Biden aide begins forming U.S. presidential transition team

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A close adviser to former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has begun forming a team to oversee the transition if the Democratic presidential candidate wins November's election and unseats President Donald Trump, according to a statement on Saturday.

FILE PHOTO: Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Biden pauses as he speaks at a presidential campaign event held at a community center in Darby, Pennsylvania U.S., June 17, 2020. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Longtime Biden aide Ted Kaufman has recruited six people, including several former Obama administration officials, to an initial team that will later be expanded, a person familiar with the transition team said. In a statement, Kaufman said the work would “ensure continuity of government” in the event that Biden must prepare to take over amid the coronavirus pandemic and ensuing economic crisis.


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He is no different than the Republicans. Just the other side of the same coin.


Yes Folks, Biden has started to form his transition team. He doesn't realize that the election hasn't happened yet and he doesn't even have a VP candidate, but you know, that's Joe for you.

Yeah! Yeah I heard ..... AOC : Sec’y of Energy, Omar: head of Homeland Security, Biden Jr: sec’y of State, Rashida Tlalib: Sec’y of Defense..... la creme de la creme

Why bother. He will not win.

geboers_greta Goedemorgen Greta een mooie dag vandaag

Something trumps havent done yet. 3.5 years now and counting.

This has got to be the most useless job in America. Let’s pretend Joe gets elected! Ba ha ha

Nice to hear about someone calling in qualified people to help with transition.

Way too funny! Keep it up!

What a Fool

Waste of time. Won't be needed.


A tad premature, don't you think?

Election is 4 months away, you are not sure where things are ; win or lose; you ste forming trandition team? Dont be do over confidant.

Right. Transition into a nursing home

Let's hope that transition team does not have to be armed.

Kinda premature, ain't it? I saw in passing that he hadn't even hired state campaign directors in some places.


America needs to change President !

Hahahahahaha! More Hope!!! What a stooge!!!

Well that is just silly. He won’t be transitioning to anything resembling an oval. Maybe to a nursing home but not the White House.

Oh Gooooosh! What a lot of ignorant writing here. Well, it doesn't surprise me. Is a sample on how unaware are the people in this country of the protocol to follow when you are a Presidential candidate. Is mandatory to do it! Booooh! Please, be informed!

Biden probably sleeping off that poor reading he attempted, of his aides thoughts this past week. What a terrible performance by Old Biden. Dementia is a terrible disease

We know the most important issue is that Biden will listen to the experts and not like Trump who only listens to himself.

Transitioning from the basement to the main floor?

Can’t wait for him to debate from basement

They are dreaming

Biden will not be elected. He does not need to worry about.

Too early too soon...

Trump Tulsa rally. Joe better hold off.

Yet that simple, but cheeky gesture is bound to infuriate His Orangeness and push him over the edge.

Trying to pretend it’s a fait accompli won’t help, ol’ boy!

He is not elected yet. What a joke!

135 days until crazy Trump is fired.

Transition to what? A long term care home? dementia slowjoe

Bidens staff is just as deluded as their candidate. After first debate with Trump and Biden wanders off stage mumbling to himself the race to vote for Trump will sound like thunder.

Does Biden know?

It is too early- overconfidence is also a disease

Because Biden is mentally unfit.

Only Regime Change in USA is an appropriate way to be an honest country

Are that his hospital aide or his campaign aide? I always forget which one changes his bedpan and which one forms his transition team.

Has more hope Than Lying ,Cheat,corrupt,Trump.

Whomever they give the VP slot on ticket may end up as Pres. Why?

In other words the people who will run the country if Biden wins.

This would be sad shock come November. 2016 is getting repeated for demented Biden.

All I'm going to say is. DON'T SCREW IT UP! and not get elected. My brain can't handle much more stupidity. Your policies may be too progressive for me but there is no way that I can handle another 4 years of this.

Who for

Clueless Biden

Shouldn’t that be Kamala’s task?


Not premature.


Does anyone still believe that Trump will accept the results of any election or step down peacefully?

Biden has to win first and stop making stupid mistakes. I am tired of these unforced errors by Biden and the democrats They need to get serious and use the same tactics Trump is using -sometime you have to be a lion to win

I’m waiting for the first debate (if Biden agrees to one).

Nah, JoeBiden just wants everyone to think he's doing something besides watching the TrumpRally

12:55 AM · 21 июн. 2020 г.·True Anthem 🚩

Is that for Biden’s senate campaign?

Where is Biden? BasementBiden

At this point Reuters is just comedy at best.

Mirror fogged up this morning! YES. Trump is going down!!

Bunch of malarkey! It's good to see the Democrats are such confident idiots again. That strategy was a full success in 2016 as we know.

He should win the election first ..

He is living in this own world like hillary was doing. 'Meet the future president' type..

Seems like a waste of time.

Does Biden know ?

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 hasn't a hope in hell

Biden is like an old wallet that mumbles


Another scheme to prevent Joe from taking questions

Better focus on putting together coherent sentences first.

Seems premature, but I like the initiative

Getting ahead of themselves

First: Make sure Joe is on his meds and always has an aid at his side. Have tranquilizer dart ready in case Joe gets loose.

I don't like this man ... something is askew with his person! He was not a good young man ...

What a waste of time...

I like it

Trump is like a modern day Jim Jones inviting his willing followers to drink the kool aid by inviting them to attend an in-door rally of 19,000 people during a pandemic. We are about to witness a massive spike in covid-19 10-14 days after this event and unnecessary deaths!


Clinton did the same last time



Transitioning to the dementia ward? 🐸

Haha why bither

Why? So he can help Trump prepare for his second term?

...that’s the definition of wasted effort.

I think I've seen this movie before in 2016.

tweetzydeetzy I feel this is dangerous—tempting Fate. We all know how the Dems’ luck runs. NotTooFast

All while Crazy Joe is locked in his basement.

Maybe the FBI should start wiretapping the transition team, spying on them, entrapping them and work up a case to frame them. Oh I forgot the media says that could never happen.

Spent more time in the basement than Josef Fritzl's daughter


طبيب_بلاوثيقه_ولا_تعيين طبيب_يحارب_بلاعده_ولاعدد العراق

Sorry tooo old for debate!!!!

JoeBiden I hope that with the setting up the transition team, the team to get you elected is not 'loosening up'.That should be their priority and absolutely key.Trump has started his Stand Up routine, and whatever we may say, he has a following that remains steadfastly with him

reachado Biden all the way

I don't know how true this is, but a very reliable source told me the dead guy from Weekend at Bernies is top on the list as Joe's body double.

What? A mobile ventilator and new round of steroids?



Alzheimer's strikes again

Transition to president of the the PTA maybe!!

Joe Biden has a better chance of beating Alzheimer's than he does beating Trump. You just know that the folks picked for this transitional team are like, 'I guess I'll just waste the next several months of my life.'😂

Biden aide begins forming nursing home transition team for Joe.

Jumping the shark, he just barely stuttered out of his isolation basement. No more neoliberal corporate bidding candidates.

This is who you think we are going to vote for?

Joe Biden is fueling mob violence. Everyone should have a fair trail. Biden should concede the election. Even should he win . The Mobs of people will be unstoppable, The people will impeach him on day one . Joe Biden is a fool ,

Is he going to steal it? 😃 😃


A little premature isn't it? They must believe they will cheat and win for sure.

What's the rush after all trump did not form his until after he was sworn in.

Might as well. Trump is done.

In the basement?

Do you you mean Biden is actually going to transition into someone with a brain?

Hilarious Does Joe know where he is


Who gives shit

Make sure Biden’s team reminds him China’s Regime not his friend!


All hands on deck. There will be tons of positions to fill in all departments of the federal govt, when Trump is voted out.


Transition to retirement. JoeBiden

Hahaah....ask me if i care

Keep dreaming


I like old Joe - he is one of us old f--ks who doesn't know anything!

Hummm. He is calling Bad luck on him

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