Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

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The total shortfall rose to nearly $1.07 trillion, thanks to a difference between revenue and expenses of more than $214.1 billion in August.

The government last saw that large of a fiscal deficit in 2012, when the gap was nearly $1.1 trillion.

During his presidential campaign, President Donald Trump promised economic growth that would easily take care of the tax cuts and new spending he planned. His 2017 tax break for corporations and individuals has helped contribute to a deficit that has grown from $584.6 billion in 2016. Revenue has accelerated slightly in 2019 to about $280 billion a month, but so have expenditures, which are averaging $377 billion a month, or about $25 billion a month more than in 2018. Last year closed with a $779 billion deficit.

As the deficit has grown so has the national debt, which is now at $22.5 trillion, up 13% since Trump took office. However, the deficit as a percentage of GDP has contracted significantly over the past several years, from a peak of 9.8% in 2009 to about 5% now.


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Exactly as crazy as it sounds 1 trillion deficit it’s not much when our country has four or five individual corporations approaching 1 trillion each!

So much winning!!!😒

Thanks Trump and Republican tax cut. He bankrupted his business now he wants the same for the US

Interesting photo choice, considering spending bills are the purview of the House

The last sentence is the most important. 'However, the deficit as a percentage of GDP has contracted significantly over the past several years, from a peak of 9.8% in 2009 to about 5% now.'

GOPtaxscam DonTheCon

Obama doubled the deficit from ten trillion dollars to twenty trillion dollars in eight years ! I’m not a math major but that’s more than a trillion dollars a year increase to the deficit during his term

Unemployment is about to add another 200,000 in the next 45 days with this new flavor ban..

Yeah. Trump is robbing us!

Thanks Obama!.....oh no, wait a minute.

JonChevreau Bahhahahah keep them tax cuts coming you 🐒

Are we winning yet?


Kudos GOP realDonaldTrump senatemajldr & SpeakerRyan on ruining our nation's financial future for a tax cut for your rich buddies and huge corporations. Sad Weak Impotent pathetic MoscowMitch LittleDonnieDrumph

trump is stupid, and thinks everyone else is and not him.

And why is that a problem now but not under Obummer?

So the McCabe bullshit is just done to distract us from this.

Luckily for us, the realDonaldTrump/SenateGOP/HouseGOP tax cut policy is paying for itself like they said it would.

I see all the unhinged leftists have come out for some low-hanging fruit and yet, not a single one of you are in favor of making cuts to the largest drivers of the deficit- SS, Medicare, and Medicaid. Quite the opposite, you libs want to EXPAND those programs.

Smart businessman he is 😂🤡🤡

catwalkb9 Talk to the gay Muslim Kenyan dictator president 44 Barack Hussein Obama or so taro but the hospital he says he was born in wasn’t even named until five years after he was born he’s a liar to but blame him for the last seven years and sending $150 billion to our number one enemy


Would you just look at the face of the king?

Conservatives my ass! GOP is a joke.

ScottWapnerCNBC Just another bankruptcy for the Donald👿

Hence the 'G' in the GDP calculation is juiced and indicates an even more dire situation on the B+I front....

Good thing we have a President who donated his salary to help!!!

I’m shocked!

When u let a crazy old coot be president for 100 please

Deficit shouldn't be going up in a good economy, how fast will it go up in the next recession

Our mission at is to build the social media platform that ends fake news

GOP gosh ...our party?

Well done Trump👍realDonaldTrump


Taliban Trump is a terrible President!

So much MAGA!

And it's only going to go up

But wait!!! -- I thought Trump hated adding to the deficit Didn't he pledge that he would 'pay off the deficit' while in office LMAO what an ass. Such a liar!!

The tax cuts paid for themselves, I see.


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