Biden condemns violence in Portland and calls on Trump to do the same

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

'I condemn violence of every kind by anyone, whether on the left or the right. And I challenge Donald Trump to do the same.' Joe Biden forcefully condemned the violent protests that took one life in Portland on Saturday.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is forcefully condemning the violent protests that took one life in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday evening, calling on President Donald Trump to do the same.

"The deadly violence we saw overnight in Portland is unacceptable," Biden said in a statement on Sunday."I condemn this violence unequivocally. I condemn violence of every kind by anyone, whether on the left or the right. And I challenge Donald Trump to do the same.


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Such a lie. Just be quiet and do it.

JoeBiden he already has...🤦🏽‍♂️

Then tell all of the governors in the blue states that are in complete chaos to call in the troops and put an end to this BLM and Antifa violence and destruction!!!!!

Mr Hide and seek..Where is Hunter Biden..Has he been exiled to an island next to China..These are questions that need answering..Is Joe Biden a Manchurian Candidate paid by China to do its Will and bidding?

This is not a 'HE SAID/SHE SAID', this is exactly what he did on CSPAN during a LIVE BROADCAST! SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER

Better late than never I suppose

drrossporter A little late to the party, but ok.

Leftist democrats and cnn brownshirts are burning down cities and murdering people. So... there’s that.

Joe, you sound foolish. But I guess from your basement you haven’t heard Trump for the last three mos. demanding governors and mayors to stop the violence.

Too little too late.

Wait, what? Has he not heard Trump at all?

LontzLouis Why won't realDonaldTrump denounce Kyle Rittenhouse!?

Donald Trump has been condemning political violence for months. CNN is garbage.

Where have you been Joe President Trump has condemned the riots looting burning killing and rape. In the interim fake news calls them peaceful protesters your VP pick even encouraged for the rioting to continue.None of you including Obumer have not 1 time condemned their actions

Trump already did months ago.

Really Joe ? Your party bailed out all the looters !!! Race baiter

Rng314 Look! A real President Biden, seeking peace.

JoeBiden and his marketing arm just a bit too late realizing most Americans don’t care to see innocent business owners and diners harassed and violated through looting, rioting, all too late to avoid the damage to your own brands! Thanks for helping Trump2020

Can CNN mention the guy that shot trump supporter please in the name of fair journalism, the guy is a hard core Antifa fascist, silence..... you pump out rhetoric all the time so why stop at something that may ruin your knee deep narrative

Oh looks like more poll results is coming, the whole DNC , they didn't have a problem, Harris was fine with this until last week. Fun politics ✌✌

Trump did that months ago.

PamelasHeArt Nice!

Afraid Biden is a couple months too late to only now start to condemn the violent riots for my vote. Same goes for many others I would hope.

Ponen la torta apoyando la violencia y ahora culpan a DT!! Típico modus operandi de los comunistas!!

Trump is Putin's greatest accomplishment!

There is no one to protect the United States . I'M afraid of what going to happen, we all should be

Umm, if you got out of the basement more Joe, you’d see his been condemning it from the beginning.

Maybe the media should start condemning them too.

Well I don't expect any rioting or violence in Portland tonight now that Biden is asking for healing. Lets see if he has any control of the money funding the assholes rioting. Either way it won't work out for the left. Now they ask for all of it to stop? Politics

Trump is stoking violence! TrumpRiots TrumpViolence TrumpCaravans TrumpNazis

Easy to be an “basement chair” quarterback.

Yeah, very timely Slow Joe. LMAO.

Your hypocrisy, , has no limits! Being you one of the promoters of the violence encouraging hate of Americans against Americans! Shame on you!

Aren't the protests mostly peaceful? By CNN

Wow you CNN watchers really want to vote for this guy? TRUMP has condemned both sides to any and all violence, difference is this isn’t republicans doing this violence.

Ahh... Biden. You're 3 months late. That's why you should've gone out of your basement & done this much earlier.

A little late, squinty.

Normal people see the truth and how the democrat party has changed!

When in face it’s his place to call in the troops and take control

Fucking shit show Biden

After he fanned the flames for 90 days. Clowns doing what they do. Cause a sh*t show then blame your opponent for the problems.

Hey Joe. You’re responsible for the deaths by your silence. Democratic run cities are burned to the ground while Democrats do nothing about it. Trump is not to blame. You are.

Trump was already condemning these riots in June when 2 black teens were killed in Seattle's CHAZ. I guess better late than never?

Choose Your Weapon.

Only took 3 months to do so. This hypocrite first supported the so-called peaceful protest, knowing all along, they were riots. Until he dropped in the polls over it.


3 months late

Trump has instigated hate, bigotry and violence even before his election when he boasted he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and his supporters would still idolize him. This man isn’t a President he’s the demigod 😈that destroys our Democracy. VOTE 🗳 BIDEN

Meanwhile his VP select pushes the fire-away button.

😂 😆 Nice try.

You cannot credibly condemn violence while also threatening to “reallocate” (defund) police budgets. Well, you can if you’re Sleepy, Lawless JoeBiden but you have NO credibility. NeverBiden

Trump has been calling for Law and Order the entire time Obiden, where have you been ?

Only because the polls are not in his favor. You can’t condemn something for polling. The american people see through that. It is FAKE, no one likes fake people.

Wherever the wind blows Joe


It’s too late Joe. We don’t believe you!

Pretty sure you and your party are funding the protests, what do you think is going to happen?

... only after his poll numbers started to drop!! boycottATT

JoeBiden can’t condemn a paper bag ........ did anyone tell him he lost

He has over 115 times

Trump condemned the violence months ago.... where ya been Jo?

realDonaldTrump still waiting on your plan to make America great again. King of the swamp

I guess he stuck his head out of his basement and saw what’s been going on for the last 3 months. Meanwhile Trump has been denouncing violence every day. Too late sleepy joe. Go back into your basement.

Did he say that or did his campaign tweet it and slap his name on it? I want to hear his voice say it!

This is like being 4 hours late to a party that ended and telling all those who RSVP'd, were there and already went home to show up. BidenRiots

Joe Biden with Democrats are the major sponsors of these violent protesters. Joe, how can you be so fake condemning something you pay for?

Trump: I condemn violence on all sides. Liberals: Omg you can't say both sides are the problem. That's ignoring white supremacy! Biden: I condemn violence on all sides. Liberals: Why won't you just accept his condemnation you crazy right winger?

Is this a joke? Hahahaha. I know Biden can’t remember anything but Trump does this daily

BIDEN Fact: If the TRUTH does NOT match BIDEN'S 'FACTS' it NEVER HAPPENED or it is a LIE! CNN expects Americans to believe BIDEN'S 'Facts' NOT the TRUTH! BIDEN'S MOTTO: 'DON'T BELIEVE YOUR LYING EYES!' A LIE= Anything that does not agree with BIDEN'S facts especially the TRUTH

Because it was hurting polls. He should have done it long before now or maybe the Dem party should stop their financial ties with these violent groups. That would be even better.

Forceful my ass. Their campaigns have paid to get them out of jail.

He won’t

CNN should be 'forcefully condemned' for trying to make basement Joe look good with this update. Truth is both CNN and Biden believe this protest should continue and that it is 'largely peaceful' until Bidens Poll sunk.

Does Biden get briefed/news?

Months and months later and now he cares. Total BS politics. It’s party over people. Wake Up America. Biden just had his strings pulled

He didn't condemn it the week before, or the week before that, or anytime in the last 3 months. But NOW he condemns it because they saw how it affected him in the polls. 'Hey, stop the violence, you're making ME look bad'

new USC/Dornsife national likely-voter poll: Biden 53% Trump 41%

Funny how etc are only now starting to condemn now they have realised the polls have shown that the riots and violence aren’t good for Biden’s approval rating. Cynical,hypocritical douchebags.

Cant have it both ways. Your staff bailed out violent rioters, now your going to flip flop and condemn the destruction and violence? . . . . Come to think of it, flip flopping is on par for Biden

Sleepy Joe hiding in his basement

finally listening to the focus groups uh Joe?! those poll numbers?

Wow it took him 94 days of Portland unrest and riots for biden to open his mouth too little too late sleepy joe

It's a little late to say anything about violence.

Joe Biden FINALLY condemned the violent protests... fixed it for you.

RudyGiuliani Stop lying about Biden... We can believe our eyes - not your propaganda.

Holly shit. It's about time Biden!!

Everyone knows the only reason he is condemning the violence is bc he has dropped in the polls. 3 months to late Joe. You are a fake! And this is why you will lose. Stop blaming the virus...we were fooled on the virus numbers as well. It’s all coming out.

Where has he been for the last 4 months? Those poll numbers must be real bad

Confused JoeBiden claims riots are realDonaldTrump America. No Joe. They are ALL in cities run by Democratic mayors in states run by Democratic governors. Joe claims POTUS wants the violence. If so, why did POTUS offer Nat’l Guard, which Dem. Portland mayor refused?

realDonaldTrump has been condemning it for 3 months , and JoeBiden for one day ! So this is what reports.... 😂😂😂😂

Trump Encourages The Violence 🤦🏾‍♀️ And His Supporters Wow!!

Since Trump said something similar after Charlottesville, but the media still pretended he said the opposite... is it too much to expect that you'll be spreading the same lie about Biden for a few years?... No?

How about the violence against children

Is that why his campaign actively is posting bail for the thugs who are rioting?

Your a couple of months too late there Joe!

But paying the bail of those same criminals is completely ok. Sur, Joe. We beleive you. You're only about 3 months late and you ONLY cared when you didn't like the polls not when people were being murdered, and business and people's wellbeing being destroyed. You didn't care!

Only after the poll numbers came out.

Trumps been denouncing it and offering mayors and governors support from day one. You would know that if you weren't hiding in your basement.

Biden did nothing. His handlers had to write it down so he would remember what to say. The guy belongs in a nursing home

Fact:President Trump has condemned the riots and anarchy like nobody else. He offers federal troops to quell the violence but the mostly Democratic run cities refuse help so that disorder will prevail to make the Presidency look like they lack control and are responsible for it.

You mean in addition to all the other times he has condemned violence in speeches since the inauguration?

Omg trump has been condemning this since it started. Where have you been. Seriously you are insane!

Say the name Joe

CNN is really trying with this one- it’s been three months Biden didn’t say a word. Now that the polling suggests otherwise, he reigns like he cares. Give it up.

Little late there Joe! Trump has been condemning it the whole time you’ve been hiding in your basement! cnniscorrupt 6percent

Trump, the FAKE President of the United States, literally fuels the flames of right-wing terrorism in hopes of helping his re-election chances! TrumpTerrorism

Do you guys ever read your own articles?

So for months, dems didn't condemn anything- didn't even say a word at the convention. Now, because of polls, we are to believe that Joe Biden actually means it? Most Americans aren't that dumb.

And all this bullshit started under Obama with the Trayvon Martin affair and making it as if black men were specifically targeted and Michael Brown and the riots and the war on cops. Instead of being satisfied some become emboldened

Where were you when Trump condemned the violence He’s been doing that since the beginning. 🤷‍♀️

“Strongly condemns” Formulaic and generalized, with no name and shame. Did not call out exactly who is responsible. Thus, rioters will feel no real political or social impetus to stop. Biden can’t do that because they are his voters. Wishy-washy, vague, will accomplish nothing.

What about a hate crime in Baltimore

Brought back some memories of when you and your former boss would “strongly condemn” things like beheading of Americans and Assad using chemical weapons on his citizens. Action VP Biden...what would be your action?

BLOODY WEEKEND for Black Men in Big Cities. NYC-At least 46 shot this weekend; 5 Killed, incl a young mother of 3. CHICAGO-10 Black men killed, 44 more shot, incl 2 Chicago cops & 15-year old boy. ST LOUIS-2 Black cops shot, one in critical condition. Where's BlackLivesMatter?

CNN & MSNBC continues to incite murder

What? They’re just fiery, but “mostly peaceful” protests, right cnn?

It only took him 6 months to do so, trump has been condemning the violence since it started

Why don’t you challenge your own VP

Umm, he’s been condemning it for a while. Welcome to the party.

He can challenge him to his face on the debate stage

Antifa are literally Joes boys.

Took Biden over two months to state the obvious? That’s slow! The question becomes is it a mental or political breakdown?

Ugh trump has been condemning it for months. A little late joe

President Trump is consistent in his condemnation of violence. Joe and the democrats support terrorists and violence. Why did it take joe 90 days of crap to do this? Negative poll numbers, he’s a tool, a useful idiot

'Forcefully' says CNN. Trumps been condemning it since day 1.

“We condemn, in the strongest possible terms, this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence — on many sides. On many sides.' - Trump on Charlottesville How is Biden’s statement any different? Why doesn’t he call out BLM & Antifa rioters, looters, arsonists, & murderers?

Who is going to tell Joe that Trump has been doing this?

Lol “forcefully condemned” the only thing Joe Biden does forcefully is Prevagen

That’s great JoeBiden except the rioters and those being violent are YOUR people, who won’t listen to him anyway. RealityCheck LiberalismIsTheRealPandemic BLMDomesticTerrorists AntifaTerrorist JoeBidenHasDementia

This takes the cake. I’m so sick of Joe, Democrats, and the media treating everybody in this country like we are stupid. The level of arrogance and hypocrisy displayed by the fore mentioned is frustrating.

What a joke, you can't hide then when your focus groups and poll numbers so oh shit we need to say something then play it off like you actually care. You never did Joe same goes for you CNN.

So I’ve been seeing sleepy joe is doing a lot of tweeting. Is it ok for him to tweet & not president Trump or...

JoeBiden to late ... you have been silent on this for months. You and your band of marauding thugs are have caused this. I no longer trust you. At least now your admitting it’s actual violence instead of peaceful protests.

Too late

Uhh he does and has been since this has started, but the fact that you will not denounce the violence that has been going on for months shows your true colors!

Three months to fucking late

Who is going to tell him that Trump has been condemning violence for months 😂

So Biden said the same as Trump did with Charlottesville, but now it is called 'forcefully condemned'?


Sure Joe!!!

He has been, Joe. Try to keep up.

CancelCNN TrumpLandslideVictory2020 DrainTheSwamp DrainTheCNNSwamp

He has. Repeatedly. Here’s a story about one instance. EnemyOfThePeople


3 months later after the polling shows people don't want violence. Not buying it.

Joes staff AND kamala staff have donated money so people who hurt cops tear down companys loot & steal WHAT NOT ENTILE 2 SO SICKING IS if get caught hollywood & BOTH joe & kamalas staff pay their fines NOT 1 LEFT HOST ASK THEM BOUT THAT their responsible 4 these UNGODLY RIOTS!

He’s been doing it for years. You just started when the polls show you dipping

Nope, too late you old fool. You own it.

I can't imagine how adults talk like kindergarten. Is CNN and Joe Biden taking us for babes with these rhetorics?

'forcefully' He didn't even say it on video.....Hell, he didn't even write it....'Forcefully' 🤡

Did he condemn it before the RNC?

Also Joe, it looks like your “strong” pleas and I guess demands have fallen on deaf ears of Democratic protesters. Another shot overnight. Suggest getting out if your basement and yell a little louder?

This is all on the left allowing the riots for 3 mos

Trump has been condemning violence for months! Is Biden so brain dead he is now aware of this? Is CNN such a political hack they don’t fact check Biden, but Trump can’t say he brushed his teeth without CNN fact checking him? What a disgrace of a “News” outlet!

Donald Trump plans on pardoning the 17yr old if he remains president

Joe has been silent for months on the violence. Now he says it’s bad bc he thinks it’ll help. We the people see through your smoke screen joe. We’re smarter than that. Go Trump!!

No tv in the basement? The President has condemned the riots & violence from the start. Your late to the party Joe!

It’s about time you came out and said something Joe. Instead you’ve been silent on the violence in the democratic cities and states. Better late than never I guess

Result of Trump and Republicans in government for last few years and now America is racially divided, police killings of black on increase, white supremacist protected by police. America is at the brink of civil war this is Trump and Republican Party result.

That’s hysterical. Joe Biden can barely walk and he is not fit physically or mentally to be President. This is elder abuse and undo influence. He will do anything some one says as long as you make him president. Joe is being abused

TBaldwinRadio After three months he woke up! No no no to China Joe.

Donald can't say BLM it wouldn't matter to him another Black American being Murdered by the police, how can he watches he's America kill themselves, he sends more fuel to the 🔥 n BL don't M...

Senile Joe is 3 months too late and please explain why he supports a violent rapist and criminal MeToo

Old Joe... I'm sure glad his poll numbers fell enough to finally get him to condemn this idiotic violence. Too bad he didn't know it was his own party allowing it to continue. Smh Trump2020LandslideVictory

How can Trump condemn violence when it is the fuel that powers his entire political vehicle?

request: please retweet & pick up the phone NOW...! goal: reach out & *politely* call for resignation Sheriff David Beth (Kenosha Cnty,WI) details: phone numbers of gvt officials in images request: please advise if missing any points of pressure: economic, political, etc.

Please Biden’s pollsters are telling him he better get infront of this.. when he condemns Antifa and BLM rioting and burning of buildings & looting .. I will say he’s arrived

do you condemn it by paying to bail those rioters out

'Eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind'.

Where has he been for the past 90 days about this? Hypocrite.

“Both sides” Biden.

Harris has been bailing out these communist scumbags.

Really? Now he’s finally saying that? That’s what happens when your pill numbers are being affected, you say whatever you need to out of desperation

Haha add 1,460 days on top of that

Democrats nurtured the egg of the snake that is the mob. Now that it backfired and the polls are dropping, they pretend to condemn violence. Kamala Harris was even promoting a fundraiser to bail out arrested looters.

Look at the body language between Biden and Trump!! You can see who is more sincere and caring to be President!!

After months of riots, looting, kids dead in democrat run cities, businesses burned he speaks

Only 3 months to late Slow Joe........

The president has been condemning it for 90 days. Where the hell has Joe been? Only took massive nose dive in the polls for them to reverse course.

Election Security

He's been condemning it

Donald Trump is sending thugs around to cause trouble so he can scream law & order. It’s so obvious!!!

Nice of JoeBiden to FINALLY come out of his Bunker to condemn these agitators on the Left after what 5 months of Lawless carnage? POTUS has been trying to send in the National Guard for months now. But Ur radical Mayors like tedwheeler & radical governors said they didn't need

Biden has Dementia

Really? Www. Antifa . Com

Says Biden for votes. We r not stupid. He saw his polls going down so now he is against violence.

'Forcefully' lmfao.. He tweeted, from his basement!

3 months too late

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