Breaking New Ground: Beto O’Rourke Has Become The First Presidential Candidate Available As A ‘Smash Ultimate’ DLC Fighter

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Watch out, Smash players! A new foe has appeared. The Beto O’Rourke campaign just broke new ground recently by making Beto the first presidential candidate available as a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC fighter.

players! A new foe has appeared. The Beto O’Rourke campaign just broke new ground recently by making Beto the first presidential candidate available as aThe former Texas congressman and gubernatorial candidate will become the 83rd character to join the all-star roster of combatants. According to his description on the Nintendo Game Store, he’s available for only $5.

character is a great way to reach out to younger voters and get them excited about his run for the presidency,” said Jen O’Malley Dillon, Beto’s campaign manager, explaining how they worked in partnership with Nintendo to create an avatar whose abilities and move-set reflect the politician’s character and policies. “Our hope is that watching Beto duke it out with Meta Knight and Samus will familiarize millennials in this country with everything this candidate represents.

“As a campaign working to fix a broken America, we pride ourselves on going to spaces other candidates wouldn’t consider, andIn terms of playability, Beto boasts an array of versatile special attacks, such as throwing Whataburgers, bashing opponents with a guitar, and plowing through enemies while riding a skateboard. His Final Smash is pretty cool, too, with Beto starting by getting up on a table and body slamming his opponent. It’s hard to land, but if done successfully, it’s an instant K.O.

Although he has only been out for a short while, we’re already hearing that Beto is proving to be an extremely popular character, with most readers choosing him as a CPU opponents so that they can spend hour after hour just endlessly wailing on him.


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Home boys name's actually Robert haa

Beto Kazooie

He's been in the series since Melee.

To whomever made this...

His ultimate is speaking Spanish randomly to you as you play

Rethinking getting Smash now...

NDemarais my president

dude is as appealing as a doorstop.



Instant low tier fighter

Just like Pichu he hurts himself with every action he takes.

Nintendo knocks it out of the park again!

His terrible Spanish will cause players to hurl themselves off the edge of the platform.

No ty

Chuthedemon 'His default costume is a blue oxford shirt, but it looks like he has three alternatives consisting of the same shirt with the sleeves rolled up to different lengths!'

His Final Smash move is the Beto Babble - where he speaks in broken Spanish and the opposing players move on to the next map.

He kills all white characters with his spanish skills. His smash attack is a skateboard.

aý díos mío.

mucho amar eses juevos vidéos Ninteñdo

Can’t believe they announced 20+ DLC characters to follow. This game just keeps getting bigger!

Low mid tier at best

And the only candidate to be officially endorsed by Turtle from Entourage! I think we can all safely say he is the next POTUS

¡Wow Beto, muy cool!

Better than ‘Dancing with the Stars’, huh?

'His default costume is a blue oxford shirt, but it looks like he has three alternatives consisting of the same shirt with the sleeves rolled up to different lengths!'

Onion and smash together idk if I can physically handle it

Is his final Smash telling a boring story en espanol?

oh no

“Beto is ready to hit and run!”

I've heard they plan one hell of a backhand for Klobuchar.


Shoutout to your graphics guy for the smoothing of his face and enlargement of his eyes to look more cartoonish


............ D the fight bag.

What's his special move? Pandering?

Beato O’Rawr!

Take my money! 💰💰💰 if only it was real...

Bette O’Rourke seen running 🏃‍♂️ thousands hundreds of Kilometres across America Only to find out that “Presidential Run “ doesn’t actually involve running

El Súper Smash Hermanos Última

I downloaded this DLC, but mine is defective. It keeps jumping on countertops when I'm fighting in a diner stage. Plus, it refuses to fight and mostly apologizes to the other characters for being semi-white and then it repeats that apology in Espanol, for no reason. This sucks!

andymoney69 TheBeerKing

Now that's how you earn my vote, Beto Ar'Buckle.

terrible frame data, no out of shield options-- embarassing!


His smash attacks are just him speaking Spanish

Even in an octagon, he'd still lose to Warren...

Don't you mean 'Beto se une a la batalla.'

Okay whoever made the thumbnail image has serious talent.

A wild beta male has appeared

He's going to lay the smack down on your CASA!

His place among the mid tier is cemented

Do any of his abilities involve standing on furniture or speaking Spanish for no reason?

My wife is cheating on me with a Starbucks barista

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