Biden's ABC town hall live updates: Former VP lays out vision in contrast to Trump

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Asked by a mother of a transgender child about what he will do to protect LGBTQ rights, Joe Biden says: 'I will flat-out just change the law.' BidenTownHall

"World News Tonight" anchor David Muir asked ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl, who watched the dueling town halls, if the separate appearances moved the needle for people who were undecided."This is such a strange campaign.

Karl noted that after dodging questions on his stance on expanding the Supreme Court, Biden answered Thursday night after being pushed by Stephanopoulos. During Trump's town hall, the president didn't answer a question from a voter on his plan for rising health care costs, something Karl said the president had four years to come up with.


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GStephanopoulos Joe Biden was wonderful. He was calm and answered questions thoroughly. It was great not to have Trump screaming and interrupting Biden or George. VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare VoteBlueDownBallot VoteBidenHarris2020

GStephanopoulos Old message to Whitehouse when Bush was in office I predicted NSA would be used in Cyber Watergate Scandal. I can't see that it ever was until after he left office.

RoArquette GStephanopoulos Team Biden/Harris 2020. Please continue to vote through November 3, 2020. We need-decency and respectful people Leading our Country 🇺🇸 now more then ever. Covid-19 is not going away anytime soon. Please Vote. 🇺🇸

GStephanopoulos Barisma joe?

GStephanopoulos Biden is a Rich White Privileged Segregationist Democrat, his old Democrats were members of the KKK

GStephanopoulos I don’t understand how he can say this? His vice presidency along with his running mate caused SO much division that we are still trying to recover. I love the blame game they use! Disgusting!!

GStephanopoulos You and Obummer divided the people using race and socialist economic tyranny

GStephanopoulos George, I know you don't care,but I'm a American Greek but disappointed what town hall was that, you never asked BIDEN of allegeded son who took 7 million and used on drugs and strippers, YOU never asked if he denounces ANTIFA OR WHITE SUPREMACY, his buddy BYRD was the leader of

GStephanopoulos Too many reasons to presume Impeachment LOL. New Senate comes January 22

GStephanopoulos Democrats and Media = Division and corruption

GStephanopoulos That’s bullshit. TwitterCensorship facebookdown they gang up to violate the first amendment, to violate the rights of the people. That is not over.

GStephanopoulos Ropes are needed to be filled ?

GStephanopoulos What has he done to divide and conquer Name one thing.

GStephanopoulos The only people that say that we are divided are the democrats, Antifa and Black Lives Matter. The rest of us are united behind our President.

GStephanopoulos He is so weak i think he will even lose to indipendent party

GStephanopoulos It would say that the USA does not need a senile President who has lived beyond his life expectancy.

GStephanopoulos Wrong! The President, President Trump, wants us to be the United States of America, not some corrupt version of Beijing Biden! You will never be my president even if you win which is highly unlikely bc the people know you are corrupt.

GStephanopoulos Always so nice words and explanation of these politicians, untill they achieve the chear then it's another issue. That cock blower trumpie was the same. I doe hope Joe act according to his statement, we shall see👀

So JoeBiden supports 8 year olds transitioning? WeBelieveInScience science ChildAbuse

GStephanopoulos CrookedBiden

GStephanopoulos If you die, do we really get your “black female “?as required for votes

GStephanopoulos Is he wearing dark contacts

This Mother should be a real parent and tell her child she's a female and that's all there is to it. you're a girl. And Joe you're lying a man of your fathers era would never have said that. Never!

GStephanopoulos This is what a president looks like. Vote blue Biden- Harris




GStephanopoulos Not one question about Hunter’s emails! Smh

why they didn't ask him about this?

GStephanopoulos And yet not a single question about the nypost story and Hunter Biden cover-up. Once again media and the left are complicit

why they didn't ask him about this?

GStephanopoulos ABC, can you join us in the 21st Century and put THE ENTIRE Townhall onto YouTube? Like NBC did TWO HOURS AGO?! FFS

GStephanopoulos If Joe Biden loses the presidential election, it will be like the provision in his 1994 Crime Bill; 'three-strikes' you lose (again, and again!!). This means a lifetime imprisonment away from any further political activity.

GStephanopoulos After seeing the stark difference between Biden & Trump, can Americans still say they don’t want a change in the WH?

GStephanopoulos He speaks well..I wish him well 🙏🇦🇺

Will he ask us first?

The good LGBT is dead LGBT. So discusting!

.CardinalBCupich CardinalDolan CardinalSean Any comment?


GStephanopoulos I miss intelligence from our leaders.

8 years old? 😡 I can't believe y'all aired this. Someone needs to investigate this.

Where were the tough questions? Hunter perhaps? All staged. This corruption in mainstream media is an embarrassment.

Go proud

JoeBiden I am listening Hope you would be able to become US President and will push DHS_Wolf and CBPMarkMorgan to investigate the case of mistreatment and humiliation of Canadian by DFOBuffalo agents at US border

This is disturbing on every level. Joe Biden just promised to change the LAW to allow eight-year old children to have a gender transition if they want to (or if their parents want them to). Let that sink in. CrookedJoeBiden

criminal Trump

This man is so creepy! I mean, his mouth's movements are creepy!

sensitivity to issues Biden understands what transgenders go through in this country and will put an end to discrimination.

byronpitts Omg who would not be nice when you treat him with kid gloves? Ask him real questions like his real dealings with China? So sick of the news media being so bias. I think tonight was the last night for ABC for me.

did they ask biden about Ukraine/ China and his boy, biden owes china He sold out this country and his family got RICH, Thats a FACT. Rumor has it the china has been funding demNAZIS, FOLLOW THE MONEY. Cupcake questions for dementia joe

Fact check please

Why wasn’t Joe asked about the New York Times article and Hunter? He was asked weak, softball questions. ABCNews is a joke!!

A two year old could answer these question! What an embarrassment ! Joe BIDEN is an old fart who is dumb as a box of rocks! He's an idiot & anyone who would vote for this clown should be BAKER ACTED! If u don't see the bias u r blind! Didn't get a question on NY POST STORY! LOL

8 years old Come on.

8 year old transgender

byronpitts It is a great fucking start!

byronpitts God, it looks like a diaper on his face. Maybe it is because he spews nothing but bull sh**.

Change the law so she can see that in every other country shes prevention of life to our Americans that want to pass the seed and not just ship money out of states

byronpitts Yes, it is!

What a disgrace ABC was today tossing up softball questions . Not one question on the Ukraine smoking gun .... disgusting display

The kid is 8

Child abuse

Change what law?

Joe's response 'my son is a crack head who made deals with Russia and China, so I would rather he would have chosen your son/daughters path'

Common sense. Very nice to see grown ups in the room for a change. Much preferred over the Trump clown car circus basing policy on a senile old man’s tweets from the toilet at 3:30 AM. Thank you JoeBiden

Executive branch doesn't make law.

byronpitts Stop this nonsense abt packing the courts. It’s a stupid Republican pivot. How about the GOP & Trump packing the court? So what are they doing with Barret now? Stop asking this nonsensical question.

byronpitts There was not a single mention of the New York Post’s hard-hitting story on Hunter Biden’s emails during Joe Biden’s town hall. What the hell is going on over at ABC News? Have they thrown out what little journalistic integrity they had left?

byronpitts This is a bullshit narrative byronpitts and you know it. You better check the voter turnout stats.


byronpitts How can you not ask about hunters emails? Talk about acting hand in hand with the DNC. The “free press” is DEAD! It is malpractice to have Biden talk for almost two hours and not talk about the emails. Trump IS RIGHT. Media and social media are the enemy of fair minded Americans


byronpitts You never asked one hard question. Nothing but softballs again. Not one question about the embezzlement, corruption, quid pro quo, the emails or the texts that implicate him taking half of the money his son got from his criminal dealings and pay for play. Your network is a joke.

byronpitts Wow George. Next time just tell Uncle Joe what you want for Christmas if you’re going to get all cuddly on his lap. There are softballs then there are light fluffy snowballs. Pathetic. Not journalism by a long shot.

byronpitts At this point the voters have not been paying attention! Tell the voters to look at the voting lines at the polls. Be enthused!

byronpitts Considering you have window A for Biden and window B for Trump what more do you want

byronpitts ABC News's post-townhall 'analysis' is 100% ANTI-Trump... So vile. BidenTownHall


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