Biden accuser Tara Reade 'not sure' what complaint she claims was filed with Senate says

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Tara Reade says she’s “not sure” what wording she used in the complaint she alleges to have filed with a Senate personnel office concerning Joe Biden. She has said that the complaint, if it's found, would not include the sexual assault accusation.

Former Biden staffer Tara Reade told NBC News that she is "not sure" about the language used in the sexual assault Senate complaint.


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If Biden had an (R) next to his name, you'd be leading the mob with torches and pitchforks to destroy him...but he's a Dem so you'll support him no matter what he does

MSNBC, While you’re dedicating all this time to one Biden allegation, devote the same amount of time to each of the 15+ Trump allegations. Fair is fair

This is so pathetic it makes me sick. How much attention and Trump's money does she need?

ARE U that same woman?

Not buying her story and it would be nice if Chris Hayes and Ali Vitale would knock off trying to spin it as being real

WeTrustJoeBiden TruthOVERtrumpLIES.

Fake news

Why do I think if a lady was sexually assaulted and felt the need to describe it as something else, she’d never forget the description?

When will you dig into the 16 woman the the so call President sexual assaulted . That sweated under the carpet.

***For SALE*** beach front property in arizona taralying


If you tell truth you don't need a memory

The only thing she is sure about is that she is expecting a check from the Trump campaign. Better not try to cash it.

And no one thinks the constantly changing story is just the least bit suspicious?

parametersall so, let's dismiss this...GOP , nice try, but no cigar...

Imagine what Trump would say is this lady accused him of sexual assault. “She’s not my type.” Guaranteed.

She's not credible. Stop giving her airtime.

Not saying shes lying but you have to cross all the t’s in a case like this or have more people who worked with you have your back

Who on earth would make a person come up and lie like this. Trump? Maybe she just wants her 5 minutes of attention or money!

Don't make this an 'email' issue like u did 2 Hillary! U need 2 bring up her discrepancies & stop implying Biden is guilty. You don't need his DE papers, it has nothing to do with personnel issues. U r giving Trump a gift. Just stop it! We will not survive 4 more years of him!

This statement should inform our thinking on the complaint.

She’s not sure what she said, but she KNOWS she did not term it as sexual assault. Based on what she said happen, does anyone else find this whole thing odd. “Smells” like Trump and his campaign to me

You’re coverage comparison between Reade and Blasey Ford is embarrassing and demonstrative of the complete lack of standards you hold as a media outlet.

Let her repeat these allegations under oath. If these allegations are false then she is hurting female victims everywhere. Women are outraged because she is being attacked. But what if she is lying to help Trump. Perfect timing.

just lovely, apparently inside AND out

Tara, the money trump is paying you to continue this tirade will not bring you happiness. More pizza maybe, but not happiness.

Let’s just let her fade away now that she has had her moment.

Question Folks! Why would someone file a complaint about sexual harassment and OOPS! forgot the sexual assault part?!🤨 REALLY?! As a person who survived being rape, that part is NEVER forgotten! 😡 She’s making it hard for rape victims by lying!


Paid for by the Trump campaign.

She should have kept a copy. What normal person wouldn’t.

How about each take a lie detector test.

She needs to be quiet. Go to the police and charge him and let them carry on. This is defamation of character at this point. This is not the way to help stop abuse or help women heal. This is destructive for Biden and for herself. She looks like she is being vindictive.

It is a strange story. Very strange.

If she does't remember an event as emotional as that would have been, (emotional memories are most likely to be remembered) the memory was not fixed in her memory, and that would lead me to believe she made it all up, and hasn't rehearsed her lie enough for it to be remembered,,.

She should have taken that to her grave. Doesn't look like suffer much.

Newsflash- not news! This is trash that you would see in the National Enquirer. You want to be thought of as a credible news source? Then I would suggest you stop airing bogus accusations from a proven whack job. Go after credible reports of Trump’s sexual escapades or failures.

That is a ... big woman

It’s like Sexist Night at the Elks Club locker room when a Democrat is accused.

That's convenient.

Is her complaint against Biden truthful? I believe her less and less.

Another lie!

When stories change over and over again, it means she is not telling the truth.

How about the other two accusations, where One was a 14 yo girl involved with Bidens lude comments?

csin1957 Please stop.

When liars lie ,!!! If they don’t have good memories then they get caught out,!! Exactly what has happened in this case, wonder who saved her from bankruptcy and paid her way, similar to the kavanaugh saga, crooked skulduggery afoot !!!!

Story seemed pretty straight forward as reported on thehill and jimmy_dore

Then she should take the mic to apologize

Sigh.... go ahead keep trying to protect the rapist. So sad

Enough of this woman already!

Seems like something you'd remember...

Rephrase....she LIED

She's coo coo for cocoa puffs

The woman worships putin. Why are we even entertaining this mess?

Is that Sarah hucklebee

Nobody forgets this type of incident easily

This is a mockery of MeToo

FakeNews campaigning for the sexual predator JoeBidn AGAIN! GreenPartyUS GreenParty2020

Of course it won’t. Because it didn’t happen!

I don’t wish a situation like that on anyone but honestly, you don’t forget. It stays with you, even decades later. This sounds fishy to me.

Release the documents and let's see for ourselves...why are they at the U of D?

Stop giving her coverage, she is an attention grabber

Time to end her 20 minutes. Get her a free ticket to Russia or a Putin shirtless photo.

But let the NYT rummage through all Biden’s documents! Thry’llfind what Reid didn’t lose!🙄

Biden doesn't even know he's running.

Sounds less and less credible....🤔

So does this mean you’ll stop beating this dead horse? Sure hope so.

And your point?

Why are we so quick to defend the old fuck with dementia when he says he remembers nothing?



Compared to the lie’n king, Biden’s a Saint!

WHO paid you to LIE

Ms Reade needs to get her sh*t together or leave!

Not surprised.

The woman is a who knows?

If she doesn't remember the wording how does she know that the allegation wouldn't be in there I smell a maga lie

Larry King Tape.

This is sloppy journalism. She said in the very first interview she never filed a sexual assault complaint. She filed a complaint about the sexual harassment.

Doesn't matter, sexual assault is sexual assault. Biden said himself 'believe all women' but it seems somehow when it's the perp himself he will deny it. There's plenty of evidence out there showing Biden making unwanted advances of touching, kissing, smelling and grabing.

That’s not she said before though...

Yes. Made up Stories aren’t easy to repeat without mucking up.

She's a Russian asset...

If you have had a disquieting experience of unwanted emotional & physical invasion you don’t forget anything. Anything. You relive it as if it just happened when reminded. I am not denying that something occurred & that for her it was traumatic, I question her vagueness, memory

Kinda hard to keep track of your lies after twenty eight years

Spin it any way you want MSNBC. One things for sure. Reade has much more collaboration than Ford and MSNBC convicted Judge K yet supports Biden. What a partisan hack of a media source. SAD

She didn't even include the accusation in the official complain?! It's time to move on from this.

Hahaha the woman doesnt know anything,i know if i was assaulted and made a complain, is no way i would ever forget it! Pls stop the defamation of this woman,republicans better say no shit,remember trump accusers !

Sure it’s all a misunderstanding


This crap is played out.


OK. Hussy got her 10 minutes of infamy. Let's move on and raise the barre. How about having some serious debates about our USA? Like how we're going to reboot & rebuild post Trump?


She would crush him

It's time to stop 'reporting' on this woman. Her 15 minutes of 'fame' are up.

Tara Reade, on the Republican payroll.

morgan313 You know why she is not sure of the language she used? Cuz she lies! She a liar! Mythomane. 🙄😡

Do we REALLY NEED TO HEAR ABOUT THE FUKKKING COMPLAINT?!! Never forget ‘HER EMAILS’ you damn nincompoops

Tara Reade is a damn liar.

There's one thing she's sure of...

JoeBiden WAS VETTED IN 2008. Safe to say All networks GAVE this woman her days of fame WITH OUT CHALLENGING HER EVOLVING STORY FROM THE SHOULDERS to her private parts. White House is housing the 3 wives WHORE Monger, 25,000 lair, fraud Tax returns & 75,000 deaths from NEGLECT!

Trump and Putin are losing money with this one.

morgan313 Here MSNBC . .maddow 'if it's found'... someone did the work for you already.

Why now? Why not 5 years ago? Why not 10 years ago? Why not 15 years ago? I'll tell you why. It's because she would not have been all over the news then, no notoriety, no publicity. She is a fake.

IBelieveTara eat that Liberals!


A sad washed up wanna be reaching for her moment of glory at the expense of truth and decency. Be gone witch.

remember how y'all reacted here? hypocrites.

There is no timeline to her story. You cannot investigate any part of her story because she has zero details to it, except she filed a formal complaint, and once Biden said 'release the complaint from the Archives if one exists' she says, oh I never reported anything sexual.

Just like the Republicans to look for someone to make up some B.S. that probably isn't true just to say that they need to investigate this, to get JoeBiden off of the Campaign Trail for some B.S. Hearing, So tired of this, Voter Suppression, Purging the Rolls and OTHER B.S

Oop chrislhayes she changed her story again. Maybe it’s time for you to consider teaching philosophy. MondayMotivation MondayMotivation mondaymorning

Gotta love how MSDNC is trying to slut shame her with this picture. She has ample evidence and Biden himself has shown how much he loves touching/sniffing/groping women and especially little girls. Why else did CNN delete the King episode? Or the NYT change its story?

Tara Reade says a lot of things. For the right price.

This story was released on Twitter 10:00 am Moscow time and 3:00 am EST. I guess that’s your target market, after all, RU trolls. Pathetic.

Just keep spinning

There are too many material women in American society. The best time for them to get famous is the election season.

Go figure.

Atleast now y’all are calling it alleged. And alleged complaint. Thank you. WTF took you so long?

So that's that


Options : - Find it to get the truth - Do not find it, who cares ? - Do not find it but weaponise it against her anyway What kind of metoo person are you ?

Hey there, rape apologists in this thread. Supporting a rapist got you down? Why not make a game of it!? Here’s a handy dandy card to do just that!

“The only thing I’m sure of is that I’ve changed my story since then”


Let me put it this way. If I'd made a complaint of any kind against any official, I would know what the complaint said and I'd sure as hell have a notarized copy of same. In fact, I'd have a couple of dozen copies in safe places. She doesn't know, she doesn't have a copy? Strange

Stop talking to or printing any more of her stories she has done this before... VOTE... If you are not registered get registered and VOTE...

You jump right over are fact that their name be proof of her claims. And why are you victim shaming? Why did you stop BelieveAllWomen and start saying DontBelieveAnyWoman What happened to MeToo?

No case, no charge, no issue. Nothing here. BidenIsNotARapist JoeBiden2020

Ok the Hunter thing didn't work now this BS

So the story keeps changing. The spin is on. Where are we constantly getting a spin. Yes Trump and his cronies are constantly putting the spin on his lies. Wouldn't surprise me if they're behind thid.

Republicans failure and her 15 minutes of fame is up

Double standard personified. You leftist are unbelievable

Sorry but a smile like that totally tells a different story-

Why didnt she come.forward when he was being vetted for VP?

you guys are getting really lame.

Doesn’t matter. Biden has a lot more trouble putting his words into coherent sentences that people can understand.

Veracity thy name is Republican. When will your Senate hearings begin I suspect Sept or Oct.

Democrats have slinked from MeToo to MoveOn


Yea! Right! I would trace down the hunk of money she got, for claiming that!!

Lady go back to the bry patch. You tried it,only to make me suspicious of your Lie, i’m sure you being paid, I hope it’s worth it to you. To me it only make me support Joe Biden more, he can do better than you if he chose to do so.


People who have been raped, sexually harrassed... DO NOT FORGET!!!!!

Is her new job being a gypsy?

So how much did the Trump Campaign pay Tara for her lie. She ripped off a Horse Rescue, hid her car from Repo and told awful lies about her ex husband. The story keeps changing. Tara, write more love letters to Putin.

Tara is not sure it wasn’t donnie who assaulted her. Her fake claim sets back those with real claims. Shame on her.

Hey MSNBC, when did MeToo happen? Was that before or after Joe Biden was vetted in 2008? How have opinions changed since then? Maybe they should have vetted him BEFORE 2020 and AFTER MeToo !

Why do I think this woman has been bought by the Koch's, the Mercer's or Putin. Time to act like the R's and investigate the accusor

Should have done some investigative reporting first before you spread bs stories.

In other words she isn't credible, can we move on from this bullshit story now?

Is she sure of anything about her dubious life, including swindling a non-for profit organization that helps the least fortunate?

If it was actually a big deal, wouldn’t she have kept a copy?

this one too

Too late to get some journalistic integrity, MSNBC, not gonna watch you anymore.

If your gonna make a big deal about this, don't forget trump has 27 allegations

So we know how racist the republicans are right? They’ll hate President Obama until Jesus returns. So exactly HOW did the Tara Reed story not come up 12 years ago when President Obama ran the first time?


mom4boca Since Tara Reade is not sure about her 'wording' in a complaint, she should step away from the public eye to figure out what she said in a complaint. No matter what ISupportJoeBiden

Fake news ! You're trying to protect Biden

Of course it wouldn’t. Because she’s lying.

Tired of all the time wasted on this Tara Reade bullshit. Focus on all the women who have accused Trump. In detail. Unless you fear him.

Sounds like her credibility has gone out the window.

Let’s move on.

More vetting needs to happen before giving the accuser airtime. Woman should be heard without judgment then verified. Without investigating someone thoroughly is not good journalism.

Shes a fraud, it never happened,

She looks like she travels with the carnival.

Tara Reade is why mental health should be part of Healthcare for All.


Okay great, now do Trump

Democrat Billionaire Bill Gates owns MSDNC! Hypocrites gave Ford a pass! No one at the party ever knew or met Ford and she didn’t know how she arrived at party? Haha! Maddow loves Ford the alleged victim? But hates Reid the rape victim? No wonder Mcgown disowned Dem hypocrites!

Twitter needs a HORRIFIED button.

She’s a liar.


wrong time, wrong accusation!

TaraReadeIsALiar TaraReadeIsALiar TaraReadeIsALiar IStandWithBiden IStandWithBiden IStandWithBiden Biden2020

Tara deserves to be heard. But her accounts so far are confusing and unconvincing.


She’s not sure she lies.

Another desperate attempt by Trump to change the narrative from his absolute failure in handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

She must have been saving it for a rainy day. What a gross person.

Let me tell you, as a rape survivor, you DO NOT FORGET what happened and what you said. She's a LYING LIAR!!!

This poor woman has obviously been used by corrupt individuals, and political operatives, she needs help, not insults. The Sanders and Trump campaigns should be ashamed of what they’ve done to her. Sure they paid off all her debts as payment, but still... Just kidding, screw her.

I was physically assaulted and raped forty four years ago and I could relay and remember every detail without question or doubt. You never forget or not sure

Enough about this crazed woman. Either stop with the coverage or give trumps accusers equal coverage.



Funny that you are questioning her memory from years ago but not dementia Joe’s who can’t remember yesterday

This was so important to her she only remembers she was afraid but she doesn’t remember what she said in this report.Why didn’t she complain last month last year,last decade.Sorry don’t believe her.She didn’t have the courage to complain until 7 months before the election 🤔

You put this out on Twitter, but your 'reporters' can't mention it on air? Shame.

Who in her position wouldn’t keep a copy of the proof somewhere safe?

Tara Reade changes her story daily. 1993 the Senate was on a tear going after Senator Packwood for sexual harassment. The Senate was crawling with reporters. Her complaint, IF MADE, would have been taken seriously. I find her motives questionable.

Her 15 minutes are up

Whether it was Sexual Harassment or Sexual Assault either one makes JoeBiden unfit to be President. I've spoken to many women who think they are the same thing. MeTooUnlessItsBiden MeToo

Waiting on MSNBC's 24/7 coverage of Tara Reade's harrassment from the left, including prominent ally's. Cut some fake news for the time slot.

She’s losing credibility minute by minute!


So then basically it’s a none issue. All right, that’s a wrap!

Thank you VP Biden. Now let's move on. And all MSM (CNN; MSNBC; Huff Post; CBS; NBC; PBS; NYT; BBC; etc.) should stop covering Trump 24/7 and start covering Biden, Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Democrats. Stop giving Trump millions of $$ in free campaign advertising like 2016.

Russian puppet and Bernie supporter - these, plus now her statements that her complaint did not include any allegations of sexual touching means she has zero credibility - report on her possible motives to lie about Biden!

Right. Tara Reade didn't feel the need to keep a copy of the complaint she filed with 'a' Senate personnel office against a US Senator that might not be found.

Hahaha,,,of course it won’t. The fans of the impeached guy aren’t going to like this. Biden met this head on and the truth came out. This has never happened with the impeached guy.


This is starting to look like a GOP tactic to get into Biden's otherwise sealed records.

I feel like the air is leaking from this complaint.


Because... say it with me now... SHE IS FULL OF SHIT


Good lord people. Can you stop reporting on a story that is not a story until you have story.

But she sure 'seems sure' that VP Biden assaulted her. Her story keeps changing and changing…………and changing and changing……………………………………….YAWN. None of it is true and she knows that.

FIRE MIKA!!! Just like you did Chris Mathews! Show that you treat everyone fairly, which Mika did not do to Joe Biden!!!

So are you going to stop airing this story, fire Mika and become more of a news station instead of a tabloid station?

Her 15 mins of fame are over

Bow Wow

Make believe? Why not ask her about name changes, & her constant praise on Twitter and Facebook of JoeBiden until days before this bullshit! It’s another GOPCorruptionOverCountry and her MoneyOverTruth we know it’s a farce.

Ok msnbc time to move on. We are NOT doing this crap!


Biden sexually abused a woman Its gotta be true because MSNBC is posting headlines about it .. I mean they never lie or get misinformed. All the bad things they say about Trump is taken as truth to most people in America so why not listen to them now?

That’s because she is making this up. Anyone who is sexually assaulted or raped remembers every detail.


This woman is a flake.

Regardless of who you believe, you can clearly see that this purported news article only presents old information as new information in order to suggest that Tara is inconsistent. Why would a news organization do that? IBelieveTara

I'm 'not sure' she's being honest.

Bring it to the table and let everyone hear both sides on a live televised review before senate. Done ✅ deal. Why even speculate? 🤔

Interesting how she can recall details but not what she wrote on the paper

This is not new information. Ask ryangrim, kthalps and RichMcHugh. Maybe if MSNBC would invite her on the same way they invited Joe on, they could clear everything up. So far, MSNBC has only invited Joe. They have not treated Tara equally or as a potential victim.


Tara Reade needs to apologize publicly with a mirkin mask on

What a coincidence... I wonder who paid her and how much...

Absolutely nothing wrong in calling this pathetic excuse of a media outlet, MSDNC.

This sow has ISSUES that don't include Joe Biden.

Tara Reade has one thing in common with Donald J Trump. They both LOVE PUTIN!!

- Do you SERIOUSLY believe that anyone with half a brain believes that there is an officially filed sexual harassment or assault accusation anywhere in Joe Biden's record that would not have been discovered when he was vetted for the VP position? ANYONE? FOH

Karen Reade wants to speak to Biden’s manager.

So basically everyone's saying JoeBiden is guilty of sexual assault against a female that can't get her story straight? Yet realDonaldTrump being accused of raping 25 women and a 13 year old girl isn't real enough to investigate? Hypocrites.

We should believe the woman. Knowing how she would be attacked and vilified no woman would lie about a sexual assault by a famous politician.

I would think something like an assault, and reporting it to superiors would be burned into your mind. She almost sounds like she thinks someone else might inset a fake complaint and she’s not sure what they might say.

Having Nicolle Wallace take over as cohost on Morning_Joe would be wonderful news to me.

Someone is abusing and exploiting this woman, but it ain’t Biden. Reeks of TrumpPutin a la Roger Stone/Fox News

Another Bernie bro trying to change the election

Why does MSNBC insist? Just shut--the--fuck--up! Okay, she has a right to accuse someone, but if she changes her story, how can the accusation be credible? Doesn't work that way, mostly.

And she thought it was decisive to look as pathetically slutty as a woman of her girth can muster up in this photo op.

Who is paying Tara Reade and what has she been promised to file a false report about Joe Biden? This has opened the door for everyone to ask about Donald Trump’s Sexual Assault of over 25 Women, his Raping of Teenagers, Adultery with numerous Women, & possible Incest!

This story has more holes, inconsistencies & retractions than a Trump press conference. The President's supporters, the Bernie Bros & Russia have all combined to drag a good man down with very scant evidence

Ok. Enough said. Leave it alone.

Let’s get Chris Hayes on this.

How tough this must be for her and to see how the media stuck up for the woman that accused Trump but basically doesn’t believe her where is the me too movement

She is a serial lair unfortunately and a decoy of BS propaganda brigade aided by the media true and true in the midst of her inconsistencies on the Biden accusation thus far.

chrislhayes can you admit you got played? Most of us non professionals without a nightly show knew the holes in her story were too big. Advice take time off and get over your loss of bernie. It’s ok. U will be ok. Move to VT.


It’s looking more + more like...

At that age, I wasn't politically savvy, but I was smart enough to keep a copy of every document I signed.

Bwahahhaaha, damage control, damage’ve got to help the old guy, he gets confused every now and then, right JoeBiden ?

changing her story again?

Please,tell me whyyyyyyy. Stop giving this lying heffa a platform. There are women being assaulted in real time somewhere in the world. You Tara, because of your untruths, inconsistencies, and need for the spotlight, can possibly chip away their believability. YourLegacyOfLies

She is by far somebody who you can trust than Christine Blasey Ford, a fake history trying to destroy the life of an honorable person

MSNBC You owe Joe Biden an apology. This stupid tweet sounds like you're still trying to keep the speculation going.

She does not seem sure of anything, except for he crush on vladamir Putin. This smell like bs.

Enough, move on.

Yet another

Great propaganda in the wording of Joe Biden rape case lmao BelieveTaraReade

Because it didn't happen, period!

Lock her up!

Ok, your 15 minutes of fame has come and gone ... bye bye now.

That’s called “tap dancing” !!

$$$ CHASER. She's a disgrace to every other woman out there who has ever been sexually assaulted! It's because of women like her that those who have legitimate claims are scrutinized making them NOT want to come FORWARD. SHAME ON YOU TARA READE! THINK about your actions!

Case has no chance.

Oops: She’s Hedging Already? That was fast!

Cindy63306167 What's up with the wine bottles in her hair?🍷


Picture of a liar

Well that's convenient.

Ohhhh, really? You were assaulted, with his fingers up you, and you didn't report this? 1993, women were reporting sexual assault and harassment back then. Two terms as VP, and yet this never came up? And, now the complaint wasn't sexual? Either come with facts, or step off.


The holes in her story is large enough for Bugs to make a home in.

New York Times does not say that. Joey will resign before November

Isn't this the woman who defrauded a charity?

We weren’t there. Get a Dr on and ask what happens to the brain of some people that have been touched I reserve judgment at this time



She's lying.


Wow, you guys just can’t admit you got it wrong! You got played. The amateur Twitterverse figured this out two days ago. Maybe y’all should pay more attention!

Now can you media ppl STOP IT? Or are you trying to make this another 'but her emails' situation like you did w/Hillary? TaraR's story has changed-the entire timing of her allegation is suspect-and we have so much more to worry about-like the pandemic&what Trump's NOT doing

OMG msnbc are you going to continue giving her all this attention she doesn't deserve it! Stop the madness!!

What ? You don't forget something like that, lady ... Very suspicious !!!

Biden must come out and tell people ms reade is lying. And then forget he said it.

If you're going to continue to report on this story, you should ask MalcolmNance about the part where 'a Russian friend' convinced Reade that America is evil and Putin is dreamy, and then she suddenly started to support Sanders. Mr. Nance will surely explain the KGB to you.

Ok there you have it 15 min of fame somebody give this woman a book deal

I stead go giving air time..get her a place in an i dtitute for mentally ill people ..this is a sad case of a person with delusions,hallucinaties,identity crisis and living in lala land ..

What don’t people get? This complaint would have made its way to the Congressional Ethics Committee—you know that taxpayer funded slush fund used to pay off victims of our Congressional perverts, the records of which are not released to us (We The People Who Pay For It).

Well she must be lying then nothing to see here Biden is still the best us dems can do!!!

Be curious what Trump loyalist tug this up, and how much money they promised.

She’s Fraud

Tomorrow she'll be saying she's not sure if it was Joe Biden she worked for.

Why haven't you spoke sooner? You had plenty of time before he announced he's running for President! Anytime before that,I might have listened,now? I don't want to hear zip from you! This has got Trump writing on it,betcha💯🙀

Stop this shit. Stop giving that lying psycho any more coverage. As a victim of sexual assault, I was a young girl when it happened, & I can remember the time of day, where the assault took place, by whom, who I told, & exactly what my Uncle did. It's been 47 yrs & I remember!

What a cheapskate

Remember Trump, Kavanagh, Roy Moore. Thousands of Hit pieces against them by FakeNewsMedia What changed since last couple of years......I got if the accused isn't conservative, then accuser is lying & not believable BidenRapist

Stop with this manufactured bullshit

Victim shaming

MSNBC is turning to Fox News.

*Chris Hayes left the earth.


Please stop covering this bs it's hurting the me too movement and it's shameful.


KeishaRansome22 She’s a fraud

Are we surprised that she changed her testimony once again?

Oh yeah totally... a sexual assault report that doesn’t mention the actual sexual assault. Totally believable!

How could Joe Biden assault her? She’s so BIG can’t be much smaller 20 years ago.

That's enough of this. Days worth of repeating baseless claims. It's time to turn to other things. Try discussing policy, past voting preferences, and bills the candidates have been involved in. The media's preference for sensationalism contributes to American ignorance.

Time to recant and fade away, Tara.

Blasey Ford ‘not sure where the party was’, ‘who was there’, etc., etc.,....we just want the same standards. We’re not going to ‘believe’ everyone, but we definitely listen to both sides, and give due process...

Look at how eager to believe and support women thedemocrats are now.

It's really difficult to keep a lie from unraveling. A lie has to be tended and added to now and again. Not to mention, it not easy to remember a lie exactly as you told it before. After all, it's a lie and it's bound to change.



Well I guess she may have looked quite different in that time period.

Can’t imagine Joe Biden going near her with a 10 ft pole.

Her way of admitting she made it up.

Oh, we know she's full of shit.

I was violently raped at 15. I can tell you what I wore, what he wore, what he said, what I said, what he smelled like. I can tell you every detail of that entire week. More than 3 decades later. “Not sure”. No previous complaint. She voted for him. She praised him publicly.

TraciiGuns metoo

the all our smear campaign to discredit RapeSurvivor TaraReade by the propaganda arm of Democrat Party is as expected

Now this is strange. But if she's claiming she filed a complaint, let's see it. So, either there's no complaint, or there's no complaint about sexual assault. She doesn't remember what she said, but very clear recall about what she didn't say. Ok.

Why are we still talking about this?

Very fishy

GVT. Is a dumb agency. I worked for DOD, and they VET. I was VETTED by the FBI and had to wait over THREE months to get work clearance. THEY LOOK AT EVERYTHING. You guys are going to give Trump the election again! SMDH /3

Whenever you make these accusations you need to check yourself before becoming public with them because it can destroy an innocent life.

MSNBC batting for the rapist...

Why now ? Why not before he decided to run for office or after the election ? Impacting the entire country for an event that may or may not have happened, many years ago, is a thoughtless, inconsiderate , republican reprehensible maneuver.

Doesn't Tara look like a stereo-typical lying obsessive Bernie socialist. Not much pride in appearance kinda like Bernie and his wife.

Be around him as President? NO WAY, that could have been hidden from Obama! That was our first black president! Do you know how hard it is to be a leader that is of color and how much leaders of color have to be careful not to have scandals around them?! You guys act like the/2

liar liar pants on fire

This woman is not credible. There’s all kinds of red flags.

This is a very different headline when compared to the ones you guys released about Kavanaugh

This is so crazy. Biden did nothing wrong. This old fat lady would never have piqued his interest. JoeBiden is clearly only interested in skinny 14 year old blondes. Seriously, dozens of video clips prove that’s who he is attracted to. Aqcuit him now!!

This woman is a hot mess

Democratic woman lie. Look at Nancy Pelosi or Debbie Dingell all liars. Joe Biden doesn't lie. He said never happen we must believe him. He was a Senator at the time they never lie. Like Dr Ford, Tara was confused. Chew her up spit her out. She a liar. She just ruin her life. Lie

Ok. At this point if she unsure of half her damn story she needs to drop it bc she’s making it really bad for women who wants to be taken seriously with their complaints. She needs to drop it.

Women with arms like this should not wear shirts like that. And that’s about all I have to say about Tara Reade.

Sooooo... why are we bothering with her at all, then?

What happened to Ibelieveher?

Joe Biden did NOT receive due diligence. Innocent until proven guilty. Investigate and research BOTH SIDES. Biden has every right to take this further and sue for Defamation to Character. They fear a BIDEN win. That's the real story

she is a fraud!

What an insult to compare Dr Ford to Tara Reade. And to compare Joe Biden to Brett Kavanaugh. People you'll messed up big time

HO-Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ! !

Bernie bros are MAGA salivating hoping Biden would be pushed out. Each and every online news media MUST make a public apology. Day after day they dragged this distinguished man's name and character through the mud. Heads must roll

Wen that old white woman came forth an confessed to having Enmity Till killed they said she was to old for jail.Wen Bill Cosby was accused of rape while old an blind they locked him up because he was black.Where's the Justice in that.Did u see Emmitts body!!

Stop protecting brain dead Biden, he is a pervert and so is trump how did we get here, thanks Democrats your just as bad as fox.


Joe Biden, a decent, honorable man was subjected to a horrible smear campaign against him. Humiliated on national television. Words used against him that made me cringe. The media going after him without proper research. This is a disgrace and he must get an apology. Unforgivable

Tara has had her moment of fame. Time to move on. Good try.

Not sure...JFC....


She has to wait all this years 🤣🤔

Let’s try a few words to see if it helps you Tara. Did you use “vagina”? You know that one. Did you use “fingers”. You know that one. Surely if Biden thirst his fingers into your vagina you mentioned that?

Who would file a sexual harassment complaint & not add the words sexual harassment?

press: this was 27 years ago. please drop this. i know you're hungry for content, but if it is believed you helped throw the election to trump, you will never be forgiven.


Woman if you just don’t feel needed or wanted right about now I’m sure you can help out at a food pantry, homeless shelter, nursing home etc. God will Bless you!

If I were to have filed a complaint, I most certainly would remember the wording. Probably the most serious thing a person will do in a lifetime, accuse a sitting Senator of sexual assault and you wouldnt include it in your complaint. Sorry, sounds lame to me

Fear is for the guilty.

Someone is paying her to do this because Biden leads in the polls.

All of these people talking shit about Biden, yet not saying a word about trumps 25+ accusations. Hm interesting

Only 2 people know the truth, but we do know how differently we reacted to the Kavanaugh accusation. Feel conflicted?

Move on. I am normally addicted to msnbc, and i turned you off all day. Stop!

I call bullshit

Bye Bye

He has this complaint and many more.

You don't have to be such a liar and fake news

So she had a traumatic experience, filed a complaint, cannot remember the wording and doesn’t have a copy. I saved copies of my two parking tickets.

Hmmm, that's usual then...Why would not, state that...🤔

So I'm binging Veronica Mars first season. It involves a murdered girl and an actor that ends up being the murderer. His daughter wants to make it into a movie where she plays herself. Her brother said they'd probably use the movie star Tara Reed. 🤔🤔🤔🤔

How can you not be sure what wording you use. She should have copies. If what she claims happened and it was so important it is something you don’t forget. I do not believe her.


Effing liar


Probably the wording someone is typing up as she speaks

Maybe it never happened

She's seeking her fifteen minutes of fame dressed age inappropriately

😤😡👊⚡go eat you've had yr 10 min💥

toddmargo “not sure” sadly, says A TON. Girl you, set back All actual and real claims of sexual assault.

This woman is a nut case plain and simple stop giving her attention she is having an affair with Putin in her head... that should say it all!

She lying you need investigate Trump behind this. To get the heat off him.

Any evidence should be brought forth and evaluated appropriately, if she filed a complaint, there should be a record


So it's one of those super delayed complaints. A lot of those nowadays.

Her 15 minutes of fake fame better be over now! And also, issue an apology to Biden and investigate tRump’s accusers.

How many times does this story change? Have her get it clear with her good friend Roger Stone.

She is telling a story almost exactly what happened to the woman at Macys One of Trumps sexual abuse victims .The one at Macys said that he backed her to a quiet corner and penetrated her with his fingers Now Suddenly this very same story is what happened to Reade ?Liar


She told the AP today that she didn't use the word 'harassment' either. No assault, no harassment -- a useless complaint, if one even exists.

If Tara needed fun please call 1 800 XXX XXXX. She’s given more than 15 minutes of f&f. washingtonpost nytimes latimes chrislhayes DeanObeidallah JoyAnnReid BostonGlobe JoeBiden AP cnn foxnews StephMillerShow Alyssa_Milano robreiner BostonGlobe SignalBoostShow

I’m not watching no more MNSBC, they getting do ridiculous!!

EdJarring IBelieveBiden

But she’s sure of the amount of money she’s collecting for her claim.

Huh? Some (alleged) perv assaults you and you file a complaint about his poor customer service?!?

MSNBC desperate to defend rapists to keep their weapons contractor advertiser ad revenue flowing.


Wow it sounds like she's covering her tracks. Tisk tisk.

Gwad! That picture, she’s gross!

MSNBC ENOUGH!! Her 15 minutes, of so called fame, is OVER! Stop covering her!

Then if she is “not sure” stop giving this story life! Cut the bullshit with this story!

Seems that would be relatively easy to get, especially from Joe Biden if he is innocent. Show us the complaint. Simple. But he won’t, so wh cares how it was worded.

By the way we are expecting an apology form Chris Hayes quickly.

Wow! She’s changed. Yikes

She is lying! Once he said, go look in the archives, now she is back tracking! No, let’s look!!! If it’s true, let’s investigate!

First there is no complaint. If there would have been one, Obama’s team would have found it in 2008. Second she is lying and people keep chasing a liar.

It doesn’t matter. You goons have once again been exposed as raging hypocrites.


As always she's just a publicity stunts realDonaldTrump lying team bribed into making a sexual assault claim.

malinablue And the story changes yet again, but somehow her accusation is 'credible '? Please. 🙄

'Of it's found' it doesn't exist

refuses to say this woman is a fraud. Not only is her story inconsistent and changing, but she praised Biden up until 2017 then in 2018 she became a RussianAsset. She wrote a love letter to Putin.


Because there's none

When and made accusations against VP Joe, she was high on drugs or what? Opposition always use sexual harassment as tool to accused and to the opponent.

I'd be sure...

Is anyone surprised

Believe all women

Why is this still getting attention then? She is discrediting herself and her claim at every turn. Just speak the truth and we will listen and make a decision.

NOW we are hearing this? Where's the alleged complaint? BTW: We have plenty of documented sexual assault accussations agains President Cheeto! 🙄

Well well well..

under those circumstances she has no case.

As in No complaint was filed 🥴

But her emails!!

I am done

I'm thinking if I reported a sexual assault like she says she experienced, I would tell the WHOLE story. EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED. Not JUST 'a sexual assault'!!! Wouldn't you? 🤔🤔🤔

So why are you still taking about this then. Move on. Next!

A logically sane person would think that she would have kept the copy of her complaint. She kept all of her other files.

The plan was all abt falsely accusing Biden of rape, so that he would drop out, & Bernie would become the Dem Nominee. It was planned & executed by Tara, who is a Bernie supporter, former aids 2 Bernie, & the Intercept, the Anti-Dem Party group. Truth

Ok what is Tara Reade trying to do?

Believe women, am I right?

She I dont think she is being truthful. Not sure ....I am a victim and know exactly if there is a complaint where is it

Tara your five minutes of fame are now done

She’s a fake. Bought and paid for by desperate Republicans. realDonaldTrump

She's a liar then. On top of this, she has shown allegiance to Putin and thereby trump.

N O T S U R E not sure NoTsUrE N O T S U R E n o t s u r e notsure

perhaps someone should have not confronted VP Biden with unfounded allogations without interviewing the accuser?

Well, let's break it open and find out! What's Joe got to hide?

Enough of this woman!!

Where was she in 2008 when Biden was being vetted for VP Not a peep.



OK. If you were assaulted, you know damn well what’s in that complaint. It’s traumatic and burned in your mind, especially if you took the step to file the complaint.

She needs to go back to “blogging” about Putin’s naked chest

So? What did Dr Ford have?

Not a story anymore.

Once upon a time, a young woman was accosted by her gynecologist. She only told her husband. She did NOT return to his office or recommend him to others, give him flattering reviews. See where I'm going with this?

👋👋Bye Bye Felicia 👋

When media CNN ABC CBSNews AP Reuters PBS NPR goes after trump for all the allegation that have been made against him - I have no time for this over twenty years ago, can’t get my story straight bull sht


This lady was clearly paid by the Bernie campaign to make this allegation. Very sad

Liar. Stop talking about her and investigate who paid her to do this and get her locked up


This is such a joke. Time for and morningmika to issue an apology and end this charade.

Waiting for Trump's DNA test.. 3sec.. TheDemocrats Trump rape accuser E Jean Carroll seeks DNA sample from president.

Her story is just too shady to believe.

When will chrislhayes and the other MSNBC anchors who have continued to hammer on this story issue retractions, corrections, and apologies?

And in other news.....murder hornets are joining “pandemic party 2020”!!!!

Ok, then what does the complaint include. This is ridiculous, her story changes hourly and the lies pile up. And what is this nonsense “if it’s found”....was it filed or not or is this just another lie? Is Biden’s name even included in this mysterious complaint?

'In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes' - Andy Warhol

She loves Putin too much for her accusations to have any weight.


You need to apologize to Biden after your coverage of this story!

Go away. If you had been concerned enough to file a complaint, you would have made sure it was accurate.

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