Bernie Sanders: Pelosi is ‘a little bit’ too tough on AOC’s squad

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is being “a little bit” too tough on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her squad of young Democratic women, Sen. Bernie Sanders said Sunday.

Sanders' comments came after Pelosi chided progressives in aWednesday, calling on them to address their intraparty grievances privately rather than airing them on Twitter.

The House Democrats' Twitter account on Friday skewered Ocasio-Cortez‘s chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, after he criticized Rep. Sharice Davids for enabling a “racist system” by voting for a border funding package that progressives said didn't go far enough to protect migrants.


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Aha hahahahaha she deserve every bit of it.👏👊👎.

More division by diversity

If any Dem member of the House is itching to make good on their promises to the American people, go after the administration's shortcomings rather than engaging in the 'food fight'.

Bernie said that? Does everyone know that Bernie’s PAC is behind the JusticeDemocrats ?

And this is why progressives are no longer on board with Sanders.

🤮 to Bernie.

How much longer will this balloon sail

Not today Bernie

Pelosi is getting a pay off to protect the current administration

Instead of Democrats cat fighting, how about focusing all that energy on STARTING IMPEACHMENT HEARINGS You are gonna be so busy infighting Trump will easily be re-elected.. and then it's TOO LATE!!!

Bernie is STILL an idiot. When is he going to realize they will do him just like Clinton did? Stupidity reaches a new high.


They haven’t seen anything yet. Wait till the MSM turns against them.

She is and it's time to get real.

Until she learns the judicious use of duct tape with AKA and her band of fools, she isn't being tough enough.

Bernie, Grow a pair

Gee Bernie, they called the Speaker a racist.

ADavis724 Yes, AOC’s Staffer saikatc does seem a wee bit full of himself—preaching at HouseDemocrats who have seen racism & sexism that wld make his hair curl. But I’m trying to do a MichelleObama w/that & go Higher

Well AOC is an idiot. Someone has to say it.

The Speaker went too far

Kinda like the anti-American propaganda machine at political treats realDonaldTrump

That delusional remark doesn't require my opinion let alone my thought such as my dear mother taught me. A great of us were actually raised by Real Mothers!

Pelosi is doing a great job she sees the big picture. These congresswomen are a handful but I’m glad they are there. As for Nancy stay tough we need to rid ourselves of Trump.

Been living in Trickle Down, Nazilandia, for 50 years now so pardon some exuberance over seeing some daylight.

SenSanders they aren’t going to endorse you. stop getting in the democratic fray. You aren’t a Democrat & truth be told you hurt the party every election cycle, people don’t want to face it. You took sec Clinton so far left she never recovered. Now they are diving off the cliff.

Nice , this is just what Trump wants. Bernie, just keep your mouth shut

THEY ARE THE RACISTS & and SPEW ANTISEMITISM on a regular basis? Look who they are ASSOCIATED WITH?

You sure as hell should ignore them when they act like morons and show no sense of their responsibilities. Throw them out of our country.

Bernie is a senile old man and needs to sit down and chill. He is in no way equipped to be a leader...let alone President... ugh

You can never be too rough on socialist sympathizers.

This is not news. Try harder.

Bernie bending the knee to OcasioCortez. No surprise.... Actually i guess he's straddling the fence on this one. Curious to see who he sucks up to as he slips in the polls...

I understand the inside squabbling, it happens in the work place. The problem is, it's being made public. These ladies don't have to like each other but show some respect and decorum. This isn't high school.

Nah, piss off Bernie. You and your troupe of Bernie or Bust fundamentalists did as much as Putin to elect Trump, encouraging voters to stay home, rather than vote for Hillary. The only thing that can re-elect Trump is a divided Democratic Party. Doing your best - again.

They all need to stop bickering amongst themselves and concentrate on the end result.Everyone needs to keep your eyes on the prize protecting our democracy our future our grandchildren’s future. I’m so disgusted ,do your damn job already. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Naw getting beat every now and then works life is not always sweet💩🔥👹

Totally disagree! These women are new and are trying to establish an identity. They are going about it the wrong way. Pelosi is indirectly using her years of experience to teach them. They are taking it out of context! Sad😔😔

Oh no let Nancy be as tough as she wants one of those young progressives will take her place hopefully sooner than later

sheesh once again you guys are instigating more division between Democrats.

Much of the Democrat Party’s lurch to the left has been because of SenSanders—and he’s not even in the Democrat Party. The only reason that Bernie got votes in 2016 was because Hillary was such a terrible candidate.

Mod squad ?

The dems, specifically Pelosi and the 4 freshmen ladies, are not 'fighting' and creating division although the constant media coverage makes you believe this is the case. They professionally disagree on how to achieve a common goal and are working it out.

Bernie, you’re starting to sell your dignity for votes...

BernieSanders is not a member the House of Representatives. He would do well to zip it and handle his Senate seat. I am tired of Independents and Democrats attaching each other to the detriment of the Party as a whole. The goal is to unseat POTUS not denigrate fellow Democrats.

Democrat Divisiveness will keep tRump and GOP in power! Stop the internal public fighting. Take a page for GOP(even if you have to hold your nose) & stop giving tRump & supporters fodder for their fuel! As momma said, “what happens in this House stays in this House!”

You know this but yet do little to protect them.. just more lip service and less action

No she isn't, everybody is letting AOC say whatever she wants. It was truly horrendous to read her comments about SpeakerPelosi .

Hopefully, someday SpeakerPelosi will stop judging people simply by the color of their skin

They need to put on their big girl shoes.

Looks like Bernie is trying to get AOC's endorsement.

Yo media! , CNN, MSNBC, et. al. Stop calling AOC, IlhanMN, AyannaPressley, RepRashida a “squad”. I understand your confusion. They are women, young, and not white. Taylor Swift and the Kardashian’s have squads. These women are members of Congress.

you're done bernie...go sit down.


No, she (Pelosi) is not being 'a little bit' too tough. They (the squad) are not keeping their eye on the ball (defeating Trump) and she's having to reel them in. Part of the job.We will lose in 2020 if they keep up with the distractions.

The squad now owns the Democrat Party.

This is why I will always love Bernie, even if I may not vote for him in this primary (Julian Castro, Kamala Harris, and Elizabeth Warren are all outstanding candidates).

Lay with her girls she needs somebody to stand up to her like Trump needs the same, she can be tough on her own but not so much on Trump.

The Speaker is charged with getting a message clearly defined to her constituents in the Democratic party. I don't think her mission is to engage in food fights. My opinion

They're not representing young Americans. Ocasio -Cortez doesn't represent interests of her voters, only her socialist party&special interests.

Not tough enough on Trump though

Democratic Party : The Joe Biden Wing The Bernie Wing The Nancy Pelosi Wing The Elizabeth Warren Win The Kamala Harris Wing The AOC Wing Collateral damage --tRump wins. Collateral damage

Bernie has the nerve to say Pelosi is too tough? if not for Bernie's antics & his continued remarks about Hillary, she would be in the White House right now instead of Dumb*ss Donald & his crime family. if Bernie doesn't shut up we could get more years with that orange idiot.

Of course he did....bernie stirs the pot. Like 2016 if he doesn’t get the nominaton he will make sure the republican wins the election. I dont think he knows how to unite dems maybe its becuz he isnt a dem

Bernie Sanders is A TRUMP mini ME!

Pelosi is trying to run a 3-Ring Circus, Bernie doesn't know, he's an Elite Senator

I LOOOVE Bernie Sanders but I don’t think his skill set wld make for a good Speaker of the House. He has been freakin amazing in galvanizing & earning the trust of younger ppl

Pure Bs BernieThey have been disrespectful and have brought chaos to dem party. Of course you defend her. She’s your little buddy. Where’s you respect for Pelosi.They called her a Rescist. And that is something she is not. Bunch of prima donnas who are handing ammunition to Trump

Bernie better shut up or Pelosi will smite him.

Bernie shut up and sit down

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