Bill Gates says he'll fly a lot less and eat more synthetic meat to fight climate change

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Bill Gates said Friday in an Ask Me Anything session on Reddit that he aims to cut his carbon consumption by flying less and eating synthetic meat more often.

co-founder what people can do to reduce their carbon emissions. Among other things, he recommended that people consume less."On the personal front, I am doing a lot more," Gates wrote. "I am driving electric cars. I have solar panels at my house. I eat synthetic meat . I buy green aviation fuel. I pay for direct air capture by Climeworks. I help finance electric heat pumps in low cost housing to replace natural gas.

In November Gates made headlines after he predicted that more than half of all business travel would go away after the coronavirus pandemic. On Friday he showed how that might manifest itself in his own schedule. "I plan to fly a lot less now that the pandemic has shown we can get by with less trips," he wrote. Microsoft makes the Teams app that enables workers to chat and meet on video calls. While Gates stepped down from Microsoft's board last year, he remains a Microsoft investor, and he still reviews products the company is developing.including the Venture fund, Fellows and Catalyst to help with climate," he wrote.


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Who cares!!!!!! I will fly more an eat more meat.

NoDBATOKENNoLambo just google.

Huh - know how Synthetic meat is made 1. Collect stem cells from animals 2. Make these cells grow on a serum cocktail – a blend of growth-inducing proteins made from foetal bovine serum (FBS), a mixture harvested from the blood of foetuses excised from pregnant cows. (sic)

A mouth can say anything!

Maybe you can stop promoting his agenda?

Thanks Bill you gonna save the world

Os this a Joke?

Less flights, I get - but highly processed foods?! Bill's life expectancy just got a little shorter.

Whooopppie dooo! That should change a lot ahahah take some of that money and clean the ocean!

Throughout history there have been many doomsday predictions that never really pan out either the risk not really understood or technology advances. Global warming maybe one such scenario. At one time scientist predicted NYC covered in horse manure given population growth

Gets a life bill

Yeah sure.. At his age of What? ....Been doing that “concisely” for some 12+ years :)

Why does bill Gates and his ilk ever talk about the biggest threat of all to the world,,,,,, commercial fishing

No he wont

Soylent Green, here it comes.

Doesn’t he own a private jet company?

Why do I feel that people are trying to wipe their karma slate clean before they die? Just me? Okay

fyi a lot less?!?!? still 500 x more than the average joe he is preaching to!

Yep... that should do it!! 😂🤣😂🤣

Such a bulllshit

Most people see gates a mentaly unwell individual who has an agenda that is driven by his god complex 😳 most simply say -THE GUY IS JUST ODD & not in a good way 👁🌍👁

Can think of another alternative, if anyone's tried it it's Bill

वेजिटेरीअन बन जा रे गेटिया ।

That's your business. It'll also be wise you don't force it on others via the back door! We're watching!

Why does the man who invented teams need to meet people IRL?

By not eating meat is he not increasing animal population and generation of more methane?🤔

Thats pure baloney!

Vui vẻ - năng động - không thích ẻo lã

All of you need to watch seaspiracy that was released last week. Then decide will just giving up meat really save our planet? I was shocked by what I saw, was like everything I knew was a lie. Watch before even reply,n to this.i would advocate for less meat and own grown or local

Yea right 😂

What the hell is “synthetic meat”?

Please with this comedy, stop



Great sir. Billionaires statement itself is synthetic !

Such a sacrifice...


Will he also eat the bugs and live in a pod?

He should stop farting.

Good luck 🙏

'I'll fly around in my jet less often' How noble of him.

Are his farts that bad..?


This guy is behind pandemic. O don't understand why nobody has questioned him. The rich always gets richer.

Who cares He’ll be leaving his wealth anyway to his Pakistani son in law.

And we're supposed to believe him unquestionably because?

Bill Gates now owns 242,000 acres of farmland, making him America's biggest private farmland owner so this fiasco of synthetic meat is looking like a marketing campaign for him and it might be likely that in the future he might set up a company to produce this fake meat.

Well his work is done. The whole world is fighting a virus

binh thuong, hoa dong vui ve, thjk dj choj

We will not support him by buying his self promoted synthetic beef

Great. More neat for me to eat while I fly accross the USA.

Dear Sir, I have a concept for women empowerment to generate their income. Kindly give me your 15 minutes. India Need Mentorship. Mrs. Melinda Gates Madam Regards, Rahul Padwal contact-

He’s investing in pharma, synthetic food , farmland ➡️ control the food supply➡️ people forced to buy synthetic food ➡️ causing bad health ➡️ which leads to meds created by pharma, ➡️ leads to +profits. It’s not about the environment, it’s about the $$$

As*hole anyways does not have much time to live. So his contribution would not make any difference

I will fly more and eat more real meat because this is America

Go gor it bill. Eat all the synthetic meat you want. More real beef for me.

He’s finally realizing that his hypocrisy is why no one listens to him


I wish he would go live on his own personnal island with no wifi so we can never hear from him again 😂

This guy is genuis, first he buys lands to produce the synthetic beef now when he is ready to produce he starts his massive campaign.


That synthetic meat makes you gassy. Better put a filter up your rear to combat that.

Yet, the world 🌎 shall exists

Bill Gates should eat a bag of Dicks (Sporting Goods)

He needs to go away already


Well if your fly can help people it worth it to fly

You ran out on news? You posted this a week ago.

If it means that much to the man then Why not just ... go vEgaN? 🥴

Yea, I ain’t eating fake meat. I’ll just eat less. How abou that.

I'll fly less but he can have my share if synthetic meat!


He is crazy and looser.

Pretty obvious CNBC is paid to run the propaganda 🙄

maybe he should look at the impact of data centers on climate change - he knows how much electricity aka coal power they consume. But hey.. this is Bill Gates. Same guy who didnt see the internet revolution until too late.

Fly less yes, synth meat not logical

Too late

No one cares BillGates


Fly less in his personal Gulfstream...

If you want a change in climate you scientist can start by illuminating a couple of million satellites in the atmosphere. If not mistaken do not electrons an Adams trap pollution?

This man is really dangerous for world

Hey Bill, I’ll do synthetic oil, but not meat 🥩

PavementGuy ValShillmer If he’s in I’m in

He seems to be more paradoxical. At one point he talks about vaccination, at another the statements made clearly brought out the fact that does not repose any faith in them. Quixotic as well.

Good for him. I’ll pass.

It would be easier to make a 5 minute phone call

what ever you wanna do you are free to do.. Free To Do!! No you are not free to do anything.. your breath right you BillGates you dont have a control on your breathing.. and you are talking about synthetic meat can help you from climate change..

This guy is a pansy. A Winnie.

Lmao because that makes such a difference. The climate has been changing for billions of years, and it doesn’t give a fuck about your vegan wrap

BillGates How about he pays more in taxes!

Gates, Had an brain surgery and replaces his brain for a kind of gummy bear thing....the climate change has nothing to be with the meat. He is crazy.

REAL TITLE: Bill Gates admits he flies way to much compared to 90% of the population. Encourages people to fight off climate change by consuming his investment; synthetic meat.

Everyone please watch Seaspiracy

Me flying 100 times = Bill’s flight to NY for lunch.

Why did he not do this sooner, why now? Called out on his contradictory bs? Or did he recently invest in a synthetic meat company and decided to short the airline stocks? I can’t stand this guy.

How much did you pay for this piece Bill? 😂 “a lot less” flight in your jets and “More” synthetic meat...

Eating synthetic meat? Is that healthy? I think if Bill Gates wants to do this that’s great, but he would have to recruit his other comrade billionaires to do the same along with President Biden and House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi to make real change.

Amongst the top 5 richest men alive he is someone who give a damn and responds to the world🗺

Who TF cares (not me). The dude is a weirdo.

Lol, this world is such a joke anymore 🤦🏻‍♂️

Who gives a fuck?

Shut up. Why would anybody trust you?

We just need to balance our past year all my breakfast meals were vegetarian expect when I used eggs...I drink almond milk and yogurt and diary ...mix ...match


Ill just go veg no thanks on that synthetic meat 🤢🤢🤢 Its like he is ball and chained to a broken past because its the WHiTE thing to do.

How about pay some taxes....

You show me the synthetic meat process, I gurantee to make it uses fuel. If there were no cattle what happens to the grasslands. Growing grass does a lot more photosynthesis. Ungrazed grass becomes almost dormant. Or builds up and burns. What grazes all that grass?

Bill Gates can stay home and eat dick...

Did he finally realize that air travel is an even bigger pollutant than cars now?

Going Vegan makes better sense.

So will I once I have travelled the world ,numerous times enjoyed my life , eaten the most exotic foods around the world , and I am In nears my 70s . Or am I being selfish ?

Only in America can the largest owner of farm land come out and say he’s going to eat more synthetic meat to fight climate change.... BillGates

We don’t care what that 🤡 says he’s going to do. We care about what he’s actually been doing and has no scrutiny from media 🙈

Thank God, that gives us all hope .... you hack ass 🤡🤡🤡

Let the plebs eat cake, I think someone more famous said that some years ago.

Im half vegetarian and half carnivore. Atleast im doing half my part in climate change. But im NOT eating synthetic meat made in a lab.

Bill Gates is in the synthetic meat and climate change business. Getting richer is all Bill care about.

You go right ahead, dude.

Nobody gives a fuck what that rich asshole does.

Good for him! Now let us to live like we know

So why everytime Bill Gates opens his mouth does CNBC feel we all need to know. He knows nothing about real life issues that people deal with every day.

Come on Billy, you and a trillion people might cause a bit of climate improvement by changing your diet, but really, get real. Synthetic meat to fight climate change? Really?

Or shoot a dust missle at the sun

Great...stop talking so much too

That’s his choice, I am entitled to my choice

Or give me a billion and I'll keep my mouth shut!

This is the dumbest shit I've heard in a long time

Me too, I'll stop using my private jet every day

Where exactly does he think electricity comes from?

He's selling meat now 🤔

Tell him to fart less also

The hero we were waiting for! Are you sure he is not the second coming of Christ?

I am a victim of a MK-ultra program. Run by the cryptocurrency fanatics, the dutch government, mainstream media, various youtubers, and people on twitch. They use trauma based mind-control to trigger self-destructive behavior and try and drive me to suicide.

They really wanna push this fake meat on us!

COVID19 is the push to move the Agenda2030 goals.

Good for hjm

Hmmmm wonder where he is getting his ‘synthetic’ meat from (Prove me wrong)


Why do they love filling us up with artificial chemicals so much?!?

Good for you bill.... NO ONE CARES!

He has more money than common sense...

Who's going to follow him around and see 😂.

Gee, thanks.

Use tesla bro it's that simple.

But not pay more taxes on the billions the unequal system got him? More hagiography from corporate media here

So the owner of the most farmland in America wants us to become vegetarian? Seems like his motivations are wholesome…

If he divides by 10000 he ll be close to me 😂


Bill gates should Invent the travel machine then go back and stop the young bill gates to create Microsoft if he wish to combat the climate change..and let the rest of the world enjoy real meat.

Kwaaaks eating what!!¿

Yeah. Hopefully that plastic meat will deal with him on behalf of human beings

He looks made of synthetic meat

Synthetic meat, yeah that doesn’t strike a cord of fear in my mind.


Makes sense him shilling his own produce, as he has been buying up farmland. This is marketing

The sheep will rejoice.

He is welcome to his synthetic meat.

What a lode of Bullshit.

That’s nice since bill gates and his ilk have all put more carbon out than a million of us working slobs combined.

Less 'hot air? Would love for him to publicly put a fly log out there for everyone to see how he is obliging. Like his so-called pledges? all talk.

Bill doesn't look like someone I want to follow dietary guidelines from.


Beyond meat is great food I’m just saying....

$BYND meat 🍖

Synthetic meatOh my gosh,well Synthetic meat is not healthy,even if some researchers say it is healthy,I will not believe it,because everything that is created artificially is not good and healthy!And the world goes directly to natural products!!😉🙂

ee gora budha tabah krke rakha hai...jb bhi naya phone lata hai..price burj khalifa jitna rkhta hai...abhi tk mai apna gold chain bech chuka hu

He is one nasty mathafkr

damn bill thanks 😂


People will generate CO2 and cause environment issue if they are alive. Ultimately, are we going to ration life time and encourage people die early? 😅


He really means that he’ll smoke less weed but eat more of it. Either way he’ll stay high

Why don't you do like Jimmy Carter and really help our Citizens. Give Citizens a home to call their own.


Yes, let's all be lectured to by our Billionaire betters.

Dumbest sh*t ever

Propaganda. As the biggest owner of farmland across the US, of course Gates wants you to eat processed, fake meat. 🤮

He will be flying less now that Jeffery Epstein is not around.

No fake meats for me. What kind of chemicals are in there?

Does that mean he'll downsize his home too?


Climate change will win, and all your efforts combined are in vain.


….he says from his 1 billion sq. ft home !!!

Ok, Bill. You go do that. How big is your house again?

BillGates why is he flying at all? We do talk the talk but not the walk. Joker!!!

And my order of 3 BigMacs 'all Beef' on its way

Please stop. You are pandering to an audience that has zero cares about the man in which you speak. Tell it to the more than 690 million people who are hungry each and every day. And with less than 20% of the world who have ever taken flight, your news is worthless.

Stop farting too

No one cares what he is doing! Gmafb

Hey, Billy, Can't Have your Cake and Eat it too!

70% of all GHG's are released by the 100 top Multi National Corporations. It will not be controlled with out regulations, harsh fines, Carbon and Wealth Taxes. Any efforts by individuals, even rich ones, is purely symbolic.

I agree, all the chemicals and salt in these unnatural meats are in the experiment stage. They are not quite there yet.

Good for you Bill! I’m going to Morton’s! 🥩

Didn’t he say he was going to build factories to produce adequate COVID vaccine supplies Being rich doesn’t mean he’s still not clown with a bad haircut.

Who the F cares what Gates and his hypocrite friends do

If you can say you will “fly a lot less” you are flying too much. Flying has a huge impact on the environment. It’s annoying to see celebrities talk about saving the environment so much & being preachy about it when the lives they lead have such a huge impact

says the guy who lives in a 60,000 sqft house

Wow. What a hero. Dweeb

Oh Bill, such irony in you saying such things. One of the world's biggest hypocrites right there!!!!

Hey Bill very lofty but can we also count on you to put some of your considerable resources behind something more immediate and life affirming - defeating GOP candidates who want to drag the US back to the 'good old days' of jim crow?

So what. He's a computer geek

And CNBC wonders why rating are way down? clueless

F this guy. Elon Musk must make him the millionaire he deserves to be

Bon appetite

Ok, that is just ridiculous. How much carbon is omitted when making 'synthetic' meat? And why would you even eat synthetic meat? Bill Gates cutting down on meat consumption is not going to alter climate change. The climate is changing NATURALLY. We can't stop it. Wake up!

I got a profit of 3BTC In just 7days of trading with the help of this pro. metrokelvinfx

you are a clone, Mr. Shut up.

Synthetic meat is not healthy for you. He’s not eating it he just wants YOU to. This guy is evil.

By the way. What does synthetic meat mean? He can invent a new type of food, that is 100% artificial

He’ll “fly less” which is still 100x more than the average Joe. Hypocrite

Flying less is good ... But eating synthetic food is garbage.

How about watch less tv? Shutdown bitcoin mining? Stop the excess air-conditioning at home? Cut off the wifi ?

Who cares. I bought 3 beautiful t bone steaks yesterday. To die for....

He must have bought stocks or co owner of synthetic foods manufacturing and dumped the airlines stocks

I keep reading this and thinking that the heavy duty, high level food processing needed to turn plant material into synthetic meat is far from being 'carbon neutral' The cure might be worse than the disease.

But he'll still continue to get his wealth from his company that makes computers that use earth metals and hydrocarbons in their design and use electricity for their power.... 🙄🙄

Try living in a smaller home Bill

He trust himself more than God.


Yeah that should do it. 😏

That should make a difference.

He’s 65

That’s not how this works lol

The War on the Weather is a fool’s errand. BillGates

For this to work, more people need to follow in his footsteps, changing one person has no effect with such a large population

How about moving to a smaller house

Let him install also an EVBOX TPGY for his EV. Please make a tweet about it what makes my stock fly.. climate ClimateAction spac

This guy is everywhere like a flie

Damn lib Gates. What a fool. Hey. Don’t have the ribeye. One more for me.

Please stop posting about this POS

no... wait. this gif is better lol bill gates: “no more private jet flying for me. no more eating cows. time to save the earth!” earth:

I mean he does fly private. I fly Commerical because it’s more friendly to the environment


He does realize that flying is by far one of the most efficient ways to travel?... that is if you fly commercial, but he probably won’t do that to fight climate change will he?

I can bet you my 401k this man don't eat no synthetic meat lol.

Bill has changed he used to be so rational

Isn’t it too late for him ? 🤔

That weirdo probably eats rats

Pop. of the world 3.7 billion 1970s now 7.7 billion that's 4 billion extra people using thousands of coal burning power stations,millions fossil fuel burning diesel lorries,cars,boats and extra planes living mostly in countries that were starving in 1970s billions more expected

BillGates Ummmm... climate's been changing for millions of years and will continue to do so.

As long as he don't push for everyone else to do what he freely chose to do.

Who cares?

Ok Bill , give me access to your jet 🛩, as for my meat , I will become vegetarian in exchange .

Does he have compromising photos of someone over at CNBC? You see to be the only one who keeps posting news about this fossil.

So brave.... 🙄

Let’s eat Bill Gates. Parasite billionaires should not exist.

He needs to fight the corruption if he wants to help & stop tampering with our World. Invest in the Homeless so we can have cleaner streets & provide them with shelter. Stop bringing more illegals here & housing, protecting and funding them. Protect our own people of America.

He should live in a pod too and stop taking flights forever 😔

Good. He can offset my flying more and carnivore diet


Now it’s time to talk less too!

Lol 😂

The Real evil, demon 👿 , he wants to destroy humanity :c

I just want him to give me the Porsche 959... BillGates

Him I don’t trust any word

I don’t eat synthetic meat, but eat more veggies and tofu instead. Eat small portion is also a key. A lot of ppl eat way to much a day, our body really doesn’t need and can’t take that much food and calories.

Any concern of synthetic meats? “Synthetic”

allywalker1 I’m so close to becoming a vegetarian... I never thought I could give up beef or pork, I love a prime rib, etc., but I do find I enjoy potatoes and broccoli as much. Not sure how it’s possible to give up dairy, tho. Did God give us cattle and pigs, etc., to feed us? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Stop listening to this man. Go away

How long to charge an electric car? What is going to power the grid if 10s of millions of electric cars come on line? Will you cover the land, lakes, coasts, suburbs, rural areas with inefficient wind mills and solar panels? These will overwhelm landfills in short order.


He'll end causing apocalyptic mutations on different fronts....and in effect altering God's own balanced nature..!

BlackRock BillGates and other billionaires own this government. FollowTheMoney ESG Will we all be forced to live in cities? Spend trillions to fix this? The ClimateEmergency is a scam and will destroy capitalism and the ‘little people’s’ freedoms.

he's finally reveling his true alien nature.

BeyondMeat growing

God gave us enough food we don’t need synthetic meat or real meat, for the matter.

So only 6 times a week ?

Lol synthetic meat smells like cancer to me or just big company trying to make more money. Bill gates owns a lot of farm land he’s been buying it up lately look it up. He’s trying to kill the farm industry. He’s cancel culture liberal

She want 📉 He want 📈 And when market open, They may be rotate chang 👫

Damn hypocrite


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