BlackBerry, AMC and Other Reddit YOLO Favorites That Aren’t GameStop

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WSJWhatsNow: It isn’t just GameStop. These stocks also have the attention of ordinary investors on online forums like Reddit’s WallStreetBets

Shares of the Texas-based videogame retaileron Monday alone, before giving up most of their gains to end up only 18%. But GameStop Corp. is far from alone in going vertical this year.

Everything from a hydrogen battery maker to a struggling movie-theater chain have rocketed in the past few weeks. Behind the swings, many see ordinary investors, stuck at home in the pandemic, swapping tips and hatching trading strategies on online forums like Reddit’s WallStreetBets—


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Making dirty money appear legitimate has been made a norm over the last 4 years. Comes with the territory now

Bitcoin Mining is safe, profitable and satisfying, I’ve lost some cash in it though until I was recommended to louishud98 now I earn about $5500 in a 10 days

The reason GameStop GameStop is failing is because Amazon is Killing local retail. Bezo’s has Billions invested in HedgeFunds. Stop feeding the beast and buylocal


Redditors are investing in the “tar and feather” sector of the stock market.


People is investing their life savings, which a is 1500 top (yes one five zero zero) If they lose their life remains unchanged, they have nothing to lose basically, the small side note is that they are not the 1%

You need to be careful this can be manipulation because you are telling people what others are investing in. This happened on a web forum called read it slash walls r bets or something I saw it on CNBC with jim kramer

They manipulated Blackberry stock so much that it’s more worthless than what it would have been.

I don't think they are into saving the business. They want to make money. Period.

These people will soon run out of money having all their fund stuck in useless stocks that will have been bleeding thereafter.

Why are brokerages allowed to rent out shares without compensating the actual shareholders! Why are retail investors charged to put shares in their 'names' and given actual certificates?

Listen to the buzz


Fuck you ,wall street gays

guys join our $JAGX party tomorrow at 10AM everyone is buying $50 to $100 shares and hold untill price hit $1000 a share if your in remember 10AM buy and hold ... this will go to the moon we have more then 200.000 people to buy at 10AM dont miss it

They're mad cause everyone knows now what they do. Funny how when the poor suddenly get rich and the elite lose some money its a crisis, they get a bailout, manipulate the market in broad daylight and get their way. Maybe if they hadn't been manipulating the market. 🙊🤷🏼‍♂️

I made a 3D printed Wall Street Bets figurine

Shut up. This is far from over. Report the blatant market manipulation done by Robinhood & others by restricting buying

Hey wall street stop being mad about losing money cause we want to join in get over it already losers

Inovio pharmaceutical also need help!! They have the cure for covid zero side effect, room temperature storage, the only dna vaccine that's working, needless!!!

$doge dogecoin Wall Street

Wall Street to the average person


The best part of all this, is that you identify the use of hatching... A power usually controlled by the big guys. But when it comes to the people, collectively, it is only then that you socialize it. Get. Fu$%ed. 😂

We like GME AMC....can't blame us?

CityHallRebel Very many people are at risk of ending up in a hole they will not be able to get out of with highly leveraged option trades.


Brokers unprecedently forced ONLY SELL Orders on the reddit gameStop shortSqueeze Stonk Bundle BUT AfterHours OTC are now allowing BUY Trades 2benefit Institutional traders. AM I the only one who sees a DoubleStandard here? End the Institutionalized PonziScheme

You're funny. My stocks have fallen.

I have a question: aren't hedge funds where people keep their pensions? Or not the kind that short sells? Are people going to loose their retirements and things like that?

I don’t fully understand this. But I understand it enough to find it hilarious.

'swapping tips and hatching strategies' Oh, you mean like hedge fund managers have done for decades behind closed doors?

Wall Street is eating their young now.


Don’t forget CTRM 🚀🚀🚀🚀

Who cares. It's a free market right?


It’s Wall Street vs. the AMERICAN PEOPLE. STAY STRONG 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Rich wall street people: Give me money so I can help you to get rich like me. Regular people: talks amongst themselves on how to get richer Rich wall street people: 😡😡😡😡😡

Notice how 🇮🇱establishment faves $MRNA $PLTR 📈while $CLSK $BTC $TSLA📉? WSB MarketManipulation is no revolution vs WallStreet, just another controlled demolition like 9/11. InsiderTrading Enron DavosAgenda GreatReset BuildBackBetter WEF2021 ReparationsNow WeRemember

I love how the rich are like buy my eBook, books, courses, audiobook and pay to go to my seminars and I'll teach you how to become rich but the poor figure out away to help each other by forums and chats and the rich get mad and salty....

please explain like I'm 5: How is it a Market when one side is tied up so the other can bludgeon them to death? If you can't stop calling it a 'Market'.

cmon dudes WSJ ain't what it looks like tbh !!! Market manipulation is kind of certain. Don't play the blame game VS reddit

We like the fucking stock.

We are smarter than them, if stocks tank we lose very little but if stocks skyrocket they go broke

Aww somebody got outplayed and couldn't take it. Fruadstreet needs to remember they have used the peoples tax money to get bailed out of the housing crash and covid crash. MarginCallWallstreet


Don't trust they are a bunch of shills. Just go read up on wsb

hatching strategies? THEY LIKE THE STOCK!

So could anyone of gotten rich from these ?

Nah it is just GameStop fuckers

I like the stock

get FOUR FREE stocks when you sign up for webull using the link in my bio! 🤗

It's all kind of amusing that the plebs are assaulting the short sell ethic and using it to their advantage.

So they outplayed the 'professionals' and now the pros are bitching about it, got it.

GNUS is next up. ToTheMoon above $20

How can you tell which companies are shorted?

Boo fucken hoo. I hope the hedge funders lose their shirts.

I love all the angry rich old white men who are pissed because they were played at their own game.

Trump would be tweeting nonstop right now if he was still here lol

wise reporting !! Stay on our side unlike nytimes - sad

This is pure corruption/fraud. RobinhoodApp vladtenev


You wouldn't be flicking your bean so hard if it was 4chan instead of Reddit.

Good for the small people!!! Go redditors, this is very pleasing to see.gamestonk

USE E*TRADE, buy SPCE, EXPR, NOK, SNDL all MAJORLY SHORTED BY HEDGE FUNDS, teach the hedge funds a lesson, can’t give up, down today come back stronger tomorrow WSBChairman wsbmod StocksToBuy shortsqueeze stocks HoldTheLine HedgeFunds

“Hatching schemes” wtf do you think goes on every day in board rooms across America, but usually it’s the rich getting over on the poor, once the tables got turned it somehow because a nefarious proposition right ? You can f*ck right off.

If they stopped the buy who can they sell to? Only hedge funds to cover their shorts that they didn’t have the capital to cover and make billions while individual investors are shut out.

Hedge funds have lost 70 billion dollars!

How about a stock market strike! Everyone sell your stocks and F these Aholes!! Liquidate now! Retweet!

Greedy Hedgefund over leveraged 140% short stocks. (Which should be illegal) Got caught in the cookie jar now doing anything to cheat the average joe. Robbing Hood. Imagine I said you can only sell real estate and not buy?! Rigged market! Investigate! Boycott RobinHood

So why can't I buy stocks in these things again? Oh you bet against Ali on one of his biggest fights? Well sucks to be on the side that loses money don't it

This is all public information. It’s the hedge funds who don’t disclose their activities. *cough* market manipulation *cough*

These redditors mobilized and encouraged each other to just go with it. They started a movement- meme stocks and economics. The power of the internet is resounding. I can only imagine what can happen if they had better organization.

Watch them try to block the entire stock market

Well these guys have gotten a free ride on the tax payers dime every time they screw up. It’s time someone made their game sting a bit

These are all crition short postion lol

if you own $GME $AMC DO NOT SELL!!!!! We are going to the moon 🚀 🌚

Just send your money to $NikkiAvail so I can put it i to my stocks. 👀 I'll treat it right lol Bitcoin too 😆 These companies have been running over people long enough. Robinhood and Wall Street in general have always been sus. Lol

Buy the dip while it’s cheap!! People will transition over to new trading platforms like Fidelity investments, E-Trade, WeBull, and CashApp!! It’s only a matter of time before prices start rising! 🚀 wallstreebets $GME $AMC $NAKD $NOK

Surprise mtfks although I guess u guys had Robinhood shut down. Guess poor people like us always lose in the end. Go ahead keep controlling the market but you can’t stop reddit and the power of the people. 💪✌️

Greedy Hedgefund over leveraged 140% short stocks. (Which should be illegal) Got caught in the cookie jar now doing anything to cheat the average joe. Boycott RobinHood

Power to the people ✊🏾✨

i have crapped my own butt



Guess what WSJ, working with the fascist/marxists to destroy trading & wall street, Wall Street, Wall Street Journal,...everyone should dump the Journal

Crazy ahah

Americans are banding together to reclaim some of the wealth that Billionaires are sucking out of the down trodden economies cuz they get to get richer while Americans are waiting to get back to work. You can have it back after we pay our bills.

MVMD get in


LathaniaB getting to the root. It's like 'outsider trading' lol.

and robinhood blocked them all...such losers! Expect many to move their funds to somewhere else

Don’t forget $NAKD $ERBB and $NOK

Outlaw Shorting Stocks and Crypto!!!! United_States_Senate_Banking_Subcommittee_on_Economic_Policy


I know everyone is stoked that Reddit fan boys stuck it to the man. But I don’t see how this lasts. Now that everyone knows you can use Reddit to pump stocks, the channel will either be manipulated by savvy traders (called hedge funds) or filled with disinfo to become useless.


Wall Street has to find out one way or another the people are tired of their lives and manipulation. Let them burn. WallStreetBets

No, no, no... cannabis stonks are next son...

Retail traders: Gamestop should use some of their newfound fortune to dramatically increase employee wages - Sign the Petition! via Change


Learn to play the piano

The people are angry. This is vastly more civilized than, say, a coup. It is time for WallStreet to be reminded the people are in charge of the US government, not them, that we want criminals punished, starting with tax dodging treasonous terrorists. GameStoptheGOP

They really should go for $INO and $HTBX. I think these companies have been held back by big pharma.

wow I had some AMC from a while back but I'm selling all in for GME today. Thanks WSJ for cementing my decision!

The market is acting like what it did in 1929 except that it was manipulated by hedge funds and people like Kennedy at that time. This time it’s the other way around


Reddit will soon be shut down . Users will be censored and blocked. Just like what they did to parler or trump supporters on Twitter

Bed Bath & Beyond


Well, well, you ask for government intervention.

Hey at least they’re saying tips and strategies now!

All this is doing is proving that the stock market has nothing to do with the economy.

oh no, the poor people are investing, somebody stop them. .


Here’s a tip. Don’t take investment advice from random people on social media.

$opti 🔥🔥🔥🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🤑🤑🤑🦄🤑🦄🦄🤑🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄

You guys missed out on the $prpl gang and all the magic carpet/Aladdin memes.

Lol... get 💰 🤑 💸 💲 f$$k them Wallstreet bi$$hes in my avon voice... 🤣🤣🤣

Don’t have to pay rent, don’t have to work, don’t have to pay student loans, collecting an extra 3000/month unemployment - use that money and free time to fuck WS crooks 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

Buy! Hold! The options are due Friday. Don’t let the redirect scare you, this isn’t about money. It’s about principal. The gov, Wall Street, and the controlling elite understanding that their rentseeking Kroni-capitaliatic behavior is unsuitable 🚀🚀🚀

tickerstats $AMC $GME $BB $NOK

Doge rn👀


I made a 3D printed Wall Street Bets figurine

why is everyone in suits and white with blonde hair? Have you even been to reddit? Stop with the bullshit.

Eff the system.


$AMC all the way! Got in at 2.22. Holding till I retire.

Short sellers like CitronResearch thought nothing of publicly trashing nikolamotor and costing moms like me $24k in value. Cry me a River over wallstreetbets and GameStop , short sellers!

$KODK today is $GME on 12/1

WOW. Great article.... 'Reddit's fav. stocks' Maybe - the market figuring out wall street bets on the demise of the little guy and they are exposing these cock roaches.

SNDL in the am 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀next!!!!!! RETWEEETME HoldtheLine

ALL IN ON GME, NOTHING ELSE. R/wallstreetbets is back up!!! Keep r/wallstreetbetsnew as back-up but all being in one place is SO IMPORTANT. They can't stop us and they're TERRIFIED. Sorry for the spam, just trying to get the word out as efficiently as possible.

So now the biggest threat to efficency market hypothesis is social media

$NOK Here is a massive story for you. You are welcome. Proof shorts have been fomenting and hurting retail traders the last 20 years illegally. Spread the word. $GME $AMC GET THIS TO AOC, MUSK AND MARK CUBAN as well as Wall street bets. AOC

Let's go!!! StocksToBuy reddittraders wallstreetbets RedditShreddedWallStreet

This is Open Source Finance. Literally free information passed between the masses and double checked until the respected minds vote information in confidence into being agreed. This is why 2 million retail investors know more than a boardroom of hedge fund suits.

Don’t even argue with short-lovers... they think they’re smarter than everyone.

You can also add $NAKD

Oh no! The poors are playing the market like the rich have always done....




YES, IT IS JUST GAMESTOP! The main reason $GME is doin its funky lil thing is that Melvin Capital overshorted it by 140% — technically illegally. This puts them in a position where they’re bleeding money the higher $GME goes, to the point that they could go bankrupt. /



The WSJ working with the banks and hedge funds to try and sell WSB on other stonks...quite revealing as to where they pledge allegiance GME HOLD HoldTheLine WSB

When they go low, $gme and adherents gets high!


trevlan006 🚨 🚨 BREAKING NEWS: $GME has a 50:1 stock split!!! Now trades as $NOK

It’s glorious

This is awesome

good. maybe it'll FIX the economy instead of fucking it up. again. and again. and.... again. Christ, it's never ending isn't it?

It is just a small sample of the power of decentralization. Go back to 2009 and study Satoshi Nakamoto and his white paper. Go back and study primitive money. The time will come when the large world population will finally understand bitcoin

jacolineloewen 'David vs Goliath' or is it the revenge of the small investors against Wall Street short sellers ? stocks investing


Reminder: Wall Street Crooks funded the Bolshevik Communist Revolution and the extermination of over 50 million innocents throughout Europe.

aha360 Melvin Capital deserves what it got. They’re crooked and don’t deserve any sympathy.

Atari is next, don’t miss out.

$SIRI 🔥🔥🔥🔥🚀

I've heard of the stock market but I don't live in New York how does it work

It's called asymmetric information. And it's how Wall Street always makes money. If they try to regulate this, it's blatant class warfare.


Manipulated millennials

Dont forget NOK......

I think this is like that moment before a Tsunami when the tide goes WAY way out and you’re like, “C’mon let’s go chase the water!!”

yep . More to come

Jejejé the shit hit the fan

And $PBX.V pbsolutions_ca

I’m a dying company, give me your money dumb people.

Biden Presidency is A Free For All !! win all you can before the bad stuff had an effect!


Wow they fear the poor folk so much that now they are trying to pass some rules?! Wtf .. so its wrong to make rich ppl loose money but not the poor folks?! Wow i so wish BernieSanders was the president right now

this totally looks like professional trader banter...


Does the wsj really deserve to be called a journal? It’s more of a shit rag.

what is happening for AMC now ?. AMC Stonks !!!

I wonder if they are talking about UNI token now because it's on fire

Welcome to the New York Stock Exchange: where everything is made up and the points don't matter.

The article missed the biggest one: Return of the $MAC! All American Retail Apocalypse / Covid-19 surviving comeback story! And the squeeze is just getting started! ShortSqueeze wallstreetbets gammasqueeze $

Let’s goooooo Tootsie Roll!

You too can find your next squeeze! Just look for stocks that hedge funds have shorted the float. It's that easy.

Capitalism has failed the Main St. MMT & Quantitative Easing pushed the asset prices up, & almost all of the benefits flowed to the higher end of the income spectrum. Wealth gap has widened. Has even led to populist regimes. That's what wallstreetbets seems to be fighting.

Maybe Kevin Capital shouldn't spend so much on avocados, should brew their own coffee at home, and pull themselves up from their bootstraps.

$ELY Reddit WSB traders are loading up on stock and calls ahead of the Topgolf merger next month. Watch for the fireworks soon 🎆

Thank you for sharing. I think I'll buy more GME. You can't sway this hype into other mediocre stocks that won't hurt short-callers if the value increases. That would defeat the entire purpose of what's happening.

Ill bet $1 that if anyone is provided guidance and puts time in can be an investor. You can always start buying companies you know and like! MrZackMorris MrKennethPowers PJ_Matlock ripster47 Newagewallst


$FUBO hash high short interest and a low float. facts. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

Nobody listen to this garbage excuse of media. They are trying to distract you and make GME fail. I SAY NO! I've got 💎🖐️ and a hunger for tendies and will not let corporations and hedge fund companies manipulate the markets anymore. HOLD. HOLD. HOLD!

Hey. They do it with Bitcoin and Tesla. Why not target overly-shorted stocks and cause massive squeezes 🤷‍♂️

This may be just the beginning.


Funny how when the crony HedgeFunds gather and share stock information it perfectly fine. But if the average man does it it's to be considered a crime. The real crime is outlets like the running cover for the HedgeFund criminals

US national debt about to be paid off in GME calls

TheKdd Doesn’t seem that different from schemes hatched all the time on Wall Street. Millionaires trade tips, artificially game the system, and lie to and cheat investors, but Heaven Forbid the proles figure out how to beat them at their own game!

reddit for stocks is like Qnon for governing. No facts. Just totally misinformed mobs. How can anyone plan for retirement now

Good. EatTheRich

Smoke screen growing $BB into this. Grossly undervalued 21st century growth stock.

How dare you little people hatch strategies on Reddit instead of the golf course

Jesus loves you! Repent before it is too late!

WHY Many of these businesses are closing down across the country. Is someone trying to save them?

NEWS FLASH: WSJ paid off to misdirect retail investors off of GME

Are they gonna give us UBI payments until the pandemic and economy settle down? Or lower interest rates on credit cards and loans? Or are we going to keep hitting the only thing they care about?!

watch out for CVM.NYSE ... $13.95 to $40.90 TODAY !


For years Hedge funds and Wallstreet has been bullying the lil guys. Now they want more regulations when the lil guys punch back.🤭🤭🤣🤣🤣🤣

NIO helped me lose money instead of gaining so 🖕🏽 NIO 😂👨🏽‍💻💯 I rather go in on amcstock

Dont forget about $BBW

How is this any different than ANY business channel pointing out stocks to invest in? Like invest in GOLD or technology stocks going up!

Bad Times for short seller's. Next GameStop will be Nokia

Also because AMCTheatres' CEO is a desperate shill who's spewing sunny bullshit, and because even your readers know that historically, they can expect more profitable leadership from the left than from the right.

AMC is the one. They were poised to make a comeback anyways it's going to soar.

AMC Hell yes I’m in! Still affordable now. Wish me luck!

YNB This seems gross.


You checked out $CTRM?


Don’t forget $BB - blackberry is back to crackberry

Nok and NAKD 🌙

Bought a bunch of NOK and NAKD


forgetting $NOK

getting some real 'how do you do fellow kids' vibes from the mainstream media trying to figure out what the hell is going on today

Let's get some free stocks together.

How is this different from bitcoin?

NIO and Plug...were invested darlings way before Wallstreetbets

Pump and dump. So easy to be taken in.

$AMC & $NOK 🚀🚀


A war for the redistribution of wealth! 😎 Join Robinhood with my link and we'll both get a free stock 🤝

Institutional investors manipulate stocks and commodities every day, but when normal citizens do this it's strictly forbidden. The hypocricy. We’re going to the fucking moon🚀

NASA found these stocks

Dear Hedge Fund Managers, you can't run a circus then get upset when the elephant shits in your tent. Love, Reddit.

let the little guys make money, W/E BIG WS

Gotta get them tendies 🐓

Next target Gene Editor SGMO


This is hysterical. Reddit just flipped the financial world upside down. 🤡

hmu I can help out with your annoying assignments

NOKIA $NOK is the next one to 🚀 get in now. Up almost 100% today. Will go up way more.

Take $AMc to the 🌙

They also love GNUS

It's gonna be a great milestone for humanity to realize that mindlessly trying to make money and thus rewarding not performance but hype is a cancer in our society. Your speculation has improportionally huge impact on the lives of other's, and, as it is now, for the worst.

$AMC to the moon 🚀🚀🚀

Who wins the Jordan Belfort Trophy for this?

$XSPA airport covid testing stock is next to go 🚀 on Reddit

I hope reddit bankrupts every hedge fund.

Lol, the Ponzi Pyramid Stock Game of the rich and greedy has been manipulated by the regular everyday struggled just as Tik-Tok invaded Trump's Oklahoma rally event.....this should prove that the STOCK MARKET ISN'T THE ECONOMY OF EVERYDAY CITIZENS. Americans wake up!

So invest in all the failing companies

HODLing here! Good luck Melvin

Short selling should be outlawed. It’s a pure gambling bet.


You better sell Immediately it’s fraudulent and you’re going lose all your money.. sell all your Shares game stop

Nokia (NOK)


Ain’t no fun when the rabbit got the gun.

Nothing new. Just young white males doing older white male stuff. SSDD.


What's happening with GameStop is like the regular folks dragging out the hedge fund managers and beating them in the street and tbh I'm living for it 😂

Unathi_Kwaza I am so LOVING this. I hope you guys crush those fucking vultures.

Another example of how the stock market has nothing to do with what we pretend it does. The market “looks” great b/c guys are gaming the system. (Pun intended.)


Hertz was one of my favorite. They filed for bankruptcy and still this people made it come back.

Anyone got Reddit links for this?


Wall Street is pissed because the wrong people are making money.

I think I've already seen this episode of Black Mirror

This is just online betting. Some may win, but I suspect there will be many, many losers.

Saw yesterday that the market was definitely been played. AWESOME 💪💪💪💪💪

Oh no, the wrong people are manipulating the market.

This is a great time to take down hedge funds who have manipulated markets for decades and transitioned wealth from regular people so they can be rich.


No, this is because of illegal naked short selling by the hedge funds. FFS they have 'hedge' in their name.

👏 take back the billions wall st steals and the SEC_News turns and eye getting paid back door to not stop illegal short selling.

S3Partners Bulshit, it's because hedge funds have to cover shorts cause of gme and they buying everything what they were shorting because of margin calls

Cry more, boomers.

the crazy thing is, go on r/wallstreetbets and you'll see some incredibly BIG retail traders with supposed account sized in the $10M+ range. $10M + leverage x community_size = hedge fund killer


We the institutions now boi

We ride at dawn, brothers 💎 🙌

Does this prove that business models and markets don’t matter? All money is based on market manipulation and perception?

so they're democratizing what hedgefund managers have been doing?

The irony from the hedge funds crying about pump and dumping!

adamconover What did you and your clones do this time?

It’s a mass pump and dump.

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