Beto O'Rourke: 'Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47'

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Beto O'Rourke reiterated his support for a mandatory gun-buyback program of assault-style rifles and said, 'Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.' DemDebate

Presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke reiterated his support for a mandatory gun-buyback program of assault-style rifles on Thursday and said,"Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47."

"We're not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore," the former Texas congressman said during the third Democratic presidential debate, hosted by ABC News. "If the high-impact, high-velocity round, when it hits your body, shreds everything inside of your body because it was designed to do that so that you would bleed to death on a battlefield ... when we see that being used against children," O'Rourke said.


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smerconish The media loves to stir the pot. They are the reason why we have Trump in office to begin with. They love those Trump ratings.

smerconish Assault weapons are for killing people in wars. They are not hunting weapons, or for any other use. If you morons think you need to play with assault weapons, join the military, where these weapons belong. All you idiots are doing is arming terrorists groups in the United States.

smerconish A majority does not support confiscation.

smerconish Watching tonight secupp - Upset by everyone saying BetoORourke statement on getting war type guns off streets will cost him votes while US is moving from 1 mass shooting to the next. Disappointed (+ scared) of collective intellect level truthhurt Especially coming from news

smerconish I kind of like Delaney in some respects. He’s at least got some common sense. But robert francis gave Republicans and 2nd Amendment supporters a huge gift.

smerconish Beto read The Art of the Deal, he's negotiating.

smerconish masterbeto

smerconish If this is the question , the NRA has won and Smerconish has not understood the need of change in gunlaw for the US!

smerconish The majority does not support red flag laws or the outlawing of semi automatic weapons.

smerconish Which he and Beto are not the ones that's for sure.

smerconish I agree with gun control. I have to admit, Beto is kinda a joke!

smerconish Of course it was a gift. It might as well have been on a silver platter. He’s finally giving credence to the “they’re coming for your guns” group.

smerconish First off cnn is NOT getting to any significant amount of people, second lil bobby o’idiot doesn’t have a message third the clown car of candidates called democrats don’t have any idea what the majority of the people want

smerconish The policy of taking away people’s property and rights is not one that most or a majority favor.

smerconish I agree it was not a gift to Trump. The majority of Americans want assault weapons banned. The Dems need to stop half-ass tiptoeing around on issues. It does not make sense to make a certian types of guns illegal for citizens to own, except for those who already have them.

smerconish I guess you have new math that explains your so called “majority”!

smerconish I agree it was not a gift to Trump. The majority of Americans want assault weapons banned. The Dems need to stop half-ass tiptoeing around on issues. It does not make sense to make a certian type of gun illegal for citizens to own, except for those who already have them.

smerconish This is the real news!!!

smerconish That entire debate was a gift to D.T. But some of the candidates, like the one mentioned here, gave just a little bit more.

smerconish 🤡🤡🤡

smerconish If the majority of voters supported his policies, he wouldn’t need to consistently make up stories about non -existent conversations with people who support his policy ideas


smerconish He’s right, Beto basically handed trump the win with that comment

smerconish Those hoping for leadership change we’re absolutely dealt a serback by that comment. It will be the gift that keeps giving throughout this election cycle.

smerconish And that candidate is called AndrewYang .. He is bringing Democrats, Republicans, Progressives, Independents, Libertarians together with his HumanityFirst message and bipartisan policy proposals.

smerconish Which means they were indeed a gift to Republicans!

smerconish No, John Delaney, we do not need another candidate who panders to one segment of the electorate. We need someone who firmly believes in what he says. The voters will decide whether or not to accept his or her message.

smerconish STOP giving JohnDelaney airtime ffs.. guy is a tool. DropoutDelaney

smerconish How do you explain this less than a year ago?


ChrisCuomo Puke. AR doesn't stand for assault rifle. It is the manufacturer, Armalite. They are not assault weapons! CNN is pathetically fake news. Didn't Cuomo fly on Epstein's sex plane. Didn't he threaten a man over fredo, using multiple 'f' words?

ChrisCuomo If he wishes to ban them he needs to start with his own security detail.

ChrisCuomo There's no such thing as an 'assault' weapon

Man this was my guy till he said this


Yes, Beto! Common sense leadership is what we need!

I wish more candidates did this. Not all Americans are gun nuts - most aren't. There is ZERO reason for citizens to have military assault rifles on American streets. It's an 'easy,' cowardly approach to self-defense. Citizens need to feel safe going to concerts, movies, etc.


ATXKrystal Hell yes!! Go Beto!!

Stop calling it a “buyback”. You never owned it. It is, by all definition, a CONFISCATION

Lost all my guns in a terrible boating accident. 😂😉😏 sorryaboutyourluck

Bwahaaa come get 'em flurry.

Wow... he is getting desperate!!!

The ammunition from both of these guns of which is full metal jacketed bullets a more humane than hollow pointed bullets from other guns...

and I also believe that no citizens needs an AR-15 or AK-47

He is a brave man!

And seriously he wants civil war because that in order to be applied would mean a gun registry hell no Beto. Civil war would happen

Stop the sale of all assault rifles sold in the United States Period It will be hard to take away assault weapons already purchased, that another law that would have to passed, where possession of assault rifle would be against the law.

Who’s the fascist nazis again...?

Hell yes, I want to see him set off a war within the borders of the Unites States. He is like a vulture, picking at the bones of the shootings in El Paso, but the Dayton shooter is never mentioned or the shooter of Steve Scalise. Horror only happens to Democrats, I guess.

Ruby Ridge

Roberto just wanted your freedoms, your money and your home. He needs a job, since he never had one

That's his kitchen sink.

Gun-buyback?!?! He said 'take'. This is straight gun confiscation. Hitler-style.

You’re not taking shit from me.

Pretty sure it would be called a take-back at this point. Who are you fooling?

Thank you, BetoORourke !!! You have the backbone we need in our country.

Mandatory buyback is confiscating. Nope.

Incidents involving vehicles account for more deaths per year than guns. No one needs a sports car or a vehicle capable of going over the maximum limit on a freeway. So, why won’t anyone apply the “guns are the problem” logic to vehicular deaths?

Come and get them, Robert. Don’t send your goons to remove our rights, I want YOU to come and get them.

He is so spot on!!

Good day to buy stock in Smith and Wesson, FYI, the government can't pass a background check. Trump2020

The Democratics not going buy back your guns. There going to take them. There not going to let a woman make the decision to have a abortion there going to take the baby from you

If anyone of you think your going to take me guns. Come get them. If you pass that law. . That means Joe Biden body guards and anyone who has one in office has to obay.the same laws? I didn't think so. Please come get my guns. Hehehe

God damn right!

Regardless of whether it is the right thing to do or not, he will not be elected President because of this statement. Reality of politics in the US right now.

The Problem lands firmly on the shoulders of the left. The Problem isn't the Guns, 'It's the Hearts without God, Homes without Discipline, Schools without Prayer and Courtrooms without Justice'. Thanks to you on the Left, all of you.

He really separated himself from the group as he separates us from the 2nd Admindent. No Beto

'To be clear they should have [AR-15s], if you purchased that AR-15, if you own it, keep it, continue to use it responsibly.' --- Beto

Waiting... I'll leave the door open.

So cnn now that mccabe will be indicted will you interview him before he spills the beans ? He may inevitably be placed in epstein's high security cell with non working cameras pointing the other way and sleeping guards. ..

I love the ominous music. Nice touch CNN.

My right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is more fundamental than your perceived right to an unlimited cache of weapons. Suck it!

I’m fine if the govt wants to ban certain types of military style weapons and high capacity mags ((more than 15)) rounds. Who is taking these away from those already purchased? How and who pays for the buy back? How much is govt spending to buy back?

Brolarlty and violence are the same story with the same meaning,, human need to leave by them self naturally not by hand made

Lmao, morons truly believe that this will solve the gun violence problem. Hahahahahaha The ignorance of the left is bliss.

This guy is dreaming! Never gonna happen!

'Shall not be infringed' What I buy is no business of politicians or anyone else.

It's pretty much over for BetoORourke , everyone knows it, even TheDemocrats know it, except for DWI Hit N Run DorkORourke. I Pity The Fool🤓

Do it man these don't belong to a civilized society guns should be banned totally all around the world.

LOL. Beta is losing his marbles faster than Joe Biden.

How about the 22 plus training camps ISIS has in the US.

I love you BetoORourke for loving our town and our peaceful way of life and diversity and tolerance and acceptance and compassion to one another. You’re right. It’s a privilege and an example to live in El Paso. And you’re as honest as can be. God bless you and keep you safe.

Give it up Beto. Such a fraud and a clown. Does he rehearse these antics in the mirror at home?

Molon labe

Smiley7879Lee Registered Democrat here, come and take it. Taking AR's from law-abiding citizens isn't going to do anything.

We had a federal 'assault weapons' ban for ten years. It was utterly ineffective.

'If it's a weapon that's designed to kill people on a battlefield.' Idiot. AR 15s aren't military weapons. Beto doesn't even understand guns but he thinks he's the guy to be deciding which guns Americans will be allowed to have.

A buyback fund? I say that you also need laws that specific ranges be developed for those weapons and they can only be used there or locked up. And no new sales please 🙏🏽❤️🇺🇸❤️🌎

I think he will not be able to do it. the guns loby is so powerfull in the USA .

Beto can't even define 'assault style rifle' but he's going to take them from you anyway.

Please try


Easier said than done. Most of people in America thinks guns are the way of protecting themselves rather than just weapons

Yeah sure,one thing is to say it..another to do it. You try walking onto the lawn of someone with that type of firearm and try and take it.

Zzzzzzzzzzz! That’s all I have to say about that.

That was a great moment 👍🏾😊

This is going to be a good sound bite when Trump wins re-election

They did that up here in Seattle,WA., then they sold them at gun shows out in small rural towns...

It is making some sense now!🙂

Good luck

Not from me

We tried that in Afghanistan and remember how that totally failed! GunSense GunReform

Think again 😎

No the duck you’re not!

At this point, I have to assume Beto is the biggest secret NRA supporter. If not, this bozo just became the gun industry’s wet dream.

How about killers using bombs? Im not sure which store sells those and how your going to take them away. You see...if someone wants to kill..they'll find a way.

My Candidate is BetoORourke he is the only one really going after the AR-15 and AK-47 many Mother’s stand with Beto O Rourke

Beto O'Rourke couldn't disarm a 5th grader with a BB gun.

Is 'Beto' personally going to go door to door? Acknowledging it would be unconstitutional, most of law enforcement across the country has already declared they will not engage in confiscation. They have all sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, and intend to honor that oath.

The problem is not the guns. This country has a mental health issue. What about the Tallahassee man that stabbed 5 people? Next..are you to take all of the knives in the country? What about using vehicles to kill? Are you going to get rid of all cars and trucks?


I’ll bet you don’t !!!

Hahaha what a bunch of fools.

You can't buy back something you didn't sell. It's an unconstitutional gun confiscation that will never work, but that's ok, because he's never going to be president.

molṑn labé

Buy back program.....🤔 BetoORourke numbers matter Sir? Example— If one can sell an AR-15 for $1400 on the streets, what r you (aka the government) buying it for? Just a quick FYI— does that mean I’m now trusting the government w guns I now don’t have? = YES & no thx

Well lets see, constitution say 'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed' dont think a hunter qualifies as a militia. Cant have a militia without rifles like Ar15, Ak47

“Francis” is calling for a civil war....

Go and take it if you can 🙄

Mandatory and buy back don't go together in the same sentence. Just say confiscation. Also while your at it, bring out a copy of the Constitution and light it on fire so all of America can see it.

Robert is a special kind of dumb

I disagree with this. But feel free to come and take them.

Not. Gonna. Happen.

Damn skippy. These guns should be removed from our society. Not ALL guns. Guns that kill masses in minimal time definitely need to go.

Love that.


Not working

So to be clear you want to buy back guns at a fraction of what people paid for with tax dollar they paid already? 😂😂😂😂

So the democrats will treat lawful gun owners like criminals but give illegal aliens free healthcare, that sounds about right

Help NO!!

I’m here for all the Twitter-tough comments from “I would have joined the military, but...” dudes who hang their machismo on the assault rifles they have neither the training nor judgment to use safely.

Good luck with that

BetoORourke Molon labe

And this is why he will lose. This will never happen. Mandatory buyback is just another way of saying confiscate. Good luck with that.

He doesn’t stand a chance in hell of being president!

Those guns must be eliminated and the people who keep them should be sent to prison.

Trump supporters/Republicans will never do something this radical to save lives. They prefer to throw out thoughts and prayers to the victims.

This guy will be back in his mayoraloffice if he still has an office!



You misspelled confiscation

I have to say, BetoORourke has my attention now bigtime-He’s on my radar now impressive DemDebates DemocraticDebates

Absolutely. Common sense

good luck

YAW!! KAG2020

How much could I get for a used wrist-rocket?

Has this unemployed, loser dropped out yet?

Right, that’ll be happening. 🤣😂🤣

First off, he don't have a chance. Second, the only thing a Democrat is going to take after the election is a shit .. ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐FakeNews

The only thing 'Robert Francis ORoke' will be taking from me is this dang knuckle sandwich!'

Guns don't shoot themselves

Britpoptarts I respect his honesty in saying wtf needs to be done if we’re going to take the gun violence free for all seriously Boo-Fckng-Hoo if you can’t have a goddamn ASSAULT rifle And yes, my husband is a sensible gun owner Rifles for hunting— DemDebate

I like. Use the normal guns if you must. If you support vapeban you’re a hypocrite to not support assault rifle ban.

Oof that’s one less to worry about

A democrat desperate

Beto would be an ideal VP . I like his sincerity in his voice. Not a politician but a sincere person who truely wants to help folks.

O’Rourke should stop blaming Trump for the El Paso shooting. The shooter was targeting O’Rourkes viewpoint

Hell no you aren't.

Come and try Beto!

Beto has met with more victims from El Paso than LyingTrump realDonaldTrump

bEto is Red Flagged and can’t possess firearms!!!!!!

Good thing BetoORourke won’t make it to the Oval Office (unless he’s a guest).


He’s so dumb...

Sure Sweaty O’Dourke. When you pry it from my cold, dead hands

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