All The Artists Who Have Told Trump To Stop Using Their Songs At His Rallies

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Here are all the artists who have told Trump to stop using their songs at his rallies: by AndrewSolender

succeeded in getting Twitter to remove a manipulated version of the music video for their song ‘Photograph,’ tweeted by Trump, which attempted to tie former Vice President Joe Biden to a Ukrainian gas executive.claimed that Trump “confirmed a year ago that the campaign would not use Prince’s music” and said they would “never give permission to President Trump to use Prince’s songs,” after he played ‘Purple Rain’ at a rally in Minneapolis.

said in a statement that they are working with music rights company BMI to stop Trump from playing their songs at his rally after he played ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’ at his rally in Tulsa, adding that BMI has “notified the Trump campaign on behalf of the Stones that the unauthorized use of their songs will constitute a breach of its licensing agreement,” and that if he continues to use their music, “he would face a lawsuit for breaking the embargo and playing music that has not been...


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AndrewSolender So none of them actually did anything about it? They persistently warned him not to use their music but didn't do anything further when he ignored them and continued to use it again and again? Good PR for them in the meantime

AndrewSolender It would be funny if the people just played the songs on their phone at the same time

AndrewSolender Who cares there are plenty of them that would love it. What do you play at Joe's China I love thee

AndrewSolender They should take them in their building and listen to them bustards, if music you don't want people to listen to keep it private

RoArquette AndrewSolender ThankYou

AndrewSolender Should it not be the highest honour that the most powerful man in the world wants to use your music.

AndrewSolender Yes take legal action ,the nerve of him ,he just thinks he can walk all over everybody and walk away ,and there just going to have to deal with it ,like he is in office acts like nothing happen

AndrewSolender LIBERAL MEDIA--who knew?

AndrewSolender potus ‘Angel of Death’ is a perfect song for your campaign. DonaldJTrumpJr realDonaldTrump EricTrump LaraLeaTrump IvankaTrump jaredkushner FLOTUS MELANIATRUMP senatemajldr GOPChairwoman GOPLeader GOP SenateGOP HouseGOP Mike_Pence VP TeamTrump Trump2020Khan

AndrewSolender Good quality article ScumMedia

AndrewSolender My rose has ripened

AndrewSolender Probably easier to list the ones he can still play: Ted Nugent Kid Rock Hank Williams Jr. Kanye West These Guys:

RoArquette AndrewSolender How can someone who is ignorant of the laws be in charge of enforcing the OOOOOOOOOOOOOH. DefundThePolice

AndrewSolender You would think a law and order President would obey their cease and desist letters

AndrewSolender Give us a list of those who allowed their music to be played. I bet it’d be a lot shorter

RoArquette AndrewSolender

AndrewSolender It would have been easier to just write the list of those who did. None, right?

AndrewSolender Ahhh this Tom Petty

AndrewSolender He's ignored all of them

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