Archaeologists Uncover Separate Team Of Archaeologists Digging Towards Them From Other Side Of Globe

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

MENDOZA, ARGENTINA—Announcing that they had made an astounding once-in-a-lifetime discovery, a team of archaeologists from Rutgers University Thursday reportedly uncovered a separate team of archaeologists digging toward them from the other side of the globe. “While our initial assumption was that we had stumbled on the previously unknown descendants of some ancient race of upside-down people, it turns out that this was a group of Canadian and Chinese archaeologists who had dug through the center of the Earth from a site in Mongolia,” said lead archaeologist Denise Mendoza, adding that the newly discovered archaeologists were like her own team in many respects and even used many of the same tools. “At first, we thought we were looking in a mirror, but as we moved our hands back and forth with these subterranean natives, we realized that we were actually from two different sides of the planet. We have a lot to learn from this group and their ways of tunneling through the earth, so we’ve brought in teams of anthropologists to attempt to speak to them in their own tongue in order to glean information into their way of life. It appears that, much like us, they also use small brushes to clean dust and debris from artifacts. Ultimately, we’re hopeful that this is discovery will offer crucial additions to our understanding of how they do archaeological work elsewhere on the planet.” The archaeological team added that it had had to tread carefully after one of the members of the team fell in love with one of the archaeologists who had dug through from the other side of the globe.\n

MENDOZA, ARGENTINA—Announcing that they had made an astounding once-in-a-lifetime discovery, a team of archaeologists from Rutgers University Thursday reportedly uncovered a separate team of archaeologists digging toward them from the other side of the globe.

glean information into their way of life. It appears that, much like us, they also use small brushes to clean dust and debris from artifacts. Ultimately, we’re hopeful that this is discovery will offer crucial additions to our understanding of how they do archaeological work elsewhere on the planet.


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Final pick axe strike cuts first cross archeological conversation crushingly short, as Earth halves slam together.

Yeah right 😌

how is that possible-😃

Wow classic

These mf’s at the earths core

Thank you Twitter.



kovid19 underground kase :O

Perfect TheLastCrusade sequel! Connery Dr. Jones - 'Son?!' Harrison Indiana - 'DAD!?!'

I like how dumb this is.

What hahaha how haha

Does it have any scientific value?

once united the group posed for a selfie, grinning largely and singing 'roooooccckkkksss!'

It was just a happy time, we all laughed until Phil decided to try and carbon date Helen. She punched him in his sandstone formation. He fell harder than the Roman empire and curled up into a fossil position. She then kicked him square in his tar pit.

The ultimate form of transportation has been... UNCOVERED.

Surprised this hasn’t happened sooner to be honest. Idiots always failing to recognize their sister grids on the other side of the planet when making their digs. What a buncha maroons.

built different


Very clever indeed! Put a smile on this face

preshitorian !!!!

It’s 9:22 AM here.


'globe' lol Right

So, my mother used to ask me if I was digging all the way to China. Were the others Chinese?

Deep if true


I always tried to do this as a kid. digging

Archaeology is just a cover for their drug smuggling tunnel.

Well from the other side of Greece.

Time Team

Maybe the real archeological discovery was the friends they met along the way

They will now have to negotiate whose on top.

Fake news

So are we, alone in the universe.

This one made me laugh. Especially with the asians and caucasians digging towards each other.

Fascinating how science works!

In ant culture this is considered a dick move.

LET'S GO, ORANGE! Cuse orangemen

Who's gonna write who up first!?

Underground Dino Group Spit Roast

when do you think they'll find my missing foreskin?

We got a live one here!!


That's deep. Like, literally, deep. For that to be true, they have to be deep under ground. That's just science.

is that John Henry?

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