Bryan Adams slammed for post blaming 'bat eating' people for coronavirus

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Canadian singer Bryan Adams is being criticized as racist for social media posts in which he blamed 'bat eating' people for the coronavirus.

is being criticized as racist for social media posts in which he blamed"bat eating" people for the coronavirus.

"Tonight was supposed to be the beginning of a tenancy of gigs at the @royalalberthall, but thanks to some f------ bat eating, wet market animal selling, virus making greedy bastards, the whole world is now on hold, not to mention the thousands that have suffered or died from this virus," Adams wrote on Instagram and Twitter Tuesday, alongside a video of him performing his song"Cuts Like a Knife.


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That virus along with 6 others are carried by bats. Don't shoot the messenger stupid.

I agree with him! The kinks delayed and lied on the reporting and severity of the break put in Wuhan.. Commie Xi has to be held responsible.

Most of Canada hadn't thought about him since the 80's, especially since he hasn't lived here for the last 25 years.

Bats carry rabies & other diseases including coronavirus. Unfortunately, poor people in China eat them & transfer bat diseases to humans. The fault of this problem is China’s communist party’s Billionaire sales of cheap human labor to the west’s Industrial Corporations. CNN

Dear bryanadams: let people know that your opinions are important and relevant for you. Racists brands or intolerance speeches,don't limit your freedom of speech.

And? Chinese authorities gave an infected lab specimen to those people depending on them eating it. Bats did not naturally come by this, because only vampire bats land on other mammals! Insect eaters don’t. No proximity, no infection of bat! Bats always 20 or 30 fr out of range!

Well I’m sorry but how else can you put it lol. It either came from peopleeating bats or it was made in a lab in China. Fking pick one already. You can’t have a go at somebody when you’re present a fact. Lol

He doesn't sing very good anymore, though he capitalized on his songs for decade's and could probably make more money if he quit blarring out of that old frog face of his,,.

He may be right but even now the expert can’t be certain. We better drive the nail when there is more facts to support such claims.

Bat eating people isn’t a race as far as I know

Recent advances from china other than cheap clothes are swine flu avian flu and now china virus

No he's right on the money. It was the bat eating people that caused all this, and we need to start rounding up all Chinese, to include all the US citizen ones, strip them of their citizenship and start deporting them.

Phoffjr Bat eating people are a race now? I guess you really are what you eat...

It’s like blaming gay people for HIV. Just ignorant, insensitive and dumb.

Bat eating is still just awful even if we ignore about the cause of Corona virus 🥊

Totally true. Its a fact, not racism. People get butthurt easily these days.

Not allowed to blame China for the China flu. He should know democrats done allow thinking especially out loud.

How is that racist?


Why do we continue to care what these has been celebrities care; think; or say about anyone or anything There is a REASON they are no longer in the public eye....think about it !!!!

I don't see any race involved in bat eating people. Inference gives it racial connotation, but then again you can do that with almost anything.

well, he’s right, thanks to those dirty people we have this problem all around the world !!! Not just that, but here where I live, that are walking and acting like nothing happens. we should send all asians back to their countries until they learn how to live like normal people

The truth will get you in trouble these days 🤦‍♀️

It's not Ozzies fault !!!!!

He didn’t mention any race nor any religion or country. Fkin ridiculous cunting people abusing him, they must be bored. Get a hobby, guys.

We've got more to worry about at the moment. This is a 'silly season' non story.

What's racist about the truth? I'm tired of these political racist hacks! Stand by the truth. Heck, China is NOT our friend and they sabotage and unleash unholy stuff. Deal with truth!

Infact it is racist Asian people who have USA citizenship are being harassed and spoken to rudely due to this kind if assumption and behavior staring straight from the top the president outburst to that poor Asian journalist was outrageous its these ppl that have to deal with it

IStandWithBryanAdams ChickityChinaTheChineseVirus

The racist thing here isn’t his statement. It’s the people who are assuming that he is talking about an entire race of people rather than a few specific people when he describes them as “bat eating”. He didn’t say he was referring to any racial group, you did.

bryanadams Blames everyone that ate bats. So all these Americans are to be blamed also right? Or he was only referring to this girl that went to Palau, 3 years ago and tried bat?

People are usually critizised like this when they say out loud a thing most other people are thinking but are too afraid to say themselves.

Can somebody clarify that 'bat-eating' is NOT slang term for criticism rather is people literally eating bats? There is no clear evidence as to whether bats transmitted the virus or has even carried it in the first place.

he s right

This virus going to create all kinds of racism. Going to give all races equal opportunities to say true feelings out loud.

turkmendagz Stupid bryan

Is The World Bat Eating Association up in arms about this ?

The world has moved on already

big fee fees cuz he's spehshel

When was truth considered racist?

A culture is a race now or is it that isn’t intelligent enough to tell the difference?

Being a Chinese, I also hate those people who eat strange wild animals!

The truth hurts. Fuck em

Good for him, speaking the truth. fuckchina

The same ding dongs that get hurt when it's properly called the wuhan, Chinese or Asian flu. Are also the same ding dongs that refuse to change the wrongly adapted 'Spanish' flu to the proper 'US Kansas' flu.

Is he wrong?

No he's not a racist. It's surely because of the 'bat eating' people that the world have got this corona.

what about this? (ctto)

I forgive him

Gross so he sounds just like those republicans!

Thank you Bryan Adams!!! He is bringing attention to a big problem that needs to be addressed!!! 🙏

Moreover it’s disgusting and immoral that the same people have rhinos killed for their horns which is made up of the same substance as our fingernails. China stop killing and abusing animals and driving them to extinction for your moronic myths. That’s not racist that’s reality!

Stupid is as stupid does...

Then prove him wrong by admitting it was an accidental release by Scientists in the Level 4 Biochemical Laboratory in Wuhan China.

but he is in heaven♪

Fuck him

The backlash against Adams delights the bat-eating, wet market animal-selling, virus-making, greedy bastards!

How is that racist?! The incredibly abusive wet markets should’ve been closed when they triggered the first epidemic. They’re obscene & triggered this pandemic.Bat eating selfish people are indeed to blame. Xi must ensure the markets are forever closed.That’s the least he can do.

What he needs to do is to find out why Wuhan was only shut down for 10 weeks while Western nations appear to be shut down indefinitely

'How many times can a man turn his head, Pretending he just doesn't see?' - B. Dylan

Bat tastes like chicken.

Everyone is angry and afraid... every person reacts in a different manner in a situation like this🔹

Cuts like a knife but he's not so bright

This just made me love Bryan Adams more. vegan

Isn't it typical of the lamestream media to skip over the fact that his music sucks? Like you're not even going to mention it?

Not a nice thing to say. Also not racism. That word used to mean something.

China virus Chyna virus!!!!

He’ll be the next Trump superstar

We all love him now


I think he said 'bat eating bastards'. Definitely not racist and nowhere near as offensive as that Robin Hood theme did he did.

Give me a break.

Just when you think you heard it all. What race are the bats?

Is he factually wrong in this case? Is his claim wrong? Didnt the virus come from bats that were kept in a food market?

I mean... yeah

Yeah, it's a racist lie. Don't leave out that he called them 'greedy' as well.

I'm not a Fan of Bryan Adams as an artist, but voicing the opinion he did is a matter of 'FACT' not Racism'

Who cares if people are offended by what he said? It’s the truth. If you’re offended, good. Stop people from selling and eating animals that carry diseases then.

Yeah there’s really no need to spread these conspiracy theories when the WuFlu clearly came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

He’s not wrong. BryanAdams IStandWithBryanAdams

Wait.... wasn’t that the official story as told by THE MEDIA

Total support to Brian

So... is he wrong?

This is news?

He didn't mention race. He mades a statement about wet markets and animal cruelty. How's it racist?

Bryan Adams is Hard Rock legend the other ones are yellow rats. Bat eaters

Far from reality? Not really. Read his post. More about greedy wildlife trafficking

This is great! 🤣


😂😂😂 that rare race known as bat eater

Such a has been

They said Aids came from eating monkey meat in Africa.

Correcto . Es culpa de los que tragron murcielagos hijos de puta ..

Masky_Jay_Hoody With everything else, this is a headline? 🙄

Eating bats also puts you in a horrible state in which you appreciate Bryan Adams's music

Not repeating leftist talking points and having my own opinion is always 'racist!'. Got it. they? It’s not racist ifits true.

Is bat eating a race?


For the love of.... smh. You just can’t make this up

He is racist

The bat eating as a cause hasn’t been proven just yet.

😂😂😂😂I thought the one song loser was dead

Quote from the Demorats “hold on while we invent stuff to be offended about” “and we’ll lie about it just so we can push an agenda”

Anything i disagree with is racist.

He just told on himself!!! Racist!!! His sappy music sucks anyways

Meanwhile at Bryan Adam's 'I'm relevant again'

He said “bat eating people”. Didn’t see any mention of race at all. There may be many folks out there, from many races who enjoy a nice bat sammich once in a while. 😂😂😂

Too thin skinned! Get off it... nothing racist the chincks is caused the virus to spread hiding if for a month or more!

Once a year the Chinese have a week long dog eating carnival. Greyhounds are their speciality. So for that I’m a racist.

None story

Uh we got bigger problems,! Sitting in the Whitehouse. TrumpDeathToll81K

Liberalism is a mental disorder

I’m sure all these comments... cut like a knife 😎

People don't know what racists are anymore


The truth. Check the facts. Eating bats at wet markets has been linked to this virus! Stop eating bats and wash your fucking hands!

Ppl who farm, butcher, consume dogs, cats, wildlife, etc., are evil & disgusting beyond words, animal kidnapping, abuse, intentionally tortured, slaughtered to extinction... AnimalCruelty

“Please forgive me”

Not an OzzyOsbourne fan is he?

Where is the racist comment? If people were not eating bats we would not be having this issue.

I don't think people really understand. Adams's life is over. The lives and livelihoods of all touring acts and recording artists are over as they know it. Many of these acts are now reliant upon touring revenue to make ends meet. And now it's gone.

Why is that racist?

WELL maybe it was started that way, it is a fact that they eat bats in that part of the world, so what's wrong with the truth What's wrong with opinion? ShameOnNBCNews

Please explain to the world how in the f its racist?!

Well he's not necessarily wrong though

Retire already! Why do has beens always seek attention?

Our farmed animals can and have led to serious zoonotic diseases (those transmitted from animals to humans) Don't talk about bat soup with your mouth full 🧀🍳🥩🍗🍔🥓



That's not racist, the Coronavirus originated from bats and so did Ebola. Just because you know stuff doesn't make you racist. You can get bit by bats.

With realDonaldTrump becoming president due to a fluke in stupidity, racists have come out of the closet like it's still the summer of 69. The truth is, people who are racist were always racists, but just hiding in plain sight due to pre-Trump social taboos.

Finally- a racist Fuckface, NOT from here. Thanks for the breather Canada. I’m sure Trump will take the mantle back next time an Asian American reporter asks him a question so it’ll be a short wait.

Why? Its true after all, unlike the garbage coming from the White House. Are we in a pandemic of political correctness that sweeps the truth under the carpet thus endangering us further, like the White House Stats? Did it come from bats? Did it come from Wuhan? Do they eat bats?

We have to realize China has a very sophisticated and camouflaged internet presence to make these attacks against anyone impugning china’s reputation.

All of you Trump fans, I thought it was man made

Swine flu blame all the pork eaters, h1n1 all chicken eaters, mad cow all beef eaters ....

His post was obnoxious, racist & filled with uncontrollable rage.

very true. If nobody ate bats not properly prepared, there may be no covid 19 .

Bryan Adams looks as if he's eaten a few battle axes.

It is an somehow inappropriate metaphor as Chinese don't eat bat (yes I know), but he has quite right point.

I'm not eating no bats period. The thought of it makes me sick.

Please correct your tweet to “Canadian singer Bryan Adams is being criticized by looney left wing radicals as racist for social media posts in which he blamed 'bat eating' people for the coronavirus. However, 99.9% of the world agree with him”

Hey, don't be dissing on Ozzy.

I don't give a shit who's criticising him for whatever. They're are all bat shit crazy.


I'm with Bryan Adams .

He just told the truth. ? I’m a liberal’s liberal ... and yeah ... Chinese wet, illegal animal trade markets are responsible for this pandemic. Sorry ... the outcry It is from bored individuals looking for anything to be upset about. 😱BryanAdams

For the record, I never said he was racist... I just said his music was SHIT!!!

Never eat bats!

Is “bat eating” a race now?

I know... for BryanAdams to say that..... it was ..... Reckless.

No lies told..but

Truly don’t understand why, if virus did come from eating bats from wet market, why blaming people who ate bats at wet market is racist thing to say? Perhaps it could be attacked as being untrue. But if it is true...

He doesn’t live in Canada anymore. He’s a fake Canadian.

That’s not racism ! That is TRUTH ! How can the Truth be racist ? That’s fine ? If you want to make everything a problem to YOU ONLY ! That’s fine !! But keep it to yourself ! STOP CAUSING DIVISION AND PROMOTING FAKE NARRATIVES !! The MSM ARE THE BIGGEST LIARS IN AMERICA !

Dear Bryan came from a Chinese lab in Wuhan...not bat eating...

ChinaLiedPeopleDied ChineseVirus ChinaMustExplain

It’s not a damn lie!! Chinese Bat, Rat, Cat, Dog eating virus. They eat anything that moves, really don’t care who I offend

Is he wrong? 🤷🏻‍♂️

China virus 🦠

So it did not came from the meat market? So you are suggesting that the virus originated in the lab?

fake outrage bullshit

Did not know bat eating people was a race. Well the more you know!🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅😂😂😂

He is only portraying his lack of knowledge on the situation!

Cuts like a knife

How about people that sell raw meat in unrefrigerated open air markets? Is that racist? Or just intellect and health conscious?

He’s not wrong

It racist huh? Bat eaters what race are they? Please tell me what race of people are synonymous with eating bats?

Bryan Adams is also this:

Who is this guy?! Never heard of him.


Well, he's right.

Why, does one race eat bats more than the others?

this is NOT Ozzy's fault people no matter what you want to think

Chinese people aren't a minority, you know. Chinese people make up a majority of the human species. They are the majority! Besides, the people aren't the real problem. Their communist, lying, government, the CCP, are the real problem. People will always eat things they shouldn't.

Well he is right it did come from China and the virus was in the bats. Remember NBC and Chuck Todd like to make up their own fake news stories. NBC is just playing to the Chinese government propaganda machine.

There are bat eating people in the US as well. There are a number of them who hunt them all the time.

Pets aren't sold at wet markets. If a bat was at a wet market it was meant to be consumed. If bats were left alone, as endangered animals that tend to carry rabies should be, then none of this would have happened. Just telling the truth about Chinese society makes one racist?

Ignorance knows no bounds

Like these people? Or only counts if it's Chinese? Well China don't eat bats & that ONE video of the travel host eating one is in PALAU.

All people need to stop eating bats.

It was a batshit stupid thing to tweet.

I can’t really see he said anything wrong !

Let me guess... those criticizing him are the 'bat eating' people?

So if Bryan Adams called me a “chicken-eating” person, is that racist as well growuppeople

Was he wrong on the origin of the virus?

It's like 'look at those disgusting Chinese people eating their exotic foods!' but pay no attention to our disgusting factory farms that spew animal feces into the air, and guess what?.. also cause epidemics. The ignorance of people is really quite astonishing sometimes.

Obama knew.

Why blame Texans for the virus?

But uh, isnt bat eating people the reason?


What white person hasn't been criticized for being a racist 🤔 Although I didn't see Cuomo called a racist for calling it the ' European Virus'🤔

If he didn't mention race or origin of the person eating bats, how is that racist? Did he?

He is not so famous in the world, so he just wants to draw some attention.

Isn't animals like bats being sold at wet markets the Genesis of this strain of the COVID virus?

What? 3 people are criticizing him for this? And you people drag him? Get meaningful lives, you FakeNews 'journalists'.

Brainwashing coronavirus commercials is the problem

Its OK to be racist when its about white people only

Just because one voices or types an opinion doesn't not mean they are racists!! Gosh get off it

Coming up on Radio Vancouver, 'Another One Bites the Dust'... I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoy playing it for you right now...

That’s quite literally what caused it.

IAmSophiaNelson Take out 'criticized as' and your headline will be more accurate.

Eating bats is no worse than eating chickens or cows.

Didn't bat eating people start it?

sorry son, it takes a real American to be a real star

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Bryan Adams branded 'racist' for blaming coronavirus on Chinese wet marketsThe singer, 60, was called 'racist' by the Chinese-Canadian organisation and followers of his Instagram page DailyMirror It's from China. Actually from their bio weapon lab. Everything is racist with MSM DailyMirror Why is this person still trying to be relevant lol x DailyMirror Welcome to my world mate. You state what every paper is saying is true & you get pilloried. In an article saying there had been an increase in attacks on Chinese people I wrote 'I don't agree with people attacking people' & I got banned by Facebook on the grounds of hate speech.
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