Analysis: The stunning political power of AOC

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'No one seems to have a good grasp on what AOC wants to do next. But her ability to raise lots of money very quickly means there is very little that is out of her reach, politically speaking,' writes ChrisCillizza

On Sunday night, her office confirmed that she had raised almost $5 million for that effort in less than 96 hours.Obviously, the most important thing here is that millions more dollars will go to Texans still struggling to find potable water and deal with the damage from last week's deep freeze.

In each episode of his weekly YouTube show, Chris Cillizza will delve a little deeper into the surreal world of politics. Click to subscribe! Many politicians -- especially in the House -- don't raise $5 million in the course of a two-year election cycle. That AOC can do so by simply saying she wanted to help Texans who were hurting speaks to not only her immense national donor base but also the level of allegiance those people feel for her.Read MoreRemember this: For all the bad press money in politics gets, it remains one of the best ways to gauge loyalty and passion for a candidate.


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ChrisCillizza What's wrong with just doing her job. Works for me.

ChrisCillizza Dark money

KimLeadford ChrisCillizza Yeah I 👍 like AOC... She is one tough woman, raised alot of money for Texas. Does a really good job.

ChrisCillizza To all of you who care for VOTES.... Average hourly wages of Retired folks collecting SS. On the high end of SS benefits is about $19 per hour. On the low end of SS benefits is about $6 per hour..

ChrisCillizza Pretty sure AOC doesn’t have a good grasp on what AOC wants to do next.

ChrisCillizza I'm waiting for her to turn 35, personally. AOCisAOKwithme

ChrisCillizza Come on, girl! Get that sh/t done AOC

ChrisCillizza If it’s not apparently blatant to you, what she want to do is represent her constituents and the needs of the American people, it’s a sad thing on your part.

ChrisCillizza She’s bright smart loaded with ethical values, she is an asset to our democracy.

ChrisCillizza She showed what leadership is all about raising over 5 million for Texas this is something that the Texas officials failed to do

ChrisCillizza How about “what can she do?” for a title. She doesn’t even understand the only reason she can raise money is through capitalism, couldn’t through socialism.

ChrisCillizza Maybe having your fellow citizens interests in mind, and actually working to improve their lives makes them like you?

ChrisCillizza She should run for governor or senator!

ChrisCillizza This is why Republicans and FoxNews keep her name in their mouths. They fear her

ChrisCillizza Clearly just another democrat, not a progressive. Concerned with fundraising and virtue signaling within her liberal elite base, while deserting the ppl that got her elected. TotalFraud

ChrisCillizza Trẻ tuổi để yêu thương, chăm sóc như em trai

ChrisCillizza All this gal wants is tv publicity , does people really think she is smart ? I don’t have a degree but I certainly know a person is not inaugurated into the House of Reps, that is reserved for the WH,all she wants is publicity !!

ChrisCillizza Shell need to raise a ton to support the country if her Green Deal is passed.

ChrisCillizza I want her as my president. We need people that care about the people

ChrisCillizza And kill thousands of forgot that part....


ChrisCillizza All about $$$. That’s what keeps people in office. The “American Way”

ChrisCillizza She’s trying to help! While others are focused on budget cuts and limiting the help we get she’s fighting to keep American warm, put food on the table and much! What are others doing nothing but twitting about 45 who ain’t shit


ChrisCillizza The woman's got it

ChrisCillizza She is disgusting

ChrisCillizza So was her help in Texas because she cares or politically motivated?

ChrisCillizza Run for president!!!

ChrisCillizza Thanks AOC for all your help in TX!

ChrisCillizza Since the first day I listen to AOC , I looked at the circumstances that led to her election in the house, I knew that she there for big ambitions. I bid she might the first woman president in the US....Well with the ascension of KamalaHarris , I think she might come later on.

ChrisCillizza don't think AOC is really focusing on 'a next'. she believes she's just doing her job; by the people, for the people! 🤷‍♂️

ChrisCillizza The sooner she is out of Politics the better America will be. Too stupid and ignorant to be representing this Country.


ChrisCillizza in other words, people are fucking morons.

ChrisCillizza AOC FOR PREZ 2024

ChrisCillizza One good deed, but the insanity of AOC's proposals is startling. National Socialism failed. Soviet Socialism? Same. Chinese Socialism? Same. Pol Pot's Socialism? Same. N. Korean Socialism? Same. 50-plus other countries? Same. 'Democratic' Socialism? That's more NoLivesMatter

ChrisCillizza 'No one seems to have a good grasp on what AOC wants to do next.' Including AOC.

ChrisCillizza No chance at President

ChrisCillizza Think you'll ever see a Texas or Republican elected official fundraise for a blue state? And go there to personally assist with relief efforts?


ChrisCillizza I mean, first of all, she’s competent. So...


ChrisCillizza The billionaires who own the news have the millionaires who report it sit there and tell you with a straight face that you don't deserve $15 an hour.


ChrisCillizza disgusting political chick who love money and show .

ChrisCillizza I wish she’d look into corruption by hedge funds!

ChrisCillizza Let's Help Americans. That is a short reach. It's in Our own back Yard. LauraSwartzenbergerFoundation GloryHallelujah HolySpiritFilledEternalMint

ChrisCillizza Artsakh Armenia 2 Armenian Republic.

ChrisCillizza Aieda.

ChrisCillizza Raising a few million is easy for a politician who the media push into the spotlight would focus more on the millions of jobs she buried when ousting Amazon from New York.

ChrisCillizza We need more people like her in the world

ChrisCillizza Go Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Inspiring hearts and minds in the true meaning of a representative, Care and Service

ChrisCillizza Hey TomiLahren IngrahamAngle how much money did you raise and donate to Texas ? Zero.

ChrisCillizza Extreme left

ChrisCillizza Yes, AOC — give them everything that you have, 👏.

ChrisCillizza She is buying votes against Republicans and I think her compassionate work will do the trick.

RoseBeckley ChrisCillizza When you're holding the nuts, it is often advisable to slow-play the hand. But AOC, and Dems in general, have about 9 months to get their promised agenda passed, before election2022 revs up, possibly costing them House or/and Senate. They will be judged by what they get done.

ChrisCillizza She has the juice because she genuinely cares about the 99%.

ChrisCillizza how easy it is to fool Americans ... good luck!

ChrisCillizza It takes so little time for the Democrats to do things that breathe new life into the fringe right. For crying out loud stop already.

ChrisCillizza Future president, definitely one to watch 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

ChrisCillizza At least she used her frothing, angry base of followers to do something good in Texas. Just wish she would show more respect for her colleagues, have some emotional maturity and not be so petulant.

ChrisCillizza AOC can raise money cause she wears a short skirt and bounces around like a ditsy college drop out. She’s giving the up the goods, pay to play 😂😂

ChrisCillizza She’s a fuckin clown 😂😂😂 stop propping her up

ChrisCillizza Yo I follow her on Twitter and it seems obvious what she wants next because she regularly tweets what she wants next ON TWITTER. Pro-tip for the future: just ask a GrrrL what she wants next and let her tell you. Stop playing like this shit enigmatic and unknowable.

ChrisCillizza If she was a member of your church, you’d be praising her. For once, just cut the political party fighting and appreciate something good! If you can’t do that, you are truly a barrier to this country ever becoming great again. Being human comes before GOP, DEM or other parties

ChrisCillizza Just stop! She saw a need and did what she could to help. Everything doesn’t need to be politicized!

ChrisCillizza Let this amazing woman WORK!!

ChrisCillizza Load of crap. Thank for worthless new. Communist News Network

She has my support!

CatSBouvier ChrisCillizza Watch as Ted Cruz makes fun of Biden Nominee

ChrisCillizza She’s a working person. Not afraid of speaking up. Good thing someone is.

ChrisCillizza Terrible

ChrisCillizza She is not politically motivated. That's why she is unpredictable from the perspective of dirty politicians. We love AOC.

ChrisCillizza Millennial on meathead crack?


ChrisCillizza C.N.N. YOU ARE OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY! Go take an evening walk through her Bronx district. I DARE YOU TO!

ChrisCillizza canmxws and she is pretty too. Love her!

ChrisCillizza Bless her ! ❤️🙏🏻

ChrisCillizza AOC is a Leader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ChrisCillizza Bit*ches get shit done! No sugarcoating. Be direct and firm and be persistent. Ok, she isn’t a bit*ch, it’s just a figure of speech. Love or hate her she is a force!

ChrisCillizza She’s honest ,assiduous,diligent it can’t get better than this ,she’s the future ♥️♥️

ChrisCillizza Let's not discount all the good people who donated money to help others in the time of need. Making it all about her is not right.

ChrisCillizza I can’t fathom how any American would support a socialist.

ChrisCillizza 135,000 Americans have died from Covid as of 2/19 out of 469,000 total! So it took 351 days to get to 360K & JoeBiden added 135K in 43 days! Biden has screwed up the shipments of the Trump vaccines! Americans R dying!

ChrisCillizza This move to help Texas kills two birds with one stone. She helps out many people on the spotlight. She also exposes herself for future positions (I.e. President) that will require people from other states by building rapport.

ChrisCillizza It is her humanity and strength of conviction and ability to act on behalf of the non-priviledged that make her just an incredible trail blazer and role model. Eff Politics.

ChrisCillizza AOClied AOCSmollett

ChrisCillizza Huh! I guess actually doing something for the people vs. just bugging out gets you votes!

ChrisCillizza Some of her constituents from her area want her to stay in NY and not share her energies. She is bigger than NY.

ChrisCillizza She is smart,hard working,forward thinking and sincere!! That is WHY she can raise lots of money!! And did I mention she motivates people because she inspires them and they believe in her!! It is all positive!!

ChrisCillizza Because she is a Super Hero.

ChrisCillizza She is a powerhouse in the Democrat party.. and i hope they notice

ChrisCillizza Evryone knows she is a Socialist & has evry intention of destroying the Economy 4 the sake of poor lazy Ppl that contribute zero 2 the Economy. It’s called the Evita Peron syndrome, which equals disaster Evry single time in history!! No thanx

ChrisCillizza If she runs for 'you know what' I'm voting for her


ChrisCillizza AOC is going places. She’s young, she’s a great representative of the democratic party and her heart is in it. Mark my words, she is going straight toward the presidency at some point in her life. The Trump nuts hate her, but she has a lot of love from elsewhere.

ChrisCillizza She’s young. Has all the time in the world to decide while building up her power base.

ChrisCillizza Maybe its having principles

ChrisCillizza Call me POTUS JoeBiden i will 'coach' ya in how to run OUR/ MY LAND we will be farting thru silk baby ..... 😂😂😂😂😂😉😉😉😉 it ain't a hard job if you got some NUTS to call the shots as blondie bellows - call me jmpalmieri PressSec DNC IngrahamAngle WFLA WFLAAvery

ChrisCillizza Raising money for good causes, and CNN uses a photo of; “Angry Black Woman”. You know damn well you have several smiling photos, which would fit your story better, but not your narrative. Do better!

ChrisCillizza Now I see better future for my kid !!!

ChrisCillizza Chan Thanh, Vui ve..........................

ChrisCillizza Because people can tell when someone gives a shit about them. Makes us want to return the favor.

ChrisCillizza Young people love her. And in 4 years, there will be a lot of them.

ChrisCillizza I love AOC!! She rocks!


ChrisCillizza AOC talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. That is her greatest weakness, politically and morally. I'll pass. And my guess is most of America will too.

ChrisCillizza Republicans are terrified of her. Look how much energy the GOP puts into bashing on her.

ChrisCillizza Long game— first female president. And not so long a game hopefully. The reason the right was quick to demonize her from the get go was her charisma. She needs to do her best to combat that image in the next few years.

ChrisCillizza aoc4president2024

ChrisCillizza At least she is good for something because she has the mental intellect of a pea.

ChrisCillizza AOC has passion in what she does.

ChrisCillizza She got my vote. This young woman is going places. Love her

ChrisCillizza Aww, it’s cute when she tries to look tough. She really should get back to the bar. It’s where she belongs..she can use her best assets for something useful.

ChrisCillizza Plus she’s a badass who genuinely cares about the masses.

ChrisCillizza She is awesome and works for the people.

ChrisCillizza People like good leaders

ChrisCillizza This account 100% endorses the progressive movement and it's star rep AOC

ChrisCillizza 😅😅

ChrisCillizza The last thing i want to see is the truly awful Chris saying nice things about AOC. Chris you can try, but you will never live down what you did to Clinton in 2016 by beating your 'but her emails drum' endlessly and loudly. You are a disgrace to journalism.

ChrisCillizza She is a future president - down to earth, articulate, nobody’s fool - I hope I live long enough to see it

ChrisCillizza This is great. It would be equally as great if you & others would write articles & highlight the hard work the other congressmen & congresswomen who were on the ground in TX with their own constituents being the public servants they were elected to be. She was not the only one.

ChrisCillizza Weeepppppaaaaaa. BORICUA

ChrisCillizza POTUS? How is she gonna fund all her socialist policies - GoFundMe Good. lol. If she had her reins on tax and treasury depts Amerika wud be in deep shit 100x over than they are now. truth

ChrisCillizza “Wants to do next:” May I suggest listening to what she says?

ChrisCillizza It’s a shame she won’t break from Pelosi and the established DNC.

ChrisCillizza The power of Only Fans !!.

ChrisCillizza AOC next vice president you go girl! thank you for all your hard work and kindness for Texas help flip Texas 2022-2024 we love you you rock AOC

ChrisCillizza It's a small group

ChrisCillizza She is buying the White House !

ChrisCillizza She's a force to be reckon with, ignore her at your own peril

ChrisCillizza And I'm glad of her power. If you notice, she uses it for good.

ChrisCillizza Can she raise a lot of money and get out of politics? She seems to be doing more damage than good.

ChrisCillizza I see the senate as her next step.

ChrisCillizza She is INCREDIBLE🔥

ChrisCillizza A very small % of the political spectrum

ChrisCillizza I hope she waits to gain wisdom before she tries to run for president. She needs 10 more years.

ChrisCillizza There is no intent in doing the right thing, it just happens, therefore she has no agenda. She simply looks at the next situation once it arises and tries to do the right thing.

ChrisCillizza She’s awesome

ChrisCillizza AOC speaking up and addressing the FreeBritney movement will be insanely wild.

ChrisCillizza Is that gorilla glue in her hair? That's the level of intelligence among her and her supporters.

ChrisCillizza She has not sponsored a single bill that was passed into law, but she's really gifted at making passionate, uninformed statements on the internet!!!!! 🤡

ChrisCillizza Im hope she is OK still from the Jan 6th massacre she was involved in

ChrisCillizza You All need to follow AOC..clearly she is very intelligent and caring... get on the AOC train... we love you Keep up the GOOD are doing wonders... thank you God Bless ♾❤️😘

ChrisCillizza she's so cute

ChrisCillizza I’d say she’s only just begun. She’s a star.

ChrisCillizza Propaganda article to keep her afloat

ChrisCillizza AOC the next Eva Peron?

ChrisCillizza Money isn’t everything! Trump raised millions as well! But AOC is fundamentally good person, she really wants to do good and means good! When you combine that with ability to raise a lot of money, not that’s some powerful shit

ChrisCillizza Its refreshing to see a 'politician' actually care about the people

ChrisCillizza ♥️🤍💙 The “other” politicians could learn a lot from true politicians like AOC , RepKatiePorter , and SenSanders . Just saying. ✅

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