AZ Woman Destroys Target Face Mask Display Wearing '$40k Rolex'

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

This Karen goes above and beyond to ruin a few Target employees' days.

and a conspiracy theory group to take Target to task for selling face masks ... and to flaunt her alleged high-priced watch.

The Internet has dubbed this gal here"QAnon Karen" after she filmed herself going into a Scottsdale-area Target and knocking down all the face masks on display in one of their aisles. She had to talk herself up before doing it, making it sound like a last stand mission. She rants and about"not doing it" anymore -- which we think means she's not gonna let face masks be sold anymore??? Who the hell knows, but she went to town on the display.

Some staffer eventually comes over and asks her to stop, but she refuses ... incoherently saying they let"everyone else do it," and then questioning if they're trying to stop her because she's a white, blonde woman. But wait, it gets even more cringe-worthy! 'Karen' ponders whether they're hassling her because she has on a"$40,000 Rolex" ... just utter nonsense, but also hilarious. People have noted that Rollies don't usually shop at and/or terrorize Targets -- not really fair, because Targets are awesome. But again, this woman thinks she was sent by higher powers ... those powers being 45 and QAnon, of which she says she's a spokesperson.


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AZ woman destroys Target Face Mask display claiming she’s wearing $40K Rolex*. YOU WELCOME

And this QAnon Karen is signalled out not due to her actions but because she is; 'a white blond woman, wearing a 40k Rolex, on a secret mission from Trump (who she talks to everyday), police don't have clearance, a lawyer, she is Jewish & everyone else are nazi's? mentalillness

It's a crazy world out here. There's a lot of people going to work everyday pretending to be sane but they are not. They are just a burnt piece of toast or a red light that lasts too long in traffic from flipping out.

Read her twitter posts. 72 hours in the 5150 Hotel will be good for her.

Hey why not. BLM thugs are destroying stores, cars, and statues all over the place and people are calling it a right? Hey fair is fair here. Yes she is a Karen lol

Shame on you. This woman is clearly in the manic phase of bipolar disorder. A zillion kudos to these officers who recognized what was happening and stayed so calm.

Something to think about...the cops tracked her down and arrested her. If she was a black woman, would the results have been the same?

That white privilege!

AZ That heat making y’all crazy?!

Her 15 minutes of fame is Up

It was probably fake

I’m disappointed they didn’t show her face.

Wow!! That's awesome!! COVID19 is the biggest lie just like 9-11 was!!

Lock Karen up and throw away the key

What does her watch have to do with it?

Yeah she's probably stole that watch from the looting. No one acts like that and wear a watch of that class

She just wanted attention

Even though shes mentally ill or this is staged. Part of what she said is worth thinking about. Why can certain people throw tantrums not be branded Karen and guilt everyone around into letting it happen ?


People commit crimes wearing expensive shit all the time. Example: Tekashi6969 and he is free making millions

Perhaps this woman knew she could sell this video to TMZ since they lap this stuff up. Surely she knows they do little fact checking before it’s slapped up on the internet for as many clicks as possible

Voted most likely to be the next to get Covid-19 and warn everyone it's not a joke after the fact.

Um....this felt kind of staged 🤔

y americans always come for Target lmao

And drove a Range Rover

I don’t even have to read it to know who she supports

Identify her. Charge her. Lock her up!

Another display of masks attacking Karen again?! Someone needs to have a stern talk with these masks😒😒😒

One of the only times you might ever get shitted on for wearing a real Rolex... on

We are a company from China, and if you need any relevant medical supplies procurement can contact us, N95 masks, disposable masks, disposable masks, mercury thermometer, electronic thermometer, folk and all related material, looking forward to your contact


Keep it up! You entitled white chicks are about to start catching cases at an alarming rate. They've been the ones getting away disorderly conduct. Who do you think birthed Karen,

Thread! I used to work with her.

Ban her from all stores, no respect.

Trying to convince some white people to think of anyone other than themselves is basically impossible. And sad thing is their ancestors are the reason for all the problems in the world toda. Yet they have the AUDACITY to tell other people how to act.

Something doesn't add up here. Please read the attached:

Biden supporter

If this is the same person, she was acting cray-cray in March 2019. See Phoenix New Times coverage.

Range Rover in the garage, nice.

Her true colors have shown!

Hey famo, I'm being targeted by the FBI over my activism, the best way to find out about the situation is here for any yt ppl wanting to reparate PLEASE HELP by signing this and sharing with friends Much love and blessings family

Must be a rough news day for tmz.

People are stupid.

Methamphetamine psychosis, ladies and gentlemen.

Funny how the cop apologizes and says “sorry” while arresting her lmao

Someones missing a inmate from the phyic ward..

wtpnewscorp is Her Twitter account melissareinlively Target

Looks like a peaceful protest from where I sit...

I live in Scottsdale. Does anyone have a picture of this broad and is she single?

There needs to be a distinction between a 'Karen' and someone with severe mental health issues. 'Karens' are just raging bitches with a superiority complex. This lady is clearly having a mental breakdown.

Awesome next we should all loot is blm headquarters


lock that b up

It aint even about the masks

Mental collapse right there

Funny until it's not funny... mental illness.

What ? the slaves are revolting against the phony suffocating slave masks.

Throw her -ss in Jail.

Imagine that her $40k Rolex is a fake one. Ultimate karma/justice 😂

People need to start knocking these people out! You can tell by the way she speaks that she is highly uneducated!

Collateral for bail

Yeah she’s trash.

KarenOfTheDay V😁

Karen them wilding. You people are sick.

Targets have full displays of face masks? You know the bullshit mfs go through to get masks and this Target just has a full display on deck ready for a white lady to destroy?

Who else went to Instagram to search Thebrandconsortium lol.

She should be arrested!

Whew! Insert Denzel Washington sigh of relief meme here...

'Destroys' might be a stretch

Wow what a gentle arrest 😒

Like a toddler

Mad ppl

RaeganFitz OMG this nutcase just ruined her career! Look her up👀

Good then she can afford to reimburse Target and pay her legal fees and fines.

Well, the fact that someone recognized the Rolex means she can pay for the bail, the destruction of the masks, and anything else you throw at her! 'OH, BAIL SET AT $25,000, throws it at the cashier and sashays off!' Chump change!

Pay attention the MAGA base ignited by his last rally have been informed to go out and film their counter protest to incite their fellow racist believers.

White women....

blood alcohol saturation of 95%

People that do work for government never say they work for the government. They should have tased her ass and took her away.

What a psycho

That just not right at all

Thanks Arizona! Keeping it classy! Would like to make it on TMZ with something nice, not a bunch of crazies! Guess that's why I am home! KAREN'S OF AZ ...GO HOME

Karen for hire?

What a POS! Hope she gets what she deserves

What kink of kook-aid are Trump supporters drinking over there


Yes probably had enough of lockdown with liberals, antifa and blm all the commie bs'ers

Karen’s gone mad again.

This type of news I’ll pass watching try sharing something positive uplifting and unifiable...

This Arizona heat!!!

Put this scumbag behind bars

Most likely a drug dealer. What person who can afford a 40k Rolex would be shopping in crappy Target? Even if she needed toilet paper, Target's main stock item, someone with a 40K Rolex would be smart enough to stay out of Target! Duh!

Not the publicity Rolex needed. Guessing she won’t be into SocialDistance either...

So thanks to Trump, even wearing a mask has become political, encouraging these Karens to spread his hate.

These people are weak. Get a grip.

Walmart folks are now targeting Target

This seems like a setup know one is this stupid at least I hope if not a setup our country has gone certifiable

These Ku Klux Karen's need some Texas justice. 😂😂😂 target QAnons MAGATrash karensgoingwild Karendemic

There's a secondary video of her being arrested at home. Crazy woman says she's bugged and has direct access to the White House being part of QAnon. Her husband even chuckles at her at one point and doesn't say a word. He was probably THRILLED they took her nutter ass away. 😳

Destroying public property!! Please arrest her officer


melissareinlively is her Name!ULTIMATE KarenGoneWild this woman is having a psychotic breakdown.because of all the LIES Donald Trump has spewed to his Followers.The fake news conspiracy theories QAnon! She was arrested peacefully 🙄 check her pills 💊 stash! QAREN

Her name is Melissa Rein Lively...her husband just kicked her out the crib and tried to divorce her, she CLEARLY is bat shit crazy. She need to spend a couple of days in jail and then transfered to a mental institution and get some meds prescribed to her cuz she ain't right.

According to other articles, she is mental. She needs help.

40k watch , I wouldn’t be in 🎯!

Destroying hidden communism*

Trump, Elon Musk and Her are doing the best job of disproving the myth that rich ppl are 'smarter' , 'harder working' or 'earned' their wealth

Why are people not this upset about wearing pats or shirts?

White people what can I say

A Karen! 🤦🏾‍♀️

Your 👏 wealth 👏 has 👏 nothing 👏 to 👏 do 👏 with 👏 anything 👏 but 👏 your 👏 selfishness!👏 WEAR A F*CKING MASK

She may need to pawn that Rolex pretty soon, because I highly doubt her business will thriving after all this.

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