Biden discusses plans for first 100 days in exclusive interview

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WATCH: President-elect Biden talks to LesterHoltNBC about his priorities for his first 100 days in office, whether he supports investigations into President Trump, and how his admin. would approach racial injustice. - NBCNightlyNews


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LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Again ! You look in all the wrong places for corruption. Focus on the Democratic Party , not Trump. This is like asking Al Capone to investigate the FBI. Trump was elected to clean up the swamp, not to partake in it.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews The “big guy” better take a good look at the Trump deal. Remember his son is under investigation for money laundering. The Senate will make his life miserable for four years.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Terrible edit. You cut out all the good parts!

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews joe biden.. lol

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews They most likely will be spent in the hospital from stress failure.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews How many more investigations need to be done to prove nothing was wrong and Trump has been nothing more than repeatedly harassed .. take up a new evil hobby 👎

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews “Joe Biden Won the Election Now Can the Progressive Left Please Shut Up”

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews We went through four years without a president,just call him president Biden please

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Why?

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews We first need fair elections in the USA too. Educated people looking in at the USA from other countries. They seem to subscribe to an idea democracy is at an end in the USA if people (consciousness) does not rise and acknowledge the rigged election. Watch

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews All JoeBiden has to say when asked whether he supports investigations into President Trump is that, that will be for the new AG to decide and prosecute where applicable.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Please for me and I will definitely follow you back

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews U have got a lot of shit to feel with get big bucket

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews LIBS are trying to desecrate ATTORNEY SYDNEY POWELL over a few minor typographical errors! ... but it won't work, because we all know what a DESECRATION looks like UP CLOSE and PERSONAL, after seeing what JOE BIDEN did to an 8-year old GIRL up on CAPITOL HILL!

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews The ELECT😝with MASS Fraud: ||jail|| “ the end “ bey basements creep.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews The most important priority for Biden for his first 100 days is trying to avoid appearing at an aged care facility

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews He’s not president-elect until the EC votes next month.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Never give in👊, never give up.👍 Thank you SidneyPowell1 & LLinWood Michigan & Georgia lawsuits filed. Over 51% meets burden of proof.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Joe was refreshingly lucid and it was super pleasing to not see Biden discuss Covid at all, despite Holt tossing him that prompt.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews BidenCheats CreepyJoeBiden kidsniffer

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews A dementia patient is not a credible President

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Trump is daring whomever as if he can do or say anything and ok powers that be he s going gone way to far he needs to be reeled in

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Poor Bidensenko...

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Softballs designed not to hurt 😏

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews I'm sorry ... When did that happened ?

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews BidenCheated the man is corrupt as hell

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews It is time to end wars and fight dictators who are killing their people. It is time to make the world safer and with justice. We are tired of injustice and of wars.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Racial injustice can be solved by reading the PALMS.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” —Joe Biden from his Oct 24th appearance on the progressive podcast “Pod Save America.”

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Let the haters and their tears show up.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Prove the 80 million votes Joe!!! Where's Hunter ?

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Predators...

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Will he be asked a single difficult question for the next four years by his adoring media

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews It is now Saturday, November 28,2020 And you only have 325 little hearts... Biden had a “historic” turnout. Where dem 80mil at?

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews He's not the President elect.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Within 90 days of inauguration , SpeakerPelosi & KamalaHarris will start hearings on competency of JoeBiden

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Real hard hitters there Lester. He spoke of many things here but nothing on what actions he's looking to take. HOW do we get affordable Healthcare, HOW are you going to circumvent the immigration system that has been broken for DECADES, HOW are you getting a stimulus through?

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Clear the student loan debts ............

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Ratio

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Hard for the millions that voted for him to watch when there is no power or TV 6 feet deep.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Fake news.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Resist NotMyPresident

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews How does coletrain get all the good interviews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews BidenWasNotElected

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews And this. JoeBiden

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Of course, if Trump committed any crimes, he must be prosecuted. We want to see serious changes in many laws. There are innocent people sitting in jail; that's wrong. Maybe Trump belongs in jail for having committed so many crimes or frauds. I realized that R. Nixon was a saint.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews His 1 priority is to imports more voters so that democrats never lose power again ... forget us, the voters who put him in power

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

NBCNightlyNews LesterHoltNBC How many Trumps and Bidens ARE there, really?

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews First priority... get Hunter paid again!

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Even with 55 retweets and 2 hrs ur tweet has 285 likes. pretend-elect Biden.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Yawn.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Loser!

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews He’s a fraud. The election was fraudulent.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Good lord, it's an epic fail. Time to be honest to viewers, not BEFORE Nov 3rd Election Day. Your rating is in shambles. Tsk

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews like the REST of the crooked fake news WANTS biden to win, DESPERATELY!! No Facts, states have not certified biden winner, or all the lawsuits filed.. Every day, daily, pro biden tweets, you can smell the desperation, its rather pathetic.. And SAD.. SMH fakenbcnews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Dios bendiga a baiden

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Wow. Over 2 hours and 267 likes? Republicans win all coin flip races and Biden wins over trump from 5 democratic cities?

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Hi can start by either sacking his teleprompter guy or getting a new teleprompter. Then take it from there ......

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Yes Joe. Cheating Joe.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Total embarrassment. This guy wants to be a President and Chef Commander! He has medical condition, and needs a treatment not presidency. Democrats know this, therefore they want Kamala to be a Vice, so she can step in and do much more evil and harm to this country than Clintons.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Yes!! Sr!! Mr . Biden

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Can't wait for Jan. 20th when Trump gets sworn in... And media heads begin to explode!

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews He’d approach it by calling me a racial slur like in my pinned

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews 'Mr. Biden. I've heard you like ice cream.' 'Trumajksfhkrkjasdhelp me;kjnfajtgdj.' 'Hahaha. Me too. Me too ...'

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews He done lost his mind completely. I'm President Elect. Whatcha talking about man. Come on man. Come on man. Dang man a dingdang do. Snap. Peiebzgd on sax y sax hgv. U know the thing. Come on man. Dang.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews SNORE

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Fraud.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Not so fast LesterHoltNBC y’all need to cool your britches and read this

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Oh and the picture on the post. He just looks bad

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Since he wrote the playbook on pandemics, he should have it under control in a couple of days

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Lol 217 likes in an hour? Where's the 80 million at?

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Hackers aren’t on Twitter are they

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Hahaha. No one cares

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews 🤮🤮🤮🤮

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews LyingLester

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews No thanks..cheater.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Lester Holt is as bad or worse than Muir and Karl. Partisan biased garbage.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews No one cares!

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Not the president-elect you no-talent-war-baiting-hacks. Sincerely from those of us ThuggleM

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Breakfast, NAP 😴, read press statement missed half the words. Lunch, NAP 😴, (blame current screwups on last POTUS-ALFA POTUS) NAP 😴,almost BEDTIME! protein drink for dinner. Finally BEDTIME!!! Sleep 💤 ten to 12 hours & next day... REPEAT! Yep 👍🏼 You ROCK Sleepy 😑 Joe! 4 SURE

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews I'll let you in on a little secret: his only office is going to be his basement (or gitmo.)

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews All this nonsense for nothing👇🏻

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews I'd like to know who his palmist or corpsemen is?

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews No one cares.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews 179 likes for the most beloved president in history?!!!

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Poor old man

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Investigate Hunter.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews He’ll have more days in his made up office of President-elect this week than he’ll actually have as President.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews 🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Try prosecuting Trump . Try it

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews We dont care.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Lol losers! 🤡

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Joe Biden Who

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews I'd say within the next 100 days he'll be in a nursing home. Meanwhile, Trump will be serving his 2nd term!

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Man, that guy is on his game. Hunter must have gotten him a pick me up. What are his first 100 day plans when the Supreme Court overturns his election?

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews All the bot voters didn't tune in to this Tweet?! Shocking.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews jajajajajajajaj. A cheater. 2 time. Or 3. don't make me. Peuk 47 in office. Now senile. And worthless. jajajajajajajaj he needs. Tapioca. And CNA.

NBCNightlyNews LesterHoltNBC Where is the difference with Trump administration? Without a Two months mandatory quarantine this is going to be a WipeOutWinter CoronaVirus COVID19

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

NBCNightlyNews LesterHoltNBC Softball questions

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Hold on voter fraud investigation is not over.👎👎

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Pres. Joe Biden it's soon will be up to you for Black lives to matter we want first equal rights under the law eye for eye, tooth for tooth and life for life in the law then we are looking for Reparations justice for years of abuse and brutality by Europeans give us justice laws!

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews It is not his roll to investigate corrupt trump, that is why we have an AG and that position is to protect the people, so let it work.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews What book of imagination was his information from this time ? Cuckoos !! Lester the Molester

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Don't forget Mr President the supreme court. We need at least 90 justices. Keep McConnell busy thinking of excuses not to consider them and he won't have time for mischief.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Most media around the world have been infiltrated and controlled by China for a long time.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Sure are a lot of snowflake Trumplicans whining on this tweet!

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews I’d rather follow the Hunter case.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews What in the hell he is going to do about the mess he and Obama put this country in? They both knew 10 years ago when Obama was president that his government was secretly funding the development of this same virus.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews As if!

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews President Trump & the Republican Party & all their Followers are playing the long game!! Just sit back & watch the results over the next 100 Years!🇺🇸🗳 RedWaveComing2022 RedWaveComing2024 BlackCommunityWoke LatinoCommunityWoke AsianCommunityWoke TrumpFamilyDynasty TrumpTV

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Finally after 4 years of Trump’s destructive, childish crazy we have a caring, intelligent leader for our country. ByeByeTrump BidenHarrisToEndThisNightmare

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Reposting this video of Joe Biden bragging about having 'the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics' that was Tweeted by Don Trump Jr. this morning was deleted by Twitter later today.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Ask him about his 8 past tax returns, last physical, and how well he did he pass the Medicare health check cognitive test? Network News, like politicians, aren’t being deceptive, just creative. It called cheating the public trust.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews uh oh CIA has Biden by the balls. Democrats got cause using SCORECARD SOFTWARE HAHHAHAHA you are going to PRISON MFers

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Maybe he needs to explain how he won without campaigning.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Trump extracts from the Black Archive files before his departure

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Poor Joe😳 and poor Democrats🥺, it'll teach you a lesson. Next time vote in a cognitive candidate😉

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews If Democrats certify fraudulent results that deny over 75 million Americans their national citizenship rights under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment, then Republican Governors are free to ignore the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Also, how about we start investigating him and Hunter?!?! Sounds a lot better than the fake “charges” on Trump. Just saying.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews 😂😂 He’s not president though! 😂🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Did you ask him about the ongoing litigation and claims of ballot stuffing against him and his party? Ooh let me guess. No. You didn’t.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews First 100 days in jail ?

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Support investigations of what? You people are the worst.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews He looks like a corpse

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Chalk n cheese. What a difference in attitude Biden talks TO the people. Trump talks AT the people. Biden was elected trump was rejected and has been moved to the ‘lame duck’ desk. It’s empathy v’s apathy

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Another politician mouthing fake promises. Same story different old dude.

NBCNightlyNews Jill has her work cut out, as caregiver. Joementia👴🏻

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Hello, please check out my gig if you need any kind of graphic design.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Listen to the man. He’s completing sentences. He’s pulling people together. He’s not pretending he has all of the answers. He’s Presidential or have you’ll forgotten the meaning of the word.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews The first 100 days are going to be like snake pit madness. I feel so bad for this administration, from what they will uncover to a ship that may never be righted again. I feel bad for us sane Americans.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews jail 😜50 years. Bey Bey Bey scam.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews The problem I have with Joe; he won’t stand up for his son, Hunter Biden. So why would we believe he is going to stand up for any of us!!!


LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews I don't watch fake news. A Democrat Lester Holt is interviewing Joe Biden. Give me a break!

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews This crook should just shut up already. 😂😂 He already told the world they organized the most extensive and inclusive ELECTiOn FRAUD on record. Saw and heard him in front of camera- it's was on youtube 2 wks ago. Direct quote. He admitted to a CRIME

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Looks dead 😂

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Hey look softball is back....

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews I wonder if you will keep your Thanksgiving statement 'We are at war with the virus not one another,' in mind when Trump is inaugurated Also your 'fair & legitimate' election comment when fraud is proven One fraudulent ballot negates all others Are you still the President-elect?

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews 😂😂😂

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Drool cups for everyone...Joe and fawning media. I’m sure there were tough questions.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews That’s some funny stuff right there

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Biden’s sniffing is getting out of hand

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews I am Multi Talented Graphics Design Expart . You can Hire Me At Fiverr

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Imagine thinking this bunker hiding, blithering idiot is anyone’s president. Pain soon come. Just pain. Cry.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Good thing for America he will never get the chance.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews LOL. Obama tasked Vice President Biden with cajoling McConnell into supporting a piece of legislation favored by the administration. Biden made his pitch, the hyper-partisan McConnell dourly replied, 'You must be under the mistaken impression that I care.' End of negotiation.

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews “President-elect” 😂😂😂

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews *Some nobody saying they heard Russia collude in the election Democrats MSM: Now Thats Evidence! TRUMP RIGGED THE ELECTION! *Hundreds of people signing sworn affidavits about irregularities that clearly happened Dems MSM: WHERES THE EVIDENCE?! Lmao what total clowns 🤡😂

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Court packing? The recent SCOTUS decision slapping down Cuomo?

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews Nevergonnahappen

LesterHoltNBC NBCNightlyNews 👉People can continue to love the Democratic Party, But people should not elect a president who betray the United States,Because they controlled by other country. 🙏USA and American Citizen 🙏 ✨Conscience and Ancestor ✨

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