, San Francisco is a sanctuary city& police&ICE or even Nancy Pelosi can’t do a shit. There are robberies like this every day, but r never reported.

Teachers needed the money.


ReaganBattalion Wow.

ChuckRossDC But Bill Maher says San Francisco is the dream. The place where superiors gather. Do this can’t be so.

JackPosobiec Yep, that's California: the Wild West without outhouses.

Liberal city. Liberal voters.

JackPosobiec Nice area

Oil_Guns_Merica Readin’, writin’, and robbin’ in tha hood.

Copycatting Jussie’s FalseFlag ?

This once great town now overrun with illegal immigrants and criminals.

Eazy duz it

Boy, the ultra strict gun laws work great. We all know every bad guys adheres to background checks and magazine capacity laws

Those are your people.

JackPosobiec here comes the realDonaldTrump is responsible...waiting....


JackPosobiec Sounds like a nice place. Who’s district is that again?

omg SHOCKED (not)

teachers are that desperate

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Ron Burgundy?

ChuckRossDC Let me guess. The perpetrators were wearing MAGA hats.

JackPosobiec Shocker

JackPosobiec Welcome to California

JackPosobiec Thank god it’s a sanctuary city. At least the criminals are safe.

If they were white they deserved it for perpetuating racist pro violence shit on TV. I've seen CBS anchors praise racism from black and hispanic groups, guess what happens when stupid white reporters hit the streets. All racism is bad.

JackPosobiec Oakland - a lovely place!

Oh snap! Too unique to pawn. Criminals must be starting their own news network.

Can we blame the Russians ? For Democratic party failed state 🤣 Karma

Welcome to the sanctuary city.

JackPosobiec Hahaha

JackPosobiec Another reason to leave commifornia

ChuckRossDC We’ve been saying for years that it’s not a safe place. Here is proof.

Look for that camera equipment to end up in Craigslist

RT : CBS affiliate in San Francisco says its news crew was robbed and a security guard ...

JackPosobiec Only in good old Liberal Cally

Welcome to Oakland bitch

JackPosobiec No description of the suspects leads to 1 thing?

Guessing those darn immigrants don't care who they steal from, probably took a crap behind the van too.

Couple of Nigerians with red hats

Probably one of SpeakerPelosi wonderful illegals.

JackPosobiec I'm waiting for them to blame Trump.

JackPosobiec Welcome to Erf. Er, Oakland.

But tedlieu says crime is down. This can't be true.

JackPosobiec How liberal of them

ChuckRossDC Sanctuary Cities Rule......... Momma had a saying, “Get what you get and don’t pitch a fit” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

No racists comments with that?

The opposite of surprising.

ChuckRossDC These teachers are getting desperate, smh

There is some irony in there somewhere

And who says the media is the enemy of the people?

How soon will it take to blame a MAGA hat?

KTLA Karma

California being California

ChuckRossDC In Oakland? You must be fucking kidding.

ChuckRossDC Was he wearing a MAGA hat?

Oh that's rough, hope they find who did it.

Does this surprise you? The Democrats are turning California back into the Wild West. With more poop and needles though.

KTLA It's Oakland, what did you expect? Crews in LA have been robbed, just remember, if it happened in a gun free zone, it couldn't really happen b/c criminals aren't allowed to have guns there

San Francisco grapples with growing crime, blight after years of liberal policies

Those teachers really must be hard up.

I mean, it's Oakland.

This is the one our founding fathers thought important enough to put first.

It's about time!

God bless sanctuary cities!

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