Analysis | Why Trump thinks Stacey Abrams — one of 2018′s most experienced candidates — is unqualified to be governor

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Analysis: Why Trump thinks Stacey Abrams — one of 2018′s most experienced candidates — is unqualified to be governor


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This could be the colour factor that may be the key elements of her fail. But why we blacks always😢

She's telling the truth of course she's not qualified why is she even running

Hello America. Given Donald Trump's propensity to speak with his posterior instead of his mouth, why would any sane and decent person listen or pay attention to Donald Trump?

Trust me, we have a larger list why Kemp shouldn't be governor!

Trump.... one of the most unqualified men to become President in the past century!

He probably knows more about her than Wapo thinks.

Well let’s see..she’s black and a woman!

Trump calling someone unqualified, WOW! Take a look in the mirror!

Maybe, since Trump is unqualified to be President, it gives him insight into what it is to be unqualified. Or, it could be becausr he is a racist.

...because Stacey Abrams is smarter than Trump.

Two reasons I would guess, on his track record

Trump is right!

“Thinks” misrepresents what’s going on in the mind of this President.

One word explanation. Democrat

Trumps a joke has no knowledge of really anything that’s legal!!

Analysis: trump doesn't think well, nor does he use common sense, or any kind of ethic's. He is not qualified to be president, or hold any any office. Meaning: He does not have enough intellect to know anyone who would be qualified candidate for any office either.

Cause she’s not white? How superficial!

It's america and he does have freedom of speech Or isn't he part of the commie movement?

Could it be because she's a woman? He doesn't like women, especially smart ones. Could it be because she's black? He doesn't like black people, especially smart ones. Could it be that no one actually gives a shit about what trump thinks? His base doesn't think, so there's that.

“Why Trump Chose To Slander Abrams” - I fixed it for you


And who says he is qualified to be President!

How dare he cast judgment. He is the most unqualified president this country has ever had. The GOP thought he would their puppet, turns out he's a nightmare for the entire country. It's shameful how some lifelong politicians allow him to speak for their entire party. Mistake!

Seriously? She is more qualified to be governor than he is to be president!!

rudyarend Is she a Republican? No ! So, if I dislike a Chinese, am I a racists too? What should I be if I dislike the ? A terrorist? What a nonsense to put in discussion such a matter, when everybody knows the MSM dislike POTUS Trump because he´s GOOD!!!

Well, since he has basically NO qualifications (other than allegedly being rich and having gone bankrupt several times), pretty much anyone else would be 'unqualified' to his shallow, petty mind.

Washington Post is a socialist paper

We don’t need an analysis-she’s female and black - that’s all we need to know as to why he needs to attack her.


Because she’s not a rich, white guy.

Do a story about her back taxes and personal debt! Washington Compost !

My Family on my mother's side. Betty Jean Abrams is my mom. Go Stacey Go! You are the best choice for Georgia.


Have to laugh that people 'analyze' the words of someone who hardly thinks before he speaks.

She’s a socialists

Gee, I wonder why he thinks she is not qualified? ? Could it be? Black, woman? Vote her in! Lucky to have her.

Because of what she says

Because she’s black? Shortest article ever.

I would imagine it is simply because she is a woman

Because she's Black. Oh, and a woman.

I could bet that's not the reason!

Because she’s a confirmed LIAR , repeatedly

🤔because she is a woman and black. The two demographics he's most afraid of. If people don't know the answer then they haven't been listening to him.

This really does not take a long analysis- he thinks she unqualified because he is a racist playing to his racist base and she is a thousand times smarter and more qualified than him


Umm because she’s black and Trump is a racist? Who knew I was qualified to provide analysis for the Washington Post?

He thinks that because he’s “UNQUALIFIED” to be President, sometimes when he say rude and disrespectful things he’s talking about himself.

The President has a right to his opinion. He also has the right to use campaign rhetoric as all politicians do. I'll decide whether she's qualified or not by my own research not your biased drivel! More people should do so!

Socialists are unqualified to run anything that involves economics. Instead of creating wealth they steal it.


Seriously? That’s a long-winded piece to say he’s racist and sexist. Why reward his piggishness with such seriousness?

Trump doesn’t think. He just spews racist garbage and the helps him do it! Here’s a thought...a better story is on all the candidates nationwide that have white supremacy and neo-nazi ties. Definitely a more interesting story than brain dead Trump.

Experienced in what?


Hmmm...could sexism & racism have anything to do with it?

WTH? Seriously? What the hell is this? This is how you report NEWS?

Did the pot just called the kettle black!!!😳😳😳

Because she has more political experience than he does🤣🤣🤣🤣


Eugene_Scott From the most unqualified and dangerous person that got elected president.

Because she’s a black women—especially because she’s a woman

WP you guys need to just chill. Man, you all know why so why to give it air. You make this easier for him are you trying to help him win. With so much coverage. You did the same in 2016. Do like France go dark before any election.

Because Trump’s a racist, period.

She is black.

Why even give this (or Trump) air? It’s a horrible title to begin with; it immediately plants a seed that she’s NOT qualified. Shame on you.

And he qualify to b president

Trump does so, because understands that many people overcome him by inyelligence and prestige

What I want to know is what qualifies Trump to be President of the United States? He sucks at it!

We all know why.

For realDonaldTrump it would seem the primary qualification to worthiness is to be white.... he is A RACIST as is clearly evident !

same reason Andrew Gillim is unqualified, they are of color, to Trump that's all that needs to be known, he's a racist !

What size font are you going to use to fill the column with “Because she’s a black female Democrat”.

Trump thinks? Or was he listening to Faux News?

Do you care to mention how ill equipped Trump has been as President. Who would honestly care what his opinion is about an opponent? Thankfully, Republicans are voting for Democrats during this midterm election because of his disgraceful performance thus far!

What does that moron know? Verminoutofthewhitehousenow FoxNewssucks DonnieandtheLowlifes FoxNewssucks DonnieandtheLowlifes FoxNewssucks DonnieandtheLowlifes

My God sick and tired of this hate coming from this fool.

Ohh, let me count the ways, female, black, not Trump. I will vote for her when she runs for president.

It isn't as though the impressive Ms. Abrams is running for president of the US with no credentials outside TV reality host, and not other expertise outside tanking vanity businesses, bankruptcy and losing daddy's money

He's unqualified to be POTUS and he still hasn't bothered to learn on the job.

she's a progressive, ain't she?

This headline should include the phrase “mistakenly or stupidly thinks”. Anything else is pandering to TheUnindictedCoConspiratorOfMultipleCrimes

Could it be because she owes back taxes, and is $200,000 in debt to her credit cards and student loans? If she can't manage her own finances why in hell would voters want to make her governor?

Eugene_Scott Ooh...oooh Let me guess!!! Is it because he’s a bigot AND a misogynist Did I get the answer? Did I win?

Because she has a vagina? Because she is same gender as Hillary Clinton?

We know why.

Experienced in your view. Dont push that down on others. Democrats fail miserably in politics. I salut realDonaldTrump for his progress

She burned the American flag. In my opinion, that should disqualify anyone from running.

staceyabrams has nothing 2 do with a black Dem. woman in the state of Ga she is against everything we believe in reason Pres. Trump said she was unqualified we believe right to bear arms not Tax hikes illegal immigration & voting sanctuary city changes we don't want in Georgia🇺🇸

Of course every racist pretends to think she's unqualified. Accepting anything different means an open repudiation of their discredited pseudoscience. The end of the tenets of white supremacy

You mean experience criminal


Flavia0847 Well, she's a woman;she's Black;she's not an idiot or a hate-monger. It doesn't take much analysis to figure out why Donald doesn't think she's qualified to be in South Trumpville.

She is Democratic Party.That's all.

She’s black.

Uhh cause she’s black

Eugene_Scott My god: can't we crowd source this article. Each person writes a sentence, there are two sentences. And then we send the money over to staceyabrams campaign the author already made for this ...

Says the TV guy. dumbestPresidentEver impeachTrump racist

She totally unqualified because she’s a lawyer, to many of those in government.

Don’t need to analyze. Black, a woman, in his eyes not pretty enough to grab her p***y, and possibly most important she’s not nice to him.

Why are you reporting what the most unqualified President in history thinks of the qualifications of someone else to hold political office?

She would do as much good for Georgia as Shermans march to the sea did.

because she is

First, because she’s black, second because she’s a woman, third because she’s QUALIFIED. End of the story.

Who cares what That draft dodger thinks

He was - is unqualified and he won?

Well she does sound like she is dumb and her thinking isn't right

Only because she is not WHITE! Racist!

Because he's a racist.

Occam’s racist: because she’s black and he’s a racist.

I’m sure it has nothing to do with her being a black woman. Makes me wish I lived in Georgia just so I could vote for her

Because she’s a progressive socialist

Cause trump is a racist

Trump thinks no female is qualified, especially if she’s black. But the voter knows better. Stacey is a well educated, outstanding potential Governor. Qualifications are colorblind and know no gender. Trump is a sexist pig.

It’s black and white

TRUMP is talking about someone else being unqualified? Bwahahahahahaha

She is a thug

Because she says really stupid stuff.

Who cares what that lying orange mango thinks!

washing post is a PROPAGANDA arm of the DEMONRAT true Journalists at ALL...NOT ONE!!!!

Why Trump is unqualified to be governor

Nasty woman!

Any guesses?

All Abrams wants is all your money. Up in smoke

She owes back taxes,,,Is in debt 300,000.00. Wants. To,have,open borders, but you morons think that is great

she is not experience she is a socialist who no one in Georgia wants. She will do nothing for the people and that includes the black people. She is unqualified to be any thing in office. She pulls her race card out just like Obama did

Why WAPO APOCES DEMOCRATS AND IS BIAS? Main reason they are not a news source, they are a mouthpiece for the DNC!

Mrs. Abrams is highly qualified and experienced. She will be a great governor.

Because he hasn't a fucking clue.

What a class act she is! Much smarter and far more capable than Trump will ever be! That’s why he doesn’t like her! Go Stacey!!👍👍

Just listen to her.

Because he’s a sexist racist. There is the analysis.

Oh for petes sake. Analysis Why dramatize it. She's black and she's a woman and she's intelligent. Trifecta. He's scared and intimidated on top of sexist and racist. Article. Done.

What dumbasses, to waste time on this......he wants a republican in there. That all. Good grief.

Abrams owes 50,000 in back taxes...on top of 170,000 in credit card & student loan debt. If she can't manage her own debt, how can she manage the State of Georgia? FoxNews BreitbartNews realDonaldTrump TonyPhyrillas

Could it possibly because she is African-American?

Easy she a Lying Socialist. That should be enough.

She is

Just stop it.

You guys haven't caught on yet....everything POTUS says the opposite is true!

TrumpLies Say it! TrumpRacist You know it! TrumpTreason Don’t carry his bag of b.s.

I don’t need a whole article to understand it’s due to the color of her skin, and the aggravating factor of her gender.

Well, she’s black and a woman. That’s enough for him right there.

1)All he had to do was say, I like to keep it in the party. The witchcraft of trump is strong, but just return fire of actual information. Because, everytime he says some of the wall stuff, opposing will say something like a rant almost or banter. Don't do it anymore...

Because she is black!! RacistTrump TrumpCrimeFamily TrumpForTheRich TrumpForTrump

Um because she is black

President Trump is by far the best US president in decades. Every US citizen's life is better now because he is president. Whether you like it or not, it's a fact.

We know that realDonaldTrump is unqualified as POTUS!

When he says Abrams and Gillum are “not qualified” it’s clear what he’s getting at, wink-and-noddy as it may be.

More unqualified than Trump, nobody can be!!!


Wtf cares what he thinks?

Trump sincerely believes that unless you are very rich you are not qualified for any thing!? Pathetic

It’s because she is black and because she is a woman. Also because she is smart, hardworking and doesn’t need to look like a foxnews Barbie to be successful.

Hey let's all play the race card because that fits our NPC agenda!

seeing how’s she’s never been a governor then how is she “experienced”? Has she ran a large corporation? Had a budget to meet that held the lives of thousands of people weighing on her shoulders? All I know she’s just a black female who thinks everything is free and burns flags.

Oh come on stop spreading rumors. She isn’t qualified to run a kindergarten.

I think one of Stacy's problems is she's a good damn liar and insists the state let people vote with fake social security numbers. Seems like a good reason to question her integrity.

Two reasons: she’s a woman, and she’s black. He hates both demographics.

Abrams more qualified to be governor than Trump was and is to be president.

How would he know if someone is qualifed for public office. He still believes he is qualifed to be President.

When he was and is totally unqualified to be President

Spoiler alert: he might, and hear me out on this, be racist

Trump is unqualified to be president!!! How can he even say that someone who is far more educated then him even speak about unqualified What a moran!!!!

Both with him

Stacey Abrams is more qualified than Trump to be President

Trump believes that African Americans are low IQ people. The only low IQ African Americans I can think of are the ones who vote republican

Becouse she is black . That’s what trump is saying

He doesn’t like her because she’s black. The end. TrumpIsARacist

Because this is his agenda!

For WashPoo tards, any commie will do, regardless of colour.

She's black? She's female? She is not model material? The possibilities are endless. girlpower


Because she's female and black.

We don't care what Trump thinks. We don't believe he CAN think.

Because he's a misogynistic bigot and staceyabrams is a black woman. Come on , ask us a hard question. This is one we all already know the answer to

Why are you validating his nonsense with a needless thought piece?

One simple reason why trump feels this way, he fears her charisma and her ability to energize African American voters.

If anyone cannot control their eating habits, they cannot control a state government.

Why repeat his lies? Just list why she is highly qualified and let the facts speak for themselves!

Unqualified? Nope. All you’ve got to do is look at her record & plans to help working/middle class. “..a Democrat with a ‘balanced view on issues,’ as the speaker of the House, David Ralston, put it at the time, and an ‘ability to reach across the aisle.’”

More Trump Derangement Syndrome! I guess for them it kinda balances out the 8 years of unfettered water carrying they did for Oblama! The club rules are they can only do it for Socialist closet Muslim Liberals or Sexual Predator Presidents!

Because of her race🤔🤔

Stop parroting Trump

His narcissism will not allow him to tell the truth. It is foolish to expect anything else from him. I would not be surprised if his personality disorder has progressed to auditory hallucinations.

Does not take indepth analysis. He is a dyed in the wool racist.

It’s because she’s black probably! He is a racist!

The answer is “because she’s black.”

Because she’s black🤷🏻‍♀️

Do not need an analysis to determine Stacey Abrams is unqualified, just listen to her hate Whitey racist speech. Louis Farrakahn clearly is her hero. When anyone judges anyone else on basis of skin color, for whatever reason, do not deserve to be elected Bat Shit scooper upper.

easy because shes a socialist....and we are not socialists

Any sentence that starts with 'Why Trump thinks...' needs no analysis.

Because Trump lies almost all of the time. He knows Stacy is insanely more qualified than meally mouthed Kemp. That idiot Kemp can barely force two words out of his nasty mouth. Does watching Kemp’s mouth when he talks make anyone else’s skin crawl or is it just me?

She is so qualified. No wonder he cannot recognize that. Mr Dumb and Dumber.

Seriously, I don’t need to read a WaPo article; when it could have been written in 2 words: Black Woman.

This coming from a POTUS who everybody knows to be unqualified.

Trump is the most unqualified person for president

Doesn't take much to figure that out. She is female, of color, a Democrat and speaks with clarity. Clear to see why 45 doesn't like her.

wrote a whole article on the subject when all they had to do was look at her skin color.

Let’s be honest we all know what his “unqualified” designation means. We are just not sure if it’s due to her being black or being a woman. With BLOTUS its probably both. Trumpisabigot

Says the worst potus in history. Hes a bum!!

We know why he thinks this.

TL;DR Trump is a racist, sexist, POS.

It's because he's unqualified, so he can't handle intellegence. Intellegence overwhelms him.

How would he know who’s qualified and who’s not? Just take a look at “the best people” he picks.


You know the answer to this.

And I suppose him, a grifting reality show failure was perfectly qualified to be POTUS?!!

Trump thinks

I hope this was a freebie column. You must have had extra space you needed to use up on this.

Why does any media outlet justify the idiots verbal diarrhea?

Are you working for him? Why the stupid headline?!!!! Just leave whatever 'Trump thinks' out! Let's go with Why Stacey Abrams IS THE MOST QUALIFIED! CountryoverParty CountryoverParty CountryoverParty

He doesn’t care about qualifications. He doesn’t care about immigration or anything else that requires thought and analysis. He only cares about what might appeal to his base. We have elected a person that literally has no ability to lead, to comfort, to inspire or guide a nation

She’s black SavedYouAClick

This is just nonsense... do we care that the least qualified person in History to be POTUS thinks anyone is unqualified? Waste of time. Not wasting 1 more second on Trump. We have real issues to solve.

He’s an asshole. Next question.

Um, running for office while female and black seems to hit all of Trump’s trigger points. What a vile man. Abrams, on the other hand is an outstanding candidate and human being. fucktrump

I can tell you why Trump doesn’t like Stacy Abrams - she is female, smart, black and a Democrat . I could write your next article WP . No need to pay a journalist.

We know Trump grades Abrams on being black and a woman. Period.

Let me summarize: he a racist. I don’t even have to read your “in-depth” article


Becuz he's super smart?

Is it because staceyabrams is a Black woman and realDonaldTrump is a sexist bigot?

Trump does not approve of her melanin levels.

Trump is uniquely unqualified to be POTUS both intellectually and temperamentally. Ms. Abrams on the other hand is highly qualified to be governor.

Does the Washington Post writers quality to work at the company or even provide their two cents?

The name 'Trump' itself is a SPOILER when trying to 'justify' something unjustifiable.. 🧐😶

Trump is all in on Republicans just like the crapy news networks are for SJWs , Democrats, socialists, and keeping Americans down.

The irony here is almost too much to take.

Why search an empty vassal.

Yeah... with record prosperity under Trump, why should we listen to him? I guess that since Abrams is female and black, it won’t matter that she wants to turn Georgia into the train wreck that California is.

Spoiler: Bc she is black

Racist and sexist man doesn’t think a woman of color isn’t qualified: does this qualify as news? Notmypresident

Hi im Hollywood, Endorse Her because we all say so, and Because Ospray came to you're door.


No analysis needed. We all know why her thinks this. I’m not going to click to read a two word article

You’re joking, right?

Trump needs to make this statement, because it will appeal to his white racist support base of bigots, who will believe anything this buffoon will say.

Save you the trouble of reading it: she’s black

Lololol. Pot calling the kettle Orange.

I think we know why.


Immutable characteristics do not qualify you. MAGA

Analyze this 🖕

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