Biden to visit Selma as he makes his own case for voting rights | CNN Politics

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

President Joe Biden will visit Alabama to commemorate the 58th anniversary of the landmark Bloody Sunday march that galvanized the Civil Rights movement and helped lead to an expansion of voting rights.

Biden’s stop in Selma comes as he and fellow Democrats struggle to pass their own sweeping voting rights measures, with dim prospects of passage in a Republican-controlled House of Representatives. Still, Biden plans to make fresh calls for new voting protections when he speaks from the Edmund Pettus Bridge, where in 1965 a group of civil rights marchers were beaten by White state troopers as they attempted to cross.

Biden would go on to win the Democratic nomination and the presidency, due in large part to his support from Black voters. Last year, Vice President Kamala Harris represented the administration at the anniversary event. She said she and Biden had “put the full power of the executive branch behind our shared effort” while criticizing Republican lawmakers for voting to block passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act.


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Because of him our country is being destroyed it's weaker than it's ever been Mexico president told him to F off China won't pick up his calls and we're getting ready to have third world war because this is right where they want us we don't have a president

Why not East Palestine, Ohio?

The original KKK guy! He is a disgrace!

That's rich considering that the sheriff's department at the time and the state police that beat the the black Marchers we're all Democrats now that's f****** funny. I love how the Democrat sheriff's department turned their police dogs on the black so-called freedom Marchers.

But didn't he create a crime bill that targeted minorities.....hmmm 🤔

Equality is only for those who do not step out of line under the Biden Administration African journalist accuses White House of 'discrimination' via MailOnline

How fitting the same party blocking the March still pretending to care

He’ll tell us he was there, no doubt… leading the charge! Then he’ll likely sh*t himself, then take a nap.

We've seen and heard ENOUGH now! 2023 Let's move on. Bring on peace talks for Ukraine. UNLEASH America's energy industry to bring back prosperity and jobs for Americans. Not interested in race/division/past grievances. Biden is a disgrace.


Still no Ohio trip?

CNN president Jeff Zucker would not allow his network to chase down the lab-leak story because he believed it was a 'Trump talking point,' according to a well-placed CNN insider.

“Voting rights” is democRat code for “we want to steal elections more easily.” Everybody has had the same right to vote for a long time

First time visiting anything civil rights movement.

Coming from King Liar🥜CNN = Comedy News Network!

Let's go Biden Let's go!!!!

Everybody in Alabama gets to vote if you Americans! We’re got going to let illegal vote in this state! The black in Alabama feels the same way as white ! Biden you don’t know what you are talking about! It again the law if illegals anywhere in American for illegal to vote

You forgot Ohio

A racist will be leading a crowd of racist!

The Racist Scumbag will be there isn’t that special.

I’m not saying this is wrong but why hasn’t he been to Ohio yet?

He will, however, be siding against the protesters as his friend Robert Byrd proudly taught him.

But won’t step foot in Ohio

I'd laugh if he knew what Bloody Sunday is.

More show than substance.


Fighting those Jim Crow laws, eh?

In which he will swear he was there, having dinner with MLK Jr..

I can’t wait to see all the videos of Biden back in the 1960’s and 70’s and how he really felt SGL it blacks … y’all got access to those ? ZEB_Trey dom_lucre

Is a blind guy going to show him where to go again?

I see CNN is still a collection of marxicrate boot lickers.

We're you referring to the fight against racist DEMOCRATS? Please let's not forget the head racist of the time,LBJ

Why not visit the border?

Who cares

Civil rights led by Republicans not democrats. Look it up


How many lies we he tell..the racist pig.

Don’t forget joe spoke at a kkk leaders funeral

But still not East Palestine.😡

And that’s all he gone do, visit and blow smoke up our asses

STAY HOME! We don't need you in Alabama. This is Trump territory.

Any chance he can stop in Ohio for something that happened this year?

He needs to visit ohio its been over a month

But he could not go to OHIO... yea ok

Biden is not needed in Alabama. Go to Ohio where help is required.

Remember people in Selma are also suffering after a tornado tore up a portion of town just two months ago.

Joe please do not tell us you organized the Bloody Sunday march.

How ironic from the slave party

And yet won’t go to Ohio

Get your sad sack ass to EAST PALESTINE

Visit to where? East Palestine, I assume, or no?

CNN. Why don’t you ever fact check Biden’s talks? Are you afraid the list will be so long that you will never be able to stop typing? We get it…

All you hypocrites that support this racist. He doesn't care about civil rights. He cares about your vote. Don't be a fool.

Mesnwhiile our children are dying daily from drugs coming across our open borders. Nice work Joe. Trump2024

Anything to push racism you art to be ashamed of yourself President Biden

Or enter a 7-11 or Subway unless you have an Indian accent.

Maybe he'll call black kids roaches again.

Chris Licht. Media giving GOP gift letting Biden lie. He had to quit a POTUS race & apologize on video for claiming civil rights activism. Will media hide that from Black people? ABCWorldNews ABC

In other breaking news from America’s most trusted network:

Same voting RIGHTS Democrats were against.

But not OHIO?

I’m surprised he could pull away from his Delaware beach house that China bought him

Biden will claim he was there & made everything possible which will be another lie of many from Biden..

We will remember your insanity….

I stopped looking. It shows how twitter is becoming a cesspool of far right propaganda.

Is he going to claim he was there, that he started it, that he organized the protest? does he remember what he had for breakfast this morning?

That's nice......

Still won’t go to Ohio

'Jungle school' Joe has zero shame with his claims/LIES of early civil rights action.

But he won’t go to Palestine Ohio..what a great president

Pandering again

Stay in Delaware you fool You are crooked

That’s good but what about East Palestine?

Is it true that joe has spent a whopping 40 percent of his time in Delaware on vaca ? During his time in office

What case for voting rights?

For a photo op? Remember, he doesn’t want to bus his kids with the black kids, he advocated for the criminal act that imprisoned more black people .. what a joke

Equal voting rights to all with valid drivers license and proof of citizenship!

Let me guess, he was there! Protesting, marching, saving the world, etc.👉🤡

Biden will probably claim he was central to the civil rights movement….

The civil rights movement democrats were against decades ago.

But wouldn't go to the border.


Gaslighting Joe!

And he won’t visit East Palestine Ohio….

Will he mention his opposition to segregation back then? Will he again speak of integrated schools as 'racial jungles?'

But not Ohio

Other than constantly obsess about racial division and gaslight does he actually do anything?

Of course- he & Dems must keep focus on racism ad nauseam every day. Hypocrisy abounds. A renowned racist talking incoherently about racism..typical

You pander so hard. Pander as hard as you.

Jim Crow against Civil Rights of 1960 goes to Alabama for a Photo Op His Policy is 100% Fascism for Genocide of Citizen's who Dissent ~ MLK, Healthcare, Wages, Cannabis, Housing, Education, Transportation, Environment and Peace GOP DNC Deliver 0 of 8 in 63 years y'all

Has he been to the border or East Palestine yet? No black people there?


Strom Thurmond's buddy?

...the gall 😂

Won’t go to Ohio or the border to commemorate disasters Uber hus watch but can’t pass up an opportunity to pretend he was a civil rights activist

Yes, the civil rights movement Democrats didn't want.

Will be claim he got killed there ?

Lol just trying to stir the pot

He is using you……


Don't forget, if you don't vote for him, you aint black

Oohh where's my autograph book?

Revisiting his friends & mentors old stumping grounds? Like KKK recruiter Sen Robert Byrd (Dem.) Joe sang his praises giving his eulogy in 2010.

Always gotta race bait. It's the standard go to of the KKK party.

Roll tide!

“Racial jungle” 🤔

Shows you what he is trying to do. It is all about the black vote. Going to Selma hey Joe? But couldn't go to Ohio for the train derailment, where most of the people were white. He doesn't give a crap about blacks, just their vote, and that it looks like he cares about them. 🤡

All things he was against at the time hanging out with his KKK friends. Amazing.

Well he did practically grow up in the black church so...certainly understandable.

The old man can go to Selma to pander to the black vote, but can’t go to Ohio to try and help folks that need the help. So out of touch with reality

I wonder what story JoeBiden is going to make up this time

President Biden the civil rights hero! What new courageous deed will Joe revealed he did 60 years ago for civil rights that nobody else that was actually there remembers.

Selma…WTF, what about Ohio you damn dog?

I guess there is nothing to celebrate or fox in Ohio.

This guy?

This does nothing to erase Biden's track record as a racist scumball.

But stiil no time for a visit to a real-time environmental disaster in Ohio ?


Biden, from the KKK to the BLM, still pushing Obamas race war, good job chuckle head. Hope he doesn’t get caught in “A Racial Jungle “ Joe Biden 70s…

who cares

Biden goes for black votes. First there was Brittany Griner. Now he's going to Selma. Forget about Ohio or the border.

P.S. How is there still a Strom Thurmond Freeway in South Carolina? Why hasn't that been canceled and renamed?

He’s a segregationist

Ironic, his voting record opposed most civil rights bills. NEVER forget, this is the very same Nazi who voted against bussing, saying it would 'turn our schools into jungles', and while debating the 96 crime bill, called black people 'super predators'

Will Slo-Jo tell us he was there that day? Or that his son Beau dies that day? Or maybe both?

Are they really going to have that racist there? Didn't he give the eulogy at Robert Byrds funeral? What about his racial jungle speech? Oh shit... never mind this is a cnn thread.

That’s right. He has to keep up his RACIST LIES.

33 republican senator's voted yes Zero democrats voted yes Yet dems still pander to the minority communities saying they are the party of change.

Here’s the real story here’s why you guys are losing ratings

What about the white voters in Ohio who are sick and dying today because of a train derailment?

Keep pandering to blacks who you taught your son to hate! You grew up a racist! Still are! Richard Bryd was your best friend and mentor! We know who you are Joey!

1870 15th Amendment was voted on and approved by congress. 144 Republicans voted yes, zero democrats voted in favor.

But not Ohio?! FJBiden

And Ohio.....?

NeverForget, this is why blackLivesMatter.

Didn't he make a comment a few years back about integrating schools would make it a racial jungle

How about East Palestine?

Dear DEMOCRAT supporters WE WON THE CIVIL WAR everyone can vote DEMOCRATS are lying to YOU WAKE UP JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY 🇺🇲God Bless

It's so obvious how CNN sucks Joe Biden's c*** while trying to hit trump in the head with a hammer


Ohio anyone? Apology to the mother that lost two sons to fentanyl and he just giggled?

But he can’t get to Ohio

Still hasn't been to ohio.. TRUMP2024

Of course he will. While East Palestine waits amid its toxic environment. The priorities are very clear with POTUS

President Magoo goes to Selma to lie about Republicans

Why else would Biden ever visit Alabama?


will he pay tribute to his good friend strom thurmond on this trip?

I am sure he will make some dumb ass comment about being there and marching

Very American like he gives a crap

The longest filibuster so far was Dixicrats againts civil rights.

According to Biden, there are no voting rights? Jim Crowe? ID requirements? That’s weird he would acknowledge something that in his mind doesn’t exist.

Cartoon administration. 😀

When are you closing your doors CNN?

Maybe he can run down the stairs of Airforce 1, while holding a pair of scissors.

But had no time to go to Ohio. Disgraceful. It’s too late now.

What Joe Biden pandering to certain people. Lol. Why does Joe Biden only see one color? Americans colors are red, white and blue

Who cares that was 58 years ago, can’t change the past. Go to the border

Fromthe party who openly destroying and erasing history, while giving no assistance to an ecological environmental disaster in Ohio. Pander much?

We are required to have I.D. to drive, buy alcohol, get an accountant do our taxes, fly, get a passport, gov't benefits but for some strange reason POTUS & TheDemocrats think Blacks are just TOO damn dumb to get one to vote. That tells me all I need to know abt DNC pandering.


Hopefully he will talk about how his mentor Robert Byrd, and other select Democrats, filibustered the bill and did everything possible to have the Civil Rights Act not pass.

He marched in that

LIES! Return and cap all prices at 2019, Pre-Biden levels NOW!

TheDemocrats don't care about Black voters, just Black votes.

Has he visited Ohio yet?

But he can’t go to Ohio…. Terrible president

Has he been to East Palestine yet. Nah, he did a video 🙄

so a racist remembering what he played a part in

Biden is the reason to vote Trump


a racist trying to win the black vote, but what has he done for minorities? besides the drug cartels who love him

The Racist pandering illegitimate President

The civil rights movement that democrats fought and voted against? That civil rights movement

What about Ohio residents?!!

Yet everyone ignores Biden’s past history of fueling racism and befriending know racists.

While simultaneously killing every right earned for women!

“Voting rights” Surely CNN wouldn’t be advocating for their tribal leader to allow non citizens to vote would they? I mean a simple ID like everyone has on them to buy the beer 🍺 they just had will suffice to vote right?


Just trying to forward the division narrative.

Meanwhile East Palestine Ohio still suffers toxic poisoning

A Democrat, the people who wanted to keep slavery, who wanted to keep segregation, is going to Selma, Alabama where DEMOCRATS murdered black people of the South on Bloody Sunday.

Lol he argued to keep schools separate for blacks and whites in his early days what a liar

More pandering for votes. Maybe he should fly to the Texas border and deal with critical issues affecting the country.

He’s doing what now?

So sad he can not visit East Palestine and all those people that are hurting. He is the worst President in my lifetime and I have seen them all since Dwight Eisenhower.

Will he drop by East Palestine after this visit? By the way, he gave the Eulogy of the grand poo baa something something Robert Byrd. But you’re quiet about that

Pathetic. Yet has not been to east Palestine oh

Yet he failed to go to Ohio's Train Wreck disaster. A mainly white conservative Republican town. Well, I guess the only ones who get sympathy are the Blacks in the Biden Admin. I forgot gender dysphoria's as well. You know the Inclusion Diversity putsch.

Joe was there if I remember him saying this at one time or another. Or am I wrong?


Still avoiding East Palestine OH - but proud to be a race baiter.

Will he swing by East Palestine? Surely there are a few African Americans there.


Joe is a racist, history tells us that, one day the uneducated black community will realize that.

I'm sure he's going to point out that the people involved in the bloody attack were democrats, right?

Is this the time you marched with Martin Luther King and he was arrested? or the time you marched with Nelson Mandela? I think he’s trying to take credit for marching with Gandhi, which one is it crazy Joe you can’t have them all.

Yet he can't visit ohio fjb


Can’t wait till this fool is gone, can’t visit the border can’t visit Ohio, worst president ever

You're Fake News and leader of MISINFORMATION

Is he going to throw gas on the fire again?

All that hard civil rights work just so black people and shoot other black people all day. 89% of Chicago’s homicides are black on black crime. BLM is a joke

And yet he won’t visit East Palestine, Ohio.


But, he won’t go visit the people in East Palestine, OH. All posture and politics, no substance.

He can find Delaware every weekend. He can find Ukraine (10% for the big guy) and now he can find Alabama to give yet another racial divide speech. He just can’t seem to find his way to OHIO where people are hurting. jaketapper AlisynCamerota wolfblitzer DanaBashCNN

Keep him in the basement

He’s going to lie about being involved in the civil rights movement again, isn’t he…? Why the hell msm hasn’t fact-checked this, is ridiculous! There’s NO record of it being true.

I don't know if it's the algorithm or whatever but I can't find a single positive comment on this in my feed on a CNN post. 🤣

Biden continues to tear our nation apart.

so he‘ll go to Alabama and Ukraine but not Ohio or fix border problems. yeah seems like he’s doing the right thing for Americans🤦🏾‍♂️

Of course he would worry about problems that have already been solved. He wouldn't be capable of solving a problem on his own though. (East Palestine)

More lies from the United States of Swine

*Palestine Ohio RN*

Ohio says thanks

Well when Biden was last there he rooted for the police. He didn't want those people around his kids.

Democrats are stuck in the past because their leadership was all born before 1960. The world they remember doesn't EXIST anymore. But they keep trying to make us all live in it.

Still hasn't gone to East Palestine.

But he won’t show up at the border or Ohio. When politicking is more important than human life. IMPEACHBIDENNOW

Race baiter

To tell more lies. I like when he tells the lie about him growing up in a black church

Don’t pay income tax, don’t vote!

Five Black women and girls are killed each day. President Joe Biden has not spoken out against this social ill and has not spoken out against social media platforms that allow men to continue to fuel hate against black women and girls.

He will go to Alabama but not Ohio...damn. cnn try holding our President to the fire for his abandonment of his fellow countrymen.

Maybe he can visit some of his fellow racists.

We all know where JoeBiden stood on this historic day. BidenIsARacist

And yet he refuses to visit ohio

He is just hoping to find Corn pop

And still POTUS hasn’t visited East Palestine where a real catastrophe has occurred. This shows how much he hates America. Oh wait, maybe he should take another vacation.

Old boy loves pandering

Didn’t he march in that?

CNN and Fox News lie to us about everything

Has Biden visited the victims of East Palestine? Or would that go against licking the balls of Blackrocks policy? Asking for all of the Ohio victims

He will have no idea where he is or why.

Will he get on stage and lie again about his role in fighting for civil rights too? Or talk about his racist past?

Today is the aniversary of the Boston Massacre, where 5 men, 1 black 4 white, were gunned down by men in uniform…British. Will potus bother to remember the first deaths in the birth of our Nation? RIP: Crispus Attucks Samuel Gray James Caldwell Samuel Maverick Patrick Carr

“You ain’t black”—Biden 2020

And I’m sure he will make a hateful, divisive speech, accusing people of wanting to bring back “lynchings,” put African Americans “back in chains” or other such nonsense like he has done in the past. He is no leader. He is pathetic.

All for the cameras. Joe was unabashedly a segregationist.

his buddies George Wallace and Robert Byrd were who the Republicans were fighting to get the bill passed.

Clown News Network

Pandering in Chief

CNN & Biden have ZERO credibility left! No one cares

Why he doesn’t go to East Palestine? He just care about the votes 🗳️.

Gotta get that black and Hispanic vote. 🤔

I hope he reminds them that poor kids are as bright as white kids!

Why do you send a Racists and a Race Panderer down to such a site.... Oh that's right.... Because he's a Racists and a Panderer who's idol was Leader of the Klan.... Got to hide all that

Reviewing evidence,the application to sikh and hindus of hypnotic collars by a collaboration of British State,freemasonry and Church to prevent such religions spreading into the working classes and acquiring assets that threaten the British Class structure.

Black Lives Matter killed more people in one summer than in the entire civil rights movement

Please tell how blacks can vote ? What’s prevents them ?

Can't visit any White neighborhoods though,If I recall correctly,Biden is one of the biggest racist that ever lived.I looked up his videos and I was appalled.Why would black people even listen to this man is beyond me😵‍💫

Hope he has his shots

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