Betsy DeVos gets grilled in Congress over proposed elimination of Special Olympics funding

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Education Sec. DeVos struggled before a congressional subcommittee to defend at least $7,000,000,000 in proposed cuts to education programs, including eliminating all $18,000,000 in federal funding for the Special Olympics.

Get breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings.Education Secretary Betsy DeVos struggled before a congressional subcommittee on Tuesday to defend at least $7 billion in proposed cuts to education programs, including eliminating all $18 million in federal funding for the Special Olympics.

Pocan at that point interrupted the education secretary to point out that the proposed budget includes a 26 percent reduction to state grants for special education and millions of dollars in cuts to programs for students who are blind. Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., noted that past proposed budgets also attempted to eliminate federal funding for the Special Olympics.


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Wait wait, wasn't Prof. Dumbridge the one who cut funding for the Special Olympics? I....she's got some brass balls acting like other people are 'using' disabled kids...


Dorothy11594020 De Vos is a pig

Like an old Scrooge movie.

Is this the AMWAY model of education? I must have missed that in college! What is it, exactly, that the administration is doing but using the Special Olympics as political pawns

MalcolmNance freetheseaquest

This woman isn’t competent to run a charity luncheon. She bought her job and she’s failing miserably to do the job—not cut, but ensure that what is right is saved!

MalcolmNance I understand politics but when GOP appointees have such a blatant disreguard borderline hostility toward congress its shameful. Cutting them off mid sentence, over talking them, disrespect. I know if I talked to my boss like that I would be reprimanded for my actions.

MalcolmNance And she says it with her pathetic smiling face! Why

special olympics funding should not come from the federal education budget. period.

grandpooba5440 As she is sitting there in her Chanel jacket crying poverty taking away funding to millions of special needs American children. Very Marie Antoinette. Morally bankrupt sub human being.

This woman has no business directing policy for education.

Just another puppet

MalcolmNance I can’t watch these people.

Accept responsibility for a bad decision. 18 mil cut from 80 bil? Yeah. Keep special olympics.

Her porcelain smile, it cracks every time

MalcolmNance That's my senator! So proud of you SenatorDurbin!

MalcolmNance Having a child like mind, occasionally, I’ve decided to rechristen her Devious DeVos. Sorry, Secretary Devious DeVos. Let’s keep it polite folks...

Does she not know that most Americans, GOP and Dems, disagree with her budget cuts to Special Olympics? How can she try to defend a decision she said she doesn't know who created. She is so WRONG to accept the position/job she is in.

Amen! Ditzy as trump calls her, has been hideous in every decision (all trump’s)! She bought her job for $2 million donation to trump as did Mcconnell’s wife for transportation secretary job! They are both losers in the humane dept of life just like trump!!

MalcolmNance Look at all the other proposed education cuts, along with Special Olympics. It’s hideous. She’s evil.

Here we have another of Trump's 'best people.' And what we've learned that to mean, is these people do what's best for themselves & others like them. Entitled. Wealthy. Devoid of common decency care & empathy. They cut programs to redirect wealth into their own pockets & agendas.

SHE is disgusting and is the one using children for political purposes

If you've ever been to a hearing, you'd know the way she's acting is shameful in itself. I mean, you're asking for money to be able to appropriate... so many people are depending on you, have respect and be professional. She wasn't elected, she was installed

MaestraOogway THANKYOU, DickDurbin !!! THANKYOU, Senator! StandUpForKids Protect PublicEducation BetsyDeVos is NOT qualified. VOTER

Not funding the wall is dumb also

If the Retards are getting 80 BILLION I deserve a good chunk of that! I’m smart!

realDonaldTrump it’s nice to see you correct a terrible decision you made in trying to defund Special Olympics and Autism funding. VP

MalcolmNance She is, in fact, just stupid

MalcolmNance How can she sit there and pretend that supports Special Olympics?

MalcolmNance Besty DeVos need to re-sign

DeVos & Trump use everyone in twisted deviate ways because they have no conscience. They, along with Pence’s evangelical hypocrites, worship money & power. DeVos & Karen Pence are liars, like their husbands. Once caught they just lie the other way.

5 weekend trips for 45 to his golf courses, and we pay for that.

cj_spinks Hey bets ,

Why do these people always go to well I donated this much. Like we are suppose to just go well then the cuts are perfectly fine now. Question is she donating 18 million a year? Serious question. If she is then guess the cuts are fine.

MalcolmNance Pure evil! She still got a smirk in her face 🤬

So Devos, suggesting the elimination of the Special Olympics is not Political or disgusting Does she even hear what she is saying Play this video for her to see!!!

BetsyDeVosHatesSpecialNeedsKids BetsyGot2Go

Ms Devos even you out of touch dim witted dear leader could see this was wrong.... but of course for the wrong reason

She is the worst - and that’s saying a lot

MalcolmNance DeVos/Dept ED had plenty of money to replace employees' perfectly good cubicles with brand new itsy-bitsy tiny ones. Waste and abuse of taxpayers' $.

“Let’s not use disabled children in a twisted way”, said the one trying to take away their funding. You can’t make this stuff up.

You tell herSenator Durbin.

MalcolmNance This didn’t even have time to “age well”

MalcolmNance YOU, DeVos, are the disgusting one. YOU ALL learn from the same playbook: oozing filth, you attack those who call you on it, smiling all the while. Well it doesn’t work, sister. We’re onto it. You attack us? We LAUGH. It’s yesterday’s paper, sweetie. :YouSuck

She is truly a witch.

hardball Sen.Durbin, thank you


MalcolmNance What this totally inept woman is doing to the education system is what is twisted.

She reminds me of Scrooge, armed with a creepy smile.

MalcolmNance Evil person, this Betsey.

MalcolmNance How many public schools has DeVos been in since taking office. How many hours in public schools?

kw1979 Not 'too' Senator Durbin.

MalcolmNance 15% increase in raises for DoE Executive staff? They should ONLY get what all federal employees got - - zero!! TRUMP took it away. Her staff are paid by the US Treasury just like everyone. Making 12% + program cuts. BetsyDeVosED

klassylady20069 Now this is an ELITE...

MalcolmNance This is the face of wealth entitlement. She is given her position because of donations to POTUS She was never in a public school before her appointment. She will never take responsibility for her position. She is a racist. All she is, is a WIFE. TheHandmaidsTale

MalcolmNance And disgusting

HE tried to kill it AND NOW wants credit for funding it....BS...NO

MalcolmNance Bless her heart

Show me any evidence that she cares about disabled kids.

MalcolmNance Shame on her.......and her attachment to Trump. So much wrong with this administration........the most troubling being, these people profess to be Christians. I call BS.

MalcolmNance Trump and people working for him are simply just bad people. Just bad!

MalcolmNance Trump threw her under the bus, anyway, didn't he?

No way it is for cost cutting. It is a purely evil act meant to hurt the defenseless very much the GOP dogma in microcosm.

She is a kont

MalcolmNance Is she high? Why the hell does she keep grinning. It's like she's having a great time. Delusion on a clinical scale.

MalcolmNance Why is she always smiling? Is she a beauty pageant also-ran (Miss Rictus Grin 1977) who can’t quit the habit?

MalcolmNance And all the while she has that demented grin on her face 🤡

MalcolmNance These people are simply evil ans they smirk about it 😡😡

MalcolmNance The shame is on you, Cruella Devos.

MalcolmNance Gah I hate that shit eating grin of hers.

Betsy DeVos is garbage, plain and simple.

Trump is funding the special Olympics! He overrode what they were doing.

She's out of touch.

The 2nd most disgusting face in politics today.

The new narrative: rather than answer the question.. ‘don’t get political about something political’.

Same tactic as Pompeo used when asked of Un was responsible for what happened to Warmbier. “Don’t make it a political football” he said. When it was actually the President who made it political when he said he liked Un

BetsyDeVosED makes me feel better about the fact that we’re all going to die! No really! Humans are going to go extinct (actually, we’re going to tear each other apart like wolverines over water and food). Betsy makes it clear it’s high time. ClimateChange is deadly!

Couldn't be dumber

Really shameful, Sec. Betsy Devos, you are another blot on this twisted, lying Trump Administration. Vote2020

There were cute across the board of the budget, they are focusing on one thing that gets most of its money through private funding.

BetsyDeVosED is canceled

She'll be loved in hell.

All this with a joyful look on her face. She's all teeth.

Trump just stabbed DeVos in the back. Told reporters moments ago funding for Special Olympics will not be cut. As usually loyalty is a one way street for trump

It's the Christian Reformed way-smile and act polite while you are fucking someone less fortunate because those Calvinists believe that their superiority is God's blessing for their good deeds.

Trump says will not be cut. Said he just heard about it. Guess they didn’t talk about it on fox.

nadabakos How dare you call me on my shit. The Betsy DeVos story

Trump says he’s overriding Devil, sory Devos damn typos, and is going to fund the special Olympics, said he only heard about this morning, yeah right!!!!!!

These Democratic senators are a joke.... Fake liberal outrage!

The buck stops with her and if she didn’t know that special Olympics was part of the cuts then shame on her!!

this women is something else! Her dismissal of the importance of these cuts are staggering! We are seeing who she is! Pay attention!

Only an entitled billionaire unwilling to pay her fair share of taxes would consider Durbin’s defense of continued funding of the Special Olympics to be a disgusting and shameful action.

She is EVIL!


DeVos was and still is the wrong person for the job.

MayammiNice $92M for golf is shameful AF.

Isn't it their job to protect the budget for those kids? BetsyDeVosED

onevoice2 Dolores Umbridge with money and peroxide

hardball She, is not only evil but arrogant. If she has donated one dollar to Special Olympics, show us the receipt. I’m sure it’s somewhere on her $40 million dollar yacht.

Private contributions? That is her solution, leave it to the charities?

She proves Mark Twain's observation on 'the difference between government and individuals. Governments don't care. Individuals do.' The GOP is bent on adding Hypocrisy and Tartufferie to the list of deadly sins -- and Sleazy, Lazy, Stuffy, Looney, et. al., to the Seven Dwarfs!

The fake smiling is what proves to me that she is a sociopath.

Good for you, Senator Durbin. Betsy DeVos is completely incompetent and unsuited for the job as Secretary of Education.

Why can’t Trump women PressSec KellyannePolls answer the questions they are asked?

I REALLY want to see something or someone wipe that sick, demented grin off her face. I mean, I get that the human suit may be a bit tight around the mouth, but she needs an adjustment.

fromthebunkerjr It's their sick twisted way of trying to make themselves look like the victims after we shine a light on their horrible plots.

JuddApatow Wouldn't about two of Trump's golf trips cover that 18 Million?

These scumbags turn everything upside down. SHE is using children with disabilities in a twisted way for HER political narrative. Time for Democrats to get on the offensive full stop. Enough handling this corrupt administration as though they deserve an ounce of collegiality.

Betsey Devos is the 2nd dumbest person in DC. realDonaldTrump is 1! ReleaseTheFullMuellerReport

If you removed her gall bladder, the gall would remain.

She, along with her criminal brother, is a crook.

18M in a 70B budget is not a deep cut. It’s not even a 1% cut. It’s not even 1/2%. This type of “news” is mind numbing. Move along.


She smiles like a crazy person. Oh wait...

Why is she always smiling? Looks crazy!

JuddApatow BetsyDeVosED my son is in SPED. Every year is a battle to get services, every ARD-a crying session. It was thru sports where he excelled; felt equal to his peers. He graduates in June, but I appreciate those battling to save any programs that benefit children like my son. FU

BetsyDeVosED, how about you DON'T tell us how to defend our disabled children? You are correct - it IS shameful.

secretaryDeVos is a vile, reprehensible, cruel and greedy, corrupt individual who has no business in her role. She has only made the department of Ed worse. She has tried to privatize as much as possible to make money from her horrible decisions. Cruella DeVos

JuddApatow Trump administration practices this line, (fill in the blank w/ every marginalized community), every day before arriving to work as their defense.

There's a special VIP section in hell reserved for people like BetsyDeVosED

Durban like other Demoncrats don’t have issues with Down Syndrome and other unborn children, with potential disabilities, being aborted. In fact, they enjoy and defend using tax payer money for the morbid task.

It's a kakistocracy.

I swear Trump picks members of his administration just to mock the way normal governance is supposed to work. Every position is filled by people who hate office to which they were assigned. The entire administration is one long running joke.

JuddApatow DeVos had never been in a public school prior to her political appointment by Drumpf. Didn’t she want teachers to have shotguns to shoo away the bears?

The new narrative put out by the corrupt 45 admin. Devoid & Pompous both,' don't use this as a twisted political point...' Hello! You in front of Congressional committees! It's POLITICS!! Come prepared to answer with FACTS. This isn't kindergarten...oh wait...🤔🤦‍♀️

JuddApatow She is just so smarmy


They do not care.

The shameful part is taking money from those kids!!

That perpetual, unnatural smile.

Can Betsy even string a sentence together without “humming” and Hawing” or taking advice from Trump on what to say in attacking the committee? GRRRR Betsy, take lessons from those Grizzly Bears, LOL...

MarkopoloXYZ BetsyDeVosEd SeaQuest yacht, registered in the Caymans to save taxes, cost $40 million. It's one her of 10 boats and 2 helicopters.

pharmalady Nice try Bets

Unqualified and incompetent

SecBetsyDeVosED YOU chose the disabled children, you chose the target for your heartless, scandalous budget cuts. Shame on your and this disgusting Administration. May you reap what you have sown.

What’s that, CruellaDeVos ?

pharmalady This is the ‘shame them’ play.

She should step down! She has never had the qualifications necessary for the position

Betsy is airhead. She doesn't understand your questions, DickDurbin

Celebrities can pick up the tab no problems.

The Ds aren't the ones cutting the Special Olympics budget!

This woman has no conscience.

Why is she smiling ?

BetsyDeVosED DickDurbin it would refreshing for someone in the administration to tell the truth and take responsibility for anything. You are the head of the agency the buck stops with you.

I wonder how she sleeps at night. Actually probably on a bed of money w/out a care in the world

'I don't give a damn about the kids I want it my way or no way!!!

hardball 💯 shame is in your heartless game, BetsyDeVosED!🙄 CruellaDeVos💙🇺🇸

hardball I think DeVos is incompetent but calling out SenatorDurbin over using kids like this was spot on.

nadabakos Clearly confused on the definition of 'shameful'..

hardball Seeing these types of interactions proves to me that I am in no way fit to hold public office. I would have cussed her out up one side and down the other.

I'm from Michigan, not to far from Grand Rapids, and DeVos is an embarrassment .

SecBetsyDeVosED could write a check for the entire Special Olympics from her annual investment income and never miss it. Don’t embarrass yourself lady!

It's all so amusing, huh Cruella?


BetsyDeVosED is just another unqualified Trump appointee. She alone could cover Special Olympics with her tax savings from Trump! Just another one of realDonaldTrump crooked cronies! Stealing from those that need it most, the GOP is despicable.

The rich have no shame in depriving the most vulnerable of our society while others sit back and watch. Just remember you're next! 1 Tim. 6:17 New (NIV) 17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, …..

May she rot in Hell, but before that lose all her fortune, become blind and disabled, and bitten incessantly by flies and stung by wasps until she prays for death. I wish her a long life.

The smiles and laughter from 'twisted special olympics children' indicate they do not feel used. Its what the children need & want which matters to loving people. Hateful people go after the dollars and route those dollars to the super wealthy.

Devos is the only thing twisted. Shame on her and her fellow Republicans.

She is just as mean, nasty and pathetic as her loser boss! When will Republicans learn the way to govern is to listen to the people, not their extremely ill boss?

Oooh look at Betsy trying to be slick. 😂

Thank you Sen. Durbin.

Nice try evil woman.

Let’s take money from rich districts to balance the education budget.


She’s getting destroyed.

Let’s not take away money designated for the children just to fill the coffers of Trump so he can use it for his vanity wall and other fantasies.

everyhumanknows De Vos is Corrupt! More money for her and the Repubicans if she follows Trump!

Shes a absolutely right!

What a *itch !

She's disgusting how she sits there's and laughs like she is accountable to no one.

The most evil woman on earth

Shout out to Senator Durbin for asking excellent highered question regarding student loan debt statistics on forprofit colleges. Of course, BetsyDeVosED could not answer the question. 😡

She is full of Canon fodder

The USA Olympic teams are private sector funded. The US is trillions in debt. We cannot continue to fund programs that will easily be funded by good Americans. It makes perfect fiscal sense.

Secretary DeVos, you are out of your league. You know nothing about public education. I have not heard one initiative to help kids do better in school.

Not shameful too, just shameful! AND despicable. BetsyDeVosED is well passed her ‘sell by date’ and is rotten and hateful to the core just like her boss. She found money to increase pay for her department by 15% though. Shameful indeed.

Did she try to do a 'gotcha?' She tried it.

Durbin needs to reign

She is the picture definition of basket of deplorables!

Job qualification to work in the Trump administration...evil.

hardball I agree BetsyDeVosED using disabled children to give tax breaks to private jet owners is a horrible political narrative, but hey, you earned it. Enjoy your tax breaks on the backs of some of our most remarkable citizens.

Pompeo used language like that yesterday. They’re all talking from a script. Dems not falling for it.

She needs to be held in contempt for that remark. Is there no respect for protocal? She needs to wipe that smile off her face when being called out for gross mismanagement by a US Congressman. enough

TickTrump That relentless grin on Devos' face is pure evil.

The America she's responsible for is as far from democracy as it is from humanity. I'm surprised to see her upright, but that's what money can do. Change primitives to apparent humans.

Devos should just resign.

She is the WORST.

Wait... she claims to have given $50,000 to special olympics but wants to cut it by $18Million and thinks that's comparable... Can we review her taxes, find where she committed tax fraud and repossess her million dollar toys and give that money to help children already?

hardball Why does this woman constantly have a smirk on her face? There is absolutely nothing to smile about Cruella.

It appears Sec Devos is using disabled children in a twisted way for 'her' political narrative. In her mind, you ignore the less fit and those able to help themselves. Kind of like thinning the herd or disposing of the sickly. IOWs, she would lock them in the basement?

The frightening thing is she has four children.

“Don’t use disabled kids to guilt me about taking money from disabled kids!” Is that how that goes?

BetsyDeVosED Has the gall to call SenatorDurbin sick and twisted? What a piece of work that witch is.

So, is this how the US runs now? Is this satisfactory to factory workers, blue collar workers who voted for Trump? Just shameless defiance and lying and lack of sympathy and insulting others. Is this how Americans want their country? Well, have at it then!

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