At 102 years old, New York woman beats the coronavirus - twice

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

At 102 years old, Angelina Friedman, a New York woman who lived through the 1918 flu pandemic and survived cancer, has now beat the coronavirus twice, her daughter says.

Merola said this time her mother got really sick.

"She had a cough, she was lethargic, she had a fever again," Merola said."The first time you wouldn't know she was sick." Friedman was put into isolation at the nursing home and received treatment. She was able to return to her room last month after receiving two negative test results. Merola said her mother is happy and healthy and that during one of their last phone calls she talked for nearly 30 minutes about crocheting, an activity Friedman enjoys.Friedman was born in October 1918 during the Spanish flu pandemic on a passenger ship bringing immigrants from Italy to New York City, NBC affiliateFriedman, who is nearly deaf and has lost most of her vision, has outlived her 10 siblings and her husband.

"My mom has been through so much in her life. You just can't give up. You have to fight. My mother's got the will to stay alive as I've never seen before," Merola said.


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Go girl🥰


1feralkat Be like Angelina!

Die Hard

Livin' the dream

I want some of HER blood!


자신의 영혼을 스스로 닦으니 영혼도 기뻐 전자구름 인자로 형상의 날개 퍼덕이지.

Plot twist: she’s Keith Richards

Why not report people without underlying conditions will survive the pendemic.

She's truly BLESSED!

99% of the country who got covid beat it. Who cares about this cold virus?

Badass 💪🏻💪🏻

Wonder Woman.

Just say no to fearporn

She is obviously a born bad-ass. You go, lady!!

This is not helpful, in that it suggests that people who die of COVID or cancer, or any disease could have survived if only they had the will to live. Nonsense.

Where the fuck is this 102 year old woman that she got this twice?

She’s built to resist 💪🏻


Chingona 💪🏼


kellyyy49 👀


What do you say to the God of Death ☠️ 'NOT TODAY' Happy Birthday mam, cheers to many more , wishing you all the health and happiness in this world🌹

What a trooper! Happy for her. But if a 102 yo woman can beat if twice, why is it worth killing jobs and businesses for?

I’m a little skeptical on this one

🚩 BREAKING: The CDC (Center for Disease Control) REPORTS OVER 90% of listed Covid-19 deaths, were actually Influenza and OTHER illnesses. WOW! 🚩

What’s the point in publishing this for other than “feel-good clicks”?

A living miracle 🙏.


Her maiden name is MacLeod. ;) And her father is still running in the mountains.

how much you wanna bet she doesn't survive the vaccine?

And even she says that during her long lifetime, she's Never seen a president more Bat Sh*t Crazy than Trump. And she lived through the first depression. 😃


Will the doctors say she had it twice tho? 🤔

We should be studying her.


Maybe she can do us a favor and remind America's idiots that back in her day, taking vaccines against deadly diseases isn't controversial or political. It's just a matter of public health and safety.

why is she not having her blood sampled then?

Id like to ask her if people were as stupid in 1918 about being briefly inconvenienced by having to wear masks or if what we are seeing now is a 2020 thing.

I send my good wishes to you for So much happiness and joy on your birthday. I can see that you are so much loved and appreciated and I send you my loving thought as well.🌸🌼🌻🌺🌸🌻🌼

Happy birthday🥳🤶🤶🎅

God bless her.

The media in America is mostly dead. Today they resemble Russian Pravda. When I turn on the media (NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN) I can only watch a few minutes before I have to change the channel to avoid becoming nauseous. They are just the propaganda machines for Democratic Party.

Lucky or what

Bless you, I think you are one great lady,


So, we have lots of cases? What do we do? Wear more masks? To most it is a mild flu! Few die of COVID. USA - 10 months Deaths/Population = % 285,550/327,000,000 = .087% Recovered/Population = % 14,486,985/327,000,000 = 4.4% 285,550/14,772,535= 98.0% recover!

DrEricDing I found the superhuman!

On ya darling.🥰🥰🥰🤩💕

Good for her! :)

I knew she was white, the virus just kills black people. Just ask the media or any black person.

I imagine. She's. From another planet. Because. Every body else there dead. How?

She caught the virus TWICE? is that confirmed? She needs to evaluate who is around her before she catches it a 3rd time.

Those 1918 survivors, we need to study what protected them.

Wait just a minute, NBC, because RandPaul assured me that people who got Covid had immunity? He even advocated for “herd immunity,” to get enough people infected and immune that the virus would disappear? So how is this even possible? Unless Rand Paul is full of shit?! 🙄🙄🙄

God Bless you

Bless. This also means that the ridiculous immunity theory that some people have been floating is shot to pieces.


If you can survive NY, you can survive anything!

Must have special resilient immune system.

Has now beaten. Sheesh.

Great 👍

No need for vaccine

Stay the F inside, lady!

It turns out charliesheen ‘injected’ her with some of his Tiger Blood at a wild party back in the day. She’s not much older than him. 😂

This gene They must's more important than the brain preserved for this Einstein scum'genius'

She is Deadpool's grandmother

How many times has water beaten the test? 😂

God Bless her

Wow. Her plasma is needed. She's like Henrietta Lacks.

This is a terrible headline. People are going to think it is not a threat. Boo.

Someone please get a sample of her superior DNA.

People of the world. I'm asking for help, my son Artem needs urgent heart surgery. He has a heart defect. There's less and less time left. If you can help, go to my profile information there. I beg you on your knees, help save your son

Heartwarming for a change!🙏🏽💙🤗

Is it OK to call this beautiful human being a FUCKING STUD? Oops, guess I just did!

Tiger blood.

Way to go Angelina! If you can do it we all can do it! 👍❤️🙏

Can I pop round for a quick transfusion?!

Tiger Blood!

Jane Fonda called the COVID-19 pandemic 'God's gift to the Left.' that tells the opportunism of the Democratic Party. Do they care about the 200K+ Americans, or do they consider these unfortunate victims to be props to use in the anti-Trump drama they subject us to day after day?

Wow, contracted COVID twice?

stoolpresidente you got competition

Thought you couldn't get it twice Better have the dr.'s check this out. Glad she survived!

She needs to stop hanging out at bars

If she beat COVID-19. Her blood is worth $$$$.

Still time to nominate Time magazine’s person of the year?!

Show off.

God bless her A case everybody should keep in mind Keep it high

More amazing is that shes one of 5 people worldwide to get covid twicd.

Bravo to her, strong lady! But for God's sake, someone check what the hell is going on in that nursing home where she got infected twice...

Don’t tell Cuomo 🤫

You go ma'm!! That is so badass!

BELIEVE JESUS VICTORY by BJV guys founder of the Holy Whistle.

Strong genes!

Show that damn virus, Angelina!

You go granny.

And we’re running around like scared little children.

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