Ben Stein compares Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to dictators such as Hitler, Stalin

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The conservative actor and economist claimed that the freshman congresswoman’s policies “invariably lead to bad things.”

Source: Entertainment Trends (


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Maybe the Pie Man knows why. MichaelClemente JimClemente ClementeEvidence FBINotes

BenStein BenSteinNotes

Ben Stein & bestie Jimmy Kimmel....

This Ben Stein? The one who worked for the New York Times for 40 years and also had two game shows with Comedy Central and Besties with George Bush? Ben Stein the D.C. darling?

This Ben Stein?

Ummm no Ben sweety that would be Donald Trump!!

Love Ben Stein - Democrats are too brainwashed to understand the truth about socialism

Great comparison. They were probably smarter than her though.

Who cares what Ben Stein thinks

I wouldn't expect anything else. Because as we all know. Whatever they point and say someone else is doing? They are actually doing this themselves.

On what freakin planet is he relevant?

the dry eyes commercial dude? 😂

In what universe is ben stein still relevant?

Why the phuk is Ben Stein? More to the point is ... ‘Who cares?’

He Is! He’s brain dead!

U call this news?

Ben Who?

I’d say “who the fuck cares?” To this even if my name was Ben Stein.

Ben Stein also considers the theory of evolution to be oppressive to creationists.

Ben Stein is still alive?

Fuck bill

ben stein's alive

I farted earlier, you want to report that too?

NO ONE gives a shit about Stein. BE BETTER POST!


Isn't he a creationism advocate?

Are you a newspaper for cranks and loonies to rant now? I would leave it to the National Enquirer

Who the fuck is Ben Stein and why should anyone care.

Sucks watching MSM behaving like clickbaiters. Someone in this world gives a crap about what BS says?


where's Ferris when you need him? old Ben is sitting around his living room ' Ocasio, ....Ocasio.....Ocasio' funny how old white men scare so easily.

Conservative policies lead to bad things. We have tons of verifiable proof. 'Conservative' and 'economist' are contradictory terms. Conservatives always drive up the debt and waste taxpayers money.

Why are you reporting this.

Who is Ben Stein and why should we care? 🤷🏾‍♀️

Ben Stein is still alive? Ben Stein thinks he’s still relevant?

Isn't STEIN German? Hmmmm!

Is he really still alive?

The ratio for this tweet is DELICIOUS.

Given that Ben Stein also linked acceptance of evolution to the rise of Nazism, and used *that* to argue in favor of teaching creationism - sorry, 'intelligent design' (must remember to use the PC term) in public schools, his arguments don't carry much weight with me.

Best way to get called Hitler by the right: Discuss raising taxes on the rich Best way to get called Hitler by the left: Wave Nazi flags at Confederate memorials while chanting 'Jews will not replace us'

Why does the media insist on helping the treasonous right?

Ben Stein sees his wallet burning 🥵 like other wealthy people do when they see the fire and power in a young and upcoming progressive against the RIGHT! Democrats are making toast... TrumpToast!

Ask him how Voodoo economics has served 99% of the population.

Hilarious! That old gasbag? Pfffft.

kristinegWP should take this as a learning opportunity that the right wing will say crazy, alarmist things about anyone that favors regulations and appropriate tax levels to make our economy and government sustainable. Please do better.

Oh ! and i guess DumbTrump is Virgin Mary !

Wow. This young woman has the radical right going crazy.

That was an awful thing to say. It was quite an insult to those dictators

Ben Stein, another agent provocateur (liar) for the Republicans, with his over-the-top comparison of his opposition of a Democrat to Hitler. Please!! It’s unrealistic, incomparable & improbable; but that’s what defines this type of human & his politics.

She is more like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela who started the left wing dictatorship now destroying Venezuela.

This isn’t news. You can do better

Ben Stein needs to take roll-call on his priorities. Starting with, think before you speak.

Me thinks Benny used Way too many Clear Eyes drops, maybe he even mistakenly snorted the stuff. Of course, he’s said stupid crap in the past.

Oh Ben, it's not that hard.


I’m a subscriber...for now. STOP REPORTING ON THIS STUPID CRAP!

And in doing so ignores history. I thought he was smart

Funny how Alexandria is scaring Washington to death you keep going girl

Do not publish this garbage. You’re better. We have an actual Nazi and fascist literally sitting in the Oval Office.

This is not news. This is misogyny. What relevance does Ben Stein have?

GOP is so scared! 😱 Do better than this trash

don't even know who Ben Stein is, but what a radical he is

Why does *anyone* give a rat’s ass about a has-been Nixon speech hack & MTV game show host’s opinion about *anything*?

She does have their thoughts as her own.

And this was important news ! People have no food , no meds, loosing home. A Man in the People’s House along with is cabinets GOP no empathy.

She's a fighter fighting a bully!

Hitler? Trump already had that title. Next!

Fuck Ben Stein.

Young, attractive, intelligent and a female Democrat...everything that scares the Far Right shitless.

fras99 I admire her! (AOC)

Isnt he the same guy who said Nixon was bullied and treated unfairly. Ok so his opinion isnt something I take alot of stock in

You got ratioed. 😂

Who is Ben Stein? He sounds deranged. Who cares about what Ben Stein thinks?

Egads! Never heard anyone compare a political figure to an authoritarian dictator !!

Lovely. He must be a “temporarily embarrassed” billionaire.

Well, she’s no Louie Gohmert

Ben Stein is and idiot.

That's insane! Hitler blamed a rich minority for Germany's problems and promised to seize their wealth to distribute among the 'volk'. That's NOTHING like AOC... wait a MINUTE... That's EXACTLY what she's doing

senility is rough

Who's Ben Stien again? Is he still around?

Who is Ben Stein and why should I GaF?

Ben Stein is a liar.

Read some history! Give it a rest!

Go home Ben Stien and shut up 🤐 I

'invariably lead to bad things' like closing the income inequality gap so that the Uber-wealthy only earn more than 50% of the rest of America. Drink warm water Ben Stein.

And here I thought he WANTED us to win his money ...

Dude worked for Nixon and cried when he resigned.

I think Mr. Stein is simply scared of what he doesn't understand. Must be weird for him.

Is it possible that he isn't discerning the powerful desire to help people from the insatiable lust for absolute power? Could it be that he's drawing a false parallel between the superficial similarities of the fan fervor? Hmmm.... 👀

Now how sick is that‼️ shame on him - sadly he doesn’t know the meaning of that word

Unbelievable. 🌛

Proving once again Ben Stein has no clue of about anything.

She and the two immoral Islamists need to be voted out for treason!

It was as laughable as it was detestable.

Just at a guess she's taller than Stalin, shorter than Hitler, and other than that it's wildly inappropriate to compare them in any way.

Wow, I liked it better when I thought he was dead. TrumpShutdown EndTheShutdown GOPShutdown

Is it lead pipes that are making people insane? No.... seriously.

Shocking and a little nauseating, that this jab could be thought up and actually launched...karma is real!

Holy Miley, how about comparing DJT to this guys, he fills that bill much batter!

Isn’t Ben Stein the old lady from Ferris Bueller? Anyone? Anyone?

Reporting on petty garbage like this is another reason why hundreds of journalists are getting laid off. Do better.

Ben Stein worked for Nixon. Screw that guy.

Ben Who? His ship has sailed. He doesn’t deserve a word on any meaningful matter.

LOL! They’re so afraid of her. It’s hilarious

'Wife is always a better dictator than Hitler or Stalin!' Hitker and Stalun might have killed people but they didn't know how to kill continuously!

“Ben Stein compares Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to dictators such as Hitler, Stalin” Ben who? Bueller....Anyone...Bueller...Anyone...

Ben who? The dead guy?

So someone who says all are equal is the same as someone who says all white hetero people of a particular religious belief are equal while everyone else can be killed?

They also wore white?

Give Them Cake!

How puzzling, that you think Ben Steins opinion is worth more than a pitcher of warm spit

Starting to think maybe teaching history as a series of events that happened might have been a bad idea

This guy really? Anyone? Anyone?

Why does Ben Stein still warrant attention?

Ben Stein has no clue...


Wtf!! Now that’s laughable! We all no tRump is the new Hitler

This is 100% motivated by the knowledge that we are going to Take Ben Stein’s Money.

And who the hell is Ben Stein?

Ben Stein needs a smack in the face so he'll think twice about saying such stupid things.

It must be the dancing.

No, she's just delusional.

Ben Stein sobbed when Nixon resigned. Nuff said.

Hmmm...aoc...a bit of a partisan hyperbole, methinks? Granted, comparing POTUS to notorious dictators may be similarly hyperbolic, but extant circumstances would seem to support one analogy more strongly than the other.

True...I just pray she stays a ignorant as she is now...hopefully that will save us, and I truly hope she is never elected again. A bartender getting this far...amazing...

Bueller? Bueller? Who cares! Trump IS the new Hitler and he probably helped to elect him!


She's more violent than Trump is, why not. Ordering people on a talk show to hurt children?

My Lord, 1/438 of the House And she opens them

Oh Ben Stein of MSNBC Fame. We thought we knew thee!

And.... here we go again.. baby, round, round baby, round round...

🙄🙄🙄🙄 Ben Stein is a fool who had a quiz show on a basic cable channel so seriously wgaf

Is there a fetid Nixonian lunatic in the room? Stein? Stein? Anyone?

Except she hasn't separated kids from their parents and locked them up, attacked the press as the enemy of the people, attacked democratic institutions, praised dictators, and colluded with the enemy (ok, I slipped that last one in just for fun).

Was Ben Stein always this crazy? And why do we care?

Uh... Beuller Who cares what 1980s thinks? All we care about in 2019 is that She's gonna win his money 😉

Like the right's policies aren't leading to bad for We the People...

Ben Stein--putz!

LOL! Turing to gameshow has-beens for political insight is very on brand . Was chuckwoolery busy or something?

ben stein is Sarah Palin with a college degree

Ben Stein has become a total nut case. He pushef a creationism movie, FFS. And let's talking about his weird sugar-daddy habits.

If she challenge the other Dems, that would be a problem!

Welp, Bezo's is in control now. Canceling my subscription to WaPo.

The GOP has no face to call anyone by any name. GOP sold America to Russia and has become a sidekick of Putin. The only common that hold GOP together is : racism, voter suppression and NRA. But within 10+ years, GOP will become extinct if democrats keep serving people.

He's kinda right though. How do you think national socialism or the USSR started? With some schemer like Cortez...

Ben Stein got seriously ratioed. AOCwins 🤣

She's getting to them AOC . Love this


Presenting hyperbole as serious commentary doesn't serve the public interest.

Slow news day? I heard something big is happening in Venezuela.

'Ben Stein is afraid of powerful women exacting change that makes him uncomfortable,' is what I'm hearing.


good old Ben, in his rant mode again.. wrong again.


Reason 31 why I cancelled my subscription.

1 Why does anyone care about what that kook Ben Stein thinks about anything? 2 Why is WaPo giving him ink? Do we not have a traitor in the White House 🤦‍♀️

Poor man. Is it alzheimers? Senility? Mad Cow disease?


I don’t think we should give her that much credit. She’s about as smart as sloth from goonies

What is wrong with you Washington Post!!

He forgets to mention bad things for who.

That's ridiculous. We are being governed by Morons. Ocasio-Cortez was voted in for the same reason Trump was. The American people distrust self-serving politicians.

Who? Buehler...Buehler?

'Lunatic Fascist Activist Ben Stein compares AOC to dictators...' would've been an accurate headline.

What's your agenda against her? Are you afraid shes gonna clean up govt and Jeff will acually have to pay something in taxes? Or is it the loss in political donor ads?

Ok.... come on.... not another 'dont look at the real dictator ' campaign..... trump = Hitler

'i wonder what ben stein thinks about alexandria ocasio-cortez?' said no human ever.

Ben Stein wept as he lamented Richard Nixon being held accountable for cheating & lying to attain the presidency. He called poor, picked-on Nixon 'wrongly persecuted' & 'a saint.' Bless his heart, Ben has problems with cogent descriptions of those who make him emotional. AOC

Weren't you an actual news organization once?

how are some of these guys still around? Sorkin, Brokaw, and Stein. seriously, they are close to my age...but I have little respect for their opinions any more

And this is newsworthy because?

Ben Stein is still alive?

Bennie stein go home and play with your legos

crawl back into the hole you've been hiding in Benny. utterly ridiculous comment.

Quit reporting on this right wing garbage. AOC

not a good look wapo

Ben Stein belongs in a “home”... he needs treatment!

Reducto ad hiterlum. My favorite method of explaining away anything we don’t like and fear.

How about Ben Stein go back to teaching high school? Why would good opinion carry any weight?

The right hates confident women.

Why yes, Nixon’s speechwriter’s opinion really matters.

Holy shit, between Kessler’s “fact check” and this garbage, you guys must REALLY want people to think Bezos is pulling your strings. This is pathetic.

In ordinary times, I might agree. But with Dictator Trump temporarily running things, her message is welcome. realDonaldTrump AOC TheDemocrats GOP

And that guy hasn't said anything good since Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Get a grip Ben, there's more to come...

Stop giving publicity to stupid old white men making false statements! What's the matter with your paper...all the news that's fit to print does not include publishing rumors and lies....get some integrity!

They were much smarter than her

Oh do stop Washing post. ✋So ridiculous is that comparison I cannot read the article. Ocasio-Cortez is younger and definitely needs to chill a little , especially if she is in it for the long haul. That is all. Ben Stein asserts bad fiction. Take a day off to collect yourself.


Seriously. In what way because she wants to make a difference immediately, wish all Politicians had her energy & urgency. She demands things get done. I say great, be good if more like her. Sure she might go over the top at times, but she knows why she got elected to Congress.

She is just a house rep,... sooo not quite. She is recycling some of their dangerous ideas, dressed up to sound like pretty policy.


Ben Stein is un-American. AOC is a patriot trying to help Americans who don’t have a lobbyist or a super pac to speak for them. Income inequality is real and it is destroying the fabric of our civil society.

This is not fit for print. Shame on you!

Your existing pseudo-govt which was NOT elected by the popular vote & is NOT accountable to the people must be replaced by a govt RECOGNIZED by the people, elected by representatives of industry, agriculture & the armed forces & held accountable to their reps. -Uncle Joe

The bigger question: why the hell Washington Post give this totally irrelevant, has been, never was, joke of a man a audience.

Isn’t he selling eye wash?

Better listen to Ben. He knows.

What? Ben Stein go away!!! Look at your orange crush man and see the face of fascism!!!

Finally! Somebody in the media pays attention to this.

This just keeps getting better and better

Ben who?

Wait, do you actually mean “Bueller?Bueller? Anyone?” -that Ben Stein? FFS

If he likes Trump, he has no say.

CorbieCrow It’s funny how badly AOC scares old white male Republicans.


AOC admitted that herself when she said she is a Democratic Socialist.

well bless his little heart.

In R world view, even to this day, dictators are good as long as they are economic allies. Rs in the main had no issue with Hitler (leaving aside those sympathetic). While FDR decrying gods of force and hate, Rs were trying to kneecap him. There is little to learn from Stein.

Of course you all do know who owns the WP right?

Similar governing philosophies

They fear RepAOC because she isn’t bought.

Ben who?

This is bad for democracy. You should take it down

Junior grade

Oh yessss all that compassion for the working class i'm sure she'll turn out just like Trump with his 400 million inheritance

Ben who again?

Hey post you have it all wrong CHECK THE LENINIST followers and Nazis lovers in the WH!!!

Right wing crap. The kind of thinking that led to murder of pacifists and socialists in Germany. Besides, if there were not so much greed at the top, there would less of a necessity for a 'hard' left.

Omg!! lol

Guy who worked for Nixon and still defends him doesn't like a progressive young Congresswoman?

well, that's what you're supposed to do, right?

She continues drive the conservative community nuts which is a good thing

Oh for pity’s sake with this. Seriously? why the everloving fuck is anyone trotting Ben Stein out? Haven’t we been through enough? HAVE YOU NO SHAME?

Who's Ben Stein?

Not nice!

Yes, clearly the world waits with baited breath for the opinions of the guy from Ferris Bueller.

Then it’s working.

She is a powerful force..and she's coming for criminal legislators..

That’s a compliment

Ben Stein is irrelevant

Ben Stein knows a lot of trivia facts but it all adds up to a jumbled and delusional mishmash of nonsense.


It is not necessary to report this.

yeah, she is our biggest problem for sure. duh. bueller......bueller........bueller.........

Yet he is totes cool with Xi Putin Erdogan Duerte protege Trump ...

Imagine my surprise to wake up this morning and find out Ben Stein is still alive. Kind of weird to think that someone on the Washington Post staff still thinks Ben Stein is still relevant.

Hitler and Stalin both began their rise by demonizing the wealthy.

Why are you amplifying this slander?

Ben Stein also compared The Washington Post to the National Enquirer.

Who listens to your foolishness! Not I.

BLAH BLAH BLAH! They're realDonaldTrump supporters. The end.

I agree, her thought is to dictate all I, people do in a day. People, go to Cuba, what she speaks is what you have and see in Cuba

He spelled realDonaldTrump wrong.

Who is Ben Stein?

This is Journalism? Do. Fucking. Better.


He is in need of a serious history lesson

Ben Stein is still alive?

You guys are better than this. Well, at least I hope you are. If you want to continue to “break” stories about shit as stupid as this you’re gonna lose what’s left of your actual base. Stop being FOX and CNN with the idiotic headlines.

Who is Ben stein? I knew a pretty useless kid in high school .....

Stein? Stein?


That your biased opinion! BEN STEIN

Hey guys, there’s an actual dictator consolidating power thru a government shutdown that’s purging the FBI right now. Just thought you should know.

For his whole 112 year life Ben Stein has been getting stupider every day.

Bueller? Bueller? That was Stein’s last best day.

Another old, irrelevant White guy showing us how scared 😱 he is of AOC. Her positive personality, fresh approach to politics and bold ideas are resonating with all Americans. Go take a nap 😴 Ben Stein. WAPO is shady as hell featuring this bull shiggidy.

Yes, authoritarian socialists

Who is Bill Stein and why are you talking about him

Who’s Ben Stein?

Cause he's scared of a powerful woman to be!

She is just that, a loony loose in DC,,,, I wait she fits right in to the Democratic Party and their wacked ideas.

Millions of Americans do also. She is dangerous for America. Her policies are nothing with the constitution. Sad to say she needs impeached. She’s like a car running 100 in a primary school zone.

Ben Stein still trying to be relevant?

Ben Stein is even more irrelevant than RealJamesWoods . And we ALL know how irrelevant HE is.

Ben Stein’s been senile for years.

Ben who?

My aunt, Twila, compares Ben Stein to an overweight idiot who is past his sell-by date. See, everyone has opinions, not all of them deserve headlines.


i’ll take things i won’t click on for 800 Alex

Angry old man yells at clouds about whippersnapper with ideas. Truly a shocking and newsworthy development.

Your next headline should be that Ben Stein knows a thing or two about criminals and assholes; he has spent most of his life profiting off of them and defending them. Maybe this is an evolutionary phase for him. Nevermind, he doesn't believe in evolution.

She's young, she's Latina, and she's female, that's why they demonise her. She's also often right and they hate that even more! ¡Vamanos palante AOC tú si puedes! She's everything they're afraid of

If you take this article serious, ask yourself this - what is his past record for predicting the outcome on policies in the past?

Ben Stein is a nobody. Suddenly the right thinks retiree actors and comedians have something to say? Oh right. When they agree with them.

This is why I wouldn’t get a subscription to this paper. This is what I would be paying for?

Lmfao. Hitler is one stallin only when not sure if I wanna take the leap again. Colin style was so much better.

Ben Stein can go straight to hell.

Be afraid! Be very afraid of young women and older women! This is what the right wing is down to now; living in fear of women. Ben Stein is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but, clearly, he can't be this stupid.

Why would the WaPo even bother with this? Disappointing.

you need quotes around that crackpot's titles. he's not an economist. he's an 'economist'.

Agree. This lunatic ex bartender is convinced she is the messiah..


Why is this news? We have the POTUS committing actual witness tampering in public, and this is what you think needs airtime? Seriously reconsidering my subscription

Have you journalists lost your damn mind?

Come on, WaPo! When are you going to stop reporting wing nut idiocy as 'news'?!

Is he the crazy man talking into his shell on a street corner and screaming to passers by that he is a here from outer space.

Why does the news media feel the need to report what every irrelevant thinks, who cares what ben has to say

Did you seek Ben Stein’s opinion on this? How does that work? Does anyone give a shit about Ben Stein’s opinion? Seriously, how did this happen?

WP Did you get some of Ben Stein’s Money For printing this crapola

As a joke?

Ben Stein. Hyperbole much? AOC really is in their heads. It's making them even more nonsensical than usual. They've been off the charts for a few decades.

Last time the US had a 70% rate we landed on the moon.


She is a weirdo

Dear - What credentials establish Ben Stein's credibility? Does he have a doctorate in national security? Did he fight in any wars? Did he serve the government in any position that required program or oversight or appropriation? No, right? So why Ben? (BTW I do!)

Why is his comment worthy of a newspaper article? Why is he worthy of a newspaper article?

Ben Stein who?

Ben Stein needs to find another job.

Hey WaPo, why

Is Ben Stein looking at his reflection? Must be, it certainly is not her reflection. Boy, conservatives really can't handle an intelligent woman.

And the Washington Post gives this non-story a big boost because their owner doesn’t like that AOC is raising his taxes.

She is.

Delete your account.

then he would be a fool

Hey Ben Stein is still alive! Well waddyaknow

It sounds to me like agrees and wants everyone to know it.

Journalistic integrity. You should try it some time.

Way to give voice to this nonsense! 🙄BetterJudgement EyeRollAlert

Why is Been Stein relevant?

Ben who?

Someone needs to beat Ben Stein.

So what? Who cares what he said?

LisetteFahrun Ben Stein can go to hell! Why is he being quoted? Who the hell is he anyway? He never really has done much or is that famous to be quoted!

And why does anyone give a shit what Ferris Bueller’s teacher cares about anything?

I love how AOC is able to push conservatives buttons.

This is not news. Why amplify this hateful garbage? Do better.

Who cares? How about some real news!?

How is this news? I would expect this from the Daily Mail, not WaPo!

Shame on you !!!!!!! Does anyone care what Ben Stein says How about talking about the BIG things facing this nation!!!!! Straighten up

When I read the headline, I see “Ben Stein is a moron”.

Why are you reporting this racist slur. It is factually incorrect. And it is bullying. Stop it WaPo.

'Ben Stein pretends to be relevant'

I believe his organs were used to reanimate Wilbur Ross. So technically still alive, mostly.

WTF?Shame on you for giving this ANY coverage. Ben Stein is really not anyone we are dying to hear from. This is vicious. You are just giving him a platform to call her names Your editor ought to be FIRED. Journalistic malpractice.

Ben who?

Why would you put this in the paper? You give merit to claims of fake news when you lazily post click bait. Do better tomorrow.


This Ben Stein? What a fcuking joke of a man

What does Pat Sajak and Pat Boone have to say?

How is this worthy of the Post?

Seriously, WaPo? Seriously? Is this your lane now? All those slings and arrows, re: your credibility, apparently don’t bother you.

Ben Stein is still alive?

Ben Stein is a toon.

Hahahahahahaha - Ben Stein needs to read a book.

Then only thing Ben Stein should be saying is: “Mueller? Mueller? “ outside The Capital!

One USA woman, the other 2 are men......


who is ben stein and why should we care what he thinks? start there.

Been Stein is scared of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez upsetting the status quo.

Isn't he an actor Oh, wait IOKIYAR. 'Stein told Fox Business’s Trish Regan.' Ms. Phhillips please try and to better than transcriptionist for RW talking points. I'm a subscriber and I don't appreciate an article that mainly amplifies nonsense from FOX. Thanks.

What a complete failure by the Post.

I'd bet a headline like 'Donald Trump lusts after his own daughter' would work as clickbait, too. And be more accurate. Of course, so would comparing Trump to a dictator...

in other news: ben stein is batshit crazy

Class, raise your hand if you think this is a valid comparison...anyone?...anyone?...anyone?...

So Republicans, be scared, very scared. Hide your genitals.

No Hitler our president and vice president.

Rightfully so.

judeh1960 It’s amazing how threatened and insecure old white conservatives are when it comes to a bright Hispanic female. It’s refreshing to see some new ideas from newly elected officials. VoteBlue

But isn't Ben Stein also a self-proclaimed genius? RadThibodeaux FishDicks

I get that Ben Stein is still alive, but why make him relevant again, Wapo?

This-- this right here is a prime example of mainstream media giants just regurgitating Right-Wing hate-speech or conspiracy theories without any evidence to support them. It is 'Hillary's E-Mails' or 'Obama's birth certificate' all over again. Why?

I compare Ben Stein to an ignorant rube. Where’s my story?

Be Stein is fascist supporting conservative. Nothing closer to Stalin and Hitler than the GOP and The illegitimate treasonous racist-white nationalist- Neo Nazi president he supports

Who gives a shit what that dinosaur thinks?

So what? He's always been an irrelevant ass.

Why is this even reported?

Wow, he totally ignored Trump's behavior/retoric.

Ben Stein is an idiot.

Correction: TraitorTrump is aka Twitler. Look at the chaos, racism and destruction he has wrought in the US!

Who is Ben Stein and why should I care what he thinks?

Godwin’s Law. Ben loses at the outset.

I think the republicans pick on her because they wish they had somebody like her in their party. Frankly they have no up & coming members in their party.

I'm here for the ratio.

What does Yahoo Serious have to say about it?

Keep in mind that Ben Stein cries when talking about Nixon, saying he was persecuted & a 'saint'.

The next headline should be 'Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez compares Ben Stein to no one because she, like most people under 40, has no idea who he is.'

Why is this news WaPo Stein is a has been and no one cares what he thinks!

Ben Stein likes to take pages out of Joseph Goebbels' playbook.

Which one is Ben Stein again

Well Ben Stein is officially off my list of people I like...

Surprisingly benstein knows too well dictators like Hitler as it is in his blood!

Why does anyone give a shit what Ben Stein thinks?

If WashingtonPost is just posting quotes and opinions for kicks and giggles they should follow and post Stormy Daniels. She's a riot.

You are now not only BLOCKED but I ask others who are sick and tired of this type of “news” to do the same. Good riddance!

Folks repeat after me. Tired old white men are useless. They have half of their brain cells if lucks. Can’t remember the punchlines of jokes. And often pee their pants. 65 and I’m fighting this creeping disease.

And Ben Stein matters, why?

Do NOT give Stein any print space whatsoever. His opinion is meaningless.

Who the fuck is Ben Stein? Lol

Ok folks it took a little while for my 65 year old brain to figure AOC. Out. She is awesome ,any chance she is Abby Hoffman’s granddaughter. She’s a street fighter who drives these Right Wing bozos crazy. Ben Stein is some tired old white guy

Why the fuck did this need to be published?

BenStein should shut his Fing pie hole he stopped being relevant in the '80's like before AOC was born.

She should just challenge him to a game of Win Ben Stein's Money.

JerryLOakley1 Why the hell would you guys report something like this ? Do you not see this is dangerous and divisive?

Who de fock cares whut Ben Stein thinks, or says, or does. We just ALL want Ben... Stein's...Money $$$$$$$!!! Actor? Economist? Focking Game Show Host!!!

Apologize for this non-news right-wing trash.

Ben misspelt trump when comparing someone to Hitler.

Old washed up Bennie.

Are you kidding ?

Boy is he confused.

I will enjoy ben's obit ...

WaPo's article amplifying Ben Stein's mysoginy was met with pushback and some mockery on Twitter. WTF WaPo? Do better.

Who is Ben Stein? Why is he in a headline?

Who the F is Ben Stein? Sounds like a cup holder...or a coozie

Despicable, Wa Po! Who gives a sh*t what this hateful sack of garbage says? It’s 2016 all over again. NO LESSON LEARNED!!

This is newsworthy WP? Really?

How is that when bots start flooding Twitter so do RW opinion pieces and dumb headlines?

This might mean something if Ben Stein had a soul. Or empathy. Or the ability of independent thought.

And Trump.

What are RWers supposed to do, say what THEY actually want? If they did that, they couldn't elect anybody to anything.That's why,e.g.,the Kochs hide behind the curtain &hire crooks & liars to do their dirty work.Noone must know their goals. If too many do,BIG fail. Seein' it now.

But of course she is following the same footsteps of dictators whose early excuses were justice for the people while perpetually staying in power!!

And you are giving voice to this - why?

She is making the elderly, out of touch white men in government and magats 💩 their 👖!! GoAOC!

Ben is bigly afraid of ladies

Ben Stein, pull your head out.


Ben Stein, seriously WP? Most of this nation calls the President a dictator wanna be, and the evidence points more and more to that. But go ahead and run this crap.

Are you going to give me an article if I compare Ben Stein to Hitler, Stalin, and Satan?

Fading dinosaur says what?

These old, wrinkled, white GOP men really are scared to death of young, intelligent, strong-minded women who won’t be intimidated.

That's laughable!😂

Ben Stein? Best known for his “Bueller? Bueller?” from a silly 1980s movie? Psh. F*** him and the horse he rode in on, and f*** you too for amplifying this nonsense. Have you learned nothing from 2016?!

Who? Back to regular programming...

Who is Ben Stein, and why would I care who Ben Stein is?

Mueller, Mueller

State controlled capitalism is the definition of Fascism. Wanting the government to control every aspect of your life is dictatoral.

Isn't that the teacher from Ferris Bueller?

And who is Ben Stein again. 🤨

Maybe Stein should just crawl back under his rock and then give up drinking the Visine?

Why provide a platform for this trash?

And Trump did I hear him say

Another Gateway Pundit hack job. Oh, wait.... JFC!

Who cares what Ben Stein thinks. Sounds like the old guy drank the cool aide!! Just because he doesn’t agree with AO-C he goes full dead guys mode. Need to retire Ben.

Stein is correct!

Who is Ben Stein?

Right from the conservative/GOP playbook: If it’s liberal/progressive/TheDemocrats, compare it to adolfhitler and nazism.

Godwin's Law strikes again.... What a stupid comparison, built for ignoramuses. Trump is a lot closer to a guy like Mussolini, thout the admin is acting more like Hungarian Comunists 45-39... Cortez is a young social democrat, nothing to do with dictators.

Mueller, Mueller. Anyone?

JerryLOakley1 Who's Ben Stein?

Right. He perceives a strong woman as a dictator. Go back to therapy, Ben. You need it. And for that matter, go back and retake history.

Ben Stein thinks yellow light means speed up. This is about as valid a headline.

What other game show hosts are you going to quote

Must be his time of the month.

Who unearthed that fossil to give his fucked up opinion and who cares he is trying to be relevant, Ben who? Gtfo

Ben Stein - antonyms: relevant

We're all sorry he feels that way

Why would you support this and publish this? Why? Trying to be like NYT?

I expect Ben to say something like this because he benefits from the status quo being part of the millionaire class so his opinion is irrelevant considering its source

In the article and video clip, Stein did NOT compare AOC to HItler and Stalin. That is an inflammatory and completely unfair headline.

And how is that relevant?

Ben Stein is still alive?

Does anyone really care today what Ben says? Anyone? Anyone? Buehller?


WTF? DoBetter

The right doesn’t even try to be subtle with their projection anymore.

WHY do we bring Hitler and Stalin into these conversations? Yes, they were EVIL, but they were also unique personalities in different countries, operating under varying historical circumstances. Max Boot's comparison w/Palin a bit more accurate. AOC = popular, savvy communicator.

Slow news day? How does this get coverage? Embarrassing!

How exactly is she like them? I don’t see a comparison.

What kind of shit journalism is this

Isn’t this the guy whose career ark was a game show

Alternative headline: Old Rich White Dude Has Opinions

A little extreme don’t u think

What? Do you not have anything else to write about? This is complete and utter bullshit. Who cares what Ben Stein says? Who is he? A rich person? Of course he’s afraid of her. DONT GIVE THESE PEOPLE A PLATFORM! I swear I’ll cancel my subscription.

He's right! Look what universal health care led to in England, Canada and Denmark!

Ben Stein thinks Richard NIxon was a saint. His credibility is not worth much. I don't understand why you'd give that guy and print space at all.

Republicans are scared of young intelligent women, especially AOC. They are beginning to realize that women intend to take our country in a brighter, more rational direction.

Think 🤔 he is looking at the wrong person. Look no further then Trump as a Dictator.

jeremy_nikki Bahahahaha! These men just can not handle a strong woman. Guess what fellas? There's a whole generation of them out there ready to face you. Time to respect.

WaPo this article isn’t newsworthy. It’s just shameful clickbait using AOC. Please be more responsible. The public is counting on you to be a banner of truth & honor.

So clear eyes guy has an opinion 😒

Except she’s not nearly as intelligent

Yeah of course they were also socialists. We can watch all of her great ideas come to fruition in Venezuela right now.

Just another crazy 45 henchmen , who live in the fantasy land of OZ, with his king, who believes everything 45 says.

I disagree with Stein. AOC is much better groomed and much better educated then the people he compares her to. Did you know that she's summa cumlaude graduate?

FFS- do better

Ben is clearly afraid of her.

There is no decent media left in America.

ben stein is useless. News worthy 👇

Just so you know what sort of people Ben idolizes ...

Who’s Ben Stein? He’s a has been washed up actor just like James Wood who supports killing school children

Who knew that that old game show was actually 'Win Ben Stein's Brain'

Why are you even bothering to quote a has-been minor actor and also-ran game show host? Ben Stein? He’s nobody. But if you must, go ahead and share his idiotic thoughts. He considers himself quite intelligent I see. His words indicate otherwise.

I am a paid subscriber. This is trash. Disavow it and stop.

I’m sorry, Ben what? Stop it.

is the new Enquirer magazine

I don't like her that much but such comparisons are out of context and very childish.

Who cares ?

Ben Stein? What year is it?

Another gossipy failure. Do better. Report the news like a real journalist or you’ll be next on the chopping block. Lots of good reporters are looking for work today and would be more competent than this sad headline and ‘story’ consisting of what a single asshole said.

Shame on you, Washington Post. You can do better!

Well I've compared Ben Stein to a leaky anal cyst.

Who the hell is Ben Stein? An ex-game show host. Why are you giving him a platform to slander a sitting Congressional Representative. Shame on you. Quit normalizing WhiteMalePrivilege

Who gives a crap about Ben Stein?

MitchTrumpShutDown The GOP should be very afraid of AOC. Her New Green deal follows in the footsteps of the Great FDR👇 'Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle. ' Franklin D. Roosevelt

Seriously, why was this worth even writing about?

Does anyone care? Bueller? Anyone?

Ben Stein needs to get a life, and come down from his glass tower.

Sorry, but why does anyone give two figs what Ben Stein has to say?

Ugh. Come on, guys.

What an insult to Two times 'Time Man of the Year' Hitler, our WWII ally Stalin who murdered 36 million people, or Mao who ran the largest communist country for 4 decades & murdered 75 million people.

why is this worth a headline!!!! i swear to gawd the msm is just f*cked up right now.



And you can't even come out and say that Trump fits the mold of these dictators more than any other person in U.S. history. Is Stein excusing Trump's decisions and irrational statements?

Ben? Young and inexperienced but Stalin and Hiyler?

And to think he indoctrinated Ferris Bueller and friends.

Does anyone take Ben Stein seriously? BeullerBeullerBeullar

Bite legos ya lot garbage dispersing bird cage liners.

Stick to droning on with Bueller and sappy acting

Maybe understand history before you comment on it fool.

gailanna56 Ben Stein needs to be refined into gasoline like his fellow hateful dinosaurs.

Report this WaPo: Chuy Gonzales compares Trump to Hitler and Mussolini and Putin. It’s about as relevant.

Not news. Gossip. Spare us.

Really had to dig into the gutter to find a take as trash as this one

Look this lady is dumb as can be but we have to stop comparing people to Hitler or Stalin. That’s a stretch way to far

That’s fair. They all want the same thing. Total control.

You’re reporting what Ben Stein pukes up these days? 🤦🏼‍♂️

Tell me why this is newsworthy?

History is written by the victors. If Trump and his ilk prevail then this is precisely the nonsense that will be spouted. It is more important than ever that The Democratic Party are supported in this struggle against normality. That's putting it mildly.

Are you going to go 2016 on us again?

Stein also referred to Nixon as a 'saint' and claimed that no 'president has been more wrongly persecuted.' I'm surprised that Stein never got a Nixon tattoo like Stone did. Or maybe he did?!?

Behind those brown eyes is a bought and sold radical. Very bad indeed.

The same Ben Stein who believes in talking snakes and magical gardens?

Ben Stein drinks his own diarrhea.


'How great of the Washingtonpost to give a platform to this craziness with no context or detail in the headline. Oh—reporters please do better.'

Why on Earth are you giving a voice to a Nixon apologist best known for the game show he hosted? Looking forward to tomorrow's Op-Ed page co-written by G. Gordon Liddy and Vanna White. I'd expect this kind of garbage from the NYT, but the Post is supposed to be better than this.

Remember when we all thought Ben Stein was smart

Ppl still paying attention to Ben Stein DUH

Stein’s still alive And believes anybody cares what he thinks

Come on, you’re the Washington Post reporting on...Ben Stein? It’s 2019. Ben Stein is not relevant to the conversation, to American culture, or to anything, really. He has all the charisma of pencil and has been a punchline since the 80s.

Ben Stein, still to this day, says Nixon is innocent and a victim of a witch hunt. He actually got teary-eyed when making that statement on camera! Really. That is how much of an idiot and a fool he is.

Where is your journalistic integrity Are clicks really worth more than protecting our democracy? Stop giving trolls a platform.

She is adorable and smart. Men have no respect for young women in general. Booooo

Ben Stein is a creationist moron who never had any credibility to begin with.

Who cares what Ben Stein thinks? Why does the WP CARE?

Well they all fought for social justice and equality. Right?

So now the Washington Post cares what Ben Stein says? Are you trolling for subscribers? That’s a fail

Ben Stein needs to stick to dog rescue

what universe is he in?

Sort of pleased that these guys are so afraid of her 😁

What the hell kool-aid are these nutjobs drinking? And why the hell is WAPO publishing crap like this?

Another white male, having issues with a strong woman...

Why the F is this news? For the love of all that is good in the world, please, media, DO BETTER!

Ben Stein is a scared little man...sit down and watch the magic boy!

Just follow the money - it explains everything.

Why is it news when a celebrity makes a comment?

She is leading this country down the s*hole

Please explain why anyone should care what Ben Stein thinks

Incorrectly* compares

Why the abhorrent description by Stein? His concerns as expressed regarding autocracy and politicians (in his example Obama) addressing large, enthusiastic crowds would more plausibly be applied to Trump who loves wild rallies & admires autocratic strongmen leaders.

Cortez got methmouth

It's the new game show, Win Ben Stein's Medication

Who is Ben Stein? Bueller’s teacher- why is this important

Cool ratio, btw.

Wait... I thought Hollywood was supposed to STFU about politics. So confusing.

Ben Stein: relevant, finger on the pulse of the American consciousness. Honestly, why is this news? Who even knew Ben Stein was still alive? Who cares?

Wow they are truly frightened by AOC . Keep up the good fight, AOC. They are shook.

Ben Stein? Really?.. lol

Always gaslighting

I compare Ben Stein to a cow chip that's been preserved for 35 years. Dude was a steamy loaf about a half century ago. Trump is like Hitler's bouncer

Why is this worth and article and a headline in the Post? This is something I would expect to see in supermarket tabloids not the Post. You are seriously lowering your standards. Disappointing.

Sigh. Why haven’t y’all learned anything

Hey does aoc have emails? Why would you print crap like this?

Ben Stein?

Former Nixon speechwriter... Former TV show host... History of saying quack theories... Lots of credentials he brings to the table. I can find some crack-head at the gas station that has opinions too...

Ben Stein needs to go back to assisted living. His 15 minutes are up.

Why are giving this any credence? You’re creating more problems with your amplification of this drivel. Just 🛑!!!!

Ben Stein?! With all of the subjects crying for needed media attention you wasted space on him?! If Phillips can't find better subject matter perhaps she needs to be laid off. There are plenty of great journalists who just lost their jobs to replace her.

Geezus, this is the best you can do? Why don't you ask an economist what they think about Ben Stein?

Potentially the similar.

Really? Ben Stein from Ferris Beuller’s Day Off? A TV game show host? Wow.

Really? Ben Stein hasn't been relevant since Ferris Bueller.

Disgusting. Do better, Washington Post.

Ben stein opens his mouth, and a stream of poo comes out. For some reason, Washington post thinks this is news

The Republicans have started their smearing campaign against AOC. Expect this to be long-term project similar to what Republicans have done to Hillary over a period of 25+ years. When the time comes for AOC to seek the highest office, she'll be seen as worse than Trump or Hitler.

how is America supposed to rise up, be best, when your daily sources for 'news' are kellyanne, Sarah, Ben, Trump Jr, Rudy, & the other hot messes out there? this poisons our country, every day, drip drip drip...millions of sane, decent, intelligent Americans assaulted with dumb

Guess were done winning his money? Reporters need to do better. These headlines are why we can’t have nice things. Reported. TwitterNYC

Poor Ben. He’s feeling left out.

say what, WaPo? Ben Stein? what, KellyAnne wasnt available? dear lord help us...

Big if true.

Ben who?

Ben Stein is the Beuller? Beuller? guy. And a tinfoil hat wearing Fox yahoo. So, I'm not of a mind to give a single damn what he thinks. WaPo, perhaps you should feel similarly?

Stop it! Don’t waste column space on nobodies like Stein.

Why are you printing this? Time to unsubscribe from ?

Ben Stein is THE PAST. AOC is THE FUTURE. And there's nothing Stein or the Conservative GOP can do about it but complain.

Why is this news, Washington Post? Disappointed you think so.

Why are you posting garbage like this ?

I thought Ben Stein was smarter than that. Very disappointed in him.

So what would he compare Trump to?

Wait, was she the one who called the free press “the enemy of the people?” Or was it the dude in the Oval Office who actually quotes Stalin?

Really WaPo? Headline should be demented washed up hack makes scurrilous accusation against female lawmaker. Piss poor journalism here.

That's a fact

Ben, I don’t know who let you out from your Memory Care facility, but it’s time to go back before you embarrass yourself even more.

Bueller? Bueller?

Here are all the people who give a 💩 what Ben Stein thinks.

Giving Ben Stein a forum in your paper diminishes its quality and veracity.

Shame on you for this tweet. Amplifying right wing crap. AOC is remarkable.

And any respect I may have once had for Ben Stein in the past just rocketed out.

sawman1959 Ben is making sense Unlike rest of hollywood

Just as a reminder and a little perspective. Ben Stein still tears up when he talks about Nixon resigning from office.

Ben who?

Apparently, Ben Stein believes a more fair income/tax system is a reboot of 'Win Ben Stein's Money.' What a pathetic person.

This is news? How about interviewing some of the 800,000 people who aren’t getting paid?

No more Visine commercials?

Given that they are both creationist is this a segue into a terrible buddy comedy with Dr. Ben Carson?

_MichaelEM Ben Stein is an embarrassment to judaism. Also is there some contract that forces you all to write articles about the stupid shit stupid people say? Focus on the policy. Focus on real news that affects real people. Like the shutdown, like cybersecurity, etc.

That means she’s definitely on the right track.

Love her or hate AOC her ability to make people once considered reasonable conservatives go barking mad is one of her many gifts. AOC

Read Mein Kampf. Her views on economics are not far off.

What a dumb headline and take.

Oh Lord, these are the same people who've been shaking their heads at everyone who's quick to point out Trump's affinity with dictators.

Is Ben Stein a metaphore for brain dead

Hitler demonized Jews. WaPo, and Ocasio-Cortez, demonize Trump supporters.

You should explain to subscribers why they are paying to read this. No, I'm serious, how do you make a decision to solicit, purchase & print this -- & why?

Stein prefers transparent, democratic leaders... Richard Nixon

You guys couldn’t even win Ben steins money , but now this genius can’t have an educated opinion...if this guy is thinking she’s similar to hitler maybe you should look to see why

, this article is pathetic & I'm not even a fan of AOC. You're better than this. You devoted an entire article quoting a bitterly partisan irrelevant actor/comedian. BTW he's not an economist because he played one in a movie or because he's the son of an economist

Oh wow!! What did she do to deserve that? All because of her tax plans for the rich? It was proved very logical by many economists!

No, I just think she is a crazy nut

Bueller? Bueller?

Delete this shame on you

Ben has either no. I’m Mom sense or very little “learning” took place during his education.

Ben Stein is an irrelevant asshat. Who cares what he thinks about AOC. Truth is she frightens them to their very core. Good. They should be afraid after the way conservatives have treated people in this country.

Why are we hearing from him

Why is this news tho? Y’all need to get it together.

So what? Report on things that actually matter, please, instead of amplifying misogyny. Stop with the 2016 redux.


True story!

Ben Stein used to be a nice guy. I was on his game show, 'Win Ben Stein's Money' back in April 2001. I don't know how or why he went bonkers.

Apparently this is news. This is not click bait at all. But real news. They swear.


Well LOOK at WHO’s in charge of RepublicanProjecting tactics NOW! TrumpRussia TrumpWarOnDemocracy EndTrumpRegime

Who cares what Ben Stein says?

Stein lost his mind a long time ago. Let him get elected to any office above dog-catcher, and maybe he will have some credence, but until then, he is just an entertainer, period.

BenStein should sit down with wilburross . They could regale each other with delusions of grandeur.

I love how in every article thread there's like 30 people telling you it's just clickbait when they could 1) just not 2)realize others have different interests maybe and 3)accept that news companies are businesses

Question: Who is Ben Stein? Answer: A guy pleading for relevance.

That would be Herr Trump.

Somebody Please, Take Ben Stein's Money. He has obviously lost his mind. Let's give Jimmy Kimmel Power of Attorney.

Seriously? This guy?!? 😂😂😂😂😂

And he overlooks marmalade man, the big Cheeto, whatever name you want to call him?

Hello WaPo, how is this news? DO BETTER.

Were you hoping for a ratio like this? Because you've sure got one.

Socialism is socialism! No matter the sex!

“This isn’t the first time Stein compared liberal political figures to dictators” ... So why do you give him publicity? Better to give publicity to his brother who is a great math teacher in MCPS. He represents the true meaning of PublicService.

This lady will surely destroy the dems

That would be an insult to Hitler and Stalin

Ben who ?

Who gives a s*** what Ben Stein thinks?

“How dare anyone compare a politician to Hitler?” - the side that has been comparing Trump supporters to Hitler for 2 years.

Oh please!

Bill Stein should stick to his abilities except the one that criticizes a useful and honest people. Dictators are not reasonable people. We have one that sits as president.

That makes Ben Stein irrelevant, perhaps demented. He is objectively wrong.

Why are you even giving Stein the time of day?

Even I’ll admit that’s ridiculous.

Who is Ben Stein?

Ben Stein meant Trump the dictator not Ocasio-Cortez. Republicans are destroying this country not Democrats. We the people can see that clearly everyday

And he believes that Trump is the greatest president ever!!!!!

Why is anyone listening to Ben Stein. He's lost all credibility years ago with all his Reagan drool!

Hitler and Stalin.... Huh?.... That really escalated quickly.

RepAOC AOC really scares the shit out of old white dotards. I love it!!!

She is a hard socialist. Might want to read the history behind the party that Hitler belonged to. They moved about with intent to help the people yet killed a race they held inferior. Democrats will do the same as they consider African Americans to be inferior. Watch and see.

Yet another sterking example of why I canceled my subscription

Yes Foxnews trot out some more billionaires and millionaires and oligarchs to tell us how having the financial freedom to work towards a decent life and how socio-economic mobility is BAD for the underclasses. With rampant Inequality there can be no Justice ... AOChampion

Why do we care what Ben Stein says.

Well of course he is. BEZO has many taxes to pay if her tax plan goes thruogh.


Ben Stein needs help.


Who dat? Ben Stein. Not wasting time reading a smear to find out. Might avoid wasting time on WSJ, if this general editorial attitude continues. :p´

Who is this Ben Stein you speak of? You might mean that antique guy who used to think he was relevant.

comparing someone that’s been in office for a month to Hitler and Stalin?

Sadly Cortez Is Pushing The Very Same ideology. The Dysfunctional Dangerous Dems are “Practicing rules for radicals” seizing power through provocation destabilization and confusion ... Disgusting Soros

Shame on you for publishing this conspiracy theory trash! Thankfully, I cancelled my subscription months ago. Ben Stein? The least you could have done was to publish the opinions of somebody relevant to, well, anything!

I think Ben Stein should look closer at Republicans who are stuck to Trump's side if he wants to see people acting like dictators. I don't see AOC putting kids in cages, banning anyone, alienaiting allies or sucking up to other dictators like Trump & Co.!

And I compare Ben Stein to Pee Wee Herman.

Who is Ben Stein

You're amplifying this hate monger? Why? Don't make me cancel my subscription. You're on your third strike.

Ben Stein is a huckster. She is a junior representative. She hasn't been reelected once and she has only been in office for a few weeks. Comparing her to Hitler or Stalin is as dumb as comparing her to Washington or Jefferson. Give her time.

Trump will love her then!

Seriously WaPo. You are the paper that published The Pentagon Papers aren’t you? Appears that you’ve forgotten your duty to truth and news simultaneously!

'Random man has irrelevant and ridiculous opinion.' There, I rewrote your headline for you.

The bigger story is why you're giving this a headline?

Ben Stein became irrelevant the day Ferris Bueller decided to skip his class to take a day off...


Ben Stein, Hitler's illegitimate son is the POTUS.

Then Ben Stein is an idiot — and the . should apologize to AOC and all its readers for its lapse in journalistic integrity in allowing itself to be manipulated so easily & shamelessly.


The only reason anyone knows who he is thanks to Ferris Bueller

This piece did not need to be written. Just stop it. You people are monsters.

I switched my subscription from nytimes to you just because of stupidity like this.

She must be doing something right! She’s got the old white dinosaurs and the crazed right with their hair on fire! Go AOC!

They are terrified of her.

Are the GOPers and Trump fans worried by AOC? They spend a lot of time going after her. This comparison seems surprising, bearing in mind AOC has been doing her job for 10 minutes

Why do we care what Ben Stein has to say and why would you tweet this headline?

You are putting this out in the world because

Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

Ben Stein is an idiot 😡

This is MrBenStein , who sees things his way or no way. Enough said.

Female trump.

Who cares. Ben Stein is a nobody... stop giving a voice to irrelevant people!

Ben Stein is afraid of women and scared to death of AOC.

Excuse me. 1986 is on the phone and they want their third-tier celebrity back.

Shame on wapo for amplifying transparent attack

Why use that photo? I was a local elected official, 1 of 2 women in 11 person body - the local daily paper, for years, used a photo of me smiling with my mouth open, close cropped. It looked like I was hysterical, yet it was a single second and didn't look like me. GENDER FRAMING

Ben Stein is afraid of girls

Ben Stein is a dolt

Oh, there goes that Repub projection again

When you can’t bully her into submission roll out a Hitler reference right?

Same thing Hitler's spokesmen did for him we all know projection is what the trumpets use same as their cult leader, that shit is old just like their cult of the nearly dead

He compared her and not the xenophobic president? makes a lot of sense

Ben Stein is a Trump supporting bigot

Wapo ain't what it used to be, it seems..

Yea she just as stupid as they are/were lol

Do better, WaPo.

Why are you writing about Ben Stein’s drivel? He’s a NOBODY. Any old excuse to champion conservative ideology and smears

Ben is a toilet bowl for tRump🤮

Who cares? Stop amplifying bullshit celebrity opinions, 'journalists.'

Utter foolishness- especially considering who is sitting in the White House...

Why are you giving such idiocy a platform?

She sure works them. Why are they giving her so much time in their heads?

Alexandria replaces Hillary a good way. I support her campaign of networking with the People, the Medias and the Arts. Frederic Vidal

Ben Stein is STOOPID! The ONLY likely candidate for a bad guy is TRUMP whom Stein helped elect!

Did Ben Stein have a stroke or is he on the same drug cocktail as “Little Donnie”.

And by posting this nonsense you're spreading the idea that such an asinine comparison is even remotely viable

Stop giving these lunatics a voice!!

Ben Stein? When did he ever had any contribution of note to anything except for being more effective than Ambien?

How on earth is this news? Why are you amplifying smears by random right wing former talk show hosts? This is one of the kinds of darkness democracy dies in PostBaron. Please, please do better. Our country and constitution rely on you.

His position is perfectly logical for someone worth $20,000,000.00. OnePercentLogic

That’s the Clear Eyes guy right?

Didn't Ben Stein die sometime ago? Fake news.

If Ben Stein thinks AOC is like a dictator he needs to go spend some time in the DPRK w/ Kim Jong -un.

Gawd I thought Ben Stein was dead. Apparently, he still is...

Comparing her to Hitler and Stalin is reprehensible. Shame on Ben Stein.

Perhaps you wonder how I have been able to resist your email pleas to subscribe.

Really, wapo? This is your click-bait for today?! Ben Stein? Saying this crap? Hey, here’s a scoop: dude named frank down at the grocery store said AOC once ran an illegal dog fighting tournament. True story. Do your thing, wapo.

I suspect the 7% of the country that follows Ben Stein is waivering. People will say ANYTHING for ratings. tryagain irrelevance

Ben Stein you're diminished!

She’s Trump with tits. The most terrifying thing about AOC is that she confirms Trumps style of reality tv star politician is here to stay and both sides will be using it more.

Who cares what Ben Stein thinks about anybody? Is this the best WP can do to cover “news?” Pathetic.

We are coming for your toothbrush Ben and you can't stop us.

Democracy dies in this headline. Do better,

Who is Ben Stein and why does he matter ?

The speech writer for the second most corrupt presidency? He's relevant how?

He also STILL thinks Nixon was a Saint... so there’s that.

He still believes that Nixon was wronged.

He. Worked. For. Nixon. Glass houses and all that.

Ben Stein is a serious nut

AOC boldly asserts her truth and this upsets the current status quo. She clearly is not either of these dictators, but she is a person looking out for all citizens, not just the 1-5%. Accountability is her goal & I & many others are for it. Democracy for ALL. No ruling class.

Is he still alive?

Look at what socialism did to Venezuela. Nazi is short for National Socialist. Socialism doesn’t work

Stein is still alive ? How did he get out of the home ?

OMG, WaPo, do better. Ugh!

Headlines and stories like this is the reason for lack of decency, respect and decorum in the public debate. Even if a person disagree with someone, comparisons to those dictators is nothing but click-bait. Think can do better that stoop to this level

Who gives a shit what Ben Stein has to say. Let alone what he says about a sitting Representative.

he would be correct, if she is allowed to get any power, you are looking at a despot.

Young and feisty it's OKAY to be who she is. FFS dude, look in the mirror and at your Party & President!! You have nothing to say because you gave up your authority as an adult in the room, by kissing the ring..😡

Ben.... Please go back to making your dry eyes commercials........Or at least use the drops to clear your vision.

Why didn’t whiney Ben Stein write about Ivanka’s emails instead, or the FACT that trump LIED and absolutely was in negotiations with russia BEFORE the 2016 election GreedBreedsEvil Shame on you, , and fuck-off, too...🖕🏾

Who gives a shit what Ben Stein thinks about anything?

Consider the source.

BenStein scared almost to death, hiding with his arms around his millions in the panic room( a bank vault) , rocking and whispering, I will protect you, my love.

While we compare Ben Stein to Bernie Koppel, Bert Convey, and the guy who played Herb on WKRP.

He's correct!

she’s not that s art she’s more like the bus driver Maduro

Ben Stein has some very dark issues and should not be tossing stones at the Democratic party’s rising star AOC.

WHY would you even allow him to spout this nonsense Wapo?

glad we can count on y’all to give us the “decrepit old pervert” side of things

Godwin's law.......

Ben Stein? Who worked for Nixon and then went on to become a game show host? He’s still alive?


Ha,ha,but what about Trump, ha, ha.

“Racist right-wing pundit compares Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to...” there, I fixed the headline for you AOC

Ben's a bit threatened. I love it.

As I read the top tweets I begrudgingly recognize that I am surrounded by sheep both on the right and on the left. Bull shit comments come out minds of people lacking foresight and visceral instincts.

Remember the last time a young woman overcame the odds and was elected to a position of power while exclaiming that the rich have too much and that food and Healthcare were necessities that should be available to all and then started a Holocaust? neither!

Ben Who? Millions of people compare Donald Trump to dictators such as Hitler, Stalin .... Why don’t you do a story about that?

Is this Ben Stein, the eyedrops commercial guy? Isn’t he a “celebrity” to whom we’re not supposed to listen? Has anyone told him to shut up and hawk eyedrops? Btw Ben Stein isn’t dead? Now, there’s news. BeBestWaPo

No context, just cut and paste from the resident kook. Great work WP

I didn't know Hitler and Stalin liked making music videos?

Ben Stein has lost his mind.

Ben Stein needs to go take a nap.

Why are you amplifying this insane smear against a sitting member of Congress from... BEN STEIN?!?

Hitler and his Nazi party also blamed Socialists for everything going wrong, especially the misdeeds of their own party.

I canceled by NYT subscription in order to buy . I am starting to regret it.

good god, how is this newsworthy that some irrelevant shitheel “actor” is a racist dickswizzle?

Why is this news? What a smear job that you just amplified for what reason?


Been Stein is 100 years old

yeah. she's gonna start rounding up the Jews soon too, right? such a smart guy saying such idiotic things. this is what modern conservatism does to the brain. he should just start sniffing glue and be done with it...

Well Ben Stein is a HUGE supporter of Incest so what did you expect? Honesty? Integrity? A man who doesn't support Taking a Knee to Putin?

'bad things', as opposed to what Americans are being forced to live through now

Good thing your using your finite reporting bandwidth to amplify it. Nothing else going on?

Ben Stein? Who cares about his opinion? Don't base your opinion of someone on what someone else tells you, base your opinion of someone on their words and actions.

kristinegWP ur lazy

The actor who also worked for Nixon? Why? why?

How dare you advance this ridiculous anti-female agenda from this has been.

Minor comedian has thoughts

Hard pass. Do better than this trash, WashingtonPost.

Blast the author

When Stein & his ilk wanted a 'different' candidate we got cold Bonespurs. When it's a Dem. woman, they are terrified. Such machismo

She thinks she's hot .. she isn't .. she's making a fool of herself and the Dims, which is a good thing.

No Ben that’s the president MO

Why are all the old men so terrified by this woman .. it’s so hilarious 😂

Nice to see a little ratio developing for this tweet.


If, he wrote this for a graduate prose & poetry class in English, he would get a D or F, for his lousy comparisons.

Well I’ll never be able to watch my favorite scene from Ferris Bueller with the same joy again.

Ben, Ben ........ Ben......anybody?

How irresponsible are you? Why give this fossil a platform when the president is actively committing felony witness tampering & intimidation. But, yeah, the real threat is a 29-year-old congresswoman, in office less than 3 weeks. Actually, AOC is the future, & change is happenin

Washington Post is a part of this white privilege muck

Ben Stein.. 😂😂😂

Who the hell is Ben Stein ?

Think of Trump think of Hitler! He idolizes Hitler, Trump displayed books of Hitler. He loves Putin, he mirrors Putin’s playbook. He praises dictators & shuns allies. The GOP are “Hitler Trumps” army of liars, fake news, intimidation & corruption. Trump is evil. who is Ben?

She does have a hankering for moralizing Jews and taking power

Ben Stein’s last relevant moment was Ferris Bueller’s Day Off... anyone?

Ben Stein? Dude hasn’t been relevant in like 20 years

Shame on you for giving him coverage. RespectAOC RespectWomenLeaders

Trump is the Nazi.. these attacks on people who represent the working class. Geez..

Shame on WaPo for amplifying this baseless slur against AOC. Would WaPo rebroadcast the same slur if Ben Stein were replaced with “People of Color” and AOC were with “Trump?” At least then then statement would be accurate.

C'mon guys, please, for the love of God and country, DO BETTER.


Translation: Her knowledge is less than Venezuela's Maduro....

Why does the care what old Ben Stein has to say? This is National Enquirer Level reporting. How low this publication has sunk.

Ben Stein is a jerk, that comparison should be the Trumps, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, NRA, Putin, Graham - the list is endless on the billionaire/far right side.

Why spread this crap wapo? Afraid of women with opinions and a desire for change?

Just a very unintelligent statement. AOC just keep up the good work.

A national publication gives a right wing attack on OUR elected official a headline! RepAOC Where is WP article on the Russia Oligarch $ the GOP is swimming in? The GOV is open for GOP donors-getting leases on our public lands. Pathetic low for a formerly credible news org

You really wasted my cup of coffee moment this morning .

And I hope AOC continues to have the passion she has now, 50 years from now. Keep telling it like it us AOC.

Ben Stein go away, your not relevant.God last of heard of you was in 90’s. Thought you were off boring people God’s know what.

Another old white guy afraid of this woman. It boggles my mind.

Wow. is spreading some real dog shit.

So Ben Stein isn't a socialist who wanted to redistribute his own wealth?

Next time quote Joel Stein. You’ll have better results.

Isn’t your tag line “Democracy dies in darkness”? Try being part of the solution, instead of turning out the lights. You don’t have to give a voice to every nut job with an opinion.

conservatives see taxing the rich, funding universal healthcare and wanting to provide free education as despotic behavior, but stripping children from their parents to lock them in cages indefinitely, taking away healthcare, forcing us to fund unwanted walls & golf trips is ok🤦‍♂️

Will we ever stop comparing people to Hitler. Do folks know only one bad guy in all history? The Spanish Inquisition and the conquering of the Americas killed way more than any other holocaust. U don’t hear: Oh, those fuckin evil Spaniards.

Why are you telling us?

Yeah, when I see AOC, I immediately think of Hitler. Stein is a fraud who has gone far right in his old age.

He ain't wrong. Those policies are death for culture- It only took 12 years for socialism to decimate Venezuela

Incredible he would say this about her.....I am sure he meant to say Trump.

You are amplifying BS partisan crap! This is propaganda you are repeating. Not actually news. Journalists must have high standards.

Do you think that's a bit much?

Shame on you Washington Post... who gives a shit what Stein gossips about. tRumpFuckery

Who is Ben Stein? I know who our amazing new Congresswoman is. Not the dude though.


I didn’t realize Hitler cared about the environment and fought for equality.

Maybe we can stop printing the nonsense of stupid ppl👍🏻

Aww, he's afraid of women that are more determined than he is.

Maybe if she had absolute unyielding power and an inclination toward strongman fascism. As of now all she has done is win an election and become a member of the largest legislative body in the country where her influence is diluted. The less we pretend, the more honest we are.

They running scared whitefragility

And the media continues its attack on female democrats. Why?

Why are u making a news story from what some cranky relic from the Nixon era said?, I guess Ben Stein decided that the only legit form of income redistribution is winning B-list trivia competitions?

junie_harris Bad things like Ben paying taxes?

Is that why people are abandoning the WP. Their bias articles.

Why is this a story worthy of the Washington Post? Trying to scoop People magazine again?

Are you running out of headlines? Why is this a thing? Who is Ben Stein anyway? An ancient Nixon lover? Really WAPO?

Like the bad things the current administration is causing with it's Miller-inspired, tRump approved chaos masquerading as policy? Just asking. AOC maddow

Some delusional guy says something delusional. Great job WP. Thanks for magnifying his voice.

How is this newsworthy?

Please tell me why are we supposed to care?

He time has passed and so has his facilities.

Chuck Rosenberg is the new Ben Stein.

Now the Jewish community is pushing Nazi propaganda which is paid for by Russian money. What a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.

This is the guy who cries every time he remembers Nixon.....he cries for how Nixon “suffered.”

Please give Ben Stein a lesson on history and a dictionary; apparently he doesn't know who Hitler and Stalin were, nor the meaning of a dictator.

Ben Stein is being ridiculous. And why distribute such juvenile opinions?

I disagree Stalin and hitler has a functional brain

He's an idiot. Simple as that.

Another has-been actor.

Why are you even giving any weight to what this guy has to say? Is it time to boycote you too, . TODAYshow has already been boycotted by many.

I absolutely love how AOC makes conservatives look so foolish. It is as if they can’t help themselves but to make complete jerks of themselves. If they only knew how that makes us on the other side of the aisle love her all the more.

He is every bit as thoughtful and accurate as she is. They seem a match made in hell. Of course he is Jewish and she is an anti-Semite.

He’s pretty stupid.

apparently, she's doing it right! AOC

Yep = Danger Danger America. RT

🚨🚨CLICKBAIT🚨🚨This is the most ridiculous amplification of the right wing attack machine. Do better media. This is not reporting based on any facts and only serves tin hat cuckoos. Didn’t pizzagate or the BS email story teach you people anything? DeletetheTweet DoYourJob

And why is this opinion of any publishable value?

Who the F cares what Ben Stein says?

In response Miss Ocasio-Cortez has challenged Mr. Stein to Kung Fu fighting!

Where is Bueller when you need him? where’sbueller?

Ben Stein has lost his mind if, in the face of a criminal traitor infesting the White House, threatening to continue his assault on our Constitution and destroy NATO, it’s AOC that he compares to HITLER

Is Ben Stein even relevant in the 21st century?

😂😂😂😂 so sad!! Scared are you!

Why is the WaPo treating Ben Stein's ridiculous ravings as news?

How is this newsworthy? Next you'll be telling us James Woods isn't keen on Hillary.

Oh, FFS...who let Ben Stein out of the crypt? This old geezer throws the HitlerCard at anyone who actually has a soul!

This is beyond malpractice to print something like this.

Is it time to cancel my subscription to the ? Your unending attacks on freshman congresswomen is suspect at best. Did you think to cover how the RNC just cancelled their primary because at a 36 pct approval rating, Trump is so popular?

If it was a slow news week you might have written a story that featured the families being ruined by the shutdown instead of this crap. What is wrong with you?

That’s outrageous! Especially when a hitler-wannabe is in the Oval Office

Why are you running this irrelevant toady’s nonsense? Do better, for all our sakes.

But when Trump is compared the media is silent!!!


Ben Stein is a joke.

Canceling my subscription, . , if this is what you consider newsworthy. Shame on you.

Why would you even print this? Stein is a pendejo

Why would you repeat this

Yawn. Mr. Stein has no relevance or credibility.

Many people compare to publications such as 'Mein Kampf' and the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'...makes as much sense as this article does. For shame.

Do better, WaPo

Bueller.... Bueller.... Bueller - That's all this moron will be remembered for.... Bueller Bueller

Shame on WAPO for posting something like this. Be better.

Well it’s Ben Stein so doesn’t mean much.

Unless the headline involves the commentor's arrest or a lawsuit was filed against him, you need to just quit repeating the bullshit rhetoric. You are better than this or are you?

She’s terrible!!

WTH you’re legitimizing FoxPropaganda with this nonsense maybe focus on the mobster in chief threatening witnesses TrumpCrimeFamily

Hitler wasn't a woman of color tho' I'm having a hard time picturing this analogy.

They went a little too far right with Trump but moving left is what they have always feared. They need to control democracy.


Rep Cortez will be great !!!

Are you having a slow news day? The national discourse is not made better by giving this man a platform.

I think Ben Stein has it backwards. It’s realDonaldTrump that should be compared to Hitler and Stalin.

AOC is my representative! We in Jackson Heights adore+back our gem of a congress woman. Note to WaPo: keep the right wing smears off of her! To the rest of the world: AOC is on the side of the people. Ben Stein is on the side of the right wing Oligarch+writes their viewpoint.

Don't waste time on her Ben.. she is stupid and way over-rated. A media creation they will forget about when they don't need her anymore.

We get it, conservatives. She’s your new target.

Ben Stein irrelevant, where-the-hell-is-Ben-Stein Ben Stein? ?

just doing my bit for the ratio on this disaster headline


I don't care what Ben Stein thinks. This is 100% BS propaganda.

skyco_g Journalistic integrity is dying a slow and painful death. Smh

Ben Stein is ridiculous & you look ridiculous for running this “story.”

WTF...Stein is absolutely irrelevant; you might as well of dragged someone in off the street. And the comment itself is moronic.

Ben Stein aka grand wizard!

Who TF cares what Ben Stein thinks?

Oh pahleeeez. Ben who?

Because she cages children, signs Executive Actions every five minutes and fires all the voices-of-reason in her midst, I’m sure.

Ben Stein and Rudy Giuliani can discus their political views with one another. In the memory care unit of the nearest rest home

Wow who gives two f&ks what he thinks. Why is this news?

AOC SUE Ben Stein! DefamationOfCharacter Slander

Who cares about what Ben Stein thinks about anything?

Seems reasonable

I had thought he had died. I guess he's still saying things nobody really cares about.

This very very very ugly. Delete this tweet.

Yay another old white guy who thinks we give any kind of a shit what he thinks. Idk about yall, but I'm about over old rich white folks.

What a man. Ben Stein picks on a freshman congresswoman because he doesn’t have the guts to pick on Trump who is the actual dictator.

The only one who should be compared to Hitler is Trump!!

Ben Stein? How in the hell do you find anything he says relevant?

You're better then this. Stop enabling the Conservatives by repeating their racism and misogyny

Ben who? Trying to emulate the national inquirer I see.

My dog pooped inside the house yesterday. That’s not news either.

What or who is Ben Stein?

Ben has it backwards as usual. Drumpf is Hitler

BAD For Our Country N US !! No SOCIALISM

You should be ashamed of yourselves, but I’m sure you don’t know how.

They were all black

Why are amplifying this imbeciles voice? Discuss the factual aspects of AOC’s proposal instead

shameless racism at best,Cortez is good human, progressive politician, fundamentally on right side of history,If fighting for economic equality, expanding the role of government, free health care, education for all is dictatorship then its best for humanity

It will be fun to watch AOC's career blossom while the G.O.P.'s fizzle.

He’s also a creationist. Can we stop asking his opinion on anything where reason is required?

From bar-back to global dictator in 24 months. Not bad, AOC!

Rich people do not want to give up one penny for progress and are scared shitless of AOC . Keep it going, girl!

Why are you amplifying his voice?

Ben Stein still thinks that Nixon got a raw deal so consider the source

Ugh what a mook that Ben Stein. Why doesn't he keep busy by doing a nationwide tour where he stands in front of the crowd and says 'Bueller...?' into the mike over and over...

I’m deleting my WaPo app. Pandering to ignorant shitstains is enough for me

Who is Ben Stein?

Good Lord🙄

Been you come back from the dead just to criticize AOC really? Just take a look on who's is holding their paycheck for Americans, and then criticized oh better yet go back to the cemetery. 😠

Lol. Bizarro Ben Land

Ben Stein also said the housing crisis was 'never going to happen' shortly before the bottom fell out.

I think he was describing his president.

No .. that would be Trump .

Who is Ben Stein and how does he get a voice on TWP?

Cool. Maybe next you can get takes from other contemporary, important people, like....Charo? Zsa Zsa Gabor? Ricardo Montalban? The guy who played Ferris Bueller's friend?

No intelligence allowed.

Why do I give rats arse what Ben Stein says, WaPo? Hint: I don't.

really? your site is starting to turn to shit.

Ben stein hasn’t been relative since the 80s

He ran out of Clear Eyes.

And that is beyond absurd. But ay attention America the destruction of character campaign begins so that if or when AOC runs for higher office, there is a portion of Americans that will be so afraid of her that they will be willing to vote for an incompetent president.

Who is Ben Stein?

He's cuckoo

What does the actor who played Cameron think? How about Jennifer Grey?

Been Stein played the old, boring, out of touch teacher in Ferris bueller when he was 41. His picture is in the dictionary next to geezer.

I thought that wasn’t a problem anymore. Everyone compares every conservative to Hitler.

Who in their right mind would take Ben Stein seriously after the utter flaming bullshit he's dumped on the world? Another big fail,

Hitler, Stalin, is he kidding! Why because she wants to tax the rich? She thinks healthcare is a right. BenStein who is the epitome of MaleWhitePrivilege should stand down.

Fuck ferris bueller's dry eyes clear eyes ass.... we love u AOC ...

IT'S BEN STEIN, fer chrissakes!

This is a shameful headline ffs

Not good. Not good at all. Why would you use this headline? Is demonizing, misleading and meant to incite. Terrible.

Ben Stein what an asinine comparrison.

Who cares

I believe trump is more hitler than hitler is hitler.

Stop this! Honestly, no one cares what Ben Stein thinks

To red hat conservatives socialism and fascism looks like healthcare for everyone and taxing the rich. To red hat conservatives the pillars of capitalism is leaving 800,000 plus Americans out of a paycheck and forcing them to work for free while they get food from a bread line.

Please, do better. journalism

Who cares? He was a writer for Nixon, and look how thay turned out.

Are you egging me on to cancel my sub?

Oh well watch out then. Ben Stein! 🙄

Look no further than the current White House Ben! VoodooEconomics

You actually thought that was worth seeing print?

Are you kidding me? The same BenStein who to this day defends Nixon.

That's because AOC is a triple threat.. young, latina & female. These men can't stand someone like that w/ smarts & in a position of power.

Who knew he was still alive?

😂 poor Stein

But remember kids, it’s the progressives who are unreasonable and hysterical.

It's appalling that you publish & amplify yet another cheap, ludicrous attack on AOC. The professional, talented journalists that work for you must be cringing with embarrassment. Do you not care about your reputation? You become a laughingstock w/ articles like this one.

He's a smart guy and Jewish, so the average wapo reader will hate him bc of it.

Ben Stein is an absurd irrelevant piece of nonsense! Period!

Horrible headline, WP. You keep falling for this. Do better.

I love to see fear among conservatives in the morning. Smells like VICTORY.

Why is this a headline?

She's so pretty AOC

Hitler Socialist, Stalin Socialist, Alexandria ocasio-Cortez Socialist, all espousing the same eastern block policy's, Thank god President Reagan crushed them economically. Those on the left push the same policys . And call Trump of being Putin puppet

He didn’t say she “was” these dictators. He said that her insane socialist ideas “lead to” similar outcomes as we have seen in Germany, the USSR, and China. He’s not wrong.

This is not a newsworthy person. Why do you give him headlines?

And Ben Stein has a point

Valid point.

WAPO is the Enquirer now?

really?...all the while ignoring the real wannabe dictator in the white house--- talk about projecting...

So let’s give him a platform!!

Wow, is this a National Enquirer article? Way to go, WP. You actually consider this newsworthy? More like a desperate and pathetic defication of click-bait garbage.

AOC has been on the job for less than a month and the entire GOP is shitting their pants! They fear her because her bold ideas make sense and she can explain them clearly. Keep it up!

Liberals compare Trump to Hitler and you don’t care

Does any blue collar worker even care what Ben Stein says?

Ben who?!

I compare Ben Stein to a soggy waffle. Would you print that headline?

What is wrong with you?

The people aren’t listening to these old out of touch men

Ben Stein only wishes in his most grand fantasies.

Are there any journalists still willing to do their jobs? This is embarrassing, I'm embarrassed for you

Better look at Cuba and Venezuela if you want a real comparison of what her ideas will bring.

Because Ben Stein is impartial and doesn’t have any kind of agenda.

He’s gone loco

It appears that Mr. Stein has become irrelevant given his statement equating the Member of Congress to mass-murderers. It's as if he forgot realDonaldTrump, Putin, Xi, Erdogan, etc.

Do better Wash Post. I shouldn’t have to keep saying this. In case you don’t realize it, you are repeating the ‘but her emails’ line of reporting from 2016. Don’t give voice to something non-existent.

Since when is anything Ben Stein says news? Come on WaPo, get your sh** together.

Ben Stein's ideology has more in common with the dictators highlighted than does AOC's. You participating in the extremist right's demonization of her is disturbing. Giving Stein a platform is worse.

Been Stein is the problem

Why in f—ing hell is the Washington Post repeating such a vicious lie? Only if it, itself, is racist, misogynistic and willing itself to lie about one of the newest and most effective members of Congress.

More name calling, labels, lies. These tactics have become passé.

This is the same Ben Stein that plays monopoly w/real money w/convicted felons such as Jay S. Hoffman. Go figure. Don’t understand why the right find is so threaten AOC.

Nancy needs to take her to the side explain how this government works

Does anyone really give a shit what Ben Stein thinks? I mean, cmon WaPo!

Ben Stein is not an elected official, he is a hack. Why give him a platform to spread his brand of hatred? Do better.


Ms. Cortez the great hand talker and annoying people everywhere

Why are you writing about Ben Stein and repeating his smear? Are you out of your minds?

Ben who? Sounds like a low intelligence cult member to me.

When you are in a battle of wits and out of ammo, just compare your opponent to Hitler. So creative and works every time. ThursdayThoughts

Old irrelevant white guys are so mad 😂


Why does the media allow a hand full of people to hog the headlines? Ok, she’s radical. Anything else new we can talk about to help save this divided country?


So you cover his ridiculously false and hyperbolic 'take' because - why?

I think Mr Stein needs to brush up on his German history... seems like he’s forgotten a lot. Typical memory lapse of the crooked GOP!!!!!

Oh come on this is not worth reporting !

You guys should hire some people to review posts for content , relevance, spelling, and grammar. You could call them “editors.”

Old white men are so afraid of young progressive thinking women!

This is important 'news' while our country burns Who cares what Ben Stein thinks?

She’s so SMART!!!!!!

Shame on the Post for giving oxygen to this has-been - Trump is the autocrat resembling Hitler & Stalin. Including harming his own people like those dictators did🙄

Stop. Giving. These. People. Platforms. To. Speak. From.

Projecting. All of the old, white conservatives are excellent at it.

Is this really worthy of a Washington Post headline?

BEN STEIN!? You're seriously giving him a platform?

Who cares? Why would u post this

Who is Ben Shein?

Stick to game shows, Ben.

Why did you run this article?

Why are you amplifying falsities and smear tactics?

Who cares what Ben Stein thinks?

Lmao this is exactly what you get when you compare Trump to the same men ad nauseam. Thems the rules, and you made them.

WTF? When Trump is calling Dems dangerous radicals, why would you allow this crackpot to amplify that incredibly dangerous rhetoric?

OMG...has Benny escaped again?

Why give Ben Stein this platform? He is afraid of her and so is the GOP. CantIntimidate.

Clickbait headline for a paywalled article? Do better,


Ben Stein is as irrelevant as Scott Baio, people’s who’s names we havent heard in 20+ years and wouldn’t otherwise save for them saying outlandish things that for some stupid reason, the media seems to want to quote because they have fame once upon a time. Do better bruh.

I compare Trump to Hitler and Stalin. Can I be tomorrow’s headline?


Why are so many white, Republican men terrified of this woman? 🤔

Ben Stein should take up knitting.

I thought we put that old fool out to pasture...who let him back in?

Buehller. . . Buehller.

Funny how he misses the elephant in the room POTUS !

He is, of course, utterly insane.

We can judge someone by the quality of their friends. BUT often it is more telling to know who their enemies/critics are. She is one of the glimmers of hope for this 72 years old white geezer.

WTF is wrong with you

Slow news day?

Unfortunately the dumb people in NY voted this person in, since NY full of Latinos they saw a Latin name and voted....

fras99 The last accurate thing Ben Stein said was “Voodoo economics,” and someone wrote that for him.

'Bueller, Bueller...?' About the same amount of people are paying attention.

He's an ass.

Ben Stein is irrelevant. Question is why would you magnify his voice with such nonsense?

Ben Stein is to economists as AOC is to Hitler. Are there any right wingers with functioning brains?

How insulting. Hitler and Stalin had far more intelligence

LMAO! Who does Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? compare Individual-1 / Trump to? Jesus Christ? George Washington? Aristotle? Ghandi? Republicans are scared to death of RepAOC and it is laughable!

It’s because they HATE that mouth, they fear her appeal to voters, but they all still have a 🍄 hard-on for her. Tyyyyypical white dudes around powerful women of color. They’re ALL arrested adolescents. It’s why they identify so much with those hormonal little Covington HS thugs.

Why are you repeating this? Why?

I love how threatened the Hypocrites are by AOC She is one POWERFUL INTELLIGENT FORCE. She is devoted to WORKING FOR THE PEOPLE. NOT special interests like HouseGOP SenateGOP

Off hand, I am waiting for Dennis Miller's op ed, on this issue.

And you want to spread that ridiculously wrong opinion around because...?

2nd rate game show host and actor with no range makes inaccurate and insulting analogy. So glad you were there to report this WashPo.

He's just mad because they didn't ever make 'Ferris Bueller 2'

Outrageous. Only GOP people are allowed to be compared to Hitler... Everyone knows that! 😒

Stein has forever ruined Ferris Bueller’s Day Off for me.

Ben Stein? Richard Nixon’s speechwriter? The guy who tried to pass himself off as a financial “expert” who claimed when Merrill Lynch stock was trading over $90 a share that it was “so cheap, they should be giving it away in cereal boxes”, before it went down to $3? That guy

Lol. They are losing it over her, aren’t they. It’s pretty entertaining.

Stories like this made me stop subscribing to the NY Times. You may be next. This is hate propaganda of the worst form.


No, Stein, demsoc means yes to democracy no to racism, and, duh, genocide. See Canada, western Europe. Not your fault. You've clearly been colonized by bees and it's hard to think with those f*ckers buzzing around inside your skull. But please, tell me more about the bad things.

My cousin Samantha says NYT better than WAPO

Who cares what that corpse thinks.

Republican men are really afraid of smart, strong women. Why is that?

Ben Steins famous quote “ Bueller? Bueller ? Bueller?”

Why are they so afraid of this woman,

Oh yeah, the comparisons are endless 🤦🏼‍♂️ Maybe Ben Stein should do a quick google on who Hitler and Stalin were, he clearly needs a refresher.

This isn’t news. Stick to news please.

Ben who now? But seriously, why is he newsworthy these days?

My cousin Joey likes Pop Tarts better than Eggos.RealNews

Who is Ben Stein again? Hey! WAPO! How about you print what I say? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rocks! that Ben Stein has chimed in...Bueller?....Bueller?

Why were you talking to Ben Stein?

Politically, yah.

Ben who?

That is despicable..well let's compare Reumpski

In tRumplandia every accusation is a confession. Ben Stein is actually describing tRump.

Underrated100 This would be an insult to AOC but like, she does not know who they are.

Oh, well, if Ben Stein says it, it must be worth reporting. I just told someone the other day that Ben Stein is a worthless blowhard with an over-inflated ego and misplaced sense of self-worth. You gonna print that?

Don't listen to Ben Stein. He has too much wisdom and you don't need that.

I'm so happy you guys found your next Hillary Clinton.U must have been so bored this year. Washed up has been like Stein gets WP treatment to go after AOC.Though she's a freshman senator.Never been First Lady or Secretary of State.There for one month.I guess any ole gal will do..

She makes rich people nervous. Good. They need to be nervous. They also need to pay their fair share. fairshare

What a waste of space. Not newsworthy, but thanks for amplifying this stupid MAGAGarbage.

It’s only OK to compare realDonaldTrump to Hitler

Was Mr. Stein challenged by the host of the show on which he appeared? When I read a tweet like this, I immediately look where the comment was made... and it’s inevitably on Fox News, where the person isn’t challenged.

While I'm happy (or at least better informed) to know that Ben Stein is still alive, why would I be interested in the musings of a man who devolved into the lunatic fringe over a decade ago?

Who's writing for you..Trump?

Comedy Central fires him for a reason

I doubt she has heard of them


I’m sure like many of you, I thought, “who is Ben Stein?” I mean, I’ve seen him around but why? And, like some of you I checked wikipedia. Let me save most of you some time, Ben Stein is nobody. He is irrelevant. Good morning.

Ben Stein, a misogynist. Who knew.

Stein's fearful or envious: those who can't get elected, pundit


This is gossip, not news. How are you not embarrassed to run this piece?

Who is Ben Stein?

Why is this news? It’s gossip. Who cares about Ben stein..

Stein’s knee jerk reaction to anyone he doesn’t like is to compare them to Hitler and other dictators. This isn’t news. And why does his opinion even matter?

AOC is a socialist ideologue. If she had enough power she would force those ideas on you. So Ben Stein's apropos analogy seems to fit. The trouble with socialists is they don't learn from the destruction they leave behind. Or maybe that's their goal.

I went to a live taping of 'Win Ben Stein's Money' about 20 years ago. By the way he interacted with the female contestants, I'd suspect that if he were at all relevant today, he'd have been consumed by the MeToo movement.

Why is this stupid comment a headline?

It is easy to compare Ben Stein to stopped such as Moe and Larry.

Ben Stein's claim to fame was his intelligence and the awesomeness of Ferris Bueller's Day Off. At least the latter can never be disproven.

Saintsfan5348 😡🖕😡 Ben

So, he’s a washed up really old man. No one outside elitist circles cares about him. His time is ended long ago.

Ben Stein was Richard Nixon speech writer-nothing else to say

Shes worse

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaha deep breath hahahahahhahahahahahhahahah

Who’s Ben Stein

Wow he must be demented

the right-wing projecting, as always

he must have thought they were talking about Trump

Ben Stein been irrelevant.

That guy is on drugs


What a crazy guy.

You missed something

Stop it!!! JFC people.

Ben Stein is still alive? & who cares?

I think Mr. Stein should consider the views and actions of the person who currently lives in the Whitehouse before he compares anyone to Hitler or other dictators. I thought he was smarter than that. notmypresident ashamed politics

AOC scares these old men so much--they need to get their emotions under better control, and then they'll calm down and feel better.


Shows you how much you should pay attention to what he says

I have his book 'How To Ruin Your Life.' He seems to be taking a chapter from it. Silly me, I read it as comedy. Hmmmmm...

Uh, does he know what year it is, & the big question: does he not know who is called president?

Apparently he is off his medications

It’s amazing how when progressive politicians start advocating for the poor they get compared to Hitler but ones who defend ppl literally carrying Nazi flags are just defending “freedom”. Go away Ben Stein.

Ben is simply afraid,...

Ben Stein is still alive? Good for him.

Fact check: True

I don’t know about that. But I am skeptical about growing the federal government

Isn't she rather like Trump?

Is he crazy or an insecure man-baby

How is this even news

How is this newsworthy?

Trump/Republicans project/deflect onto others exactly what they are guilty of.

There affraid of Her ... luv her !!!!


So when someone comes along to address his parents’ deep seated fear, he compares her to Hitler?

From the same people that support trump...

It's time to play 'Lose Ben Stein's Marbles!'

Listening to this old man invariably leads to bad things.

Oh look. Another triggered white man 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Ben who?

When did Ben Stein become an asshole? Oh, yeah; always.


Why is Ben Stein allowed to still be relevant?

Ben stein needs to go back to selling eye drops and stop bothering people with his monotoned voice



Ben Stein worked for Richard Nixon, so maybe we shouldn’t write articles about what he says.

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