Bolton joins long list of Trump administration officials speaking out against Pres. Trump

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.chucktodd on the list of frm. Trump admin. officials speaking out: 'You frankly just don't see those kinds of former White House insiders publicly describe any sitting president ... as incompetent ... as he's running for re-election.'

Chuck Todd says, "You frankly just don't see those kinds of former WH insiders publicly describe any sitting president . as incompetent as he's running for reelection.".

Chuck Todd says, "You frankly just don't see those kinds of former WH insiders publicly describe any sitting president ... as incompetent as he's running for reelection."


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chucktodd We're under a dictatorship that's been enabled by the GOP. Especially the Senate, but also including GOP governors. We have a chance to escape in November, but the voter suppression may be insurmountable.

chucktodd Gee, I wonder what their motivation might be? The fact he fired them? Speaking fees? No, surely not.

chucktodd White old men once despised. Now these white old men are great sources. Anything to support your narrative 😂😭😭😭 ... nice try FakeNews

chucktodd Trump is being judged by experienced and professional people whom some have been in government for who would you listen and believe?! I say the REAL PROFESSIONALS with brains.

chucktodd These former Generals know that Trump is incompetent. Bolton had his chance to testify that Trump is no good.

chucktodd You are posting the same posts over and over!

chucktodd And to the last true believers on the SS Trump, it’s only because these lifelong public servants don’t like the bunker boy. Thoughts and prayers, Donnie

chucktodd This has *nothing* to do with black lives! This is a wholesale endorsement of raising our country to the ground. Violent Marxist cultural revolution. Destroying our history — because “America is evil.” Eliminating America. DO NOT GIVE THESE COMMUNIST DEMOCRATS POWER - EVER

chucktodd For me, not having the likes of these guys in my corner would be a good thing.

chucktodd Looks like a list of fired butt hurt losers.

chucktodd US civil war fight for George Washington Government so weak Surrender Antifa and looters and Nazi China

chucktodd Gee, you mean they didn't know trump was unqualified and incompetent BEFORE he ran for office? Surely trump was 'vetted' before he threw his MAGA hat into the ring. No you say? Hmmm time for some new rules I'd say.

chucktodd Lol, those former officials are pissed they got fired. Why? Because they could not do the job. A blow to the ego, ya think.

chucktodd War Mongers all!! Their only happy when missiles are flying. We must!! Strike N.Korea, Strike Iran, Strike Russia, Strike Syria, Stike Turkey. Trump got what he needed from them a swift defeat of ISIS. Then he replaced them with a Finacial and Domestic team that’s how he works.

chucktodd Of course because there ain't been one till DJT arrived

chucktodd Bolton book tells what trump was doing that was illegal wrong going the CONSTITUTION dealing with russia,china,and korea about helping trump cheat hack in the election to win!!! Why is everyone investigating Bolton and instead removing trump from office as president? Immediately


chucktodd sad to see these weak men fold to the deep state and george soros cash ....they are cowards and crooks

chucktodd Deluded conservative trolls as far as the eye can see. After November, I am going to mercilessly remind these people that they are the scum of America, thankfully a dying breed.

chucktodd I appreciate those people speaking out now, but where were they when it counted? Where was their testimony during the Mueller investigation or during the impeachment process? They were only concerned for themselves and they empowered this man. They were part of the problem.

chucktodd There opinions worthless they are mad because they had to be let go for they could not get job done now report on that what a disgraceful network

chucktodd Joan Bolton is a woman scorned. Doesn't get more pitiful then that. Well, except for your lack of journalistic integrity & honesty.

chucktodd thejointstaff

chucktodd if you go to it gives you a list of CNN's anchors and hosts... only 3 out of 71 are black. 119 correspondents and reporters and less than 10 are black. how do they get away with this racist policy?

chucktodd IF Trump has Parkinsons shouldn't he resign and rest?

chucktodd Keep pushing the racial division, keep pushing your globalist agenda, keep pushing Joe Biden as a viable alternative (oh my God, you’re actually serious!) - True patriots and the real America see through your charade.

chucktodd Hmmmm traitors at the door ! Just shows how scared those corrupt POS are,Trump & Co know what they have been doing & they are pulling out all stops to stop him... Pray they fail,otherwise what they have been doing for decades will remain hidden.

chucktodd Where were they when they could have made a difference. Nowhere to be found. Shameful, Americans depend upon their knowledge and they were let down once again, but now let’s all buy a book to see what could have stopped this carnage. Thanks, I know you’re a true American.

chucktodd We never had someone so incompetent in the White House. May this show us reality tv stars, are not presidential material. We need to change things so at least they know the 50 states and other us territory,& a brain!

chucktodd He will win

chucktodd Shame!

chucktodd They are all swamp creatures

chucktodd Maybe if Chuck hadn't firmly ensconced himself up the GOP's ass he might have seen this coming. Chuck Todd is a GOP operative who gives the Right more credibility than they ever deserved. Of course, pointing this out to him is why he blocked me. Truth hurts, Chuck?

chucktodd Same old Washington Swamp that's made millions off the blood of Americans in foreign countries that wanted to keep the same killing foreign policies in place that these 3 actually help write yrs before, Blood of our children is never enough for these Swamp Sucker's

chucktodd All individuals Trump picked, all individuals Trump referred to as 'the best people'.

chucktodd The swamp runs deep...


chucktodd Chuck Todd is extraordinarily bad at his job. Nicole Wallace should be moved up to Chuck’s or Chris Hayes spot.


chucktodd you misspelled “cashing in”.

chucktodd GOOD


chucktodd I don’t want to hear from a single one of these guys. They’re all traitors! They were in a position to end this chaos, and they refused. Bolton is the worst! He stayed silent for the almighty dollar. Let history and God rain justice on their heads!!

chucktodd Trump2020

chucktodd Never seen an American Media run by the Muslim brotherhood until BarackObama how obvious can you be? ? Comatose JoeBiden . Everyone knows amyklobuchar got the boot. What else? TRUMPPPENCE2020 Scamdemic

chucktodd Former... as they were all fired and now mad.

chucktodd Imagine if they had somehow STOPPED him!!!

chucktodd No one cares about disgruntled former employees are members of the swamp

chucktodd Fake news everyday

chucktodd Makes you wonder if money and other dirty tactics were involved...


chucktodd But they will say anything for money! Just like you! chucktodd

chucktodd MSNBC is neither believed nor trusted

chucktodd Proving that there is a deep state.

chucktodd Cuck Todd is an activist & is simply a parrot for the global establishment. 😂😂😂

chucktodd Anyone who can not see that Trump is totally Incompetent is smoking opium or is just delusional.

chucktodd All mad because Trump won't bomb Iran.

chucktodd We'll speak Louder! Your complicities are drowning you out!

chucktodd The SCARY thing is that his MAGA CULT doesn’t CARE

chucktodd It reaffirms Trump’s message. Dishonorable hacks abound in the deep state! They don’t get their globalist way, they whine to sympathetic media. Whine away. Trump 2020! Easiest vote in decades!!!!

chucktodd This incompetent POTUS ushered in one of the greatest economic resurgence in history.

chucktodd I suspect that conservatives simply can't find any competent person who agrees with Trump's political views or policies.

chucktodd True, but it's what could get him reelected. Running against the status quo is what got Trump into the WH in 2016.

chucktodd Deep State gonna Deep State

chucktodd Old news

chucktodd You don't see Chuck ever saying anything positive about Trump either.

chucktodd Swamp creatures whose opinions are not in America's interests. Trump 2020!

chucktodd He's mad Trump didn't drop bombs on humans. And now he's a hero of the left. 👍 way to go Democrats. Hate has consumed you.

chucktodd Who cares? Trump should just say Disgruntled employee, and move on.

chucktodd Your reminder that multinational media corporations like msnbc, Fox, and cnn don’t sell information, they sell advertising. And they get paid a lot for you to watch commercials. You actually pay them to program you. Nice gig, if you can get it.

chucktodd Whenever chucktodd is on, I immediately change the channel. Everyone I know does the same thing. He's insufferable + ignorant on so many levels. It's really a shame that MSNBC keeps him around. He's losing them viewers...

chucktodd It just fuels the fire of his base. They voted for antiestablishmentarianism. Is that a word? I think I remember my Dad using it in a Scrabble game in 1969.

dlspace108 chucktodd It won't do any good anyway.

chucktodd Well now.

chucktodd 4 years of Draining the swamp

chucktodd Trump’s virus cure= Two hydroxychloroquine tablets taken with 16 ounces of bleach then sit in the sun with your mouth open, put on red hat and kiss your ass goodbye

chucktodd Email lady you mean princess Ivanka ? If you had elected Hilary Clinton we wouldn’t have lost all those American lives to a virus “ that will just disappear like magic”. What a moronic clown Trump is.

chucktodd Activist, NOT a journalist. FakeNews

chucktodd None of them got elected as much as dog catcher. Trump was competent enough to get elected.

chucktodd Do you think we care what lying John Bolton lies and says? Not hardly.

chucktodd How about the Bush teams? Or Clinton even? None of them had so much animosity from their officials.

chucktodd Keep them coming! Please don't be afraid to stand up to Trump and his administration. The more that speak up, the faster Trump will RESIGN

chucktodd He's Not making America Great, He's Destroying It! He's a Fraud,and a Crook. Always has been.

chucktodd Have you interviewed joe Biden lately and take away the teleprompter? Good god....where are his health records!!?


chucktodd Please get rid of Chuck Todd. I cannot watch when he is on. ever.

PurlLeslie chucktodd What Chuck Todd doesn't know could fill several volumes


chucktodd General Mattis is The Only one with Dignity and Honor Gen has Warned us Our National Security is under Attack By an Enemy from within

chucktodd Hey Chuck Todd. Shame on you for not saying HAPPY FATHER'S DAY back tonight to your guest. Rude

chucktodd 😘👇

chucktodd They all are consistent. Trump is habitual liar. Trump puts the US at risk in favor of his own interest. Trump intentionally tries to divide the country.

chucktodd John Bolton= The new MSDNC princess! Lololol!!! The absolute state of these people!!! John f'ing Bolton. Lololol


chucktodd EVERYONE KNOWS realDonaldTrump is 100% CORRUPT

chucktodd Unless they are being blackmailed or paid. We know one SCOTUS who is being Blackmailed.

chucktodd Thats what happens when you try to DrainTheSwamp.

chucktodd Thank you for standing up and telling the truth about the worst president ever!!!!

chucktodd Damn traitors. People are dying now bc of their silence.

chucktodd you are not even hiding the second coup attempt.

chucktodd Maybe, that's the problem 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

chucktodd Bolton, McMaster, Mattis, Kelly, Tillerson, Vindman, Sessions...these are serious men. Even people you can't take seriously like Scaramucci, Omarosa and Cohen, all of them say the same things about Trump. They aren't all lying.


chucktodd Bolton has proven over time to look out for his own self interest and not the interest of our country. He has never been a team player and is politically radioactive to the extreme. The fuss on his book will pass quickly. Let him make money. That’s all he wants.

chucktodd Yes but they were complicit in their silence.all of them.

chucktodd Ganging up on him before elections. If they didn’t like what he did before they should have spoken out. Now it only looks like revenge.

chucktodd The only Patriots left in our Country, don’t support Trump

chucktodd Because we’ve never had a president w/nothing but a smorgasbord of gross incompetence, narcissism, pathological lying, racism, undisciplined unpresidential behaviour, corruption, grifting, monumental ignorance on top of lack of interest & desire to serve for which he got elected.

chucktodd Why didn't they have the balls to say that while still working for him What when u quit u get your balls back on the way out

chucktodd So what? The same was said about realDonaldTrump in 2016 And he won

chucktodd Too bad for America they didn't speak up when we needed them to.

chucktodd Fake news

chucktodd If stock market soars to all time highs before the election in November ...Orange dude still GOT TO GO! Orange 🍊 is the TRUE ENEMY of the people..causing ALL CRISES/DESTRUCTION in the U.S. .. SPREAD OF CORONA , RACISM , JOB LOSSES, etc.! FOCUS on DEFEAT of the REAL ENEMY.. 🍊!

chucktodd All three stooges supported the attempt coup including Tillerson. realDonaldTrump caught each one and got ride of them. Don't you remember when Bolton and Tillerson tried to recruit Nikki Haley.

chucktodd Disgruntled employees that are scorn because Trump fired them


chucktodd SWAMP!!!

chucktodd U do, when its, DJ T! When do U plan 2 express buyers remorse 4 all of that, MAGA paraphernalia? R U planning on voting 4 him, again? If not? then U can👀how these, cowards are saying what they're saying. U should be, saying the same, instead of the stupid questions & fake shock!

chucktodd Not even Al Bundy could have done such damage !!!

chucktodd The Praetorians are at the gates and the tyrant is cornered. I suspect there will be some spectacular and dramatic ending to this epic of the absurd. And not in a good way.

chucktodd The people who leave or are fired now speak ?

chucktodd This seems like when everyone in the school is telling authorities that the messed-up angry kid with the guns is triggered and dangerous. Pentagon & Trump officials are pulling all the fire alarms, hoping *someone* will do something... fast.

chucktodd And yet when he had the chance to publicly say this before congress he was silent. Hmmmmm. State of my head.


chucktodd lol all the war hawks hate trump

chucktodd It will not change one GOP vote. MadeADealWithSatan NoJoke

chucktodd Eisenhower warned us about those kind of 'insider' snakes in his Farewell Address in 1961. Bolton is just pissed that he couldn't get his war with Iran when 'they' supposedly shot down the drone.

chucktodd And don't forget the Generals.


chucktodd lincolnproject pls make their own words an ad. JoeBiden


chucktodd A lot of important matters are in stake in November. So Ds: If you will avoid possibly having 7 Rs vs 2 Ds in SCOTUS, & if you are tired of having a family in the WH that runs USA for their own benefit only - GO REGISTER, GO VOTE in ALL elections. USA deserves better than Trump.

chucktodd AmbJohnBolton was leaking false information while working at the WhiteHouse Trump needed Bolton to bring some swamp creatures to the surface it worked

chucktodd Fucktodd you can line all 3 up and lick their ass. That is what you do best.


chucktodd This is exactly what happens to the good old boys network when they loose power. Called as you may, but those which include the liberal media has lost all sense of touch. Watch how they spread their vendetta no matter the cost to their country and claim it’s for that country.

chucktodd A lot of stuff that Trump has to go through, quite frankly, is stuff you don’t see with sitting presidents. Although this is frankly something you’d see from Bolton.

chucktodd He bankrupted casino, what do you expect?

chucktodd Trump2020💥🇺🇸💯

chucktodd When they couldn't turn Trump to their way of thinking, he is incompetent... seems to be the same storyline over and over. . The billionaire is incompetent.

chucktodd That's because past administrations didn't have many fired ex employees The Trump administration is different he is a business man not a politician He fires people that are status quo and those that dont have a vision of improvement **Fired people dont like their ex bosses

chucktodd Chuck Todd can bite me. His whataboutism and feigned ignorance is part of the reason that our country is in this mess.

chucktodd Under the Trump administration there have been No major wars, No major troop deployments & No dead soldiers ... And people have the audacity to call Trump incompetent. Thank you President Trump for keeping American troop out of major conflicts around the world.

chucktodd Thank You Antifa and MSNBC. Everyone who tries to break realDonaldTrump gets broken

chucktodd Oh please. Obama and Bush fired a couple of them. Don’t insult our intelligence with Biden being your nominee 🤣😡

chucktodd The whole lot of you should have stood up sooner.

chucktodd Yeah, but the problem is there are many trump supporters who are just as incompetent as he.. 'I don't care about coronavirus' ..'just media hyping it up for political reasons' ..GTFOH ppl faking deaths? ..that's next BS conspiracy smh

chucktodd 😂Liberals

chucktodd Lol. Boom.

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