Billie Eilish Slams Internet for Caring About Depp-Heard Trial Over Abortion Rights: ‘Who Gives a F—?’

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Billie Eilish world premiered a new song titled “TV” at a Manchester concert earlier this month, and it included the following lyric: “The internet’s gone wild watching movie star…

world premiered a new song titled “TV” at a Manchester concert earlier this month, and it included the following lyric: “The internet’s gone wild watching movie stars on trial / While they’re overturning Roe v. Wade.”

It didn’t take much investigating to know the Grammy winner was referencing the defamation trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. The trial was a media sensation for weeks on the internet, so much so that people seemed to care more about the celebrity drama than the Supreme Court’s impending overturning of Roe v. Wade. At least that’s how Eilish viewed it.

“I was in this state of depression, losing my own rights to my own body, and then I’d go on the internet and it would be people giving their take on this trial,” Eilish recently told. “Who fucking gives a fuck? Women are losing rights for their bodies, so why are we talking about celebrities’ divorce trials? Who gives a shit? Let them figure it out on their own. The internet bothers the shit out of me sometimes.

Roe v. Wade. The ruling effectively ends federal protections of abortion rights and leaves the question of abortion rights to the states, several of which are expected to ban abortions. The writing had been on the wall since a draft majority opinion singling the Supreme Court’s ruling leaked to Politico in May, which happened to be in the middle of the Depp-Heard defamation trial. Despite the leak, Eilish saw the internet more focused on Depp and Heard.

The Eilish song “TV,” which was not featured on her most recent album “Happier Than Ever,” included a dig at the internet’s obsession with the trial, and the singer did not want to wait for her fans to hear it. “I just wanted to go back to my roots: to put a little guitar song back out, and feel like how I used to,” she said. “I was just missing that feeling and missed doing a song that no-one had heard yet.”: “If I think too much about it I’ll freak myself out.


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This doesn’t just happen to celebrities, this happens to victims all the time by their abusers. The outcome of Depp/Heard is important and it affects how the rest of the world deals with SA/DV.

this may be clickbait and I won't click in to see if this is actually what was said so, perhaps it has misrepresented them. But if not then they are naive AF to not see this as part and parcel of the same issue.

You know what's even more slam worthy? Another celebrity telling me to disregard a domestic assault trial just because there is another issue that they think is more important. We can care about two things at once and I'm seeing plenty of people talk about roe on the internet.

Translation: “Pay attention to me and my opinions about things.” I could say the same thing about Billie “being in a state of depression.” Who gives a f-

so just f mens rights and what they go through, as long as womens rights get all the attention. Ok got it.

I get what she means, but it wasn’t a divorce trial. It was a trial concerning domestic violence, which I consider to be a very important issue, celebrity or not. We can care about multiple things at the same time.

I agree to a certain extent that there are far more important things going on that should be of major concern (& its been 2 weeks since the verdict)like the fact US Democracy is hanging by a literal thread & Republicans want to turn us into Gilead. But we can chew gum & walk.

I might be wrong but someone assaulting me is kinda taking away my right to choose what happens to my body, 🤷

Kinda selfish Ngl

billieeilish thank you for caring and speaking out about something that is important to you! You have the right too. People slamming you, ignore them. You have a voice and you can show your passions. It is important to show your passion. Thank you!

Wasn't she the spoilt brat that rose to fame for being 'emo'? Kids, this is why you stay in school.


let 's see how she will speak if she is subjected to violence .

A whataboutism… original. I am going to care more about famines and children dying ok?

We can care about 2 things at once guys

naive and about if her brother, father or significant other were being falsely accused? No amount of attention to this trial would have changed the outcome of that decision so she's just an uneducated elitist who thinks she can scold people

Well its America. Its called Freedom.

Variety you are garbage


Johnny Depp is innocent and abortions are a totally ok thing. And that’s that.

She obviously doesn’t even know what she’s talking about. She called it a “divorce trial”. Also it’s been going on for a long time. What.. we can only talk about the one thing that SHE cares about? Whatever. You sound stupid Billie. Educate yourself.

I wonder what would she say if it was her brother married to Turd… billieeilish maybe would view it differently?! We are all horrified about the Supreme Circus, sorry Court decision, by the way…

Dear Billie, 1. The ENTIRE fucking internet is not American. 🙄 2. Of the portion of the Internet that IS American, I’m certain at least a few of them are capable of caring about more than one thing at a time. 3. Domestic Abuse IS an important issue.

She didn’t “slam” anything💀

If it was roles were reversed. she would’ve say the same? Or she is biased

Oh whatever, Billie is just another high end elite celebrity. She's just like all the rest now. I somehow thought she would be different

I like B.E. but this statement is definitely pure ignorance. More needs to be said & done about D.V.against men,you shouldn't make a call on something you know nothing about.I watched my father suffer cause he would never hurt my mom.She knew that. ISWJD

I wonder if she would say the same thing if it was her brother or a female.

Abortion rights is a hugely important issue but I also think it's wrong to trivialise what the Depp-Heard trial was actually about.

You mean - ‘who gives a fuck if some little girl doesn’t have the mental capacity to care about more than one thing at a time?’

The Supreme Court did not abolish abortion, it just gave the decision to the states to decide on the issue.

Grow up and be informed.

Funny thing is, none of her fans will ever read this cause they're 12. So teach your young fans that abortion is an important issue but a man who suffered for 6 yrs with 2 children thinking their dad was a rapist, yeah no big deal to be a victim of DV for years. Great role model

How rude and juvenile, no consideration for the bigger picture around male victims of abuse, equity, not equality.

It’s time to understanding that it’s war against the womb of god so it’s time to use religious rights to have woman’s right to have choices over her body Because that’s woman’s rights to control her reproductive rights choices are women not a government

i love billie with my whole heart but this pissed me off

Who the hell is Billie Eilish? Does anybody give a f__k?

One issue doesn't devalue the other; I would hope Americans are capable of considering both (and more) issues at the same time.

Because last we heard we have a right to speak. We the people dictate what is important to us. Justice . You can be pro-abortuon but we don't all have to be.

We care because it's just as important.

This wasn't about the divorce they are already been divorced. It's a case of domestic violence and making wrongful accusations against the victim. The victim happened to be a celebrity but he is also a human being having the right to clear his name and tell his story.

She already sounds like she is up her own arse, but now she has a few quid she thinks she has The Most Important opinion. Not everybody gives a fck about you either luvvie 🤪🙄

Dear Billie, while I like your music & you… we can care about multiple things at one or different times. I cared about JD winning the case, I care about the SC’s biased decisions on giving guns more rights over women, all while not being distracted away from the J6 hearings!

Clearly a lot of people gave a fuck about MenToo

But what about the panda bears 😔

' Don't care about other celebrity's causes, care about mine!' As if we were just meat with eyes and incapable of walking and chewing gum at the same time.

Who cares what she says, I have no idea who that woman is! Why can’t you care about the 2?! What’s wrong with caring about 2 things?! They are both different in their own right! billieeilish

Because a woman was raped and abused and silenced. It’s very much intertwined.

For someone who struggles being seen as a person and not just a celebrity I find her comment completely hypocritical

Estás 'celebridades' de hoy están cada vez peor 🤦🏻‍♀️

Who is Billie Eilish?

A celeb dictating what people should care about while shaming thousands of abuse victims for caring about a trial that addressed their issues. Yeah, that's exactly what we need right now.

Celebrity tells you not to pay attention to celebrities

Nobody asked your opinion, Billie.

She would let be saying this if Johnny was female and Amber was the male who lost the case.

sick how you totally twisted her words becouse this is absolutely not what her message is about

People can be pissed about more than one thing, Billie. It’s not entirely impossible.

JD was driven into depression as quickly as your hip injury thrust you into yours! The false abuse claims by his x isolated him from supporters. He had been an entertainer longer than you’ve been alive & was losing work and his voice. He needed ppl just as you did, the trial 1

Maybe we should all be following what she says and not watching her at Glastonbury then. After all, what’s important about that?

Billie has now proved herself to be clearly naive. Really disappointing to hear this. She thinks it's a divorce trial, but she's wrong. Why has nobody corrected her and why was it allowed to be printed knowing it was factually wrong ? Domestic violence is a very important issue

It’s time to understanding that it’s war against the womb of god so it’s time to use religious rights to have woman’s right to have choices over her body Because that’s woman’s rights to control her reproductive rights choices are women not a government

I don’t think she’s been paying attention. The mature people concerned about abortion rights are on Twitter, not on Tik Tok.

twisting her words omg

Just stick to your sh1tty songs Bill. Let other people cared whatever mattered most to them.

We can care about both billieeilish! I hope that this verdict will stop anyone to LIE about being a DV or RAPE victim! Those fake accusations DESTROYS LIVES! AmberTurd got what she deserves and as a REAL DV victim... I CARE A LOT! AbuseHasNoGender JOHNNYDEPPWINS

Billie Ellish should know that intelligent ppl are capable of carrying a conversation related to multiple injustices we face in our lives. Abortion, domestic violence, gun control, war, covid, 6J , so MANY more.I guess she thinks that bc her brain can’t handle it,nobody else can.

Oh look another case of misandry. But we won’t call that out, right?

The Depp/Heard trial is Feckin Important to all victims of Domestic Violence and Rape! billieeilish were also no so stupid that we can't be outraged by Both!!!

I think celebrities need to learn that they dont need to comment about everything just because they are celebrities! They need to learn to talk about things that they have actually some knowledge about it, like singing after all that’s what she’s famous for!

Wow, didn't know people could only care about one thing at a time! Thanks *checks notes* celebrity!

Also billieeilish why are you even mentioning it oh wait if you mention the trial the msm jump on making an article therefore giving you money and a platform to stay relevant...

billieeilish no darling nobody is caring more that's why everyone is posting about it so stop trying to name drop and make yourself relevant

And how can people possibly talk about Roe V Wade when there are people starving and dying in Yemen?! Identical logic.

But can Billie Eilish define what a woman is? Is she making a stand for the other rights being taken away from women including the words that define us. The JD case highlighted the important and overlooked issue, that men suffer from IPV too!

Who cares what she thinks? Who the fk is Bille Eilish?

Why is Billie Eilish assuming all internet users are American?

You can care about more than 1 thing at once. Domestic violence is a real issue, especially against men.

Think Billie just shot herself in the mouth . Grow up .

Just because she is incapable of caring about more than one thing at a time doesn't mean the rest of the world is.

Well you wouldn’t see tweets on Johnny Depp & Amber Heard from the twitter AI if you haven’t yourself been searching on it. So May be she needs to change how she allocates her time on social media herself vs telling other people … well anything

I don’t think she realises that the JD case impacts people on the internet world wide where the crazy law over abortion is a US problem

Im guessing she doesn’t realise you can care about more things than just one at a time?

But Billie, are you joke? Can you just see or figuring out what about the Depp shears case? Because it is about 'A HUMAN LIFE', who was destroyed by lies, harassment, hoax, actual malice, from a toxic woman. Ad we are millions in this situation around the world, so yes we care.

Very true

People can care about more than one thing at a time, like there’s also a war happening in Ukraine where thousands have died. This trial was important as it highlighted that males are abused too & how false accusations can destroy lives.

Whoever she is, didn’t she say it was a divorce case not an abuser lying & defaming the person she abused. Maybe she doesn’t think abuse is an important matter but that’s on her & ye

I give a f**k. To be falsely accused of rape & violence & that accuser tearing down someone’s entire world, career and reputation b/c of these false accusations, is horrifying. Moreso when the accuser turns out to be the actual abuser physically and mentally. Stand in his shoes.

Talk to metoo metoo aclu and ask them why they misused their resources.

What Billie either doesn't understand or likely doesn't care about, is that what happened to Johnny kills a lot of men.

She stinks, I can tell just by looking at her...stinks 🤮

Billie, in case you missed the point: Depp/Heard case goes against the toxic narrative, that only women are victims. So toxic, that it takes away due process from men. This narrative and denying abortion supports the legend, that women are nurturing, helpless creatures. Wake up!

Well, nobody asked Billy's opinions, but... Humans are able to be angry at both situations at the same time! We're not amoebas as you might think!

Newsflash: you can care and advocate about different things at the same time!

Great. Another celebrity who knows it all.

billieeilish Because she wrecked his life for 6 years His kids were wrecked by this They had 6 years of people believing their dad was a rapist What if that was your dad/son Would you want people to NOT find that LIE important? AbuseHasNoGender AmberHeardCommittedPerjury

Why are you trying to protect abusers?

So we can't speak up for justice now. Both topics are highly important in society if she is so passionate how about make a song about abortion

Your tweet was quoted in an article by Sportskeeda

Billie Eilish doesn’t care about domestic abuse victims confirmed.

So…it’s always got to be about women’s rights? What about the MAJOR win for men who suffer domestic abuse at the hands of a woman? Can promise you Billie would change her tune had it been a woman winning 🫠

Does billieeilish not realise how many men kill themselves as victims of DV and how many lives it affects!! Shameful comments really given the magnitude of both issues!!

Sick of people trashing others for caring about mens rights. Its ok if they dont care for it, but there is no need to trash others just becouse it is something they dont care about. Mens rights are also important, and we have a long way to go before seing any equality.

That doesn't mean that they don't care about abortion rights, people are capable of caring about more than one important subject at a time.

A woman lied about DV for 6years, was believed for 6 years, destroyed a man's life for 6 years only for us to discover, thanks to a televised trial and access to audio recordings, that she lied... she destroyed a man's life and she lied. So yes people SHOULD care. However

Who gives a bleep of what billieeilish says.

With respect.... people should care about DV and SA, people should care about false allegations about DV and SA. People should care about MALE DV survivors (and male SA survivors, but this case, thankfully wasn't about male SA). It's not about celebrities it's about how

billieeilish it’s not incapable of caring for multiple things. People can care for abortion rights, domestic violence and the weight of being a liar. Be careful with what you project onto others when preferring your point of view.

What has she done for abortion rights? Criticized social media. Is that all she’s got because if so she can shut the fuck about what people should be doing or should be interested in.

Sorry but not sorry to say this but Billie statement is borderline ignorant and Lacks empathy on every level. A man's life was destroyed for over 6 years by a narcissistic lunatic and you say this. If JD was your brother/cousin, would you've said this shit? I don't think so. SAD

How disappointing billieeilish. I think JD was also in a state of depression, when false allegations were brought against him. So you were upset that ppl were giving their take on the trial? Who gives a fuck?! Ppl are allowed to care about a different number of things billie 🙄

Billie eyelash when people don’t give a fuck about Joe Biden

An irrelevant child states an opinion and knows nothing about the underlying issues.

What can internet do even if theu cared abortion rights?

I give a f— about male domestic abuse victims. They can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel because of this case. What I don’t give f— about is Billie Eilish’s ignorant opinion

Disappointing from billieeilish seems she doesn’t know the trial was about domestic violence. Doesn’t she have a song “power” about same type of issues. We should be interested In her thoughts but not Johnnys experience being a victim Isn’t she a celeb too? Strange!

Billie sweetie I do care about the women's right about the abortion issue But DV victims all over the world is wanting to see that Justice is done Johnny Depp has been suffering for years now it's time that the truth was told and the real abuser is punished I am a DV Survivor

I am a fake ID card manufacturer, provide you with the highest quality fake ID cards, contact me if you need attention

Why should I give a fuck about your abortion rights? What happened to Depp was infinitely worse.

Wasn't the whole Depp vs heard thing BEFORE the overruling tho? And isn't the trial over? Like I haven't heard anything online from Depp vs heard at all today it's all been about the overturning I don't know what she's talking about

People can care about more than one thing at a time.

They were both bad decisions

Amber Heard is an ABUSER, Johnny Depp is the VICTIM JusticeForJohnnyDepp

Variety STILL stirring shit to negate the verdict and protect abuser Heard. Shameful, but not surprising, that you are dragging BE into your own campaign against Depp. LAME.

I think it's better to focus with ur opinion about what u want to say without blaming others. Peoples have right to stand what they want. The childish character of hers when commenting about something by blaming others is what she should fix.

This is what happens when you don't codify Roe Vs Wade when you have the absolute majority like Obama, Biden, Pelosi did in 2008 or even now and just keep it around for political leverage. You burn a lot of people because of your political shenanigans. iamjohnoliver billmaher

Billie isn’t too bright. This was an important case. A man was blackmailed and abused for years while 5 freeloaders took everything they could get. He lost everything he worked for over 30+ years. So, to billieeilish , shut-up & do you!

Billie who

One person not giving a f**k does not mean millions of survivors should do the same. We five a f**k. Get educated before you judge AbuseHasNoGender MenToo JohnnyDeppWon

Billie, Billie, Billie. . .This is a battle over Truth & the Media. The same FakeNews Machine that printed Amber’s tawdry tales “Johnny Depp is Wife Beater” to sell newspapers. Is the same FakeNews Machine that got Trump elected to stack the Court to overturn Roe billieeilish

Has she ever heard of multi-tasking. Geez.

Depp was clearing his name from a malicious accusation of extreme sexual violence. Usually the torturous choice of violent sexual sadists to humiliate their victim. You can not compare these two issues nor ignore the plight of men falsely accused. FalseAllegationsAreAbuse

she in on drugs

Let's just hope she is not a fan of Elliott Smith, because if so she's going to have to eat those words.


incels are making memes about depp v heard. tiktoks are turning this trial into entertainment. yeah maybe billie didnt get the details of this trial but people should really start thinking bout the roe v wade overturning


People always wants to tell others stop talking about this or that giving it a time limit. You break up~ get over it. Allow people to speak their is no tie limit


I like her for the first time in like forever wtf

I hope some day she is not standing alone looking around and seeing that maybe she needed people to give a fuck When can 1 woman get justice against a rich/powerful/famous man if it’s her word & evidence v his show? Megan thee Stallion? Chris Brown claims mutual abuse v Rhianna

Woah her manager in shambles rn

Keep washing heard... Keep on

That's okay, because nobody over the age of 16 gives a f**k about Billie Eilish and what she thinks. She is an uneducated child that needs to stick to what she's good at, music.

Ok, Her big msg is wmn losing rights to their own bodies..Respectfully, it’s only a fraction. We Still have Full Rights to our bodies. BC’s, condoms, abstinence,etc there are ways we have rights to our bodies. How about it’s losing the right to frivolously fuck around wo 1/2

billieeilish don’t tell people what to care about, you entitled piece of 💩! We can care about more than one thing at a time, sweetheart! No one cares about your opinion JohnnyDeppWon

Yea sorry I don't really care for celebrities telling me what to do

I'm so disappointed with you billieeilish why blame these people not supporting what you're fighting for, If you want abortion kill babies then fight for through hell as you were saying its your right.

It’s being dismissed by the msm as irrelevant when actually it was an important trial to balance the metoo movement that could just destroy men with a social media post and everyone thought that was ok.Abortion rights? You mean killing babies right? Killing a baby is not a right

So according to Billie’s logic, we shouldn’t care about DV. Does that also mean we shouldn’t care about her or others mental health issues that SHE talks about?

DV/SA Survivors care, BillieEilish. Law enforcement when they come to DV Survivors home until it is the last time. Legal system that supports ABUSERS like AmberHeard & now your peers decided in JohhnyDepp ‘s favour. Medical doctors & nurses care. I care!

Everyone who stands for truth gives a fuck, that’s who. It is indeed possible to care for 2 or more things at once. She needs to educate herself. 🙄

Nobody cares what Billie has to say…move along

'Who gives a fuck' are the people who suffered emotional and physical abuse. billieeilish AbuseHasNoGender Depp's celebrity doesn't negate the abuse he endured. People are able to focus on multiple issues at one time, doesn't make one any less important than the other.

People do what they want... So billie eillish shut up🤐

And.... So what have YOU been focusing on Billie?

The Depp trial helped publicize that there are men who are abused by women. Media should be doing stories on domestic violence situations where men are the ones abused, to help 'normalize' this topic and help more men seek help. I'm upset over Roe vs Wade too!

I see her point but she lost credibility when she referenced it as a divorce trial therefor she wouldn’t know the importance of it or lack there of

Why do celebrities think people actually care what they say , they are becoming more and more irrelevant

Bloody stupid celeberity!



Billie has zero talent.

Should we have reacted the same to her story about her porn watching years as a child just because she is a celebrity?! Please shut up billieeilish

I bet Johnny Depp, whose life was ruined for 6 years gives a fuck

This isn’t news

I thought you had more common sense Billie Eilish. Families are ripped apart from DV, but go on and blame victims…

Her future ex husband will care when she’s using Heard techniques in a few years to steal his kids.

Little girl…. So naive

I give a fuck

Women, DV, IPV, GBV, SA and CSA victims and survivors who saw a woman have her right to speak about her experiences be taken away and the whole world gleefully joined in the humiliation and dehumanization of her. Get your head out of your ass and educate yourself ffs.

before everyone slams her please read the article. it has been completely taken out of context

billieeilish maybe the women,men, nonbinary humans, young adults, teens, childrens, infants who get abused do give a F—- about abuse. Just because your privilege ss doesn’t give a F—- about abuse victims, doesn’t mean that others don’t. Go back to ur HollyFake privilege life 🙄

She realises people can talk about both right

Did she knows the trial is not about divorce? Did she knows is about an precedent for abusers sued their victims? I think victims cares a lot about and thats why some victims started to take down their voices about their abusers

I could care less about the trial that was and could also care less about celebs in general including this one. I'm tired of being preached at by multimillionaires giving me their opinion on whatever the flavour of the day is.

What right has she got to tell people what they can and can’t talk about. Both are highly emotive issues and will always be discussed. There is no comparison here so why did she make it. Ridiculous.

She on the wrong internet

Ah yes cause dv is totally not important at all

ummm ok I understand the sentiment, but I’m so sick of people — especially celebrities holy shit? — accusing others of not being able to care about multiple things at once

The Depp trial mattered when it was happening but it's been over 2 weeks since the win and it's still trending I understand the day after the win trending but why are people still talking about it?

a celebrity telling people not to give a shit about other celebrities.

youre entitled to watch and learn about anything you like. complaining about what the masses do is senseless.

You can follow two things at the same time.

She also begs the internet to buy her shit music. You can’t have both ways.

Hun, she basically talking about YOU !!! And good on her.

IPV victims do.

Billie basada

Did not care at all about some celebrities trial. That's their own business. This court is messing with everyone's business.

Yes that is because the woman LOST ...And now it is official that she DEFAMED JOHNNY DEPP WITH MALICE... if Amber Heard had won then if it would be important because it would be a step forward for the female sex... everything is according to the sex you have 🤡💅

She’s not wrong.

Finally some celeb is saying it out loud, little too old but God am I happy to finally read that quote from a true celeb...people care about a trainwreck couple more than abortion rights or any politics for that matter

Billie Please….we don’t need division today! Sit down 🪑

She Is correct

She's right cause they both seem toxic but Amber is worse. This was entertainment at best and I enjoyed it.

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