Analysis | What we should really focus on in the Barr letter

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Analysis: What we should really focus on in the Barr letter

By Aaron Blake Aaron Blake Senior political reporter, writing for The Fix Email Bio Follow March 29 at 12:57 PM It has been five days since Attorney General William P. Barr summarized the Mueller report, writing that it didn’t accuse President Trump of obstruction or his campaign of conspiracy with Russia. Ever since then, there have been a whole host of people trying to poke holes in it.These miss the point, to some degree.

The bigger issues, it seems to me, remain why Barr decided to reach his own verdict on obstruction of justice, whether that conclusion was rational and why he didn’t share more initially. It’s odd that Barr’s letter doesn’t explicitly lay out why he decided to weigh in. All he said was, “The Special Counsel’s decision to describe the facts of his obstruction investigation without reaching any legal conclusions leaves it to the Attorney General to determine whether the conduct described in the report constitutes a crime.” Was there a legal reason for this? Did Mueller ask him to do this? It’s just stated as if this is the only logical action to take.

Barr’s decision to weigh in on this question was a giant plus for Trump. Without it, the narrative would have focused more intently on Mueller’s lack of exoneration and the idea that this was being left to Congress. With it, Trump can credibly say the Justice Department found neither of these crimes.


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Treason, actually. Start with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Trump hired Barr. Trump hires Barrs son.

If Barr lied on his report, then why isn't Muller and the 17 other democratic lawyers on his team, refuting it.......?

Yes let's focus on what the Democrats did.

2 years doing the investigation. 400 page report containing material that can’t be made public. 2 days to publish the Mueller conclusions. And apparently a few weeks to make report piblic. And you clowns can’t wait the few weeks without trashing Barr who is a good man. Idiots!

Now the Dems are crying that Barr is colluding with Trump to edit the Muller report.


Yes. There are no pictures of cows!

bought & paid for lackey ReleaseMuellerReport

Lol, only WP, delusional.

Exactly. The Attorney General & even AUSAs make determinations all the time. It's their job. Just because Lynch decided to pass the buck to Comey on Clinton doesn't make it right. Lynch should have done what Barr just did. Liberals like WP simply hate Trump, plain & simple.

Ignoring it in favor of the full report

I can tell you it starts on page 5

They all look like cretins.

That the media is bogus!

William Barr looks like Steve Bannon, with shorter hair 😲

Analysis: This really should say “Opinion”, because it is Democrat ran media non sense. They want you to think that Mueller would allow his report to be falsely represented. This lie is over. Time to move on to the next manufactured lie.


We should focus on the whole letter not parts not interpretation the whole letter. I really hope it happens move past it and on with problems at hand. As long as it looks questionable there will be a cloud.

The exoneration part

IF BAR LIED, WHY DIDN;T MUELLER CALL HIM OUT ON IT? NO, YOU ARE STILL GRASPING AT STRAWS. ALL SISSYS WITH NO Backbone to man up and say you were wrong! That goes for the women too!

The only thing we need to focus on is the fact that the Mueller Report wasn’t attached as Annex 1. All stop. /End of story. Now go do some All The President’s Men shit and get us report, WAPO.

Mitza4u Mrs Barr should hate her husband as much as he hates America

What the Post and every major news outlet should do is demand to ReleaseTheFullMuellerReport instead of writing think pieces.

Why anyone still surprised? A lying in cheat hired a guy to cover up his crimes! if no crimes committed no collusion no obstruction why not just released the full reports! Ag what in reports that he wants to covering for his president?

“The fact that it’s not the mueller report”

Barr accurately described the 300-page report. Mueller, who Leftists said was a hero, and his multiple Democratic donating lawyers got it right. Pinning your hopes on thinking something will be found that wasn't mentioned in Barr's letter & impeaching the Prez is asking for pain

It’s a coverup! Full report must be released to the public!

A great analysis now that some cooler heads prevail. If it will make any difference now that the narrative is driving the facts.

Start with his article about how this President is able to commit crimes with no repercussions, and then he gets appointed, then he shuts down Mueller, and then read 300+ pages of Mueller's report to find the most exculpatory comments, and it was that Trump was *not exonerated*

The no collusion part.

Focus on fact the hes very partisan and we haven't seen the report. Hes obstructing obstruction charges...

Ignore Barr. Orange man = bad. I just saved all you left wing goofs time by summarizing this article.

That our POTUS did not collude or obstruct bu idiots in corrupt media/DemocRATS can’t handle it?

Is that Steve Bannin with Harry Potter glasses on? Try harder Steve Bannon!

- The Mueller investigation isn’t complete - We know nothing about its findings - A coverup attempt is underway.


Here’s a good focus...No obstruction, no collusion

The truth

Ignore Barr.

He looks like a really bad car salesman.

Barr will come up as a looser and history will judge himsupporting the dark side of realDonaldTrump

Some 'diets of true', he's really overweight!

focus on the Mueller report-the letter is a subterfuge...

How can we focus when we haven't seen it

No Collusion! that's it! WalkAway from the CollusionDelusion

Propaganda Post

Focus on the no collusion no obstruction part

When did Elton John become the AG?

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