Bernie Sanders launches second presidential campaign

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BREAKING: Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders announces that he is running for president again in 2020


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RABSlut 78 Sanders 77 to be 78

RABSlut Sanders will be 78

RABSlut Sanders 78


Some people never learn, then again the DNC will probably rig his loss again .

Bout time!

Hooray! Yes yes yes. Occasional-Cortex should be the Dems nominee

Yawn, stretch, touch my toes... next?

He is a joke

Bernie is the Trump version for Democrats & this is where we finally see both parties move into extremist values ending any normalcy or bipartisanship.

Eh!! Do what makes you happy in the end people will decide.

Cant wait to vote for him

I’m so over him...

With the rumors and talking points about him being a social well America has invested in him just in 24 hours he succumb to over $1 million that speaks volumes because America is banking and betting that he is likely the most preferred candidate to maul trump WATCH OUT dumpty

Keep SenSanders as far away from the White House as possible


Your god damn right he is. If Hillary wouldn't have cheated him he would already be president but thanks to CNN and other media outlets who helped her cover up her cheating we have Trump.

Can we PLEASE stop with the 24/7/365 campaigns! But then what would the Campaign News Network cover.

Crazy old man!!🤬

Is that socialist pig still alive?

Republicans have to be happy to hear that!! Crazy ole’ Uncle Bernie!

Go Bernie!!!

Funny how Bernie never mentions Trump's connection to Russia

No no no.

Anyone surprised


Bernie’s got quite the measure of the man...! (Trump)

Is that guy still alive? CryptKeeperSanders

This guy is an actual gop Trojan horse and a dinosaur, you don't need dinosaurs anymore.

And HillaryClinton ? If SenSanders run she must run too. Perhaps the same results o the last election ? 🤔 And AOC ? with those eyes she would mesmerize the masses 😎

Please don’t Bernie

Good. The debate stage will finally have substance with candidates like Yang, Gabbard, Warren and Sanders. It’ll be fun to see them mop the floor with establishment mouth pieces like Harris.

For all the haters... The only reason why so many of the 2020 candidates are now embracing more progressive agenda like Single Payer, Green New Deals, & Higher Taxes on the Billionares was because of Bernie. Plus there might not be an AOC or IlhanMN if he didn’t show the way 😎

President of Venezuela or the Soviet Union?

Oh shit. Please no!

I like Sanders. I really do. But his momentum and his chance have passed. Time for a fresh voice for the people.

To funny

I don’t like the inference in his voice saying he’s running again. The way it sounded was not cool.



No thanks


It’s not a job for the old

Breaking. FNN still produces more fake news everyday

cartermiller16 we were literally talking about this last night 🔮


FOXNashville Isn't he like 95 years old?

And you'll do your best to stop him. The Democratic party only exists to prevent actual progressives from making it into office. He'll be sabotaged once again by a corporate moderate posing as a progressive candidate.


Kamala and Cory will do the rigging this time to make sure elder Bernie won’t be nominated.

Bernie Sanders running for President is his Viagra.


Sad how the 'Progressives' in the Democratic party are so ready to dismiss him based on: age, race, gender. Let's hear-out all candidates and decide based on their proposed policies!

The only CNN tweet I’ll ever like.

Most Democrats that don't 'HURR DURR RUSSIA' blame him for Hillary losing. Moderates that supported him on trade are all-in for Trump now. AOC helped to destroy the idea that the socialist parts of his platform were innocuous Literally all he has left are the hardcore socialists

CillizzaCNN Election time...Bernie must be a democrat again

No No No !

ninaturner Do you get paid in rubles?

Great food for SNL!


What a waste of time

Oh Bernie...just stop.

Bernie2020 NotMeUs

Yasss!! Bernie2020 BlackWomen4Bernie


What a cluster...... lol. Democrats have their hands ful; 10,000 different agendas, no direction, no leadership..... wondering aimlessly throughout our country looking for something to be butt hurt about.

sjardimt we've been waiting for this Sam


SteveHofstetter didn't you do a skit on this?

Like Hillary, his time to run has come and gone. It’s going to be a complete waste of time and money......and he’s wise enough to know that. So what’s his end game?

ninaturner 2020 is going to be hell of a ride! But it will be nvdrmp; all day every day! 99%

Go for it Bernie and if you don't get the democratic nomination run as an independent.


This guys too old Na, he should be resting

Get them donations!


We can disagree on who we will end up nominating, but let's stop badmouthing each other. We all agree on the same policies and issues, and we can thank Sanders for bringing healthcare into the spotlight even if we choose someone else.

No! Tell me it’s not true.

I heard Hillary was going to run now that Bernie Sanders is watch out Bernie Hillary will still your money again don't let anyone do it

I’ll even go for Biden/Harris

I love love Bernie but I want to see Biden/Obama ... that’s Michelle Obama btw

CillizzaCNN Please go away! You just don’t know when to throw in the hat. Your ideas are unrealistic and even if you were elected they would never come to fruition. Hopefully voters see through your BS and make a more pragmatic decision.

ninaturner Who cares? His announcement is like Howard Schultz's. KarenRebels


But why?

Haha. This is great 😂

I can't believe the metoo movement gals haven't flayed this old muppet alive about his writings about how women fantasize about getting gang raped. Yes the article was written when he was 31 but still interesting.

This guy never learn,

caitoz Well that will guarantee a trump win. Way to steal votes from dems Bernie. Are we not sure he's being payed by the trump administration?

CillizzaCNN The same Democrats saying we must do anything to get rid of Trump are tweeting NeverBernie The Democratic Party are a confused bunch of people and they will help Trump again in 2020

Great! Democrats need a scapegoat in every election!

Bernie running for the communist party of America


CillizzaCNN Please no...

JordanChariton and CNN are going to support all the shit candidates because they are all corrupt together, all taking the kings shilling.


Awesome! DNC talent drought continues to make itself evident

SHohenzollern I think He’ll be a bit too old in 2020 to run for the White House. I think He should be thinking about dog walking in the park at that time.

JordanChariton Surprised the breaking news wasn’t just 20 minutes of an empty Kamala Harris stage/podium. CNNSucks

But who can promise the most free shit

No thank you

The Social Security Administration is perfectly suited to administer unconditional universal basic income to every American adult for life at $35K, changing only upwards synced with inflation.

FOXNashville Bernie continues to talk about issues that are important to average Americans. Health care, social security, wages and jobs. Meanwhile everyone else is being distracted and arguing over a wall.

The Social Security Administration can be used to ensure automatic irrevocable national voter registration at adulthood.

Don't try to ruin things again this time CNN!! And then keeping the next four year complaining about russian trolls and orange creatures. Go Bernie!

Some hope at last - a true voice of reason.

I think the last thing we need is an 84 years old president at the end of this first term. Statistically speaking you’d be voting for the VP. Yes that’s morbid but a reality.

Hope the Democrats don’t screw him over this time around.

If Democrats choose him, I will not vote in this election. He is the reason why we have Donald Trump.

As a democratic? Independent?

Why would he miss out on a good money making scam?

norespawns The Antisemitic attacks on Bernie are disgusting

Good !

Queue the bitter people who backed a terrible candidate in 2016 (Hillary) who lost to the most unpopular president in history Donald Trump

Well, get ready for more years with 45. Thanks Bernie


As a Democrat.... poor fool just doesn't learn. They won't let him get the nomination, they've proven that already.

cnnphilippines I'm going to predict that old hag will not win. The dream is not alive. I truly believe now that Sanders is secretly helping Trump to win. By running, he is polarizing and dividing Democrats again.

CillizzaCNN If you couldn't beat Trump or Hillary in 2016 then gtfo of the the 2020 elections. 2020Election

That's all we need, a couple of crazy old men battling out for the top job. I hope there is someone younger and more dynamic on one or both sides.

Feel the Bern

Papo pls we can’t do this shit again...

JordanChariton Good luck trying to squelch him this time.



Here we go again 🙄


CillizzaCNN He should go knit. Let's see the 10 years of tax returns and hear what the investigators have found re: Jane's financial chicanery at college she worked for.



SenSanders, are you telling me that you built a campaign........out of a delorean?! MAGA KAG enjoy

Bernie, you brought a lot of important liberal and progressive policies to the forefront of the Democratic Party’s discourse, but this news has me like…

He should’ve been the nominee, he would have beaten Trump.

CillizzaCNN This is such a joke! The entire Democratic party is a joke!

I wonder who CNN will give the debate questions to this time. 😆😆😆

CillizzaCNN History has taught us 'ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN' The First Black President BarackObama The First Nationalist President realDonaldTrump History can rewrite The FIRST Socialist President SenSanders 'THE REVOLUTION BEGINS' 😃😀🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🙄😍

Oh s*t

Too old


Ah 🤔

Category of old white man, he is old news.

And the DNC will screw you AGAIN !!! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣😁😁😀😀😀🤣🤣🤣

Bernie Sanders, America Will Never Be A Socialist Country.🤠

This just confirms that Sanders just want TRUMP to get re-elected.

Bernie. When you lose this time, please can you ensure your supporters get behind the democratic nominee 100%? We can’t afford a repeat of 2016.

I love SenSanders and have followed his work and I know he is a moral man, highly intelligent, and loves our country. My only concern is his replacement in the Senate. 2020Election Bernie2020 TakeBackAmerica

Democrats not sure what to do as Tatiana is cruising 🚢😉. They put Stacey and Sanders on the news this morning. Funny.

Damn straight it's a big deal . It would be another big deal if this time around you guys actually give him a fair amount of coverage. I won't hold my breath though.

The dude will be 79 in 2020. He is arrogant to think he will be fit enough to manage the stresses of running the most powerful country in the world at that age. retire


what a 'young' presidential candidate, it's only Nigeria's old men they see. no wonder your president calls you fake news.

He wont pass the physical

Who isn’t running?



JordanChariton Sub 2 PewDiePie

Socialism marches on in the Democrat Party! They think they have to offer free stuff to win. Nothing is free. Be careful what you wish for!!

Good! You all need to treat him fairly!

The same breaking news every 4 years for the last 32 years

“Breaking”? we all knew already.

No thank you. Not a Democrat.

No thx, joe Biden or a woman😃 sorry Bernie, know you love Denmark😄 but the dems must be realistic, to get rid of Trump is the ULTIMATIVE goal!!!!!! FakeTrumpEmergency Maralardass BernieSanders democracyrestored ResignTrump 2020election

YASSSSSSSS bernie2020

Ol commie Sanders 😂

Bernie votes to lift sanctions on Russia. What else do you need to know?

Klobuchar was awesome last night. Loved her answer to FREE college for all: “We can’t afford it.”

sorry Don't think he has too much of a weight anymore just a distraction.

Hard pass

Just made my 1st 2020 campaign contribution of the year for SenSanders I’m so happy he’s going to give this another shot Bernie2020

Does CNN plan on covering all of his violent supporters this time around?

Please tell me this isn’t true. We might as well hand the presidency over to realDonaldTrump

And now Trump is guaranteed a win. Thanks Bernie!

Awesome! When is the Townhall? TYTarmy RachelSmolkin carolinerkenny Politics

This will have a huge impact on the DNC primaries, and especially the campaigns of KamalaHarris and CoryBooker while possibly helping the campaign of amyklobuchar How will Democrats respond to this news? 2020Election Election2020 PresidentsDay2019


He has zero chance of winning, why can't some people go away gracefully?


Yes, now Trump is sure to win

Jejejeje again!!!! Old senile dementia !!! Ok he is free to run!! But Venezuela Nicaragua and Cuba we will make sure that this country never be socialist !!! Trump2020 MakeVenezuelaGreatAgain....... MAGA .....🤣🤣🇻🇪🇺🇸🇻🇪🇺🇸👍👍👍great candidate congrats !!🎊🎉🍾🎈


Did Putin tell him to wreck havoc again he doesn’t support any Democratic politician so that old twat better run as an Independent or don’t run at all maybe we can ask why he didn’t vote for Russian sanctions!!

Is call new nazi

No thanks he is always so grumpy!!!! 😡

No way 🤦‍♂️

RobinMeade Well he is better than Elizabeth Warren. That lady is a joke.

Bernie Sanders would be the resumption of sanity. Where I respect the self-determination of peoples would create harmony in spite of the existence of souls tormented by fascination in authoritarianism.

God help us all. Disaster.

Geriatric ...

SenSanders is a lock for the DNC Presidential nomination. Do not interrupt a JediMaster. I see this (sith) force (gravity🚫🌎) idea (idej).

What a gift this is to conservatives

Isn't he too old to stand?

caitoz Cant wait to see how will smear him

SenSanders is a lock for the DNC Presidential nomination. Do not interrupt the jedi. I see this (sith) force (gravity🚫🌎) idea (idej).

No DNC funds should go to supporting him.Period! I'm not contribution to the DemocraticParty until they assure us the money won't go to him. I'll donate directly to individual democrats if I have to.

Thank God!! Bernie/Nina Turner 2020!! With you 100% Bernie


Lot of negative comments here, but among current candidates (i.e. not including Biden), Bernie leads the polls for this nomination.

I am sad that SenSanders is once again running and will eventually help re-elect realDonaldTrump! Sad day for America!!

Wondering if crazy Bernie Sanders wife is still under federal investigation for fraud.

He's got my vote!

BioStocks He shouldn't be able to run as a socialist until he gives 2 of his 3 houses to the poor.

He's a white male... He and Biden stand no chance to get the democratic nomination because of this

He wont win he looks too old ..the American electorate are very fickle ..

This should be fun. What color deal will Bernie propose

Fart noise

caitoz Bill Clinton better wake up early and hide the newspapers from Hillary or it's going to be a rough day tomorrow 😪

I'm not convinced Bernie would have won in 2016, had he gotten the nomniation. But after 4 years of Trump, things are mighty different. It's not as grim as people act, Sanders can do it




BernieSanders is running for president... Imagine that!🤔🤔🤔

Oh Great here comes Hillary.


The list of Socialists running for President increases! This is a Capitalist country, people. Socialists not welcome!!!

Why ? So he can defraud his supporters for another 200 million in donations for a election he knows is rigged for him to lose?

I don’t really care, do U?

While admirable, Bernie Sanders was never going to be - nor will he be - President.

And everyone thought Trump was hard on Clinton. Imagine what he would be like with Sanders. Trump would tear him apart.

Yeah...more leftist nonsense abounds

Where exactly is he running? In reverse?

Democrats are doing everything they can to get Trump re-elected. MAGA2020 Trump2020

Everything’s free, free free free!!!

I wonder if it'll still be Hillary's fault if he doesn't campaign in the South and therefore loses the primary again

No! On Bernie

Where’s my Geritol !?!?!?

ninaturner Go Bernie!!

I’m sorry...Bernie Sanders is almost 80 years old and on borrowed time. I also can’t support someone who didn’t know Hillary Robthem Clinton was undermining him under his nose and then supported her? I don’t want Sanders in charge of our National Security or our economy.

Lol. Their debates will awesome to watch. Dog eat dog. Four socialist explaining to the world why their plan is better than the others. Show the world how fucked up their views are.

Bernie just screwed ALL of the candidates running under a Democratic ticket and will throw the election to Trump again. Bernie scares Southern and middle America. Do not under estimate Trump.

No body is dividing the situstion is more bigger then the ladder of veronica understand obligations equations.


I hope he destroys Kamala Harris and Booker.

Mr. Freebie is running for president--

How the traditional change from comunity to another un less forme the same.nice space old sound.

YES!!!! More “bad lip reading” videos on YouTube! His debate one with Hillary is hilarious! “Yeah wassup!!” (You’d have to watch the video to get that)

This is going to be fun to watch. Defending your socialism ideas in front of millions of Americans who are standing behind President Trump and Capitalism. We're very pleased you're gonna be ridiculing yourself once again!

He can run against Howard Schultz for the independent nomination. After all, he isn’t a Democrat.

ninaturner 🔥🔥🔥

Not good!


TRUMP🇺🇸 2020 ...EZ PZ 👌🏻

BREAKING”. Liberals are lazy!!

Tax returns, now.

Dear BernieSanders Go Away! You did enough to screw up the last election. And you’re not a democrat....BYE.

Can we paaaalease get a level headed, middle of the road candidate that knows how to converse well and compromise for the greater good.Someone who is standing strong on the big issues without stalemating on every little thing. JohnKasich won’t you please cross over!!

only so long as he can claim that state caucuses are same as primaries-- ugh. Just another clown in the clown car with Schultz.

JordanChariton You corporate tools be honest for once in your lives and simply admit you don't support the progressive policies he is pushing.


ninaturner Bernie2020 all the way

Running on an independent means he'll split the democrat vote. Fan-bloody-tastic!!!

I love Bernie I just don't think he could win.

RobinMeade I don't understand 'a Socialist' with 3 homes angle.

Every single Dem woman who’s running in 2020 is a better choice! ElectWomen NotAMan2020


Harry on CNN Use polls and facts . Nobody cares about your personal opinion thank you very much

Bernie is a failed politician with radical socialistic views NoBurn!!!!

The looney leftist clown car is filling to max capacity. Maybe RepAOC would join if not got that pesky age requirement. 1 month as a an uniformed low IQ Congressman with a useless degree from Boston university BU_Tweets ahould be all she needs



Nope. NeverBernie

Oh god no

FeelTheBern 😆



Great news for Trump re-election. Dems will be more divided than ever. It will be fun watching them have to balance between the socialists “resisters” and the still somewhat sane blue dog Trump swing voters.

It is good to have will experience and highly educated people like you to be a president of Unite State of Amrica

3DTruth Another narcissist. Yeah, great idea.

RobinMeade Will he use his own money rather than tax payer money? Another career politician that needs to retire. Term limits!

And he’s coming for our money and our freedoms....


CNN STOP Hating Bernie Sanders. We all know all the corporate media don’t like him because his not ready to play ball 🎾 with you lots



Oh, to hear him say “I’m running.” Tears of joy!!!! Bernie2020

Bernie should run. Just not for office.

A ray of hope in an increasingly dismal world. GoBernie

Ahhhhh fuck 🤦🏽‍♂️


Only good part are the Larry David SNL cold opens

Can't wait for the AOC endorsement!

'Individuals do not possess natural rights; rights & liberty are granted by the government.''The purpose of rights is to allow individuals to dedicate themselves to the collective good.''To achieve this government must be dramatically expanded... limited gov...scrapped.' The Left


Socialcrats now have their candidate in place to split the party.

Another democrat announcing his presidency for 2020. I hope it results well.

it just keeps getting easier and easier for President Trump to win again in 2020!!!! love it..keep bringing them don't got a chance..WE DON'T WANT SOCIALISM..WE THOUGHT WE MADE THAT CLEAR WHEN WE ELECTED DONALD J. TRUMP.

The Dem field is an amazing pile of garbage ‘eh? 😂😂😂

JordanChariton I see a lot of Hillary bots unhappy lol

Sorry no chance! Him and his supporters helped make sure that Trump got in. Democratic party can not afford to let him split the vote again!

Oh FFS 😒

Bernie is a DINO, Democrat in name only. A lot of what he sells is just as hollow and empty as what Trump sells on the right, false fake national populism/communism. I'll vote for who ever the Democrats nominate, but of all the candidates, I hope it is not him.

Uhhh no. He is made it super clear when he refused the democratic nomination in his home state that he is NOT a Democrat. Which is fine, but that means you have no stand to try to take the nomination. Not good enough for you in VT then is not good enough for you here.

He doesn't even have the good sense to go off and retire. Bernie is useless to democracy. Don't me with nonsense. It won't end well. Black women are tired of the voting challenged.


Campaign slogan “Grumpier and Crazier than Ever!”

A Vote for Sanders is Two Votes for Trump..

Who actually still supports this egomaniac?

JordanChariton TULSI2020

Sit down Bernie!!! You caused to much chaos last time bc you lost!!


I think it's taking a risk announcing a candidacy at a time when there are so many others doing the same thing. It's going to seem like just a clump of names without any outstanding qualities among them. So all I can say is....please Joe, wait a while......

Really? Oh please ...



Isn't he older than the two old men vying for the Nigerian Presidency in 2019?

As a democrat or socialist?


Good he'll get my vote.


Jaison_Tyler92 LognasLogan

Enough of these old white men....Let some younger people get their chance. They are the ones who will live in this world after Bernie is gone.

He should just allow the Democrats be 🙄

Too old or young enough?

And the freeloaders rejoiced!

God save America 🤢

Another clown joins the circus...


No...just no

This is a good news for the United States and the American people

Centrists heads exploding in 3,2,1.....


Breaking news Laughable! What's news is this lying Smolette character refusing to meet with police for follow up interview! Oh,it's not your 'agenda'!

Hard pass

No, Bernie. Just No.

Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party should pay all expenses for Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign for the Conspiracy and Corruption and Sabotage of Bernie Sanders 2016 Campaign ! .

JordanChariton Centrist dems in the replies like

Whoopdi fucking doo.

We will never feel the Bern. KAG2020

And the early Christmas gifts keep in coming 😂😂😂JoyVBehar SpeakerPelosi HouseDemocrats realDonaldTrump has 2020 in the bag!!! 😂😂😂


Yessss!!!! RunBernieRun

Bernie 2020!!!

This will be grand!

Bernie Sanders seriously needs to throw in the towel. The United States needs a President with a fresh outlook and new policies that will appeal to a wide range of voters, not one that has already tried and failed to be elected. He hasn’t got a chance.

Oh...give up

tRuMp iS fInIsHeD.

💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤 [deep breath] 💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤

Thanks for splitting the vote..

JordanChariton Someone I will vote for

Now you’re just being selfish Bernie

Why are people surprise,Sanders objective is to get his socialist agenda front and center in the Democratic Party.He can't beat Trump in the general election so I'll pass.I don't have a purity test I just won't the candidate that's electable.

Bernie........ don’t. Just. Don’t!

No disrespect to Bernie for one he already had his shot second of all I think he's getting to old wouldn't he be around 90 once he gets out if he's elected?

donnabrazile is not going to let that happen.

Good maybe this time he will win.

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