As in U.S., Covid-19 Risk in Britain Is Higher for Minority Groups

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

British researchers are reporting repeatedly that some ethnic groups are more vulnerable to Covid-19 than the country’s white majority, a finding mirrored in the U.S. that doctors say is laying bare longstanding inequalities in health between communities


The most persuasive reason for the disparity, doctors and researchers say, is that black and other ethnic minority groups in the U.K. are on average poorer than whites and more likely to live in places or work in occupations in which the risk of exposure to the new...


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maybe the left should stop encouraging them to gather in large groups so all of the old white people can fund raise off of their backs.

*ethnic please for a start

Go back to the 'Spanish' flu ( if we are allowed today to call it that ) and look at when in those times the most victims fell? In the poorer communities, what is now called 'ethnic stratification' was then 'social stratification' . But it is not ethnicity that is the reason.

then maybe they should be quarantining, instead of listening to the so-called white devil telling them its ok to be rioting, err protesting. you cant force enslavement but you can make them want to be enslaved. an ignorant society will beg to be enslaved. example, everywhere.

Though the article highlights diabetes as a comorbidity for ethnic minorities it’s worth highlighting that it is present in 45% and 43% of Black and Asian Coronavirus deaths respectively. A significant proportion of the total.

wadeNYC *ethnic

In every Western Country minority communities are “led” by left-wing political parties. On top of being utterly incompetent, leftists require “victims” to play the champion role for. Hence, they craft policies to ensure that poverty & poor health is prevalent.

Ethic communities. That's a new one. Get ready for the Ethic Rights Brigade to launch a media propaganda offensive any time now.

Ain't nothing new under the sun. Po people have been getting the shitty end of the stick for millennia. Difference is now there are many fewer poor people as a percentage of most populations in developed countries.

Stop being racist Wall Street Journal. Please.

No wonder Trump does not want todoanything about the Trump virus.

Or may be by design 🤔😳

I prefer 'greave' to 'grieve'

Wrong The reason is due to lifestyle Some groups do little exercise or eat a nutritious diet and end up with a greater number of people with high blood pressure heart disease copd And the China virus has a greater negative effect on these groups

Finally, they understand why East Asian countries were able to control covid19. Why? Because the virus is a racist, and they don’t have b&l populations. Lol

Westerners' confidence and propaganda! They think white people are superior in everything! Not only health, but also knowledge and ability! Bring up the source of western suspicion and accusation against other countries!

How did the Chinese figure this out?

Crafty, cunning yet a Clueless Covfefe needs a miracle to win and miracles are hard to come by: Joe Biden holds a whopping 14% lead! Be blue. Shed red. Anyway. 4 more months to go before the fat lady would sing on November the 4th. Till then..

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