Barr appoints prosecutor to examine Russia probe origins

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

William Barr has appointed a U.S. attorney to examine the origins of the Russia investigation

The inquiry, which will focus on whether the government’s methods to collect intelligence relating to the Trump campaign were lawful and appropriate, is separate from an investigation by the Justice Department’s inspector general. The agency’s watchdog is also examining the Russia probe’s origins and Barr has said he expects the watchdog report to be done in May or June.

The recently concluded investigation from special counsel Robert Mueller did not find a criminal conspiracy between the campaign and the Kremlin to tip the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. In nominating him, the White House said Durham and other nominees for U.S. attorney jobs share Trump’s vision for “making America safe again.”


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What does Barr think the Inspector General has been doing. OY Vey. PS Tell us Bill Barr what your deal has been with Jeffrey Epstein & Dershowitz, + Trump.

Barr you not Trump suppose to be working for the American people..why not Resign and save urself the shame.

Barr rules !!!!!

Trump knew he could use him...lets see to what extant. Follow the FOX and you will see.

Barr surrendered his independence and swore allegiance to the King Donald--not the USA. He bent his nee to Donald

This is really odd behavior from the Attorney General for the people 🧐 ImpeachWilliamBarr DumpTrump2020 ImpeachTrumpNow

Maybe Barr could cut to the chase and release a summary report tomorrow.

Of course it wasn't Lawful Or Appropriate . I am an outsider but i agree with Trump that it Was a Witch Hunt . The Democrats just couldn't accept that Trump had won the Election

About time!

Impeach him already

This is disgraceful. We are officially a lawless state.

The head hunting begins! Just like tracking down Obama’s birth certificate!

William Barr has the right to know if Benedict Donald is compromised by Russia...

KamalaHarris Normally I'm against death penalty in this country Having 2nd thoughts Drug dealers Merchants of death, including doctors dealing pain killers, politicians colluding to take health care from the disabled, collusion with foriegn powers to destroy our Democracy.

And the Dems to jail

Barr belongs behind bars

There is a traitor among you...

Don’t let Trump & his lawyers & the media convince you this is sooo complicated. It’s all very simple. It’s all very clear. Trump broke the law & will be punished. Patience, friends.

Barr must Resign

Florida Gov. DeSantis confirms Russia hacked into two counties' voter databases in 2016

How about giving a crap that it resulted in knowledge that they’re actively seeking to exploit our information & use it to infiltrate our election processes. Tha they installed trump and that Barr is part of this treasonous takeover.

How many more investigations do they need to investigate the origins of the Russia investigation? At this point does it even matter how it started? It's obvious from the charges that Mueller brought against the Russians that they interfered.

Wm. Barr resign when Trump gets tired of you he fire you then where will you be you won't have the power think w/what's on your shoulders not in your pants stop being stupid &Trump's crony there was no spying Trump was in bed w/Putin & was corruption/collusion you b/long in jail

Not only a liar but a traitor as well.

This shows signs of a dictatorship.

Finally got the reason of all the skip talking during the Sen. Harris questioning.

KevinSeraphin3 i cannot believe this man.

Too bad he isn't investigating Trump instead of shielding him. AG Barr is corrupt just like Trump and must be indicted for his treason against America.

Ok...later we will need an investigation of the investigation that investigated the investigation.

He rather do that than give congress the full report. This is a conspiracy.

We already know it was Papadop’s big mouth while drinking

About time.

Hey, look son, a partisan hack... That's why you shouldn't vote for a crazy dude just to ”shake things up”. Tired of winning?

What a waste of Time and money

Good grief. It won’t ever be over. This is becoming like Dicken bleak house

In my opinion we are officially a banana republic. He have a corrupt president, an AG that protects the president, an administration that serves the president rather than the country, and a majority senate that watches the president dismantle our democracy.

Just like Trump wanted him to do!

Barr, an unethical Trump lackey, launches witch hunt investigation to bolster his fraudulent summary of Mueller Report and lick Trump’s boots on more time.

morgfair That sounds like a proctologist giving himself a colonoscopy.

Who'd have thought corruption would happen so fast? WhipLash

He is the AG and has to investigate ( in more than one lane) if the trump people meeting with Russian operatives is concerning or not. Are all these people associated with trump, idiots?

Barr is creepy

he really believes we're that dumb..... wee wee on us, and tell us it's just warm rain.

Of course he opened this investigation.....his boss has spoken 👊🏽

I hope he goes to prison

You are the biggest bag of 💩I’ve seen in a long time BOOOOOOO!

This guy Barr has always been inhumane when looking at his past records he's just another booting licking Trumpster.

butt...butt rachael maddow said it was MUELLER TIME 😢

The criminals are now trying to investigate the non-criminals? That’s where we’re at. What a pathetic time to be an American.

The coup continues...this would only be semi-valid if they released the whole Mueller Report. Barr is covering up the conspiracy for the coup which has taken over the US government..

He shouldn't be allowed to appoint anything until he testifies to the House.

This investigation will turn up with nothing except unearned headlines from the media, getting played and distracted from Barr's and Trump's obstruction of justice.


I’m setting up a spreadsheet to keep track of all this shit.

It’s time!Not too late.

In Trump’s pocket...

CrackerALS Can this guy possibly get more unlikeable?

Barr “was not telling the truth to the Congress of the United States — that’s a crime.” Barr repeatedly lied to America. He's lost public trust and his findings will be null-and-void until he explains why a United States Attorney General would commit perjury.

They are making rape by politicians and those with cash, and theft by politicians and really rich guys and murder by cop, all legal. Go ahead America... be stupid and allow this.. soon you will be all alone with.. 45 for ever.. bunch of sinners shame on those...

Provide the data requested by the congressional committees and stop wasting time and $ on a bogus investigation

Dems are getting nervous... we’re finally going to get to the bottom of this bogus investigation. Two years, and millions of dollars wasted, it’s about time.

It will be great to get to the real truth, finally.

Russian asset

Why? Because Trump ' suggested' it?

John Durham has a career in bringing down corruption within our government. Wise choice, he is a bloodhound and moral compass much needed.


Great! That way when the US Attorney finds the investigation’s origins were proper and appropriate then the Trump “witch hunt” whining will be proven completely false and wrong! Go to it!

Poor sheep.walkaway


So what... your going to un-indict the Russians they have evidence on?

Wow...this is sad, obstruction, obstruction, obstruction.

Mitch handed trump the supreme court,Barr handed trump the DOJ now he wants the FBI total obedience the table is set for total obstruction of the rule of law.

Now anyone who subpoenas Barr- is obstructing justice...

Oh an that pesky little DNC investigation.

Barr is nothing but a hatchet-man.

Really, this is what the AG is focused on?

Shady and unethical. Retaliation!

If it was we will never know unless he appoints angers Democrats

This has to be the worst AG to investigate any thing 100% lier if he has kids I bet they lie just like him and he is proud of it. Good job bring up a family of liars. If you know the truth tell the truth break the circle of lies.

This is a fucking nightmare.....

He’s as consistent as he was in the 90’s

He will go down as the most corrupt, ass-kissing AG in American history.

Sure ....

The pendulum always swings back.

This cult is really out of control.

Barr should be impeached

The latest example of who Bill Barr really works for ie DonaldTrump and not Americans. Two investigations already and now another because Trump wants a distraction away from the real issue, his obstruction of the Mueller probe into Russia investigation.

It's about time!

Barr is just a stooge for ConmanTrump and nothing more. shrug


Barr needs to be disbarred. He’s not their for this country he’s there to do trumps bidding. He lied to Congress he needs to be in jail

It’s tough to make this look legit.

Amazing to watch a coup in real time.

Barr is the equivalent of Hans Frank. Not the People’s attorney, but the Reich’s.

His Mother’s Day gift to trump?

oh good, another farce paid for by the people's tax money.

I’m already sick of looking at this pos!


Don't you mean 'oranges'?

This has Trump’s name all over it! I think he should Pay for it out of his own pocket!


Trumps money at work..

Funny how this article misses out on lots of details of Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele...etc

realDonaldTrump is now Weaponized in the DOJ against his perceived enemies. The question is where is the 🇷🇺 Russian Intel from Muellers report a 👨Trump is trying to hire hide. Since Trump illegally forced the FBI to stop giving the Intel to Congress after he fired Comey

Play, play, play into Russia's hands.

So Barr appointed someone to look over his work LMAO. Wonder how much money passed under the table

The spying on political opponents should be investigated

President Pinocchio 🤥 has finally found his personal lawyer aka Roy Cohn and we are all the losers in this! Barr's behaviour has become increasingly partisan and the opposite of what an AG should be. PresidentPinocchio

You guys are acting like two year olds.

'A US attorney'? No. He appointed Durham, who has made a career, under both Democrat and Republican presidents, finding things the FBI and CIA don't want found. Each time he has been unleashed to uncover information, he has come out on top. Barr didn't just do this willy-nilly.

lawful? Does Barr know the definition of that word? He might want to revisit his comments on the Mueller report in view of that.

In just over two years realDonaldTrump has turned our government, one of the most efficient and fair in the world, into a petty, corrupt, and deeply incompetent vehicle to play out a thug’s impulses. ImpeachmentNOW

Didn’t a judge already do that?


This is way out of Barr taking too much power ! Someone got to stop him !


Well damned if it ain't a weaponized Justice Department, speculation is Trump will launch investigations into the front runners in the Dem Primary, merrily abusing the office of the president all the way.

Investigating your bosses opponents!? Thought you were OUR country’s attorney? You are a disgrace!

We need to get rid of him and the Trumps also!

This horrible man needs to be impeached!

The BarrCoverup continues. William Barr has one job, shutdown the Special Counsel’s Investigation. Now he’s just following the orders of his Dear Leader.

Dear AG, you are NOT the President’s lawyer.

More money spent to prop up the donalds delusions.

Maybe my Congressman RepJohnLarson will finally see this administration for the traitors they are and start impeachment!

So he really IS dude's attorney... Now maybe we can get an AG for the country...btw I'm talking about the U.S. NOT Russia

What a reckless, tax-$-wasting toady. I'm already sick of Barr. You, too?

morgfair And if the results point to Trump, the report will be redacted 100%

Will taxpayers get to see results if Trump’s dirt is uncovered?

Coming from this DOJ and this WH, no one will ever know the truth. Even if they find that the Trump campaign was at fault, they will never divulge that information to the public.

This is insane.

So the AG is investigating the DOJ and the FBI?

When is the realDonaldTrump going to get serious about stopping the Russians?

Good .

morgfair 'Maybe I WAS speeding, let's investigate the officer though to see what his motives were'

morgfair Why doesn’t he ask the FBI.

AG Barr is 45’s personal lawyer. He does not work for us.

Two words for Barr: John Mitchell.

Send Brennan, Comey, Clapper and Hillary a box of Depends


Here we go, this administration is now in full dictator mode.

Case in point 🤔

Shouldn’t the DOJ have some evidence of wrong doing before launching an investigation? Barr has determined the outcome Trump wants and now is trying to find evidence to support his foregone conclusion. This is not how the DOJ should work. BarrIsComplicit

We need to make sure all these hacks are punished or this behavior is going to become acceptable.

Barr, what are you doing about Trump lying?

You misspelled oranges.

They don’t trust the IG?

There used to be a time where this type of action would land a guy like Barr in jail but today where “Hey, Russia is our friends and the very people responsible for a second depression are in charge and justice is blind.. Yeah 🤦🏾‍♂️

By you covering this it develops their narrative, report what has already been found out they are looking at nothing we already don't know, you people are complicit in this gaslighting operation.

Ask the question Why?

Good. Draining the swamp is a good thing...

Just doing trumps bidding to find witch hunt. Remember this didn’t just focus on trump but Russians involved in influencing election. He is here to show trump should not have been investigated

Millermena I thought a number of federal judges have already examined this and declared it lawful. Do their judgements not count?

What a shill

Oh, great. Investigate the investigators. And what about the AG's perjury re Mueller's response to the 4 pager AG summary?

How much will this cost the tax payer? At least the Mueller report recouped any costs with money collected as a result of the investigation. The GOP & trump will continue to waste tax payer money (taxes trump did NOT pay) in order to try to distract the public.

So essentially Graham is giving a member of the regime and crime family legal advice. Somehow I find it hard to believe that is legal.

Hehehhe, I think the woke twitter crowd is about to become a whole lot quieter soon ;) Ya'll bots keep commentin' and get it in now! Some of yall handlers going to be in jail! GO BARR! MAGA

Sycophant Barr trumps latest lap dog acts with such disrespect for the judicial system will end up as they all do broken reputation with egg in his face. Well deserved

So.....just don’t show up when they requested you to appear and when they ask you questions, just lie......that’s the game, right

About time.

Barr is a liarImpeachBarr

And trusting their appointments is like trusting the POTUS and his attorney general . You can’t

The mueller report should definitely end up in the case and systematically be entered in court as evidence. And the full report then we will see who is right


A US attorney or a hand picked US attorney picked by Trump?

Donald Trump is the cancer of corruption and criminality.

And we already know what the outcome will be. Regardless of the findings Barr has already determined that the campaign was “spied” on. This entire thing is a sham. It’s like N Korea. This is why trump admired tyrants and dictators.

I thought the IG already did that

The guilty pleas and the people sitting in jail or awaiting trial and sentencing appear to make this investigation totally appropriate. This is simply plain revenge and pettiness from the POTUS and attorney general

What a joke!

Barr If you going to open an investigation let's see the interacted Mueller report!

Stop referring to him as AG Barr, use the term “Trump’s Appointed Stooge”.

And he'll find Rod Rosenstein initiatated the investigation. I just don't get RR. And for that matter, Trump's attitude towards Comey. He handed Trump a win on a silver platter with that stupid Clinton email boondoggle at the last minute.

LaurimoreScott I don’t see Morning Haters report

Distraction again.

Not a bad idea. Let’s just clear this up.

Why is everyone so stressed about this... if the original investigation was lawful and appropriate, then this shouldn't be a big deal. It would seem the AG is just verifying the original investigation... isn't that what everyone wants.. proof the investigation was valid?

and Trump complains about why we spent money on Mueller's investigation when and where does the BS stop (we know where it begins don't we Trump)

What if the truth is that they had credible information that POTUS was a Russian agent? That would be enough, right

AG Barr is a partisanhack

makes sense - let's not investigate how the Russians used sweeping disinformation during the 2016 election




Witnessing abuse of power in America.

Can you trust him? Republicans are notorious for fabrications and lying. Will Trump's lawyer Barr redact the investigation findings?

This is too funny using words like 'lawful and appropriate' with his background being anything but. Truly, this administration is pushing the limits of the law to further its unlawful intentions. Enough is enough!!

He is not doing his job. Trumps stooge

So? Let them investigate. Just be sure to publish the results when the investigation determines the investigation was justified and Trump lied

But he won’t read the report that he wants to examined? TheJusticeDept HAS BARR READ THE REPORT YET? FBI

The real “witch-hunt” begins! I hope Chairman Nadler summons Durham to appear before the Judiciary Committee to Report on his mandate from Barr!

This is laughable. GOP is the deep state

While they are at it, maybe they can investigate the AG's abuse of power.

I wonder if when the investigation is finished Barr will be careful to provide his own summary, redact the shit out of it, refuse to provide full un-redacted report, hold a press conference misleading the public on the results and then lie in front of congressional committee.

Love Barr. Keep on keeping on.

This undermines the respect of our government institutions that have take oath protect the country. FBI COURT JUDGE'S OF FISA COURT'S LindseyGrahamResign WILLIAMBARR TRUMP

Be careful what you wish for

Sounds perfect sided to clear your mates Trump, people are not stupid Barr, they can see through you very much. Your motives are obvious.

We came for a drug bust but found a dead body. Don’t call homicide. That’s not part of the investigation

Bar is no more than a political hack and a Trump stooge!

You’re seeing the politicization of the DOJ. Another chip at our democracy and constitution.

About time

Banana Court AG. Deplorable. We see. Most of US see you and the regime clearly.

So now he is saying the guy is guilty but the way this was determined may have been illegal?

Insane corruption and lawlessness from this government. They’ve finally done it—they’ve torn down centuries of independence and weaponized TheJusticeDept. ImpeachBarr ImpeachTrump

Turning the DOJ into a partisan agency defies U.S. precedent and history. AG Barr is a historical puppet. 'Sabotage' comes from throwing a wooden shoe into the cogs of the wheel. This was aimed at slowing down the manufacturers from speeding up the line. He is a saboteur.

The US Attorney cannot investigate the CIA . This is a witch hunt to be sure which will have no affect on anything important. The Republicans only hook was a speculation about the dossier. That balloon was busted when Mueller clearly stated that that did not spark the Russian

This is why the TheDemocrats should have backed off after they found out the Russia thing was a bust. They have now opened their own side to investigation. A Drow would have pivoted to another avenue of attack

Member all those stupid its Mueller time everyone loved well get ready for paying the Barr tab. I believe this won't go over well as it's likely to be a big tab.

Donald Trump eats men’s souls. StableGenius

This is the biggest BS TheJusticeDept! We already know the Russians meddled in the 2016 election. Barr's cover-up will go down in history as a vile campaign to destroy democracy! Thoughts and Prayers to AG Barr's reputation!

How much does a soul go for on the open market these days?

If anything he will find that republicans hired Fusion GPS initially and that the Steele dossier is 100% correct. This is like trump’s voter fraud commission that found nothing and slithered away with its tail between its legs.

Its about time


I wonder when Republicans will start complaining about the cost?

If you were wondering whether we were a bananarepublic you now have your answer! FISA warrant approved by a judge be damned!!!

The same U.S. attorney that took down the Boston FBI Whitey Bulger

Appropriate doesn’t sound like a legal and measurable term. Is it appropriate to have a POTUS who is a lying conman? I’ll say no. 3 million more people than not said no. And yet here we are with DeranagedDonald. cheatingToWin TuesdayMotivation

Delay, delay...meanwhile the President keeps his job, Republicans keep passing obnoxious laws, the people forget or get confused at who are really the bad guys. No! Resisters

The country is being bullied and the Democratic House can’t even enforce a subpoena. These people are blatantly corrupt and congress does nothing. Is it because they can’t or because they don’t know how?

Barr is absolutely disgusting in his actions to protect his mentally unfit boss!

So I guess the investigation isn’t a waste of taxpayer money afterall!

This is simply political retaliation for a necessary and legitimate investigation

We are living in a police state.

I get the impression that this is a conclusion in search of an ‘investigation’ ... trump & gop whine about witch hunt crap but have no problem re-litigating something that at least 2 groups have found to be reasonable. No morals, no ethics, no credibility, no gop ...

Get to the bottom of this witch-hunt.

See something Say something Be ready for activities designed to harm others, so to divert attention away from the real news! PainIsComing to all the bastards involved in the RussiaHoax SpyGate ObamaGate ClintonCrimeFamily OperationMockingbird Treason MilitaryTribunals

That prosecutor appointed by Barr for his witch hunt might start looking at the judges who approved the lawfully authorized warrants amidst Russia’s invasion of our nation’s cyber security networks. They responded to the threats while Trump endorsed them.


Examining the orange of the Russia investigation? What a waste of taxpayer $$$, but what Daddy wants, Daddy gets.

Paul Manafort joined the Trump campaign to funnel info to a Russian oligarch. Carter Page was proud of being a Russian intel target; basically put it on his resume. And the GOP thinks the FBI *shouldn’t* protect our presidential candidates from people like that.

If they find nothing then the Mueller report will be absolutely legitimate.

Yep, about to get real for some dirty cops. This isn’t going to end well for them or some in the Obama admin.

Crooked William. Lock him up. Forever!

Bananas for everyone!

The Nissan Rogue is reliable, roomy, and fuel efficient SUV, unlike the AG being partisan to Trump & crew when he should be impartial in judiciary matters!

The “oranges” don’t need probing.

And democracy takes another body blow.

What a waste of money and time.

They are sure jumping through a lot of hoops to show us how innocent they are. The mueller report is right there. Most innocent people would probably just read that to exonerate themselves

Ha! A Terminator kind of move. Can’t win now, so go back to the past, the origin, and see if you can fix it there. This administration makes me laugh.

Like the voter fraud commission, a waste of tax payer dollars. Barr's reputation is officially trash! Any news outlet or public facing job that hires him or puts him in front of the American people is also TRASH!!! CNN MSNBC.

johndurham has already assembled a grand jury.


It should effing backfire..This guy is dangerous and political hack have no business in the DOJ..

Trump puppet


What the f7ck

I guess he was not donentorcjing his reputation this ought to do it

Yes, please remind everyone how often Trump campaign members met with Russian oligarchs, GRU cutouts, and sought unmonitored back channels. Can you publish that around October 2020?

ANOTHER attempt at obstruction/distraction by the TrumP adminstration... This is nothing new and shouldn't be a surprise to ANYONE

In the tank for Trump. Some AG.

I hate him more and more.

What are they going to do when this report comes back clean? And how much Mueller report leaking is going to start in earnest if he stonewalls? FTN

JasminLucci It’s the good old boys era. crooksforlife

Here we go again...

Yes! About time!

Winter is coming.

We are just months away from the Trump administration issue arrest warrants for it's political opponents. Those are going to be some crowded prison camps, friends.

Witch Hunt, Mueller seen no problem with it. Just a waste of money from Trump. Old habits are hard to break.

Why appoint a prosecutor? Trump said his campaign was spied on. His word is usually enough for his lackeys.

WhooHoo about time, hope it doesn't take too long to find all those swamp rats...

Wm. Barr is concerned about something being “lawful and appropriate”. That’s rich.


Examine Trump, Barr, Graham, Cruz, Jr. Ivanka, kushner, Giuliani, Sanders, kellyann Conway, Ross, ?Jordan, and all the rest while you are at!

Here we go ,lets pay attention to see which democrat starts sweating .

Absurd. How about looking into how this regime is profiting... hand over fist... here and abroad?

What are Democrats scared of? If they did nothing wrong, then why are they worried? LMAO

Of course he has...he is Trump's puppet

Great move!! Dig a bigger hole for your master.

Banana republic

Don’t reply to any of their demands for information. 👌🏿

Of course he is. Because that's what the head of the DOJ should be focusing on right now. UnfitForOffice ImpeachBarr ReleaseTheFullMuellerReport ObstructionofJustice 26thAmendmentTime IndictTrump

Talk about re-litigating a dead horse!

Investigating the FBI.

Tax payers funds & his legal team. Wasteful spending. Some one should review.

They are bound and determined to find wrongdoing of any flavor in the Russia investigation.

Mike Flynn! Yo!

Corrupt Attorney General.

Let’s get right into it, right now. The origins of the investigation. Read the fucking Mueller report. Start there!

And then after that, they can appoint ANOTHER prosecutor to examine if THIS attorney's investigation into the origins of the Russia is 'lawful and appropriate.' Enough with the investigations into investigations every time an investigation doesn't go your way.

Another Trump lackey doing his bidding.

Trump diversion tactics using his ConsigliereAGBarr in keeping the truth of the Full Mueller Report&the Corruption of trump’s taxes from being revealed to the AmericanPeople! He’s a MobPunk that Conned WorkingClassAmericans into voting for him. Trump only harms the WorkingClass!

These ...'people' are not concerned about the Danger Of This Collusion and Corruption! They are ONLY concerned with Shielding The MOSCOW AGENT GOVERNING AMERICA MAGA!

How would Barr know what's 'lawful and appropriate?' Look who he defends.

Investigate the reactions of McConnell and Nunes when Brennan briefed them in summer 2016 that Trump and Russians were coordinating.

Just for show.

Well, of course they are just writing their own novel, here. They want a counter story, so they are going to make the one they want. No consideration for facts, just delusional ramblings. Take me to my leader!

Barr should be impeached

Tick tock liberals. Tick tock

Barr must prove himself independent and working for the people. He has a past as a deep state la

Corrupt Obama crew finally getting their comeuppance...never thought they’d lose.

Worst origin story ever.

Now THAT'S a witch hunt.

Literally, Judges and Grand Juries Already Did This. 😡


This woman could tell you everything you’d need to know about Trump’s finances. She’s “one of the most trusted people inside Trump Tower” and has “heard everything, and taken good notes.” Subpoena/Interview her today.

DOJ is going to war with the FBI?

Barr is no attorney. The ABA should revoke his license. ABAesq

Everyone involved should ignore his subpoenas....

Barr appoints predetermined finding to 'investigation' into his parties investigator's

Speaking of obstruction

Investigations hired to investigate the investigations. Bullshit

It has already been examined ad nauseum and determined to have been collected lawfully and appropriately (including the Nunes memo). But go ahead and pull a Benghazi. All the GOP and Trump lackeys are good for.

Time for real accountability !!!!!

Bill Barr, “Take The Money and Run” (2019)



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House panel accuses Barr of contempt - Reuters TVA Democratic-led House panel on Wednesday approved a measure to hold U.S. Attorney General William Barr in contempt for refusing to hand over an unredacted copy of the Mueller report on Russian election interference even as President Donald Trump invoked the legal principle of executive privilege to block its disclosure. TV Handing over an unredacted copy of the report would have been ILLEGAL. And the panel knows that. This is stupid political theater by the insane Democrats on that panel. TV This is a complete joke. The entire Mueller Report (unredacted) has been available to Congress since it was released. This is nothing more than a bunch of huffing and puffing by the Left because they aren’t happy with the outcome TV They are after Barr becouse he is going to investigate the origins of the russia hoax !
Source: Reuters - 🏆 2. / 97 Read more »

In rare move, House panel votes to hold AG Barr in contempt over Mueller reportDuring the House Judiciary Committee meeting, Chairman Jerry Nadler said Congress' fight is 'not just about the Mueller report.' He is full of shit! Anddddddd get ready for the alt-right, mentally incompetent, and deranged Trump fangirls coming to defend their MAGA cult leader. So this is why nothing is getting done. Democrats are too busy doing this nonsense. hurricaneMichael flooding2019
Source: USATODAY - 🏆 100. / 63 Read more »

House intel panel chairman subpoenas Barr for Mueller probe documentsU.S. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said on Wednesday he had ... And the whole bus clapped. Adam Schiff said for two years he had proof of collusion and is yet to produce his proof. When he does, I'll care what he says.
Source: Reuters - 🏆 2. / 97 Read more »

Democratic congressman says he is 'ready' to throw Barr in jailA Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee said Tuesday he does not want to throw Attorney General William Barr in jail but is 'ready to do so.' OhioForBiden2020 I stand with Barr William Barr for prison.
Source: CNN - 🏆 4. / 95 Read more »