Billionaires are spending more on political contributions, here are the three biggest spenders

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

While billionaires accounted for less than 1% of total federal campaign contributions in 2010, they accounted for nearly 10% of total contributions in the 2016 and 2018 elections cycles, the report said.

The report said the increase is due largely to the Supreme Court decision in 2010 on the Citizens United case, which enabled companies and outside groups to spend unlimited amounts on elections.

While the report suggests that billionaires have used their money to bend government policy in their favor, giving by billionaires is spread fairly evenly between Republicans and Democrats. In 2018, giving by billionaires to Democrats totaled $314 million, while giving by billionaires to Republicans was $278 million. In the 2016 election cycle, billionaire giving to Republicans reached $371 million, while giving to Democrats totaled $309 million.


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Well that shouldn’t influence our government one bit.

All the contributions funneled to people the RNC or DNC choose to back. We’re going to war with one another potentially because of who a person is affiliated with and the fact of someone wants to run they have to follow the boiler plate ideals from either of these parties.

It’s funny to think a majority of Americans still think we’re a democracy when we are clearly a corporatocracy. Imagine how naive and stupid you have to be to believe billionaires expect nothing from our “representatives” after giving them $611 million.

One area where capitalism should be reviewed is👆. If not checked on time, will lead to the complete rupture of the democratic values of free & progressive societies!!! And radical left is always waiting for this. We should never let their wishes come true.

, thanks for the article. No one gives away money. Follow the money and please remeber most “common “ readers don’t understand how the money of the wealthy comes back to them..eventually.

2 of them gave to themselves

But for us the working class he is getting it done! No more body bags outsourcing to Asia want to talk principles start with WMDs the lies the body bags

What a tax break will do! ProjectLincoln

They should be paying TAXES instead of influencing politics. They’re contributing so their taxes don’t rise 🤢 and to keep serfdom quiet. Gotta love pure capitalism 🤮

Now do from corporations

Also we have more billionaires now

democracynow RUWithSonali davidpakmanshow CNN MSNBC washingtonpost theintercept ABC NBCNews CBSNews RickSmithShow pdacosta Filthy rich scum bags will be filthy rich scum bags whenever it is financially advantageous... no matter how treasonous is may be. EatTheRich

Cool. Who do we fire from the ad agencies that never let us rest from the next campaign ad that makes us want to not vote for either candidate?

Yes, our vote counts... am I right?

What a waste of money...

“this is what democracy looks like”🙄

Trying to take down Trump, they will lose again in 2020

NBC + CNBC has posted so much of the popular symbols for bigotry on Facebook over the Pandemic. Will definitely be making sure Brian Roberts hears about this

Weird that you would choose a photo of him. More & More CNBC is starting look like a tool for Autocrats who are ACTIVELY waging war on our democracy. Every day you promote Facebook's bullshit PR moves despite what we've all seen since 2016. Disgraceful


What could go wrong? Don’t know if you noticed that the rich have gotten richer while our politicians have forced the hard working folk to shut down. Small business is about to be the thing of the past.

Why'd you change the original picture with this article?

Thanks Citizens United

They want to buy that seat!

This guy’s a Shanda to the goyim, as my wife’s bubba used to say

Oy vey

Ha, you changed pics but still put the Jew in there

What happened to the first pic you had with this article? I see you and your dog whistle to anti-semites and movements in this country.

I miss your original image... simultaneously accusing Jews of dual loyalties, undue political influence, and controlling money. Who runs your Twitter? Goebbels? JTwitter CNBC ICYMI

Hey, what happened to your original photo?

OldBookClub Why is that man's nose so big?

Evident that who wish to stay in power have contributed much or seeking favor from government

Bloomberg spent a billion to lose a primary

Where is the explanation and apology for the original pic?

Political contributions from billionaires soared from $32 million in 2010 to $611 million in 2018, according to a tumblr post.

Nice original image... nothing like equating Judaism with monetary influence, questionable loyalty, and undue political influence. Speer would have been proud.

Just pretend like you didn’t originally post this picture

Willing to pay millions to keep their power.

So you’ve changed the anti Semitic pic I see

why did you make two tweets?

Not to mention the giant pile of cash Bloomberg lit on fire this year

We gonna just pretend this didnt happen? Ok CNBC

Bad tax laws are responsible for that. Oh tax laws bought and paid for by themselves

Make a statement about this, you absolute worms.

After that massive tax cut from trump, I can only imagine who they’re contributing to.

coastalmom11 YEP! ALL those Tax-breaks/loop-holes 4 BILLIONAIRES, bring GREAT 'benefits'! Now, think about this.....even if Trump looses, just think how much money, he'll amass!

Look, a billionaire:

It appears CNBC has quietly changed the photo associated with the story. I hope someone has a screen shot of the original.

Who are the billionaires funding?

Democrats have a love-hate relationship with billionaires. They want their money but they also want to cut their heads off, french-revolution style.

Thanks citizens united

The number of billionaires soared as well.

Overturn citizens united!

They changed the photo...


for those that don't get the outrage under this tweet:

it is very easy to not do what you did

NBCNews : We gotta work on keeping the Jews down.


This photo! Great choice - so fucking funny. This is us. Yikes!

Why is NBC/CNBC so anti-semitic?

This is antisemitic as all hell. WTF, CNBC?

Why can't NBC be more subtle like NYT?

Are you trying to woo the nazi demographic?

change this. this sucks.

Your anti Semitism is showing

This is Anti Semitic

Based on the photo choice, can’t tell if this is a tweet from or Der Sturmer. Obscene.

The implication of this picture is disgusting.

Well it's clear who the editor/photo editor at CNBC thinks this is about... WTF

Think of the good things they could be doing with that money. Billionaires clearly can’t be trusted and shouldn’t exist.

Did that photo come free with a copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion?

At least try to be a little more subtle next time with the photo choice 🤦🏻‍♂️

Well this is anti-Semitic.

Seriously who chose the menorah image...are you asking to be fired?

You could have reported on this without that picture.

Billionaires have given more to Democrats than Republicans but, of course, the photo buries that lead and is, at best, marginally anti-semitic. Do better.

CNBC going full Farrakhan.

WTF is with this photo?!

Holy shit

What the actual heck is wrong with you guys. Do you really not see the problem with this Tweet?

ya this is anti-semitic...

Jfc I can’t believe I’m gonna defend Sheldon Adelson but WTF

isn't anti-semitism cute and fashionable. everyone's doing it!


Claire_Voltaire not sure you’ve seen this Antisemitic fuckery...

NBC to Goebbels, 'hold my beer'

It’s a fantastic investment.

We can discuss things like Citizens United without the dogwhisles.

EXTREMELY racist photo. CNBC knew what they were doing.

What the fuck is wrong with you, pairing this headline with this photo is antisemitic af

Why in the hell did you choose this exact image for this exact headline, ?

Did you really need to use a pic with a menorah front and center?


really fuck you for this picture choice

Whichever dumbfuck Antisemitic intern decided to post this, should be fired...

just your mainstream Nazi propaganda

This is anti Semitic as hell

Loving the not so subtle anti Semitism lads...

there is no shortage of photos of Sheldon Adelson looking like he crawled out of hell, did you have to pick this one


fuck off with this choice of picture


Everyone should research the citizens untied case. The Dems wanted to get money out of politics and the republicons blocked it.

2020: Blame the Jews? You could have found a different pic of the Adelsons as well as included other donors

wtf choice of photo is this 'CNBC- we would like to announce that billionaires do indeed have nearly all the political and economic power but realizing that it may result in class consciousness, we have chosen this image with the hopes that people will keep blaming jews'

Trump is the billionaire buddy. They love how he just takes from the people with no republicans standing in the way of swindling trillions. It's time that these people give a huge chunk of wealth back to the people.

AndrewYang had a solution that would help give everyone a voice; not just billionaires and corporations. It’s worth a look. Yang is worth your time, every time.

Sheldon, AIPAC guy, supported US fighting a proxy war in Iraq for Israel, supported moving US Embassy, again and again, allowing US money and blood to support Israel. Who now will take all of the west bank of the Jordan River and pull the US into a bigger mess. Estate Tax, yepper

Nice to know Sheldon got more billions out of the US taxpayer for his favorite certainly isn't the USA...

The whole lobbying thing is just a bad idea which only favors high donors to get away with activities. How well can we relate this to stories involving the truth of its problems, somewhere written, but I've seen many articles already

Welcome to corporate socialism.

Thanks to the tax cut! drainthetrump

2010: Citizens United 2020: Blame the Jews We see you

So we see right through you Communistcast. Write a headline show a picture of Trump for fake news insinuation The rich white left wing racists, one who runs your company are donating to Biden realDonaldTrump

Just think. People are homeless and children are starving. While billionaires foster their own self-interest.


anti semite national broadcasting company.

Hmm, wonder why...buying politicians to get what they want, usually at the expense of the people who voted them in...where is the voter representation Why is this ok, who is going to put an end to it

Tax break kickbacks. Nice. Lobbying and conteibutions...just give it a name

Disgusting. This is because government is too powerful. The rich need to cuddle up to have power. And make no mistake, BOTH parties do this. Reduce spending and regulations and you will see the rich start caring about their own lives instead of the government’s business.

“.. the report suggests that billionaires have used their money to bend government policy in their favor, giving by billionaires is spread fairly evenly between Republicans and Democrats.” The money keeps both parties obedient to billionaires instead of working people.

Well 2018 wasn’t a very good year for them. They got stomped by the Dems. They would be smart to spend their money elsewhere...

The rich got much richer, and the Citizens United decision. This is the logical outcome: Billionaires own our political system.

the crimes of the left continue as CNBC continues to promote the crime

* * Google or lookup R NAUGHT IF Ya happen 2 be worried about COVID19 It's 10 FOR COVID19

was this image meant to drive anti-semitism?

Oligarchy has arrived .

This headline and photo strikes me as subtly anti-semitic

All going to QuidProJoe

Campaign finance reform please.

* * Any American Company doing business w/Russia.. Is A Traitor. DeptofDefense

the more you notice

American Democracy is dead. We are an oligarchy.

And things got so much worse for the middle class! What a coincidence!

The Menorah is in the picture ... why? 🤔

Don't forget about these dudes:

Antiques are rare things, sometimes the price increases unexpected. Its price does not matter, who owns it.

Imagine being so rich that a couple mil is pocket change?

Must be worried when this trump folks exit the White House. Yep, payback will be more that an itch!

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