American billionaires got $434 billion richer during the pandemic

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

America's billionaires added $434 billion to their wealth between mid-March and mid-May

's Mark Zuckerberg had the biggest gains, with Bezos adding $34.6 billion to his wealth and Zuckerberg adding $25 billion, according to the report from Americans for Tax Fairness and the Institute for Policy Studies' Program for Inequality. The report is based on Forbes data for America's more than 600 billionaires between March 18, when most states were in lockdown, and May 19.

According to the report, the net worth of America's billionaires grew 15% during the two-month period, to $3.382 trillion from $2.948 trillion. The biggest gains were at the top of the billionaire pyramid, with the richest five billionaires -- Bezos, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett, and Larry Ellison -- seeing combined wealth gains of $76 billion.

Elon Musk had among the largest percentage gain of billionaires during the two months, seeing his net worth jump by 48% in the two months to $36 billion. Zuckerberg was close behind, seeing his wealth surge by 46% in the two months, to $80 billion. Bezos' wealth increased by 31% to $147 billion. Bezos' ex-wife, MacKenzie Bezos, who received Amazon shares in their divorce, also saw her wealth increase by a third, to $48 billion.

Because the study timeline captures the stock market bottom and quick rebound, it creates a slightly sunnier picture for billionaires than the full year. For the year, Buffett's wealth has declined by $20 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaire's Index, while Gates is down by $4.3 billion. For the year, Jeff Bezos has gained $35.5 billion while Zuckerberg is up by $9 billion.

There were some losers during the two-month period, especially for billionaires in the travel, hospitality or retail business who have yet to see their stocks and companies recover. Ralph Lauren saw his wealth drop by $100 million to $5.6 billion, while hotelier John Pritzker saw his wealth drop by $34 million to $2.56 billion.


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Could you Please Send us a 1 million

TXsnark7 trumpy needs to keep the donor base happy, and GOP provided the bailout money to so they would buoy the stock market... because the stock market is the economy now. 😐

And How much did they lose up to the point where the market started to rebound? This reporting accomplishes nothing. Well, i guess it does accomplish envy and anger.

Let it rain of dollars

Who are you, copy of pit ball


Abolish billionaires.

Yeah and they lost billions in February

There is no opportunity. For the very few own all the means to production, pitting the workers against each other in wage competition to the bottom. Profit sharing plans only way for workers to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Say no to the capital class

And how much did they loose from the high of 2020 and mid March ?

How many times can you run this article lmao

...yawn... what’s your point?

Umm... that was a period of market recovery. How much did those same people lose between February’s highs and the mid-March low? Find that difference to see how much wealth they effected gained during the pandemic.

The Fed is the most criminal organization in history. Soon the protests will be directed at them and I'll be there

But they are also mostly on the hook for the 3T spending bill, if it eventually gets paid they will do the lions share of the payments.

Thanks to Governors deeming most small businesses non-essential and ordering them closed.

Just remember this when looking at the looters. The federalreserve gave handouts by the Trillions to multi national corporations. It stand to reason billionaires would get much of the handouts.

Jay powell is part of the elites , he got $100 mil fortune


Good for him.

Thanks to Fed for not creating wealth inequality

He should launch a rocket per a week.

How much did they lose from February to March

They built services that people want and need good for them

Hence riots - thanks to FED federalreserve criminals and political elites enablers

Enough said. Yet people are concerned about the unemployed receiving an additional $600. I just don’t understand why people look the other way when the wealthy achieves obscene wealth off the backs of the rest of us.

We need Bernie Sanders NOW!

This headline is misleading. How about their fortunes from mid-February to mid-March, before the lockdown? They plummeted. It would be fair to indicate the net impact.

Rich with COViD more rich are rich , poor more poor

Этот твит важен для меня

What is 80 years of luxury compared to an eternity of pain ?

I love CNBC but its this type of reporting which is bad for America. The point of this article is to get people mad. What is the alternative, not shutting down? The media is telling us not to reopen. Pick a side you can't have it both ways.

Gimme some money 💰

Are you saying billionaires helped spread Covid 19 with cuts to responses and misinformation to help their own personal wealth grow ? Profiting off of misery ? Wow CNBC .

They didn't become billionaires to begin with by being ignorant so this is no surprise.

Good for them...they helped people obtain supplies they needed & kept families & friends connected...& continue to keep individuals employed!

protests2020 riots2020 GeorgeFloydProtests burn down the billionaires row in new york, not small businesses

During COVID-19 our family has financial crisis. I believe only bitcoin will help us. Anyone who want little donate btc for my family pls thanks for you! My BTC address: bc1qq2u6w3sf2x6f8hxpk0sm3usvl48mycn89f46fd

People are stupid they keep buying amazon product

These are the Real Looters


There going to double that in the next couple months. Stock market going to new ATHs

What's the point? Should we confiscate profits from running businesses that provide services people need or want?

I mean, good for them. Strategic thinking is very crucial

It's important to call out the bad actors, instead of going after all of them and the system

So 50% of their winnings would be a fair contribution to the corona crisis.

I mean... it's not a secret that it's easier to grow money when you have a ton of it and many of these billionaires are brilliant in the workings of the market. Idk why people think this is a shocking statistic.

some billionaires ....did and will continue to profit from changing times...THE question are yu and your family going to use this season to your advantage? allthingsarepossible

This gap of richs and poors gets bigger and bigger. This is one of the problem in the US.

Great report🤦🏻‍♂️

Context matters. How did their wealth fare the 45 days leading up to mid March?

JannaLowell Unacceptable. 🌊

Any1 who took Econ 101 in college know the rich has more available (free cash flow) during a depressed market; therefore, it’s a “sale” on financial instruments. My father use to say “there is a sale everyday when you are privileged and have money” I pray the middle class survive

They totally deserve it!

Will get ritcher when sell 8bilions of useless vacine.


If you’re talking about collective, then just putting Jeff’s face is misleading. Not to mention it’s paper gains.

At least don’t report this kind of rip off fuckers


Okay, now do mid-February to mid-March you disingenuous hacks.

COVID makes everything worse.

There should always be an equal balance of wealth..there's always going to be a fight against the rich and the poor and the rich is always going to make sure that the poor is wiped out...depopulated! And the rich wants to wipe out the middle class because they're afraid of us.


yet what are these billionaires doing to give back when people need help most?

America is pretty darn sick and it’s not the corono virus

The world billionaires will win regardless to any earth situation except for a divine intervention. By Lester Zoom Headley.

That’s a great thing. Don’t see any issues with that


It's gonna go even up when thing get back on track. I can bet on that

JCMEP no le digo que nunca pierden pues

I made money selling online during the lockdown. Thanks, Jeff!

How many billions had they lost in January and February?

Bruh you literally took from the absolute bottom of the stock markets to now and are labeling it as some sort of new fortune. Please stop regurgitating this same shit article to help push your “tax the rich” agenda. Christ it’s so painfully obvious.

Media and politicians: Covid is just flu — holy shlt it isn’t, the signs were there but now we’re gone still make bad decisions and blame on other side. People: Billionaire and corporations are bad because they got richer by providing necessary stuff (like home delivery, work/

Homes on pylons withstand the flood. That’s why people in power build poor damns.

as_i_decay our boys Jerome and Fauci are doing great work for their employers!

I'm not a billionaire, but I made out pretty good too. Muhahahaha!

Is that a crime?

This can be positive as their role as consumers.


Prove it. Mine didn't.

Yet Bezos cut out the premium pay for the workers who make him his billions.

Eat the rich

We got to know this guy is entirely the greedy Scrooge! Whoa! Sick guy!

That's almost enough to give every American $1bn. Disgusteng.

If he is not paying his taxes then where is his money going?

... who’s counting?

damn, while we were all getting fired, they did 434 billion dollars of hard work, how dumb are we

Well of course ....

CNBC Damn 😳 the rich really do get richer, no matter what😡❗️

CNBC Yangwasright unfortunately American was not ready for its data.

CNBC So disgusting

CNBC Now we see the real reason the media chose to make everyone afraid of a benign illness no worse than the flu. It was to cover for the elite as they fuck the people for their own profit as always.

CNBC Pay it back as did as Harvard and other companies do the right thing instead of getting of greedy

CNBC NBC is 100% trash propaganda

CNBC Wow I did not realize you could save so much money not paying for haircuts often huh lol

CNBC Clean the bird shit off your glasses

CNBC taxation adjustments for all

CNBC Walmart good, small business bad. nwho

CNBC And they made me money because i invested in them.. 🥳

CNBC Amazon still takes 3 days to ship from Wearhouse?

CNBC for all those saying this is great for them the American way would it have not been better for them to support their workers if Amazon had taken 75% of the additional profit and divided it to their work force that actually did the labor the workers would have spent it back at



CNBC You tell all to not go out and order from Amazon then you’re surprised they’re Rich

CNBC They should be heavily taxed then use that money to send to the American people that are losing everything

CNBC America is an oligarchy.

CNBC Explains why Jeff Bezo’s Washington Post is pushing for extended lockdowns, higher unemployment and state governors to seize our personal freedoms. Our misery is profitable to the media billionaires.

CNBC Lockdowns have consequences

CNBC No shit.

CNBC Their companies provided great value during a national emergency

CNBC Everyone: Billionaires are evil Also everyone: I need my Amazon Prime Also everyone: I’m addicted to my iPhone Also everyone: Tiger King Also everyone: ResistTrump on Twitter and I stalk my friends on Facebook

CNBC Good for them. I wish it were me. But it’s not. Good for them.

CNBC Then give his employees at least a $2 raise. He wouldn't miss it!


CNBC Defend human civilization support HK!

CNBC They didnt steal the money.They came up with an idea, sacrificed to make it work.The idea offers value to d market & d market rewards them for it.Wealth isnt a sin, its a byproduct of ingenuity & risk taking.The bashing of billionaires is just crazy, u'd think they robbed a bank!

CNBC Of course!! The American way!! We ain't communists!

CNBC No one should buy from major retailers again. MomandPopshop


CNBC These guys are sophisticated investors even when others are loosing money they are making

CNBC Must be nice.

TheBakedBeanBoy CNBC EaT tHe RiCh.

CNBC Oh-My-God-OmniabsoluteGravitational-Constant: Hence don't be jealous of the 'Billionaires' just be a BILLIONAIRE . {styles, smiles & profiles}..


CNBC How the elite live. I wonder what these people actually think of us, the pheasants who made them rich beyond belief?

CNBC Not mad at them. Well done guys!

CNBC Good for them.

CNBC I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. Eat👏The👏Rich👏

CNBC what ay way to go AmazonWishList

CNBC Shame on them for having products and services that people buy! Booo capitalism!



CNBC Welcome to Trumpland , give 2 shits about middle class or the poor , as long as his friends get rich

worldpeace435 CNBC We know, the very wealthy will do well, at the sufferage of middle class and poor people.

CNBC Great. Now they will go out and trickle down to the rest of us. 🤣

CNBC Eat the rich.

CNBC Pay your front line workers more, way more!

CNBC Even in the face of a pandemic, there is a buck to be made!

CNBC When you shut down mom and pop stores and keep the elite’s open what did you think was going to happen. Before you get preachy it happened in both red and blue states.

CNBC Tax them.

CNBC Plz, i just need $3700 Only for Feed. if u can have mercy, then send it via western union to my name George Abasilim, phone num 08181759187 and reply to my email Thanks.

CNBC Expect more pedophile islands to be built before your childrens health and education are funded. Dumbest country ever supporting capitalist system that funds sex crimes and welfare for the rich.

CNBC Yet no healthcare or ppe for people that work at their companies. America sucks. The only industrialized country to not have healthcare or some form of protection in the form of unemployment, family leave etc etc etc

CNBC Apparently Corvid 19 is an ill wind that billionares blow good. Then again, what would you expect from the folks who have made the bankruptcy laws a proffit center and stock market crashes a potential wind fall.

CNBC Mine went up also

CNBC Yup, it’s what’s wrong with this world. It’s not going to go well.

CNBC Which of the two C's in CNBC stands for China?

CNBC They must eat out often.

CNBC It’s the US that’s the socialist utopia…just ask King Bezos and the rest of the billionaires how much they appreciate the *SIX TRILLION IN CORPORATE WELFARE* Socialism for the super rich…rugged ‘individualism’ for ordinary folks

CNBC How much did they lose the previous four weeks?

CNBC Of coarse they did. This is TRULY what Trump’s administration is all about. Keep stringing along the masses with a BS sh-tshow act and hateful distractions smokescreen while the rich stuff their pockets.

CNBC Bez - 41k per employee Zuck - 556k per employee Here’s a little gift to zuck in this scenario He absolutely does not have workers striking about how he’s making them on the safe every single freaking day. But woah....

CNBC It's almost like we had a crash in February and early March. Odd that you picked 'mid-March' to judge from. Overall, anyone diversified in the stock market is at a loss right now compared to 2019.

CNBC Uh, the market tanked in late February to mid-March before recovering more than half of its losses. It wasn't just billionaires who saw their portfolios rise during mid-March and mid-May.

CNBC No, it didn't. Learn2math

CNBC But the shutdown also killed many small businesses, caused massive layoffs and increased the debt to citizens with very little savings! Thanks to China, the media hysteria and democrats! And how many of you fools will still vote democratic

CNBC FFS. Showing gains, while ignoring loses just months earlier is beyond disingenuous. What is the comparison? How much did person X lose, then gain, to demonstrate the actual profit, if there is one. You are FAKENEWS!

CNBC I bet more than half of you complaining about this have at sometime in your life supported or still support amazon by purchasing from them or use them for shipping.

CNBC Gosh. How surprising and unexpected that they would make more when you force all of their competition to stay closed.

CNBC Considering there are over 600 billionaires in the US as of 2019 and most of those people are the ones who own alot of the businesses of convenience we use everyday especially during the pandemic... this isn't suprising, nor should you be offended by it. CNBC thanks

CNBC It's about time to start kicking in mansion doors.

CNBC The GOP tax scam is sucking the life out of America

CNBC And If I die today, I have $18 to my name

CNBC They could pay off my student debt without even knowing what happened. 😅

CNBC Yes... close every other place down and force people to shop at the stores the rich own and they’re going to get richer. Cause and Effect 🤷🏾‍♂️

CNBC We reap what we sow. Low and middle class American have no one to blame but ourselves!!!


CNBC This article is such dishonest Marxist fanatic 'Because the study timeline captures the stock market bottom and quick rebound, it creates a slightly sunnier picture for billionaires than the full year.' Worthless. Just red meat to the left side of the bell curve.

CNBC That’s fucking bullshit!!

CNBC disgusting. this is capitalism

SherryDevlin CNBC America’s money hoarders saw their...seems like a more deserving headline

CNBC Bezo step up

CNBC They sell in China


CNBC How is this possible?

CNBC You mean recovered? They had lost more than that

CNBC Just ask the Obamas

CNBC I got $1200.00!

CNBC There have always been the rich and the poor. How many Amazon orders have complainers made? Trips to Walmart? Without these, we would be like Venezuela, Syria, and Russia. These mega rich will answer to God in what they did with their abundance.

CNBC Democrats!!!!!

CNBC While tens of millions of Americans are on the verge of financial ruin or are already ruined. This is a massive failure On Congress, Trump, his Administration and 'leadership' like McConnell, Schumer, Pelosi, McCarthy, Cuomo and others

CNBC This is fucking sick.

CNBC .... Because the market recovered. How much did they 'lose' when the market went down?

CNBC COVID-19 is just the beginning of Democrats’ intrusion into Americans’ private lives. Then comes the mandated vaccine. Then comes the door-to-door testing. Then comes the contact tracing — then comes the government surveillance and data mining of private citizens.


CNBC Hey, all of you complaining about Jeff Bezos. If you bought something on Amazon in the last several months you have no right to complain. No one forces you to shop there. He is providing a service that you are all willing to take advantage of.

CNBC Say it with me people

CNBC Business is good when the pandemic is good?

CNBC Everyone else was waiting on $1200.

CNBC NBC wants you to hate the rich, the ones that employ SO many people because they are China’s puppet. They are the enemy of the people.

CNBC So...u push for the country to be shut down..put small businesses out of business...act surprised when the obvious and known outcome happens...and then blame others....why oh why am I not surprised

CNBC Just throw it in your faces huh

CNBC And Amazon is tax exempt to boot. This is a National travesty that continues to perpetuate.

CNBC Nothing news about this. And many of these billionaires control media. America is being used by these people who are using this wealth to destroy America's moral values, taking control of courts and prosecutors. This is the danger when politics is their way of controlling America

CNBC Trickle Up economics.

CNBC All your governors shut down all your retail stores for over 2 months and now everyone is shocked that Amazon made a fortune......

CNBC That is why I don’t buy online products! I support locals and go personally to get thing that I really need!

CNBC Yeah because they were allowed to stay open when they shut everything else down Walmart Amazon so fucking unfairAnd this was the Democrats plan

CNBC Anyone remember the The Giving Pledge? You think any of them will start making good on that non-binding pledge? Pfff


CNBC 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

CNBC 🤬🤬🤬

CNBC Socialism for the rich, cold hard capitalism for everyone else.

CNBC An 0 Taxes pay ... an just to add to the insult he has Donated 0 to anyone ...

CNBC Perhaps they bought the politicians.

CNBC To be fair they dropped by billions in early march and February.

CNBC Bezos is a greedy unsympathetic man whose fortune makes up for his shortcoming as a man and human

CNBC And people making min wage are being sent back to work with no paid health care. American society has failed morally.

CNBC oh look its the Trillionator🤣

CNBC But... But... I thought that we were all in this together? Apparently not... SMH

CNBC Now give all ur employees a bonus!

CNBC Under Trump's Presidency, the rich keep getting richer and everyone else needs a bailout or new job. That's how the Trump economy works.

CNBC Oh good. I was so worried about how they were surviving. Now I can sleep. 🤦🏻

CNBC Trump pumped them full of money so they could pump it back into Wall St.

CNBC Only because you bought their stocks dummies

CNBC Always easier to blame other people rather than yourself for not being successful!

CNBC I wonder how many people complaining on here used Amazon in the last 2 months?🤔

CNBC And Bezos fired the people who wanted better working conditions. What a dick.

CNBC Rich get richer and poor get poorer smh 🤦‍♂️

CNBC And McConnell is crying about unemployment benefits adding $600 to its stimulus benefits.

CNBC And bezos still charges online Washington Post Newspaper even in this trying times

CNBC I’m so glad for them.....😏

CNBC This is sick, staff going w/o PPE, Medical, pensions & Billionaires & mitchthebitch think people can live comfortably on $15-20/hr. Didn’t Bezos withdraw health insurance for 1200 employees last year? This group could supply education & health insurance to every kid in the US

CNBC Conveniently the stock market bottomed out in mid March. If your net worth hasn't risen considerably since then, you are doing something wrong.

CNBC Well how nice for them…

CNBC This is the United States of America. These are the values that it holds true. Money money money! The god of the United States of America is money. Truth All will perish.

CNBC Working on my plan to forget the 9-5 routine. Never enough rewards.

jesselder20 CNBC Something starting to stink to high heaven here.

CNBC Wow who did they help

CNBC We build this system to benefit them. If you're wondering how this happened, or who's to blame, look in the mirror and thank Republicans.

CNBC Fuck rich people

damn if only there was some way to take that money and use it for stuff that everyone would benefit from, instead of it all going to only a few people🤔

CNBC This is so discusting

CNBC yea gover,ent helped everone but real joe when they are getting trilions all we got is $1200 sitimilus thats it as a hush money meanwhile they got all trillions divided between them

CNBC Clearly they needed those tax cuts. And they definitely need those payroll taxes cut. How else are they going to pay for their mortgageS

CNBC Navajo Nation is Desperate for help! JeffBezos

CNBC Thanks for pointing out how liberal democrat billionaires are profiting from the DEM-PANIC lock down.

CNBC He's going to be a trillionaire by this time next year if this bullshit keeps up. He can speed that up by selling covid tests to the govt on prime.

CNBC Pleb desperation and despair has always been hugely profitable for the oligarch class and it always will be.


CNBC Mm.. Okay.


CNBC This Dem PANIC is Making them Rich and Every one else Poor

CNBC How does this happen? 🙄😊

Hey taxpayers how does that feel? WeAreBeingRobbed


CNBC Just glad we could all chip in to help them out. I know they've been hit hard by all this.

CNBC that man doesn't look like a billionaire, imagine being this out of touch

UKDemockery That’s the spirit!!

CNBC Are you better off now than you were four years ago?

CNBC Unbelievable

Hahahhaha crazy how much their wealth is growing during the pandemic** **when you start your math immediately following the market crash

About value they offered

This is literally fake news. CNBCis garbage.

I didn’t eat every day 😁😁

Proof? Doubt it.


Ya because you closed down all their competition.

Eat every last one of them

We need a vaccine to cure some of these billionaires of greed, insecurity and callousness. Bozo is at the top of the list.

World is fucked up

We need stricter anti-trust laws.

American billionaires got $434 billion richer during the pandemic *So far* The Pandemic isn't over even if America doesn't quite understand that

It would be nice To make a catapult That can launch certain people Into the sun

Fucking joke of a headline


Good on them!

TrickleDown 3.0 on Steroids.....

Rich always getting Richer Richie Rich

This world is shit

Time to tax them out of existence

Did they buy all the ground beef and resell it for $10/pound? It jumped like 1000% because of the pandemic

you can thank the lockdowns for that. greatest wealthshift - small businesses close, big stay open. criminal.

Wow great logic... The people who got rich is Bezos and Zuckerberg.... The guy who runs a giant onlone shop with mail delivery service and the guy who runs a massive social media website. The two things people have had time to do during this lockdown.

Well this made my day. I'm happy for them. 😡😡😡

can’t wait for the trickle down😃


QE is the mechanism by which the oligarchs continue to profit, the FED can give Main Street all it wants, no matter what it will funnel to the top 5%.

CNBC should be ashamed of this misleading clickbait. Here is the S&P: Jan 1: 3,230 (New year) Feb. 20 : 3,380 (peak) Mar 19: 2,436 May 18: 2,923 (Close) CNBC Ignored the initial 944-point fall (mostly pandemic), and counted only the 487-point rebound when calculating wealth.

Time to buy PPE and send them to every hospital in this country bitches. That’s blood money.

I think you owe a correction, you found one billionaire who got richer. The majority got poorer. But, meh facts, right?

That’s really not surprising to anyone with a brain... Most of these billionaires are the ones that run businesses that sell things people deem essential.

Incredibly stupid and misleading headline 😂. After economy crashed (and measured from that as a starting point), I got richer during the pandemic, too!

People allowed to comment: Those that have spent hours upon hours, days upon days, possibly every waking moment working for something hard and finally attaining it. Unless you work 16 hour days, don't comment. (Disclaimer: I work that much and love it!)

Shame on him for not helping others.

He may be rich but Bezos still can't afford hair or sleeves, apparently.

They should give all that money back to struggling small businesses and Jeff Besos should help save USPS afterall he benefits the most from them. And notice but all these people are Trump's friends. Cronyism

Now do how much richer members of Congress got during crisis!

Wow. Did not realize the stock markets were up this year! Just goes to show that despite our current problems, Americans have great optimism going forward. I share that optimism.

Wow, we haven’t seen these levels of inequality since just before the French Revolution! Don’t worry your little heads about that last bit, I’m sure it will end up just fine this time!

And my daughter can’t get her unemployment. This disgusts me.

Thanks federalreserve

Do they want revolution? Because this is how revolutions start.

Greed is a Disease (So is Poverty)

I was really worried for a sec about congress being on the wrong side of this market. Glad they were able to help are choosen’s out.


I really hate the media All they do these days, it seems, is foment discord among groups (be it race, class, gender, politics, etc) by using misleading reporting/ headlines This 'gain' occurred after a HUGE LOSS. This gain is measured from the bottom of the market. LAME

Not surprising in the slightest, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer! IMHO some profits should go back to the health services, and charities to support the people most in need.

this is so terribly false what garbage

TwitZanne I always feel stuck with my feelings about this and want to boycott these millionaires companies, but in the end aren’t we punishing the workers who need jobs? What is your approach on this?

That alone would cover a $1320 stimulus check for every person in America.

Cherry pick a time span and here’s what you get. Stupid clickbait.

Cus that's what they need, more money

cclovephd No surprise...

How does this benefit the working class & before you say they will hire more/ more wages. For prospective minimum wage hasn't moved in more than10 years & starting pay at $13 or $15 an hour is a joke given the cost of living doesn't match that & higher education not helping.


Our Federal Reserve at work


asemota What prayer do you pray JeffBezos do you have an autobiography? Please help me. I need the knowledge only.

Nice job Fed! Keynseanism is socialism for billionaires.

thinking about murdering all billionaires...

Nothing wrong with billionaires making money, but why does near-trillionaire Bezos still get a break on postage? Let him and Amazon customers pay the going rate for deliveries, and save the Post Office AND bricks and mortar retail at the same time! Shop online, but pay your way!

lehimesa It’s mind blowing how much good he could do in the world and doesn’t.......

Although the times are different. However, if you read Dickens' 'Tale of Two Cities' again. All strata of society need a balance before it is too late.

So Bezos made 22% during this period? Um, anyone in the market has made that, regardless of how much their worth.

Which kain soap all these people dey use

That’s the fucking greedy Republican way!!! Elect a moron that is used for a puppet that they all suck money from because he is too ignorant to catch on that they are just using him.

That's the whole idea behind this fake Pandemic, make Zionists richer and poor poorest

This is fucked up

Yes, it’s a wonderful life.


Follow the money 💰

I've already stopped using Amazon and you should too.


I am no Conservative by any metric. It appears galling that the Rich got Richer, and in consequence-everyone feels that they should be more philanthropic with their money. I don’t!Necessarily agree that they should be generous, but the GOVT DOESN’T have to give them tax breaks.

Sheesh! It's called dollar cost averaging, anyone can participate.



World liquidity problem 1


Good for them



As if Bezos is the only billionair.. Ridiculous to have him on the cover of this story. Hope he will move Amazon to a more friendly country.

It’s because they stopped going to Starbucks and eating avocado toast

CNBC is feeding into the populist left’s energy. Why? Who would win from a populist uprising? Why the billionaires of course.

What a joke of an article. This is the socialist way to say: 'The stock market rose $434 billion from the steep decline in Mid-March due to COVID.' This money didn't show up in their bank accounts. This is stock values returning to Jan 2020 levels. Nothing More.

Yep, making their $ work for them-compound interest, ETF, investment in new sectors/start ups, oil & gas holdings-people bitch about “taxes” we’ll that’s because much of their value is in stocks/investments & not wage income-the top 11 richest billionaires are all self made-

We need to stop whining and just work 8 million times harder, guys it’s ok we can do this

EmmaKennedy Got is the correct verb.

Shocking and strange. How people can get pleasure/ benefit from others pain

And they’re still wearing those stupid vests

JoeBiden Put Elizabeth Warren to work handling this, PLEASE!!!

Inb4 'tHeY eArNeD iT' chuds

And sit there with money waiting to pick off RE that will go underwater, funnel into crooked derivatives, short the market, create PE funds and REITS to suck off quality care for Nursing Homes, schools, pay little tax, eat Wagyu Beef, buy yachts animalsaregreat humans kag

It’s incredibly misleading to state ‘during the pandemic’ and yet starting the clock at the bottom of the market. And yet, I clicked. You won.

You forgot to mention how much poorer they got first in March

Yeah, billionaires can continue to profit & do well even when the economy is in the toilet. Because they system is slanted in their favor.

And $1200 was supposed to last us 10 weeks


Silver_Watchdog He bought bitcoin, gg.

Fake news Derek haha

The emperor has no clothes

Weird. The retail platform that allows you to buy things without human contact actually made money. If you don't like these people making gobs of money, stop using using their products.

Times in crisis. Making money 💰 and profits 📈 is important 👌

'But they earned that money' scream the bootlickers who will never see half that amount in their life. Disgustin.

Tax the rich

Sad truth is that the ultra rich don't even need 40 MILLION jobs to gain 434 BILLION DOLLARS ... Capitalism works as intended for a tiny group of vampires.

While 36 million people lost their jobs. TaxTheRich

So his rate during these two months is close to $1 billion/hr.

The American dream is quite injust.

Sure, maybe some of the billionaires got richer by providing important goods and services, but did they provide $434,000,000,000 worth of goods and services?

Wealth inequality was already unsustainable before the pandemic ... but some wealthy folks are profiting from the pandemic. I don't understand why everyone blessed with great wealth isn't looking to give...considering they're going to make it back in market gains.

How is it they are still deliberating on passing the Heroes Act? $1200 might cancel peoples incentive to go to work Seriously What is this 1950? Does milk cost 80cents a gallon? MitchMcConnell mitchplease what is happening in our government right now?

Damn Rich always get richer while the little guy gets CRUSHED

I'm so sick of this crap

While millions upon millions of people lost their jobs, and some haven't received unemployment benefits. Some even haven't received the stimulus check. It's sickening.

There should be plenty of tax revenue to help those in need then

But let’s not burden the 1% with any more taxes, right GOP, SenateGOP HouseGOP ?

I don't understand why people are mad? Amazon is doing wonders for everyone and everyone uses it. It's great for everyone involved...he's deserved every nickle of that net worth.

Wealth tax now

GerardAraud Ils peuvent me faire un don de 50 millions je vais pas dire non 😂😂😂😂

Clickbait for morons.

I’m going to bet that’s a lie.

It's not like the fucking pandemic is over

Who’s fault is it ? The rich or the poor ? Who cannot live whiteout Facebook or amazon ? EconomicCrisis


And they got huge tax cuts...big, fucking, shock.

Well, at least we got a one-time check to cover a tiny fraction of our bills...

hawgcaller If I was a Billionaire in America today I’d be very fucking Scared !!!


Big surprise. All this money spent by congress went right in to the rich people's pockets while our debt ballons. Thanks for my $1200 assholes.

can i have some

hawgcaller Corporate Greed is Revolution’s Seed ....We’re comin For U Motherfuckers & we won’t be fooled again Slimeballs !!! VoteBlueSweepForChange

Like always use to be during any type of crisis...

greta Good for them!

So, the pandemic is over? That being said, I've made more money during the pandemic too. Nothing like them but I have more in the bank.

That's nice

Not enough, how can they survive?

Weird how that happened and when it happened. It's almost like all this shit was planned by well connected politicians and business leaders to screw over the public and benefit from it while destroying privacy. And you assholes went along.

Chris11962 Just the democrats taking care of their own.

What you don’t understand (you should though with your Economics degree) is that the economy and the stock market are not the same. The investment world is all about the future and the economy is about now. Evidently the future looks good if your numbers are true.

Rich getting richer while the working class lose almost 40 million jobs?

Nice! Good for them! Get some!

Question: what is causing it, and what can be done about it. And don't say 'socialism' or 'get Trump out of office.' I mean how was this a result of the pandemic, and what could have specifically been done to avoid it?

walegates Jerome Powell's market interventions...

Guess what, billionaires. If all of us little people are dead or broke, there won't be anyone to buy your stuff.

While sending their surfs to their deaths.

ma_leclair RunWinnipeg phew

If anyone says what I think they're saying, here.

Overused gifs, GO!

Wealth disparities must be resolved, but this headline lacks important context. Measuring from the bottom of the 2020 crash intentionally fails to convey the losses that preceded the recent gains. An article on cont'd income disparities between CEOs & workers would be welcome IMO

Bloody money. Most of the people suffering and he’s getting richer. He should do ware every penny he made during covid-19.

benphillips76 So far. The pandemic has barely begun



NaomiAKlein TariqAHaddad wot a joke

You started the comparison at essentially the bottom of the market to create the appearance of a gain. Utterly misleading. Exactly what we’ve come to expect from an NBC property.

they need another tax cut, the system is working great

NaomiAKlein ..aaaand CNBC is part of the problem!🤣🤣🤣

Why is it wrong for Bezos to become rich from starting a business, but it's OK for Pelosi to become a multi-millionaire off tax payer money Liberals have 101 reasons why it's OK for them to be corrupt.

raehanbobby Brilliant !!! I think most of us have forgotten how economics work, in order for you to gain, someone must lose, in this case an estimated 450,000,000 unemployed people lost and the rich gained bountifully.


greta Check the list of those billionaires..i bet most are Dems Zuckerberg Bezos Buffet Etc

greta WELL people had to buy the things they needed from someone

greta Be a patriot and save USPS.

Ffs no windfall tax on that shit. They earned it💩


And CNBC enabled all of it

I hear guillotine blades sharpening

Yet the school districts around the country are woefully awaiting next year's drastic budget cuts... Our kids will pay the price more ways than one.

At everyone else's expense

Federal reserve balance sheet up by few trillions so gotta go somewhere😂

TylerIAm Almost like an economic system that allows such drastic income inequality is bad or something

Remember you voted for this

Is almost like they’re smart enough to make money in any environment.

hubertsmeets True or false, I don’t care. $20.000.000 for the work & the challenge; & the rest to a MAGA-FUND for education, healthcare, prevention & the Chinese Challenge🦉🦉🦉🎩🎩🎩

Yet.. MITCH McConnel told Women and Children to Starve while tha GOP Senate goes on'VACAY'!!!!!

girishkuber you were right about pandemic and it’s effects!

And feck every greedy one of the lot. Bezos does NOTHING for his employees. Get back to work, plebs!

NaomiAKlein Americans are subservient, complacent & never Boycott. They accept their government's corruption & violence. Allow Bezos to become a trillionaire while most starve. Americans remain cowardice accomplices. They haven't even considered to stand up to Democrats & Repubs. Pathetic

To be fair, the system allows billionaires to continue to make amazing amounts of money just by continuing to breathe.

Especially the ones who had inside info and a connection to Jared Kushner.


I mean you can have a discussion on increasing taxes on the rich and also acknowledge that it’s not some surprise that the founder of a company that derives a lot of its value from delivering packages and it’s cloud computing business got richer with the entire country at home.

You can thank SpeakerPelosi for that. Our government is pure evil. To its core.

But $1200 was more than enough for us, right?

Eat the richhhh

Thom1st far

Trump regime: We gave billionaires a fuckload of money. Bot accounts: Awesome! They need it. India and Nigerian accounts: Yes! It’ll trickle! Uneducated voters: The billionaires NEED it. It’ll trickle. Most Americans:

I ordered from amazon once or twice a week since lockdown of course he’s going to make money. Another stupid statement

FoxNews cnn realDonaldTrump Jeopardy: What is $2 trillions?

DylanStrain Just unimaginable numbers.

I helped!! 😂

Billionaires shouldn't exist.

Because of course they did.

Meanwhile working class people are being evicted of their homes. Capitalism doesn't reward the workers, it rewards the leeches of society.

JasonLaCanfora This is the biggest FAKE NEWS I have ever read. This literally pisses me the hell of. Liberals at their freaking best. March 18-May 19? Are you serious? March 18 is when almost all stocks were at their low. There were stocks at lows we haven’t seen in a decade. Most didn’t profit

And he pays NO TAXES to the very Country that provides that obscene wealth. Something is wrong! 😠

If they got 434 B that means it came from someone else pockets. I wonder what group lost 434 B?

So ehat you're saying is that it is the perfect time to rob and murder them to distribute the riches among the poor?

how much did they lose between mid Feb and mid March? Cherry picking the dates doesn't show anything of value

NaomiAKlein It’s because they work harder

This is obscene.

Can you come and put a roof on my house?

NaomiAKlein This includes your president and his family, i presume?

Stab them to death

did someone expect less of capitalism?

Nice job demorats! Straight red ticket America 2020

It's the Republican way. They want us to be barely treading water while they real the profits from our labors. This has been the party line since this SCHMUCK was elected.


Yet the Walton family (Walmart) and Jeff Bezos (Amazon) pay their employees crap wages. Some of their employees have died while making them even richer.

And as long as Bezos can bring you anything you want right to your door, you're NEVER getting mad enough to take to the streets to protest it.

If you count a dollar a second, it would take 31.71 years to count $1 billion dollars. We’ve got to restructure our tax rates, and insist that every worker be paid a living wage. Enough of the failed trickle-down theory. It’s been an abject failure!

But, We the People got $1200! Which will later be deducted from our Tax Returns...👍😒


Eat. The. Rich.

NastyMindy Wow ! That's good news for Trickle Down Theorists !

Every day it's one more assault on the psyche. I'm in a dark place today . trump has surrounded himself with sycophants in all areas that protect him no matter what. The fact that so many in the government are corrupt means that it is everywhere. It's so disappointing.

Nothing like profiting over the death of over 91,000 Americans in economy shut down in the price gouging it went on. It’s shameful but this is typical of a GOP run government which money over people is there doctrine!

Good for him!! Amazon

And the Pandemic's still Raging !

Thank god! Now I can sleep again 🐂💩

joshtpm Why does every picture of Bezos look like he taunting us to try and do something about it?

And look at this Obama will be the first ex president to be a billionaire - the ruling class is prospering off of our suffering and it’s repulsive

Reminder to everyone that’s mad about people making more money than you: you probably gave these people the money that they made in return for something (product/service). So if you don’t want them making money, then stop using Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, etc.

Why is Soros never mentioned in these articles ?

SFBlueWavez I don’t shop Amazon, so it wasn’t me that helped him along.

Satan's bookkeepers at the FED have always helped the rich. Look at the wealth gap. They retirement fund Ponzi scheme has made so many billionaires with money from hard working people's contributions that won't be returning to them as the billions will never give it back.

This is based on printing toilet paper‼️

EmmaKennedy Donate to your health staff and pay your taxes.

Can I get some help with rent

Hmm, I guess they deserve it

Not a surprise. The bailout bills shovelled trillions from public coffers to corporations but gave individuals, hospitals and states crumbs.



lherrero Instead of protesting to reopen the economy at the expense of minimum wage employees, where are the protests to demand billionaires put money back into the economy? It's not like they're going to stop being billionaires by giving back. Disproportionate wealth

Holy cow. Just how much money do these people need? What's the point, when they can already afford their heart's desire, whatever that may be.

Wow must be nice.. we can have all these billionaires and spend trillions on the military but not more in healthcare/education 👎🏼

Click bait headline

What's your point?

Yup, sounds about right. Largest transfer of wealth in US History is underway

Cherry picking data, but I get the point of the headline. Some of them are still down for the year. Bezos and the rest. can't just go ahead and liquidate all their shares, it would tank the share price. If you are so sure they will keep getting richer, buy some stock.

This is the kind of story that ruins my day.

Seems like no matter what happens, the government is going to make sure this handful of billionaires gets richer. And that's basically the only thing they do.

I used to not mind millionaires and even billionaires. But when I learn they are rich through cheating and different rules than average folk I begin my descent into rage over their excess!

chefdeals Something smells fishy

That’s equivalent to giving $1,350 to every US citizen.

rbclips cool cool cool

I can’t even fathom ...

Stupid article! Everyone who owned stocks witnessed a similar rise in their portfolio. Bezos and Zuckerberf built products that do well in a wfh scenario so they did even better. Good for them. What job did you create in the last 25 years of your existence? Stupid socialist!

🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Oh beautiful.. for spacious redistribution of wealth from the poor and working class to the billionaires. Just like Jesus, and the Founding Fathers, wanted.

Of course they did. Americans need to ask themselves who billionaires like Bezos vote for. Hint: It’s not Trump.

Everyone is pretending to be Angry on here but they they are the ones making him wealthier when they buy from Amazon

Ummm.... that’s bc people used their products. If you don’t like Amazon....don’t shop on Amazon.

Without these billionaires innovation in delivery people never would’ve gotten their meals, groceries, and shopping done. People wouldn’t have been able to FaceTime their loved ones, or their therapists. Capitalism saved lives. You should be thanking these people.

epitome of disaster capitalism from the ‘Shock Doctrine.’ should read it sometime

Whose money did they get?



DanRiffle But one fake billionaire became a real billionaire and you know who that is.

It's almost like their wealth isn't actually connected to the health of the economy at all!

They don't care if the middle class suffers. Ever.

So what happened to TilmanJFertitta ? whereisTilman billonaire landrysinc

Bezos deserves and earned every penny. There was no floor or foundation, He built his company with soil and a seed of hard work. That’s the American dream!! Entrepreneur sorry mike. belikebezos

Its almost as if when you close businesses and create a panic for going out, it creates an environment where an online delivery business will thrive. In short...government did some shit and you suffered, but this guy didnt. So obviously we have to end capitalism.


Who cares! If anyone can legally capitalize when things are bad, good on them... It’s the American way! Kudos JeffBezos !

Like they did after the 08-09 crisis and the 00 dot com bubble, politicians have been turning a blind eye for a long time

Economic collapses are always buying opportunities for the ultra-wealthy. After each recession more and more wealth becomes concentrated in fewer hands.

Plutocrats: 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it.'

Very cool

This is grossly dishonest. Like everyone else in the stock market, they lost a lot of money from mid-February to mid-March, then the market rebounded so they made back about half of their losses from mid-March to now. They're still down for the year to date. (Here's the Dow.)

Sammyj51228208 Don’t you get it you dolt, they are scamming rubes like you for votes to keep their billions

andyinTOONT Hey, why dont you use a pic of the walmart family. Atleast Bezos gave 4 billion? To covid relief. What did walmart do? Or the grocery chains?


Eat the rich

they deserve it!!!

yes but what they ll do with that money if the world ended :) :) . pathetic masonic folks

Except Trump, haha

They literally deserve death more than that money. how long till y’all realize capitalism is a joke

But, but - bIlLiOnAiReS wAnT tO oPeN tHe cOuNtRy bAcK uP

Now, divide that by the 40 million of us had our jobs taken from us and dole it out.

Thats why the stock market is rising while 20% is unemployed. And that's why socialism is on the rise. The ghouls on walls street just don't get it. Its not gonna end well.

They truly are just better than the rest of us.

GoughTeaches 🎶...from sea to shining sea🎶

And the poor and working classes are dying. Wake up, stand up, and fight back everyone ... our elections are being stolen, and the oligarchs will be the only ones left standing. ElectionFraud VoterSuppression CorporateOligarchy BernieReallyWon

Now risk your life and get back to work so they can concentrate even more capital and acquire every distressed small business asset for themselves.

CUPCAKEWILLIAM6 And paid no taxes?


CUPCAKEWILLIAM6 $1Trillionaire 🤮

Time to skin the hump of the Trump!

I suspect those bitching don't really get how markets work. FYI more money = bigger gains and bigger losses.

And AOC owes taxes! Apparently the rules don’t apply to her

Eat the rich


Disgusting country TaxTheRich BillionairesShouldNotExist


arash_tehran how even its possible ?where that money come from? is he has a money printer?

This is really pathetic

Ask your buddy SenFeinstein too ‼️You should support ma & pa businesses but you don’t you just want people dependent on Government ‼️People need to have purpose ‼️Receiving Handouts does not build self esteem ‼️You want to weaken people ‼️AOCSocialism

While there's mass hunger and unemployment across the country. Overthrow capitalism. CapitalismKills

Time for them to pay back that tax scam cut.

SpeakerPelosi SenSchumer ewarren HouseDemocrats BernieSanders

America is soon going to be the home of the Trillionaires

Ocazio, I totally cant tell what’s happening because its like two things at once it seems. I mean subliminal messages sent among other things potentially. I mean... wait let me see if I can find your Instagram again.

White supremacist oligarchs, you mean.

Well ya, the pandemic has hurt small businesses by far the most while major companies have been the only reliable source of supplies and food. The bailout should've focused nearly entirely on small businesses.

and it’s not even over yet... eattherich

I’m sure it’s because they worked a billion times harder than any worker they employ.

Amazon created 100,000 jobs while other companies were furloughing and laying off employees.

Booo him for making something we all love. Boooooo

Yeah if you don’t count the money they lost before mid March due to the market falling bc of pandemic concerns, sure.

What do you do with $1 billion?


Pieniądz nie śpi


'We're in this together.' —DNC, GOP, corporations

the system is working as intended

34+ million unemployed and MoscowMitch and the Republicans think the 1,200 dollars you got is enough for you to survive. Meanwhile billionaires are doing great, as usual.

Fed, powell and trump can be proud

Eugene_Scott Organize.

this is certainly a sustainable and just system

They stole $434 billion

Eugene_Scott 'got' richer? I wasn't aware the Pandemic was over...

TeresaMac2009 WhyImMadAsHell

That's do disgusting.

I heard soon Bezos will be a trillionaire & I'm sure they would all like to thank Trump for his TaxScam TrumpTaxScam for his contribution. Obama TRIED 2 end the BushTaxCuts AKA TrickleDownEconomics but Republicans controlled Congress & Senate. VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

is there a hedge for a revolution?

It's called investing in stocks, for example. Something we all can do.

Mission accomplished!


What did you expect! They’re going to be better afterwards also! peoplenotcorporations

One could send out 361,666,666 stimulus checks with that money

JasonLaCanfora Amazon is best thing to own during this... i used it.

If I had one wish… it would be for the people who don’t support a wealth tax, taxing corporations, or universal programs to be the ones most severely impacted by the pandemic.

Have we agreed to eat them yet orrrrr?

So far - give it time and they can make it to 1 trillion

Where there is a crises an opportunity arises Chinese proverb TheCEOMagZim MiltonKamwendo TrevorNcube

You don't have to buy their products

Hey all you MAGA folks! How does this compare to your lot in Coronoaville? M aking A mericans G rovel A gain MAGA2020

The natural question to ask is got ripped off? And don’t try to tell me that’s not a zero sum game. Please. Who will pay for the splash? People, wake up!!

Billionaire bootlickers are in full force

Capitalists will steal, manipulate, lie, cut corners, cheat the workers, poison our waters, destroy our lands. This is the reason why we need regulations. The American people's government needs to set rules and charge reasonable taxes to these corporations. We need protection!


Oh no! Better bail them out.

Crazy that vampires are thriving during a plague!

We're going to take it all back.


Meanwhile over 95,000 people have died because we 'can't afford' mass testing, PPE, and medical equipment. The need for socialism has never been more clear!

JasonLaCanfora I say good for them!

With Every Recession Socialism for the Rich Gains More and More Traction in Land that’s Desperate to Return to a Beloved Era of Feudalism Where All Peasants are Indebted to their Landlords and Feel Grateful for their Servitude

Great job!

Broil and consume their flesh so that they may earn their value.

JStein_WaPo Bottom 50% got 3% of the gains in wealth during Trump Administration, through Q4 2019 (pre-crisis).

Wow, so glad they’re finally getting the value they deserve during these trying times.


joshtpm Tax them

Thanks to the party they bought.

fed save them


joshtpm And I'm sure they're quite happy with that. Remember the French revolution billionaires? I hope you do, 'let them eat cake' didn't work for very long.

What a loaded headline to drive a stupid narrative. Their wealth is tied to the stock price and the government systems are continually pumping it up. Let’s see what you report next quarter when earnings look worst as it contains the bulk of the shutdowns.

they earned it ;P

SusanSchorn But giving regular people $1,200 is tooo much because it might make them lazy.

Close all small and retail store, keep open Walmart and Amazon, anyone surprised?

JordanMiller406 In before 'quit complaining' as Americans continue to lose their jobs, their housing and even their lives.

JStein_WaPo Trump's mission accomplished.

JStein_WaPo Yeah, well I got a grade A education on our ancient alien overlords from youtube during the pandemic. You decide who the real winner is.

And corporate media made sure this robbery of the working class continues by demonizing Bernie Sanders


Thanks to the Federal Reserve! They have no idea the consequences of breaking the markets like this

Time to guillotine these greedy fucks that refuse to make one or give up any amount of their obscene wealth to help the working class

Your Pain is Their Reward... Strange how they don't even give back 1%.

Hope you all enjoyed your one-time payment of $1,200! EatTheRich

joshtpm Such trickle down, such supply side economics.. You guys enabled all this


Y'all keep reminding us every other day 😴😪💤

Those are clone accounts trust me lol I see my 📡📡sending me screenshots ahhaha

Time for chippity choppity

joshtpm They're rich, because their first thought is never, 'How can I help?', it's always, 'How can I make money from this?'

YESSSSSSSS!!!!!! Got my mouth wide open all the way down here waiting for some of that trickle down economics to hit my parched lips. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you as always my lords.

Kehne ka matalab ki kutta bhaukte rahe aap apne manjil ke taraf badate raho you are right thinking ,,,,,,

Wow I am a big fan

cc SenSanders SenWarren


Steve Burke and Jeff Shell should be first in line to have their tax rates increased to 70%...

This is sick. The FED knows what they’re doing. It’s just sick.

pdacosta Thanks to CNBC's endless hype machine.

Les riches sont de plus en plus riches, et les pauvres, de plus en plus pauvres

Not that I'm siding with the billionaires, but this is cherry picking the data points.. Mid-March was the current bottom so this is only reflecting the recovery since. How about including how much they lost to-date from the high on Feb 20?

Thanks Fed

Bezos is such a douche.

FED QE for the win!!!!!

That seems about right. People work 2 or 3 jobs to feed their families. And the government, who by the way work for US, dick around and argue about how much money they think we deserve. Keep them busy keep them poor, right?

Thanks to the FED which means taxpayers money being thrown at the stock market. Capitalism is dead. Welcome to socialism. I’m a republican and I I’m not voting for realDonaldTrump or any fake republican who is pro bailouts.


chenweihua insanity

And what do they give back to their employees? Any bonuses or gifts. The employees made the money after all, keeping up with demand.

Because the Fed is flooding the system with $$ and there’s nowhere to put the $$ and earn a return, so it goes to the stock market. It’s not rocket science.

So.....governors and mayors became dictators. Governors and mayors destroyed millions of businesses and lives.

JeffBezos is making billions by the day and will only get richer with all the small business being forced out of business now amazon sure hope he supports your kids ball team next year

“Bring us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses......”

I'm sorry, I still like living in a country where someone who is not a ruler or politician can become mega-wealthy.

I hope they do something good to the world as return.

and i am invested in those guys so i made money too!

Need to start blaming government and not people who provide needed goods and services

MSM sowing discontent


...on paper.

earlier today - stock manipulator's CNBC trashed Dr. Fauci

Thanks to their ingenuity and services they provide. Good for them!

You sure not TRILLION ?

No surprise.

Not from me. I canceled all my Amazon wholefoods, audible related things due to the treatment of employees. I won’t spend money on people who care so little about others if I can help it.


the pandemic is not over yet!!!

who cares? They provided goods no one else was able to

Funny how their pockets seem to have gotten deeper at the same time that the needs of the masses have increased.

So what?

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