Arizona sheriff's deputy tackles 15-year-old boy with no arms or legs

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Video shows Arizona sheriff's deputy tackle a 15-year-old boy with no arms or legs; internal investigation launched.

The deputy who responded to that call apparently found that Immanuel was disturbing the peace and restrained him, according to Feinman. C.J., a 16-year-old who lives in the home, then started recording the incident from a nearby room while he ate a bowl of cereal, Feinman said.

That's when the law enforcement officer tackles him, bringing him to the floor by a refrigerator and pressing down with his body weight. The boy can be heard yelling. The deputy eventually allows Immanuel to get up, and he asks the boy if he has a problem. C.J. then interjects:"Hey, you asked him a question, and he answered!" The deputy yells back at C.J.:"Shut the hell up!"

The deputy approaches C.J., orders him to stay out of the situation and again tells him to"shut the hell up." The boy tells the officer to"get the [expletive] out of my face." The deputy later says:"You're going to get arrested, too."


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JoannaFerris3 How could he be 'tackled' if he wasnt running away?



I am sure that the the deputy will claim the teen was running at him with a gun in his hand.

It always seems the overpowering doing the overpowering seems

Investigation launched? What is the investigation? There is no excuse for this at all in any circumstances. The only thing that should be launched is this officer. Preferably into the sun.

Can the next video be of an Arizona Sheriffs Officer leaving a courtroom in handcuffs, on his way to jail?

This is just horrible, makes me sick.



Looks like Matt Lauer back in the day with young NBC intern.

No doubt, cop is the problem. Instead of remaining calm, showing love/compassion considering the situation, he was a bully instead. Very sad these types of people are allowed to carry a weapon and enforce their anger on others and get paid for it. The public needs to be a of him.

He has to be an animal abuser. Such a dishonor to the American police. 🖕🏽

Who verbally assaults and pins down a double amputee? I hope the Sheriff is embarrassed to lead such an unprofessional and hateful group of neanderthals.😡😡😡😡

What in the this a prank😡


Hey look another 🐖 cop


Let me guess. He went for his gun?


Maybe they thought he was a gold medal paralympic summersaulter and they were at the top of a steep hill.

Arizona is the new Florida. Sheriff Arpaio must be proud.

So many levels of wrong here.

What’s next? Kicking puppies? 😏

internal investigation launched? no shit? why? for punishment put him with bubba

Lemme guess... A trump supporter

And the quadruple amputee is a black boy ! And all because the boy had knocked over a trash can ?

Behold! The master race!

It's as if these people are on acid. They have all these weapons yet they behave ultra paronoid.

Even beyond this injustice - his life must be hell .. Sad!

I mean is that really necessary ....

This deputy is the kind of guy that would pepper spray a coma victim.

Why would I let such happen to begin with waisting taxpayers money injured the youth

This has become far too common. It’s always an overweight old white cop wailing on a black young man. But a quadruple amputee. I’m sick

That is not ok

This is just not imaginable, the deputy is using force in a situation like this? Its horrible

The 1st issue is the worker calling the police for a trash can being knocked over by the child, especially since he is a Black child!!! This almost guarantees a bad outcome...STOP CALLING THE POLICE FOR TRIVIAL SHIT!!! It Puts Black Boys Lives In Danger!!!

Wait. What?

Some people shouldn’t be cops

Why the investigation? Can't he just be fired on the spot for what's on the video? Because I swear, if I did that, I'd be fired on the spot. This white fat turd gets an investigation. Whew! For a minute there I was scared his white male privilege was in danger!



He should be fired and prosecuted

Inb4 the copsuckers say, 'he shouldn't have resisted'

What’s to investigate? The sherif is a jack wad and needs to be fired. There you go.

What the actual fu*k?! Cops keep giving more and more reasons for me not to trust them. Disgusting pi*s. I hope they sue the department. And I hope the officer gets fired with no pay. He’s a disgrace to the service. 🖕🏼

I guess he was unarmed

Sometimes they really need to stop and think about the optics. IJS

Time for a promotion.

Can I believe my eyes? This is insanity

Something is wrong with this picture.

Disturbing wtf

If the kids name is “Bob” I’m out.

Otherwise known as the trump maneuver.


Conservatives love to chant 'Lock him up!', suggest we lock up this guy as a warning to the rest.

So you're saying that the Trump regime is about to offer this cop a high-level cabinet position?

Once again, ACAB.

WTF was this officer thinking. This boy was no threat to him. I hope someone finds this boy a good lawyer as there was no need for the officer to use excessive physical force 💔

He needs to be fired and then prosecuted. Shame on him.

Someone must have pissed in this sheriff's corn flakes that day, this is clearly police brutality abusebycop How much of a threat can a 15 y.o. without arms and legs can be ? We don't need control freaks with badges, re-train that cop of sit him behind a desk.

'No arms or legs' tackled by Arizona sheriff's deputy only one conclusion possible 'He was afraid for his life'.

I mean, what was he going to do.... run away? :-/

Where can I find the real story? Everyone knows NBC hates cops.

most of these cops are psychos who are easily triggered. This one is sooo brave protecting civilians from a quadruple amputee 🙄

How many more times is the intern gonna post this?!

Excuse me what

Thin blue line of violence

Winner was kid on points for escape

Get him for a jury Blindfolded. What a F disgrace


This is partly because Arizona LEOs who lie and abuse prisoners and suspects are pardoned by a criminal president, who also pardons war criminals.

I don’t want to even click on it... I am angry and disgusted by this... What kind of cops are hired everywhere? Major reform is needed.

I’m sure the hero feared for his life.

I was honestly trying to look at this objectively just in case there was some extenuating circumstance, but WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK! This officer can’t seem to control his emotions & gets frustrated and angry way too easily. Can any training fix this? I kinda doubt it...

His name is Matt

Appalling abuse of power. VISTA: Violence Is Still The Answer

Why was this necessary


Mister big man restraining a kid with missing limbs. Free like a tough guy?

Unfortunately we did not see why the deputy was called. In a group home, one resident cannot attack another. One resident can call the police if they feel threatened. The police officer will not be effective with out using the language that is being used by the perps.

chandreasliger And of COURSE he was a black kid.😡 Arizona, the state of Sherriff Joe.

say what now!!!

More punk ass cops.

You know, I got angry with the cousins I helped raise, as did the rest the family. Only time we ever called the cops was when the 16 year-old took off dead of winter (think freezing and below) with no shoes or coat... Otherwise, we TALKED to them about their anger. Not call cops

What did the kid do? Spit on him?

What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in a pile of leaves? Russell

That is just plain stupid... no arms and no legs.. and that cop thought he was a threat C'mon..

But he feared for his life.

Police brutality is now the norm in America? Like shooting kids in school? If 2020 brings the end of the GOP. Then this trend will stop. VoteBlueNoMatterWho

He should be fired and charges brought up against him.

Always a skinhead......

We need a filter that will detect and eliminate these types of people. Arizona hospital killed my mother and they also said I've committed a DUI when I haven't been there in forever and I don't get DUI s , I've been intoxicated twice in my life and no DUI then so WTF AZ.

This looks like obvious unnecessary force and abuse of power

This is absolutely unacceptable! What's sad is this is the norm with police. They arrest the other child for using his constitutional rights in witnessing their actions instead of 'going to eat his cereal' When the police commit assault and violate our rights is it a crime?

Someone needs to get the sheriff's name! Spread it ALL OVER! Those boys don't even have families to defend them! I'm beyond pissed! Do NOT let that loathsome cop resign! I want him FIRED & put in JAIL! Someone get his name!


Looks like it’s high time we add Arizona to the “Texas or Florida” bat shit crazy game.

What the actual fuck. Imagine the life of this boy. 😥this is a disgrace.

coopah The young man must have been a threat and the officer feared for his life SaturdayVibes

OMG! That man is an animal!

They called police because they couldn't deal with this kid! Obviously he went out of control requiring restraint before hurting himself or another. If it was easy they wouldn't have called a policeman! Do a FOI for injuries there, I bet most caused by student's hurting others!

What the fuck is there to investigate


Take his badge n charge him with assault, battery n abuse of power.

Disgraceful. They should not be allowed an internal investigation.

I see a small insignificant little man with the authority to take out his shortcomings on whom ever he thinks he can.

I cant

Pretty stiff penalties for knocking over trash cans... apparently...

The police are out of control. Put this man in prison.

What was his purpose? OMG he should be fired. That’s unthinkable!!!!!

That’s gross. What was he tackling

This dude needs to be fired, or at least put on permanent desk duty. Strutting around like the cock of the block. He clearly doesn't know how to control himself, let alone a minor situation.

These sick bastards should be unable to become a public figure pf protection. These act is making the police’s reputation dirty.

Not enough pizzazz for me. Sorry, NBC 'News'

Lol another frustrated redneck living the american dream

That would be local pussy Manuel Van Santen.'re saying he was unarmed?

😡👿 disgusting act by this cop! He needs to be fired!

'pROtEct n sERVe'

This cop is lacking in a lot of areas. Professionalism and just the decency. These are troubled kids who can’t harm you. Geez....

Come on Arizona you have to be better than this. Take his badge away Lock this man up and throw away the key. For crying out loud

We all here in Tucson (where it happened) saw the video last night and it was unsettling to see-and we are embarrassed about it-he also pushed the young man who shot the video against a wall-he needs to be fired and do something else for a living-he can't handle the job, anymore

What the actual fuck is wrong with people?

It is getting more evil all over america and America is becoming alarmingly overcome by the xss e things it will get worse

Yeah fuck that guy.

What are the chances this popo participated in the brutality against Standing Rock Water Protectors 2016-2017?

Oh yes the 'ole 'you're challenging my illegal actions so now you're under arrest bit' we need to rebuild from ground zero...lay off as many of these bullies as it takes and jail the worst of them. Fire their leaders and revoke their pensions

Fire his ass.

Ohh 😮

This is just another example of the inadequate training police officers receive. PoliceBrutality That a black boy without a shirt on, with out arms or legs is still considered threatening is a serious case of inhert racialbias

The scuffle began after the suspect failed to 'put your arms behind your back'.

WTF. Despicable.

The police is always right. The quadruple amputee clearly had it coming. Just as the other kid who God his head bashed into a wall for *reads article* eating cereals. What a little monster

Charge him.

They're outta control they think cause they have a badge they can do and talk to people any kinda way and get away with it this is happening daily the police unions,police Commissioners,mayors&district attorneys really need to do something and send a strong message

Maybe group home is too good for some of those teenagers. It’s no secret teenagers are childishly unruly and disruptive. Glorifying their behavior vs adult LEOs is counter productive, and misleading.

wtf? I mean aside from trying to keep them from hurting themselves, why do you need to restrain a kid with no limbs?

The employee who called the cops needs to be fired. You don't call the cops because a kid knocked over a trash can. WTAF is wrong with people? The cops need to be fired and charged.


Okay my Tucson friends.. time to find a new sheriff and company..

Home of good ole Sherriff JOE!!! This is a complete disgrace to ALL law enforcement and just reinforces peoples negative view of the police.

He has no arms or legs!😡🤬

Police abuse like this is why we need to have the right to bear arms!

He'll get a position in the Trump cabinet.

I have three stories of recent TPD abuse, interested?

TS8841 Hello CarrieLam? StandWithHongkong HongkongProtests

These kids got arrested and were sent to juvenile detention. Insanity.

Now we know the extent of the Trump’s National Socialist Party from the bottom up.

Was he dry humping this guy? It’s only reason I can figure out why he would be in such a violent close contact With someone who is so vulnerable.



All this for a knock over trash can? The person needs to be gotten out of the group setting because calling the police is just wrong. But the cop went too far.

this is another thug cop who has no useful training and probably less education and now he will very quickly be an unemployed cop who will pack up and leave Arizona to become a cop in some other state that will ignore this incident. Keep the video alive.

you fella, best go c a head shrink.....

Visual representation of me reading the headline..

BmoreProgressiv Oh My God.

Couldn't he have just toppled him over? Lol


That's fucking unbelievable

Trumpghanistan. Deputy needs life in prison

Should be arrested and put in general population. Let’s see how tough he is.

toryshulman Have you seen this? So sad.


2 mins of police ones who want to make a difference and one who had no power in life and tries to bully his way through policing. What is the threat of a quadriplegic? Obviously, these kids have mouths, but that’s not illegal. This cop needs to go!! He only knows how to escalate!

At first when it said no arms I thought they meant no guns but um dude literally has NO ARMS. what was deputy dipshit thinking?!

O. M. G.! 😡

I'd like people to understand that this officer thought a man with no arms or legs was a flight risk and a threat to his life.

BREAKING: Burisma Paid Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko $100 million To Suppress Hunter Biden Investigation in 2017, Bribing FBI agents to Ignore Evidence of corruption US Embassy In Kyiv is Neck Deep In Corruption -

Investigation? What's to investigate?

AquilakaHecate When people ask why... This.

Behold! The master race!

The training folks. We need to look at the training.

Cryn_Johannsen Why in the hell would the group home call the POLICE because a kid knocked over a trash can? And can you imagine being at your job and talking to people the way this guy talks to these kids? It's abusive, it's unprofessional. Wtf. This is awful.

not serving and protecting.

Retraining is needed. Escalation and violence seems to be a default mode for too many police officers. These videos don't lie.

This makes me cry. No humanity at all coming from that cop. Horrible.

Good luck defending your actions.

The Arizona Sheriff's Deputy was making an audition tape for a role in a Monty Python sketch!

Trump has emboldened this type of behavior. Fascism's nose is under the tent right now.

Yes, this deputy handled the incident way wrong, but got couple questions about the group home's employees also. I have feeling there are many issues on that side with training and hiring employees able to work w/ traumatized youths. Where were the employees while this happened?

Bald...military the math...

edeweysmith Amazing that on their twitter account they have listed their “acceptable use” policy. I didn’t read it-they probably don’t follow it anyway. PimaSheriff

Awful but also shout out to the employee for callin the cops in for the kid knocking over a trash can.

I hope he gets fired with out pay!! He should not be allowed to be around any people.

We Should Teach Citzens Rights In School! COPS HAVE ZERO POWER OVER YOU, Unless You Break The Law. So this cop had no legal right to tell this kid he can't move or talk, therefore, no legal right to tackle him for disobeying the ILLEGAL order. This Is More Proof Cops Are Cowards!

So many angry people in America who take it out on those who can not defend themselves. I believe this is a direct result of having an angry narcissistic potus who has no respect for the law

It takes all sorts ....

Rt. Doesn’t rank up there with firing a non whistle blower

HOW do you tackle an armless & legless teen? WHY would you?

WOW! Police/cop you will shoot grama in a wheelchair in the back with a shotgun!

Was the deputy afraid that the 15-year old with no arms or legs is going to jump and subdue him?

Police brutality exists worldwide, not an example or an excuse for HongKongPolice to follow. Is it professional to reach a standard of brutality? US cop got investigated, knuckleheads!

Do they just let anyone be cops these days ?

MaryEllenBella4 There goes his job

This is known as torso torture. Lock him up. (The cop)

No words

Wait is it possible to tackle someone with no arms or legs?

WTF! This is why officers are getting no respect.

Its obvious that cops don't get training to deal with people that may have mental issues so they treat outburst and anger all the same. This is total stupidity by that cop.

Coward pig

A lot of these officers or whatever you want to call them are evil rogue guys that happen to have a badge who should have never been allowed to. No way a person with no legs & arms causing a cop harm. If they say some dumb shit like 'they tried to take my gun.... smh


This is why ALL Cops have a TARGET on there foreheads. Come on civil war, let's get together and have some fun.

Wow! Cancel the whole police force

this is unbelievable.. where do they train these “deputies”? in guantanamo ? for gods sake, where is the compassion?

I can't even watch it, not yet anyway. The description is enough.

Holy Shit!

He should run for president.

Hahahaha.. that is supposed to be a metaphor! Of course the police in the US had to do it! Sick nuts

He feared for his life - Matt is no joke.

Wow... wow... wow... just wow

The initial reason (the behaviour of the boy) was not part of the video. That said, the language, both verbal and physical, displayed by the officer was way out of line and I agree he should be removed. There was no reason to arrest the boy who was filming.

These race soldiers are the most dangerous ppl on this planet!

This while this is a giant wtf moment. This cop needs to be taken off the force immediately and prosecuted for assault. There is 0 justification attacking a kid with no appendages. Who the fuck calls the cops because someone knocks over a garbage? Wtf?


My sympathies to the countless dedicated, ethical officers whose good characters are besmirched by the atrocious behavior of officers like this. Please stand strong for all of our sakes and hold your fellow officers accountable when they fail.

Cops are 'out of control these days'

Has this sheriff been arrested yet?

What the hell is wrong with this country?

Attn : TomiLahren

What a dirt bag - I hope he is fired - sued and loses his pension!

The kid was running his lips and the Sheriff was in FEAR of his Life the 15 year old has no Arms or Legs however he was in Fear so he took him down I am shocked he was not KILLED by a GUN

How in the hell can this happen?

Won't matter, obviously.

Guy was trying to bite the cop. Appropriate use of force. Improving Arizona’s image by the day.

Law Enforcement has a real problem with hiring angry men and women with serious psych issues.

Why is the officer so angry? And then when a child tries to stand up for his amputee house mate that is being abused, he gets arrested too? This is really something else. I hope these boys get the support and care they deserve.

I bet he was biting back and trying to float away is the cause they are going to use POLICE DEPARTMENT: NOW HIRING, HUMANS who know how to show Compassion, Empathy and understanding Should be the ads all police departments start posting

Two words should tell you that there has already been some difficult situations in these kids lives: Group Home...but to take it to another ten levels to this? Wow...horrific...

Just another day at the office.

Why are cops such bad people.

Who’s the moron who Called the Cops because a kid kicked a trash can and how would 911 even consider that as a situation to send an officer for? Also, how’d he kick the can if he had no arms or legs? Lot wrong here.

Hey! At least he did not pull a gun on him! Right?

That’s messed up. He.... was...... unarmed.


Well, i would effing hope an investigation would launch. Fire this creep. He obviously has problems.

Let me tell you from experience, when you are pulled over or confronted by these police when you are alone and a person of color, the amount of harassment and hostility from the police is astronomical! No matter how compliant or cooperative you are,they are hell bent on arresting

What the fvck

Makes you wonder, why is this coward even on the streets , let alone have the authority of a badge and gun. This is what a Blue Klux Klan race soldiers, a state sponsored terrorist looks like .. Imagine what he would do under the cover of darkness?

The cops were called for the first kid being disruptive and apparently would not comply to calm down. The second was interfering with an officer. NBC states up front this has been edited...and we know how they edit.

Coward cop needs some jail and another line of work when he gets out

i think these 2 need a Brazzers deal

The Officer should be fired and sent to prison

simaleerbg What did that kid do to deserve that?

Sure, an “Internal Investigation”...we all know what will come of that. This is a systemic problem in law attracts a very specific demographic: Angry, entitled, racists...and predictably-never any consequences to their abusive actions...where does it end?

What’s going on with officers? This is terrible. Most officers are good. But, this one needs to be fired.

Seriously F the Police. 90% of them should be in Prison.

Why would this level of brutality happen? What sort of a person would think this is OK to do? Intense psych testing for all people wearing uniforms.

❌❌❌ the hell are you guys training your police force in the US?

To pick him up?

This is beyond parody

Arizona Law Enforcement started requiting PTSD Bullies returning from Vietnam for the Drug War back in 1970. This mentality has turned our streets into a war zone where cops are the enemy. A police force of brutal bullies evolved into a culture.

I shot the sheriff, and I should have shot the deputy too


I hope his butt is fired so I can hunt him down and give him the same treatment 10 full, if not me someone needs to for that bullcrap.

Protect the blue my ass. Cowards

Ego problem? Small wiener? Angry? Doesn’t need to be a policeman.

Is there really no police training?

How stupid does one have to be to tackle a dude that can't run or hit you? Trump's America.

Oh get me in a room with this guy for 5 minutes what a jagmo



Wow.. what has this country come to when this shit goes on? WTF was he thinking?

Why did the C.J(the boy recording) get charged? He has the right to talk if he wants to. The cop was clearly emotionally out of control and abusive. He couldn't handle the young man talking behind his back.


Very manly fatass taking down a kid with no arms

These kids has obviously been traumatized and this is how that employee and this cop treat them. You are disgusting examples of human beings.


Forevershante4 WHAT. in the actual. FUCK. Jesus Christ, man. DAMN.

FollowMMisery i like how it starts after the cop was on him

Our Police Departments, including ICE has become Facist organizations supported by our tax payers. Should be a shame, 15-yr olds don't need to be slam like this

The cop will testify in court saying 'he fear for his life cuz the armless and legless kid had a gun. He already had his teeth on the trigger and he had to do something.

Lord forgive me but that’s the funniest headline I’ve ever read

Not only is the kid quadripalegic; he was abandoned by his family, was just suspended from school, and the police were called because he knocked over a fucking trash can. this cop should be locked up for a long time.

“he uh!!! had... a lethal... hairstyle?”


What was this guy thinking? The man was clearly UNARMED!

Just when you think the bar can't be lowered any further, you come along someone who rises to the occasion.

This sounds typical. They love an easy victim. The easier the better. They extract more spirit,- trade more spiritual energy from a good natured victim. They can torture the innocent and breathe in their assurances and pleas. Sadistic and cowardly. Evil and hungry for their's.

What is he gonna do to the cop? This asshole just got a kick out of reasonable cop would see the need to do this to a child without limbs... like...what was he thinking?smh

Behold! The master race! Lol.

What’s there to investigate?

Bullies with badges

What in the absolute F?? Aside from this, The kid was upset and knocked over a trash pail. That warranted calling in law enforcement?

Let me guess

Used to seeing the coward gang in action. No shocker

Very shameful.


I was genuinely surprised after reading the headline that this isn’t an onion article.

Is that Hank from Breaking Bad?!

You could say he’s a quadriplegic

Damn. He had such a hard time. I’d hate to see the asswooping he would have gotten if the CHILD has legs and arms. bigmancop

Take this mental case straight to a secure unit. That's actually scary.

They first call cops and then get angry because the cop does his job. Don't they know what cops do? They use force to control the situation. They do no have any mind control methods that make the person calm down.


Is it a sex thing?

He was in fear for his life.

FuckThePolice FUCKbluelives BrokenJusticeSystem

Lock him up! There is no conceivable justification.


And the kid was a threat how? The sheriff was doing what Trump told them to do, no stipulations. What was that crooked Arizona Sheriffs name that Trump pardoned? He prob trained this guy.

We need to stop giving guns to people with mental health problems.

This content is likely to cause hostilities to say the least.


I cannot watch this and as much as I hate to say it the worker who called the cops should be fired!! If a human being is sitting around yelling, acting out verbally, and has NO LIMBS 9 times out of 10 they are not really yelling AT YOU.

Fire this guy.

That's sad the police nowadays just a shame

Peak 2019


Abuse of authority?

.. every1 involvd needs 2B evaluated. bc why couldn’t staff handle the situation? .. how does a quad amputee cause a disturbance that requires LE? What cud he “do” to this “deputy” to feel so threatened?! Reminds me of the 90+yr old vet that was taserd yrs ago. Ridiculous

What in the

Our police departments aren't doing enough to vet candidates. To many idiots are getting thru. Our police candidates need to go thru a USMC officer OCS type of training in which they are pushed to their limit and if they crack, are told to go home.

Fry_Guy101 holy fuck

WTF is wrong with the Police? This is not 'protect and serve'.


I always wondered why peop video first then 911. Because without solid evidence you have no proof? My Goodness!

Cops wonder why people fight back

RobertFife This cop needs help with his problems.. suspension may help! L

Literally the least threatening “suspect” there is and this is how the cop responds? What the crap?!

The two young boys were arrested. They are being prosecuted. Im not sure for what exactly. I think for “just being alive.” The Pubic Defenders Office just saw the video and they are horrified. But, the AZ Sherriff Dept isn’t saying much, of course.

Very cool and very legal

Let me guess, cause he refused to put his hands up? Cops just getting weird now, what was he attacking people with his teeth?

He’s just following realDonaldTrump orders not to be “nice” anymore.

Please tell me he thought he was armed......

What a coward!

White police = Nazi gestapo

What's next, that's the big question... maybe tackling wheelchair disability victims. What a ret_rded cop.

Outrageous abuse of power!!!

His name is Matt

Disgusting. I don't even need to see the video to know that this Sheriff is in the wrong....Needs to be fired and do some prison time. Sickening.

Why is it that an average citizen would have been arrested instantly but when a cop does something horrible, the department needs days of “investigations” to figure it out

Guess they called him Matt after that.

What thee FUCK?!

Apparently some Cops don’t care if you are not armed. Yea, yea....I leaving now.

Please tell me this is from The Onion. Because......Fuck.

We are definitely living in a simulation

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