Biden to propose new minimum tax on wealthiest Americans in 2023 budget

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Biden to propose new minimum tax on wealthiest Americans in 2023 budget.

The “Billionaire Minimum Income Tax” plan, expected to be released Monday, would impose a 20 percent minimum tax rate on U.S. households worth more than $100 million. Over half the revenue raised by the tax would come from those worth at least“America’s imbalanced tax code means that many millionaires and billionaires end up paying lower tax rates than middle class workers," the document said, the proposal, which would have to be approved by Congress, will put the U.S.

The president's new budget, the document said, would also propose"additional smart, targeted investments designed to spur durable economic growth, create jobs, reduce cost pressures, and foster shared prosperity — while more than fully offsetting their cost."


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It's very covert, and we weren't able to speak to in the media regarding being abducted and raped by federal government agencies and former military.

Congress won't let it happen as it will affect their bribery, er, contributions to their reelection

JoeBiden JoeBidenIsNotMyPresident JoeBidensAmerica

NBC news just runs the same articles over and over. I already unfollowed MSNBC so I guess I’ll have to do it do you guys too.

Phillip41867108 All I see When I look at him is👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

That was predictable. Regardless of the issue, regardless of any relevant considerations Our Dear Leader and his ilk, just want to tax someone. Remember, you didn’t build that, you owe the government.

Good.👏🏼 👏🏼

Good. Billionaires gotta share, and they aren't doing so willingly.

Democrats are delivering. Corporate Media is going to really miss those tax cuts.

Thank goodness. It's about time they pay their fair share.

So what if the billionaires move the majority of their money to other countries then u still don’t win 🏆 plus the American dollars ain’t as strong as most foreign currencies

Well since people care about party over their nation I imagine all the Trumpers will be against making the rich pay a rate closer to what we pay. Propaganda, tribalism, and greed have almost destroyed his nation. Of course they are against fixing anything.

You can try and milk my nipples all you want but it's not going to work

About time


Don’t worry middle class. It’ll impact you, too. Not just the “billionaires”. SheepGetShorn

Nan10 Yeah right. He won't have the Congress to do it with. Unless he passes the MORE bill.

There aren’t enough rich people to tax to solve your spending and give away problems. Democrats are the reason America is in the place it is.

This will do nothing for your poll numbers. How about brokering Peace in you Ukraine, remove the sanctions, and bring stability to the world. Nah just send more stinger Missiles

TaxAmericanOligarchs TaxCorporateOligarchs EndOligarchWelfare EndCorporateWelfare EndBigOilSubsidies

Propose is the key word here. It baffles me that everyone isn’t paying their share of taxes. Especially those that have the ability to do so

Why not? I pay over 20% on a middle class salary and the GQP took away all my deductions

Ya notice it starts at billionaires not millionaires…. Any guesses as to why? Hmmm how about it would affect all of them since most of them have become millionaires working for the government. They surely don’t want to pay all of the taxes they say rich people should pay.

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