California governor rebukes Trump in border troop withdrawal

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California Gov. Gavin Newsom says he is drawing redeploying National Guard troops from the border 'for more appropriate purposes.' 'I think this border issue is manufactured...We are not interested in participating in this political theater.'


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I don't believe it because we have any legal people come in here everyday that don't belong here that is a threat a threat to America into all Americans needs to be stopped and that means we secure the border a wake up

Bless the natural born citizens who live in California. Prayers for u all. Gavin is a traitor to the American flag

The same state that harbors illegal citizens. What do you they will say .......

Blind sheep. Try thinking for yourselves people. Stop believing everything CNN tells you to.

LIVE LOOK-IN on California and New Mexico National Guards doing their part to Protect the Country and BuildTheWall:

I think that California should actually tear down their walls and welcome EVERYONE in, on their dime. Then, SECEDE! PLEASE! WE BEG YOU!

You forget who commands our military. You forget who the majority of our military supports. Hint: it's not this liberal snowflake.

California is SOOOO messed up ! BUT maybe it's not their fault, after all the radiation from Fukashima, and germs and disease from all the unclean people in the water-- it's just making them CRAZY !

Awesome response

The only theater I see is Gov.Gavin Newsom playing Pinocchio.

The President, the commando in cheif put them there for a reason, how can you blaitenly disobey his orders...that's called a traitor !!

Thanks Governor. Millions of us are working very hard to remove the White House interloper from office.


Right because trump said while campaigning he will be the one to get wall built he's only doing this cause he thinks it will be guaranteed be re elected plus fact he does not accept being told he can't do what he wants he thinks he's king of world what he says goes!!!

Good. People need to stop bowing down to trump . He’s not god as he proclaims and not even close. There’s more important things to worry about than his tantrums over a wall that isn’t needed.


No crisis, yet California continues to pay more than $2 billion per year to educate undocumented illegal students in K-12 public schools. This does not even cover the amount the state pays to educate the children of undocumented parents which exceeds $30 billion per year.

What an ignorant dolt! Tell that to all the families that lost a loved one to MS-13 or any other illegal. WE DON’T NEED TO ADD ANYMORE CRIMINALS TO WHAT WE ALREADY HAVE RUNNING THE STREETS! Get on the streets yourselves and try to help the police.

We should build our wall on California border

Has this idiot not been down there?

Kudos Governor!

This guy is CA worst nightmare

How you ever got elected


Tiribomba Amen!


Part of CA border has a barrier already so troops probably not as needed as elsewhere. However CA has a problem with illegals and if legislators pass laws giving any more freebies citizens will keep leaving.

Smart man.

Good for you guys 👍 now that's good news

Good for u.

Good! Lots of space for all in California.

Where’s the caravan? It never arrived!




They are FEDERAL military, not to be used by your whim. Would you rather allow people to enter illegally with more crime and problems? More illegals sucking off your system? Of course you do, you want votes, not safety!

Thank you. Put them at our schools

Always liked this guy...good job mr gov

What’s super crazy is that Congress has the power to write and update immigration legislation to change whatever they want and they don’t even propose legislation. BECAUSE they don’t want their name attached to anything that might not look good later

Close the border and Beverly Hills Residents will have to relearn House keeping skills.

He is also scrapping out High Speed rail project! 😡

So you can be a sanctuary state? Sad.

Throughout history, millions have died to preserve or regain their national borders. If there are not borders there is not a nation. Newsom is a typical Democrat, a pathetic HYPOCRITE. Let him tear down his mansion walls and fences and remove all of its doors. Then preach.

After many millions of abortions, Democrats now MURDER new-born babies, provide safe hiding for murderers, rapists, and felony criminal gang members, and praise and promote abominations. Now they seek to destroy the identity of America as a nation, an area without borders.


dems have sold out Americans to illegals, Come to CA or do demRATS get a pass? Our cities are being turned into GHETTO'S. We are a mexico slum.

We are STUCK with another LOUSY governor. Calif. is truely doomed. Let me out of here. Give me a state with a conservative Governor with common sense.

Y'all have a wall

Really. I think the commander in chief and secretary of defense has more pull. Lol.

Let them all stay in California.. let them all stay at his house and Nancy Pelosi‘s house because that’s where they all belong if it’s not such a crisis they should open up the doors to them .. assholes

Are you kidding? It’s not manufactured . . . ALL of our borders should be secure!

Button your shirt fool

Snowflakes will like this then complain about lack of funding for other programs and wonder why this country can’t afford to allow Governor of CA to run State budget further into debt!

Respect to our Governor GavinNewsom for choosing not to play in trump's sandbox.

Paid off by the Mexican Cartel

Good for you. Gov. Newsom

Pointing finger means you have a few pointing back at you it called weak on border control

Did anyone notice how they would suddenly blur out the faces of the guys standing behind him why because they might have made a face of disgust at him

Be prepared for a nickname Governor Newsom-you know POTUSNPD Integrity Save Democracy

Let him do what he wants, when the rest of the wall is built, guess where they're all gonna go?! 😂😂 Then we can just put ALL the border patrol along the CA border to keep them in there hahaha

Clueless Governor

I sure hope President Trump builds the wall around Cali too!!!

Are you blind Like literally!...😪

Yet every Border Patrol agent disagrees with him and agrees with President Trump. I guess California is gone -- its morphed into another country...

Sounds like...political theater. 🤦‍♀️

The 2000 illegal aliens a day crossing the border is a manufactured issue? Why are Democrats allergic to electing anything but liars.

What a liar and although I see he feels safe in Sacramento it’s a problem here in south

Can we build a wall around California from the rest of the US?

Finally a politician with not only common sense but balls

I can not believe that California is part of the Union they should leave the union and survive by them self with the Rep. Pelosi, and the rest of the Representative that live there

Gov Gavin Newson - a leader and a patriot. Working for the greater good - not political self-interest. Thank you.

This is San Francisco and he has the nerve to tell us what is best for our country . Build the wall and fix your state !!

Don't worry snowflake Chad,soon there will be a Wall.

I believe military forces are under control of president....

The General is suffering at every talking point.

GavinNewsom rocks!

Empty suit Gavin Newsom should also remove all the border walls that protects his state and then see if it’s a manufactured crisis or not

So dose everybody trump cannot fix anything without a convoy he’s want to get everybody to build a wall his whole life as a testament to his testicular man hood of power!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😇😇😇😇

Lol well at least they have their barrier

hes redeploying them to the check cashing places that take advantage of blacks and hispanics.

thank you

I couldn’t help to notice the real man (soldier) standing behind you looking so disgusted about the words you spoke. Also when you need a federal bailout don’t call the president to bail you out like usual.MAGA2020

To continue, we appreciate Gov. Gavin's good intent.

GavinNewsom 🙏👏👏👏👏 Well said! 👏👏👏👏👏

46th in education 15th in crime Highest homeless population Highest poverty rate Worst pollution Most illegals Holds the most debt Jail time for misgendering but not for spreading HIV All run by Democrats

How about building a wall around California to keep all the liberals in and with all the illeagals

3013578 halle fuckin lujah at last some honest testicular fortitude.

For more important things like persecuting Christians that don’t believe the way you do ..

Teamgavin 👎👎👎👎👎

Then why did you in the first place?

Governor Gavin 'Typhus' Newsom has spoken.

Go to the border and find out

lying POS CrookedDems who's helping devolve CA into a literal shithole - cares nothing for citizens - puts illegal aliens ahead of real Americans and lines his pocket with bribes (er, donations) from the leftist elite (who also care nothing for real American citizens)

We never expected anything less from Pelosi's nephew. Ice cold water runs through their veins.

California has other “political theater” goals, like offering refuge to criminals, who’ve been repeatedly deported, sanctuary in their cities.

Somebody just hit payday.

Have fun with that guy California.

Meanwhile, CA Democrats have decreed California to be a Sanctuary State in opposition to federal immigration law. The VAST MAJORITY of Americans oppose these policies, including Californians.

I would say don’t not think that Trump would sit down and think this going to happen

Meanwhile, according to a Democrat-leaning PPIC poll, 72% of Californians surveyed said that illegal immigration was 'a crisis' or a 'serious problem but not a crisis.' Only 27% said it was 'not a serious problem.' Gotta wait for a full-blown crisis before gov't acts.

Gavin Newsom still refuses to SayHisName RonSingh

What happened to California seceding? Still waiting 🤔

That's ok. They can just wall off California also. And make sure your corrupt politicians are there also. Trump2020 BuildTheWall MAGA


Someone should tell the IA to head to the California line

It’s about time our governor wised up.

Stop all Federal finds to California if they do not follow the orders of President Trump

Always trying to undermine our President, even to the extent of putting your own people in danger. Wonder what those “more appropriate purposes” could be. 😏

El Chapo..a Pelosi & Schumer & Newsome Democrat

I would really like to know what is the going price of humans these days. We ought to be asking how much is a woman at the border worth? how much a brown haired, wide eyed little boy? How much can victims families seek for the ones that get murdered?

I love Gavin Newsom. That is all.

So these signs are not needed either? Gov Newsome is as dumb as he is pretty.


Good for you. Should have never been there in the first place.

Meaghan93154577 When are Pentagon officials going to grow some balls and take a stand against trump like Gov. Newsom? Troops are being used as trumps personal pawns in his fake border crisis, while troops in the Middle East are being left to sit and rot!

People and businesses will be leaving California in record numbers. They will be replaced by people who will expect the state to pay for every aspect of their lives. Good luck to you.

Well done!!👏

Nut job

This news is manufactured to incite hate and division.

Good luck when you need Fed aid...

Thank you, Gov.

The border issue is not manufactured, it is a real, deadly matter. One that every American should be concerned with, protecting and keeping criminals out of our country and off our streets

Good move Gavin! Now, if you want to send them to help with forest management, go right ahead. . . we cant afford any more fires here in CA.

'Political theater' - lol. LOVE Gavin!

Illegals are democratic voters, and Cali has the most. Leaching off the system that taxpayers get refused from. As long as they're not in his backyard, he don't care. He should be taking care of our homeless problem first.

Let’s see how many more murders happen with this idiot’s decision BuildTheWallAndCrimeWillFall

Ok Gov. Newsom....remember that next time California experiences a disaster such as an earthquake, mudslide or fire. You better not beg for any federal funding.........California is on its own. Way to be concerned about the US citizen. Disgusting...

I think we need to build a moat instead of a wall and fill it with gators

wyche89 And that’s why the State of California sucks and should become it’s own country. Liberal fools.

Then let's remove the CA border walls!

Like the Speaker the Governor is choosing to be so far removed that they create their own reality of what's actually happening on the ground.

California should be cut off from the USA

Amnesty and citizenship for El Chapo NOW

Did nanny SpeakerPelosi make you do it poor baby!!!!

Thank you GavinNewsom

Some countries they didn't have any wall but their army do surrounding with their civilian.. If your troop can be in all over the world to sure others places safe why not at your own.. Where your border couldn't tell which is yours and which is them. I mean there no gap

Then quarantine a few CA Sanctuary Cities.

It's real. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Good job buddy, you run your state.

Civil War is just getting closer.....

Newsom lies. But billionaire sponsors of politicians want open borders for masses of cheap labor workers and a permanent underclass to enter the USA.

360 troops at the border in a state of 30+ million was nothing more than a symbolic gesture anyway. The feds can order thousands of troops to the border at a moment's notice, making this draw down no big deal.


Get this clown out of office! about Epidemic diseases, does that seem “interesting “?

You have lost your mind if you ever had one! Dumb decision!

👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 thankyou

That’s because he wants more voter fraud in that pathetic state!

Ohhh only in California dumb

Thank you

Good man with some GRIT. 😉

What a joke of a state.

Also manufactured according to GavinNewsom; the Typhus breakout out in LA, the homeless crisis in San Francisco & mudslides in Malibu. Nothing to see here folks.

Holy shit can’t we elect anyone with balls?

Ignore THIS and You Are A TRAITOR! The proof is in the pudding! Do YOU know what's REAL and What ISN'T? Obviously NOT if you're Living This LIE along with Brainwashed America! Fire Departments DO NOT Pull Buildings! EVER! Not Capable!

What a weenie

How soon we forget 9-11 Secure our country

Same tweet as yesterday🤔

Sleeze bag.

He could care less about keeping california safe

I can't believe people buy what this snake oil evangelist is selling.

Taking the National Guard away from the border for more appropriate purposes than...Guarding the Nation?

Manufactured my big foot.

Why are you people so easily manipulated? So weak and so scared to believe we have a border crisis. This manufactured border crisis is so you MAGA’s won’t see how you’re getting fleeced by the Republicans. You are getting screwed yet you still support and vote for these idiots.

SAD, Gov. Newsom. The President will just deploy National Guard troops from another state to that area - the OTHER state will get the federal funds and not cash-poor CA.

HollyCB2112 CaliforniaLove that’s our Governor

Phu ck you newsome! Trump2020

Good for him. It’s time for the states to step up and push back against Trump.

He’s such a joke!! I’m embarrassed for him and California!

.......bypass theater? Newsom will be on late nite TV,

YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to do this ! It affects everyone in this COUNTRY ! You are Aiding And Abetting & Rendering criminal assistance to those who wish to BREAK THE LAWS of our COUNTRY ! By ILLEGALLY entering....... Can we say TREASON -the crime of betraying one's country ?

As taxpayers in California are robbed of $25 billion per year to support illegal immigrants. Sure Gavin, there is no crisis at the border. GavinNewsom

And people interviewed that live in El Paso yesterday said this man is lying. They support the wall!!!

Look at the guy behind him, he is NOT ON BOARD with what this clown is saying

U-Haul move data reveals shifting American political landscape California is 48 on the list of people leaving the state. Texas 1 people moving to but when They get here they start voting The same way that screwed up California!

President Trump, federalize the NG and send them back to the border if you need them.


And the award for best political theater goes to... 🏆🤣

Calif--one of a few states to consistently resist the lies....

This nut is just ONE OF THE REASONS people are FLEEING CA! They live BEHIND THEIR OWN WALLS, but forget about protecting THEIR OWN citizens. It is a disgrace.

What GavinNewsom are you going to have them do clean the crap off San Franscisco streets and build shelters for homeless? California does not need anymore people when the streets are already flooded with homeless encampments aren't you so proud?🙄

Who or gives him to redeploy the troops? Is he head of the Army? Where is he redeploying them to? The troops are there to serve and protect America and if they are deployed on the border, so be it. He needs firing.

HEY realDonaldTrump, take a look at what REAL LEADERSHIP is like. You are NOT in the same league as GavinNewsom. Give up, why don't you? Then you can go back to having pros pissing on you to your hearts content. Come on DonnyBoy, what do you say?

No it’s actually a real problem, your the one manufacturing an issue.

CA is ran sooooo well. 🙄

He should be forced where his policies are enforced. He doesn't live there.

Good. Trump is a fool.

Keep talking.

We wanna let the illegals in I'm trying to win again and I'll need their vote

Federal powers trump state powers, rookie.

dyavorsk He'll make an excellent Governor, maybe at some point President. Between SF and California his resume would be substantial

TeamGavin 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

Brilliant decision! It can be called the true independence. Bravo Mr Governor!

No regaurd for the citizens of the United States

Disgraceful. Get it together Liberalfornia!!


One only has to look at the streets of Los Angeles or San Francisco to see that he is delusional.

Is he getting cartel kickbacks?

Take down the wall you currently have in San Diego..

Something more appropriate for the National Guard than ... guarding the nation?

Tired of Trumps grandstand theatre. A lot of people are tired of Trumps Theatre.

Manufactured...They have a huge fucking wall that goes into the Pacific Ocean...but its not an issue....🤔🤔🤔🤨

Then take the wall down in his area and let them have at it.

Great news!

So much for California doing better.

Zebrafarm2000 You are my hero! Someone actually standing up to butthead trump!!


Good for him!!

Why should this guy not be tried for treason!?

Maybe he could use them to help some of many homeless American’s living in streets in California. Put together housing, meals, medical care? Oh, belay that thought, he would have to care about what is happening to people in his state when there are no political pnts to be had.

Who cares what this guy thinks?

Seems like he will be getting a new name from 45

When will he announce he is tearing down the wall at his southern border?

His goal is to give everyone a chance to cross our border and get free everything including healthcare. Who pays for that? Or does that become our great journey to socialism? Then communism. Will he be our great leader of our communist country?


Well isn't this move also political theater?

He can do this? A Federal order to deploy troops, can a state law override this? Or is this more Theater?

He's a lying Pelosi shill, like ABC.

Good move.!

Hey illegals....if you read this please direct ALL of your 'migrant' traffic to California.

Naw. You didn't even visit the slain officers family. San Francisco has more drug addicts than public school students. You hide your governing failures. Your the stunt.

Someone impeach this alleged sodomite already.

He obviously has never talked to anyone who lives on the border. Manufactured? Lol What a dope. Just like there's no homeless problem and Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters districts. Keep turning a blind eye Cali.

He’s right. The orange clown in the White House will make up all sorts of lies to get his wall.

Gov. Newsom, why say 'I think....' ?


I wonder if General Baldwin can pass the new Army fitness test 😛

No political theater - then why hold a press conference - just withdraw ? I call this political grandstanding

If military isn’t for Guarding our borders then there’s no reason for them to exist

He must not read the data, or simply chooses to ignore the fact that his state is by far the worst contributor.

Those other purposes might be shoveling human feces off sidewalks, handing out, then later, picking up drug needles, and possibly protecting drug shipments from Mexico.


Proud of my governor!!!

Good so any new immigrants just send to Gavin’s house for any expenses they may need ! By the way California has more homeless AMERICANS than any other state, great jobGOV! And now you want more destitute people ? Every person against immig should have to adopt/support a family !

SHWALD I’d like to see him also announce that he is sending help in the form of judges, lawyers, social workers and food.

Manufactured ? Wow facts and numbers are realities democrats don’t like

Take down all walls in California and then see what happens.

And as the entire state drifted off to sea.... they lived happily ever after. Sometimes wishes may come true.

I guess they could assign them to “pooper scooper” duty in San Francisco....

Every state that has soldiers at the border should be recalled. They need to be training to guard our country not guarding against a nonexistent caravan.

Manufactured? I guess you can say that.. it is manufactured by the fact that we are not enforcing the laws we have and allowing people to illegally come into the country never to be seen again. We need border security.

Thank you Governor, I wish you could influence the current governor of Texas. He brought in about 500 Texas state troopers to the border to help with immigration issues. What a waste of resources, we need these monies for other things across the state.

It seems as though Democrats have lost all logic these day. Kinda like some mentally deranged person would do. Just saying.


The voice of reason...thanks.

This is the clown who pays people to mess up gives them more pay for to be the worst workers


The governor is a numb nut..Under Title 32 USC the Governor's have control 4 things like hurricanes, fires etc. Under Title 10 USC the POTUS has the authority 2 federalize ANY NG Troops 4 defense OR national emergencies.IF the POTUS declares national emergency then NG is Active.

KTULNews Near Downtown LA: GavinNewsom miles of TentCities 11mins of video... the Border crisis isnt as manufactured as you look like to believe... but you know OutOfSightOutOfMind

Send the caravans to California!!

Finally! Someone willing to stand up and call bulls**t on the president.

That’s right

Build the wall

More appropriate purpose say scraping human waste off streets of San Francisco

realDonaldTrump GMA CBSThisMorning NewsHour SenateFloor HouseFloor TODAYshow nytimes nypost foxandfriends CNN BBCnrws euronews realDonaldTrump Mr. President the Socialist Faction of the Democrat Party, was able to accomplish what Fidel Castro could not, overthrow

KTULNews One California tent city: Democrat Politics

Seems to me that Gov. Gavin Newsom, is a wise man and understand the meaning of priority

KTULNews This kind of seems like political theater.

He is trying to save face, Trump sent actual troops there already, no need for both of them. Good job there though, don't do anthing yet get checks and a heros welcome, lmao.

Gavin: you will have blood on your hands now.

Manufactured? This guy is nuts!! Mr President please help me out here, Replace his National Guard with US Army soldiers or Marines one for one! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸MAGA! Thank you

Is he going to redeploy to cleanup 💩in the streets and sidewalks of California?

in other words must protect illegals so they vote for communist like him

His troops don't seem to agree.

I would hate to be the National Guard Commander standing behind the CA Governor who says he is pulling troops off the border. I think I would have to resign.

Good for you! I live in So Texas and we do not have a crisis! We have had worse when we had the influx of unaccompanied minors, but you know what? Our LEOs and CBP did their jobs and the communities helped out.

Good man stand up

KTULNews And this is why California has Homeless TentCities that continue to grow that are miles long...... GavinNewsom

Already failing, is my governor

Thank you!

Finally we have somebody with some common sense, someone who sees right thru this manufactured bs

Just slice your state away from the union. Allow your sanctuary cities to take over and free the rest of America from having to save your behinds when crime fully takes over.

Look who is making a power play and endangering his state in the process

Trump should nationalize the National Guard just as President Eisenhower did.

Well you are Psycho Nancy’s relative, so we shouldn’t be surprised. LiberalismIsAMentalDisease

Appropiate issues like what...nothing or pikn up turds in street?

With more than 2 mil illegal immigrants in California it's most definitely 'manufactured'. Because the state is already lost. Those troops should be redeployed to the California border with the rest of the USA.


Sure- only good ppl are trying to enter into the US. Why even have a border (Sarcasm) I’m sure this young son would disagree

The guys behind him look like they really want to be there.

This is how we do it in the bay!💪🏾

It's legal to use the streets of California as your toilet . LA city Hall has a rat problem people are getting sick , good job. Disgusting !

Common sense is common sense.

This is why California has a failing government

k03168452 9.11 theater also 👍

Fine put regular army there

He looks manufactured... ol fake ass Ken doll looking bih...ol $60 a haircut getting bih... ol boy meets world looking bih.... totally not tubular looking bih... ol eating kids to stay young looking bih

That’s some political theater right there. And in the state that brought us the land of make-believe. Bravo, sir! Award nominating...

But in all honesty, I think 15,000-20,000 a month of illegal immigrants would be great for California👍🏻 After a year or two, you might wanna put a lock on that gate👍🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Trump 2020


Thank you for being the only Man to stand up to that FOOL in the WH.

MANU/FACT/URED THIS \\ \\NoTE is legal tender for All FACTS public And private... DEBTS FACTS Different strokes for different folks. Is there A Wall that blocks 'A' from improving in safety What happened before Christ are there terms of endearment

Not a true American

What a joke! So glad I moved out of California!

Fine you idiot why don't we just Tear Down the Wall that's in San Diego I just lie to everybody just pull right into San Diego I bet you would love that wouldn't you?

Isnt California plagued by illegal immigration and gang members who cross the border ?

Let me guess, a Democrat?

That guy is a cardboard copy of the magician brother from Arrested Development.

the guy in the Oval Office watching Fox News will probably federalize the National Guard.

i mean of course they can, they have a border

Just to play devil's advocate, he says he's not interested in participating in the political theater, yet calls a press conference to make the announcement. Could have been a written statement. Just saying. Don't think we need to militarize our border.

Finally, after over 2 years a man stood up to the dictator. Thank you, Governor.

Love this guy.

Thank you

While participating in political theater. GavinIsClueless

Yes, all those thousands in those several caravans are manufactured! Glad somebody finally admitted to that!👍🏻

Yeah . California doesn’t have an illegal problem. You can just give them stuff and they aren’t a problem


Oh what a surprise! More useful like lining your pockets?

That's a demo for ya doesn't care about human life!!!!!!!

Gee, another democrat totally FullOfSchiff. California deserves whatever it gets.

The state is broke they want to save money that’s why he’s doing this.

Good man. 👍

let's just build the wall on the rest of the border and leave California unsecured and see how that works out for you Mr Newsome

A typical California leader. We need more tent city👍🏻

Sounds accurate to me.

Good. I’m sure Kim and her boy toy will be upset. 😆


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California to pull troops from border in apparent riposte to TrumpCalifornia Governor Gavin Newsom is poised to withdraw all 360 state troops from the U.S.-Mexico border, in an apparent rebuttal of President Donald Trump's stance that there is a national security crisis there, media said on Monday. In his upcoming State of the State address on Tuesday, the Democratic ....aaaand federalized in 3,2,1... How puerile is this?
Source: YahooNews - 🏆 380. / 59 Read more »

With or without Trump, California Republicans face an uncertain futureAs California Republicans prepare to elect a new chair to remake the state GOP after embarrassing midterm election losses, they face a big challenge. as life's constant trial and error and bouncing from any extremism including the ultra-right would be intuitive and instinctual without saying, yet it's not happening is frightening to domestic and especially foreign nations. California has always been a 'bellwether state' and the first to reveal national trends. The disintegration of the statewide GOP may likewise prove a sign of things to come nationally. Personally I would love to see a revamped BearFlagGOP independent of Trump. As a conservative living in CA I can’t wait to move to a more Pro Trump area of our country.
Source: latimes - 🏆 11. / 82 Read more »

Trump extends asylum ban for another 90 days despite California injunction'The ban remains illegal and is still blocked by the courts,' said Lee Gelernt, deputy director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Immigrants' Rights Project. He is the most bizarre looking person Haha California
Source: Newsweek - 🏆 468. / 52 Read more »

Can't live with Trump, can't live without him: California Republicans' challenging futureAs California Republicans prepare to elect a new chair to remake the state GOP after embarrassing midterm election losses, they face a big challenge. Trumpś base need to start crying now... Wrong ....Wrong ...Wrong....who u kidding....TRUMP 20/20....don’t be scared
Source: latimes - 🏆 11. / 82 Read more »

Trump seems to soften his threat to halt emergency funding for California fire victimsPresident Trump indicated he isn't acting now to cut off FEMA funding to California as he threatened, but that future funds could be in danger if the state doesn't clean up forest land Until he hardens it once again. Foreseen is foretold: ..the threat of impeding fires isn't softening...?
Source: latimes - 🏆 11. / 82 Read more »

California Attorney General Vows To Sue If Trump Uses Emergency Powers To Build WallXavier Becerra argued in the Spanish language response to the president's speech that it would be illegal for the administration to declare a national emergency to pay to build a border wall. 🙄 Another obstructionist😒 How much will that cost...?
Source: NPR - 🏆 96. / 63 Read more »