Biden, After Rejecting Progressive Spending Plans, Now Hones Multi-Trillion-Dollar Budget

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Joe Biden is proposing the most ambitious federal spending program of any major party’s presidential nominee in decades, according to new Wharton research

running as a moderate, rejecting the big-government plans of progressive rivals as unaffordable.

In the general election campaign, he has rolled out his own multi-trillion-dollar platform that a new study finds would push long-term Washington spending to its highest level in decades. The former vice president has proposed a total of $5.4 trillion in new spending over the next 10 years, according toby the Penn Wharton Budget Model, a nonpartisan group at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. That includes historically high allocations for sectors from education and health to child-care and housing.

Mr. Biden’s proposed budget is more than double that of Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic nominee. It is a fraction of the $30 trillion to $50 trillion spending plans that progressive Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren laid out during the Democratic primary. But since effectively sealing the nomination in March, Mr. Biden’s plan has grown in response toThe plan also reflects a nod to Mr. Sanders, who has prodded Mr.


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When the people have all the money, they live the way they want. When the government has all the the money, people live the way the government wants. Simple.

My next job is gonna be spending other people’s money

Why The deficit is already in the trillions. At some point the bill will come due.

Of course that’s why he’s never become President.

When we're this far down the rabbits hole, public works is needed.

That’s great Joe, how are you going to pay for it? JoeBiden

The Biden campaign said it couldn't confirm the accuracy of the Wharton numbers, nor would it make public its own cost estimates. Why not?

Republicans spend like drunken sailors, usually on things with minimal benefit. Government spending makes sense if it's for productive investments with future payback. Climate change is a classic example.

Tax and spend, the socialist DEM way!

There’s an economic collapse happening out here Hoover

Can you say “dollar collapse”?

Ambitious? Use another word. Destructive The credit limit for national debt is already out of site

The WSJ is just what it says and who it supports...Wall Street. Not Main Street. Americans are Main Street . Stockmsrket is not the economy. Proven when the took their taxcuts and paid themselves. What a joke. But no one's laughing but them.

No govt. has spent like current administration in terms of the money which has mostly benefited riches. Can we talk about how we are hedging our kids future? National debt, environment, social justice, morality, degrading culture/values, trashing name a few!

Cool. How about decreasing military spending to pay for some of that.

Let’s just ask China for some more


Dems collect taxes and regulate business. Economy of 2017-20 uses opposite approach.

Yes. Tax the Wall Street. WSJ

Yep, it’s called socialism

All this spending is frightening 🤞


Now do an analysis of the actual spending by the Trump admin and what his campaign plan was.


'(Biden's program) is also below the level of government spending in most of the world’s developed countries—and far short of the social democracies of Europe, where the public sector in many countries equals roughly half of GDP.'

'ambitious'. How accommodating.

He did not do one press conference he didn’t do one interview on any Sunday shows what is going on ?

Ambitious thievery to pay for it.

Imagine a world where people and corporations paid their fair share of taxes. A place where enough tax dollars flowed in to adequately fund schools, hospitals, and social programs and help all citizens. It's not about 'Communism' nor 'Socialism.' It's about common sense.

'Ambitious' aka.. let's spend like crazy to buy votes.

TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump TrumpDoesntCare TrumpLiedAmericansDied

Why is he crying JoeBiden ? LOL

Looks like he's a 1000 years old

🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡you are Fake news maker

Good. We are in a pandemic that has torpedoed economic security for most of us. This calls for a New Deal type moment.

Just a confused old man that goes whichever way the wind blows that day.

Look what Trump’s tax policy did to our national debt. What did we get?

thoughts and prayers aren’t going to undo the mess Trump has created

Biden descent, trump a buffoon? I think so

LOL... this corrupt career politician has done NOTHING in 47 years, just enrich himself... The clowns in the media cover up for these criminals in the DC swamp.... Sick frauds!

Gentleman. Mr president

All while not taxing people making under $400,000. That number will get down to under $40,000 real quick.

Only thing he knows how to do is raise Americans taxes for his own benefit

taxes, taxes and more taxes

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