Alabama House passes bill that would make abortion a felony

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The Alabama House passes a bill that, if signed into law, would make abortion a Class A felony, which carries a maximum prison sentence of 99 years

HB 314, which passed the GOP-controlled House on Tuesday in a 74-3 vote, would make abortion a Class A felony, which carries a maximum prison sentence of 99 years, and attempted abortion a Class C felony, which holds a sentence of up to 10 years in prison. All Republicans voted in favor of the bill, except for two who didn't vote. Nearly all Democratic House members chose not to vote, walking out of the House chamber in protest. Republican state Rep.

A companion bill, SB 211, was introduced in the Senate last month, but committee action on the bill is still pending.Senate President Pro Tempore Del Marsh, who is a Republican, said last week that he's always held the"position on any pro-life bill that you have to take consideration of rape, incest and the health of the mother," the Montgomery Advertiser reported.

Source: Law Daily Report (


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This is soooo extreme and unjust, I am having trouble realizing that it is real! I must be in a nightmares😢

World would be better off if the mother’s of tRump, criminal GOP and these cornpone hicks had had coathangers handy when they needed them.

🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 BRAVO ALABAMA 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Nancy_inRI Time to freeze all Federal Highway funds, move Federal Courts to surrounding states, and relocate military facilities. SingleIssueVoting Where are the political corruption laws and the increased penalities for violation of the public trust?

No way are they overturning r v w

This is just another form of slavery. Forcing women to have babies, not supplying birth control or welfare after they have the children. Not educating people about sex or birth control. Not prosecuting the men who don’t use birth control nor acknowledging the word NO.

Whoever is trying to pass this bill needs to resign!


How about the US revoke Alabama’s statehood and invite Puerto Rico join become one in its place!!


Very Good! The rights of the unborn Baby are always greater than the rights of the mother NO MATTER WHAT. Make abortion stand Side By side with First degree MURDER.

What about use of condoms and other protective drugs?

Dreadful display of abject stupidity in USA by hideous people pretending to be christians



This is insane!!!

Oh for fucks sake. We need more women in government.

No that's extreme. I'm against abortion but thats too much

And in the case of rape, molestation, or incest...the victim becomes a criminal still? What is the legal system coming to?

I really want to see them enforce that one. They’d have to lock their entire families

All woman should leave the state asap!

Abortion travel :) they will just travel is murder...

It should start with the inpregantnator

We can't go back. We have evolved beyond bringing an unwanted (for a myriad of reasons) into the world. Alabama, you will force females to travel to another state.

Ignorant south

Great I hope they get that law through and put a stop to legalised murder under the guise of Planned Parenthood. Totally immoral,!!

Won’t it get over turned bc roe v wade?

Not one law punishing the men who impregnated the women. Why? Yee haw.

They sure are some nit wits in Government down there. Who still think the internet is 2 foam cups with a string in between!

How about just providing universal vasectomies instead ...


Get ready for a surge of inbreeds 😂😂




SuperMajority Stay out of my uterus!

Furhermucking ridiculous

So tired of the religious right running our country. Aren't we supposed to have separation of church and state Start putting men to death for an unwanted pregnancy and see what happens.

well at least he acknowledges they are killing them


The law only applies to doctors that are performing the abortions, not to the women.

Who is going to take care of these babies after their born? It should be the decision of the woman what she does to her body. No man is going to be penalized for an unwanted pregnancy. What about rape or incest make her bear the burden? Can back alley abortions again sad


This bill and the NY and VA bills are examples of stupid divisive policies. 500gms is viability fools. This is good place for reason to draw a line in the sand accept in the case of a mother’s life.

invshammond The male that helps create that pregnancy should join her then. This is like the feckin dark ages. sadtimes

IngramEpps Sharia law comes to America.

Yeah. Until the wife or daughter of a legislator from Alabama is raped, incested, pregnant with life threatening preeclampsia or cancer. Then they'll want one for her and she will not have that available without getting 99 years in prison.

Backwards 3rd world

Why do the sensible people of Alabama vote these religious zealots into office? All women should leave Alabama leaving behind a bunch of wankers

What you think is going to happen people going to go to other states


Abortion is a felony, good for Alabama House

I’m opening an abortion clinic directly over the state line with transportation available for anyone interested

Alabama now considers human life to begin at erection

Abortion is a horrific crime, CNN for once support the unborn from being killed one limb at the time.

What the hell is wrong with US!

I can't believe what I'm reading there is no way this should pass.people better research who they vote for.just going all against your constitutional right...

Sweet Foster Home Alabama

Won’t go into law. I assume Alabama wants to take it to the Supreme Court so they can overturn Roe V Wade. Our bodies, our choice!

Roe V Wade, 1rst amendment, money equals the right to free speech, how much longer before it’s illegal to be a democrat ?

Alabama is the only state out of 50 where any crime is forgivable if you can play the banjo, Steve Martin himself has committed several murders there, after coming off stage he said, “man I killed tonight “.

This is unfortunately what happens when you don’t vote. So to keep people from dying, we are going to have to have two separate countries.

What are they going to do to the fathers?

I love Alabama

Here’s a good article on why Alabama’s Southern Baptist’s support Trump in spite of his extreme immorality, which probably includes him paying for countless abortions!

Good for Alabama it's a free state if people there want it that way so be it.

I cannot believe this lol makes no sense what if they are gunna give birth to the Antichrist that state is messed up

This is a disgrace

I wish the whole USA would do the same thing!

That is so totally wrong!

Shame fight that absolutly

Unless you were given up for adoption and would have been aborted if it were so praises as it is today then your opinion does not matter.. you don’t deserve to be alive anymore than I do.

I hope that Alabama will also pass a law that will cover the cost of raising any child born with severe disabilities or as the result of rape because their mother was forced to give birth to that child I have a better idea make the lawmakers who voted to stop abortions pay for it

Good news!

Its only 50 years for a miscarriage.

Those lawmakers should be locked up in a nuthouse for 99 years.

That’s insane!!

That sounds like the beginning of TheHandmaidsTale 😳😳

Time to buy coat hanger stock

MT wants to kill women. Not sure who will raise the kids, as men have totally declined their responsibility.

But you DO get extra points if you have a DNA match

Second cousins of cousins of COURSE do not count

The Alabama government has also decided that any female who gets her period before age 16 will also be a felonious criminal unless she either owns a gun, or becomes a mother impregnated by a family member

So the cliche dumb Alabama the world knows it's actually true? Hyuck

Sounds like a fair sentence for murder.

Give me a break! What about pregnancy by rape or insest? Do these women have a voice?



Its time we all care enough about women to stop impregnating them with unwanted children. Then they don't need to kill a baby, because there won't be one . Deadbeat dads need to be punished too, not to be allowed to keep impregnating more women. On second offense sterilize men.

My god how archaic!! What's next,burning them at the stake as witches tRump is the Usher of a new dark age.

This is a sad day in America. It is also unbelievable!

This is trumps new America

Should there be a test for remaining a state?

Should be in all states....


Alabama women should withhold sex in protest. That’ll turn it around!

Better start handing out the birth control!!

Then require all these 'PRO LIFERS' to adopt and foster the resulting children.

Bull shit


Must be mega murders there . I say way to go , what’s in a body has a right to life and a right to a voice . So when the babies can speak ask them if they want to die .

So, so wrong. What's wrong with you people in Alabama. This is the 21st century.


There stupid

Just let the south secede already. They don’t contribute shit to anything.

Sweet Home Alabama!!!

The sad part is people actually live in that state.

So let's see, if the pregnancy will cause me to die do I finish the pregnancy and die or die in prison?

If it's knowingly unconstitutional can they not either be stuck with the legal bill or possibly some kind of fraud?

If the abortion is because of a rape meanwhile the rapist either never gets caught or is out in 3 years

Just Alabama Things...

At any term of pregnancy or...?

Cuz Alabama

😳 Kinda speechless here!

Let’s make the man responsible pay entire maternity and birth expenses plus half of expenses for raising this child. If he doesn’t, it’s a class A felony with equal prison time.

Roe V Wade 1970. If it isn't shut down by the Alabama Supreme Court it will be by the Fed.

Ludicrous !!

Stone ages?

Can’t do this. A woman’s body is her own...

As it should be. Murder is Murder

What in the sam hell?

And yet this state gets the same amount of votes in the Senate has 40 million Californians


Another bill that will likely not pass and would quickly get overturned by the supreme Court.

What a bunch of dimwits running that State. Get out of the 1800s and come into today's reality.

to waste time proposing and voting on a bill that will ultimately be overturned in the supreme court its evidence of how broken the system is

are there any women in Alabama that care, if you do, have you spoken up for your rights. unless your okay with others controlling your body.

99 years For impregnating a girl.

Alabama, says it all. What do you get for sleeping with a farm animal.

Does the father go to jail too?

Fake News.

Because priorities

That’s stupid n of course it’s men passing it as to what happens to a woman’s body.

Yea take away a woman's rights. What's next cover them all up there skin is showing. Sad that some parts of the country are going backwards.

Just let all the southern states secede like they wanted. It'd be a lot easier to fix the US if they got lost

Ok I thought I’d had enough “this is insane” moments watch Barr today but this is INSANE!! Tell me how we are protecting women’s healthy and safety again

And what would the punishment be for deadbeat / runaway daddies?

I thought the Supreme Court already ruled on this. Wtf. Once this bill is stuck down by the Supreme Court all of these law makers should go to jail

We’re going backwards

And nothing happens to the guy who impregnated the woman?

Insane....but a white man can RAPE A CHILD and get no prison time

Well, I’m an old lady and I’m not buying a house in Alabama.

Can't take a chance on aborting those potential five star football players.

I’m all for putting baby’s in blenders, I really am, but I’m getting overrun down here by unbaptized babies. All I’m asking is y’all pace yourselves. This is Hell, not a nursery. Thank you for your time and keep up the good work.

... Ps. This will NEVER become law Alabama, there’s a group of people called the SCOTUS and something called Roe vs. Wade.

So who pays for all rape and invest babies to start? Oh yeah... someone’s gonna have to pay for to feed, Medicare, clothing, etc. Oh must be Alabama folks that are ready to fork over tax money for it.


Lol stupid Americans. Sips tea

RIDICULOUS! What about rape? Incest? Free birth control. You old white men should not be telling women how to take care of their health. No more viagra. No more penile implants. No more sex?

Absolutely ridiculous

So do the men who impregnates these women get held responsible also

All life matters!!!

Yet they fully support pedophiles. What a back ass state.

Let pray it gets signed

Same state where a child molester (Roy Moore) is running for the Senate twice and is leading in the polls again. Congrats, Alabama. Thanks for showing the world why you’re the lowest in education.


Unrealistic law in the 21 century.

So they better take care of my baby then!

what about the rapists and pedophiles?



But it should be where if people simply made a mistake and have no resources, then we need to make all parties responsible.

And will they be more strict on the deadbeats to pay for those kids and not make the woman have to keep going to court to get a signed order to enforce from a judge (at a cost) and still not get the money? Im not saying abortion is a form of birth control

No reason to vacation there.

So do both parents go to jail or just the woman?

Go back to taking down statues!

That is not for the mother as is implied by the article. The penalty is for the person punching her.

What’s the penalty for impregnating a woman?

Yea They still marry their own family and produce imbasill's in that state.

I thought Indiana was backwards!

i mean it is killing another person so yeah

Fake news organization

This always happens in southern states, where women have given away their right to self-determination. It must be sad to have so little self respect that they won't stand up for themselves.

Which has an absolute ZERO percent chance of going anywhere.

Oh HELL to the N O, what happens to the father? Im no expert but gals/wemen cant get pregnant alone even if they used 2 or 3 vibrators at a go. They need to make a choice coz the men bend them over en dash

So you'll get life for having an abortion but a man rapes a child and gets probation. You'll get life for an abortion but men murder there wives and get 7 years. You'll get life for abortion and a man only gets 7 years for murdering a child.


This is a joke right?

Not moving to Alabama anytime soon.

WTF, Women now you know the States you are not safe in. Vote these sick bastardized demons out AlabamaPolitics GOP

It's Alabama. They don't know it's the 21st century yet.

So who is gonna raise all those unwanted kids... you know it won’t be the Alabama house


I can't trust cnni cnn Fake news

Then they need to make males getting wo.en pregnant outside of marriage the same!

Boycott and call Geico, Progressive, BMW, AT&T, Otezla, Nutrisystem, NordVPN, Otezla, GOod RX and TMobile who all sponsor CNN and pull your support. The Dem party desperately needs CNN to push their agenda but w/out the $ they hemorrhage. Please share if you did!

Sound like great place to send the magats

Reason 1 billion to never ever ever go to that chithole state

Alabama sure is Pro Life

I hope they pass the same law/punishment for rape!

This begs the question: Wouldn’t we be better off with 49 stars on the flag?

The body belongs to the woman

Alabama has morals, not like Joe Biden!

What happened to Roe v Wade?

Here's a thought stop using abortion as birth control.

See you in court..once again you lose

Most of the Southern states in America are AT LEAST 50 years behind modern thought and technology.

How is this even constitutional?

I foresee a time in the not-too-distant future when America is divided into a few different countries.

Holy fuck🤨

Talibangelicals are taking over. Gilead

What the actual fuck?! We’re regressing in America not progressing!

In other words 'murder'


Gooo Bama...

All cracked in that state

Save those that can’t save themselves!

That’s ridiculous! Abortion should be the woman’s decision. I don’t think it should be used as birth control, but there are many instances that justify this act- if a woman doesn’t want a child of rape or incest for example.

Medieval mentality !

Unfucking believable it’s 2019 people



this is absolutely crazy! only 99 years?


Alabama is doing everything to keep its residents uneducated, without access to healthcare and reproductive services, and now the lawmakers intend to punish its residents.


Is incest still legal in Alabama?

Like a football team calling a timeout with 20 seconds to go, down 28-0.

Wow they must have nothing better to do with their time, with all the things going on in the world today that should be at the bottom of their list... no wait shouldn't be on the list..........

3rd world state.



Alyssa_Milano will not come bless your state anymore! 😂😂😂😂 And thank you. 👏🙏🇺🇲👍

As a Christian, I find this absolutely insane. Christians are called to love and show grace and mercy. We not called to control other lives.

How does the USA keep getting more ridiculous with legislation like this

What's the sentence for cousin lovin 🤣

Yeah, that’ll stand up in court!

For who? The Dr.? The woman? Or both? Typical crappy headline by cnn.

Isn’t Marrying your first, second and third cousin a thing in Alabama too?


They need to make it a felony even if the resident goes elsewhere to have an abortion. To keep rich people frimhaving them too.

What in the world They are going to push things back into the dark ages of back alley clinics. AWFUL


Wow, I want to live there, sounds like a very nice state

Oh USA, you are truly a disaster.

Sahara57700523 Awesome

Time to abort the Alabama congress and adopt a whole new one.

How many times did we hear “Donald trump won’t over-turn roe v wade” and yet here we are...

How many years for the sexual abuser?🤔 is just a shame how laws treat the person who started this the sexual predator.

The left went nuts when Kavanaugh was confirmed thinking Roe v Wade was in danger. Started all this crazy ass abortion rights stuff. Couldn’t leave it alone, huh? Now it’s gonna be a fight. I love it! 😂


What a joke

Local elections Matter🤬🤬🤬

Fantastic and thank God for Alabama's courage...we still have good people...good humans in legislature! Thank You! ProLife prolifecampaign ProLifeAction

Obama would not be here if his mother aborted him.

This is sad. I bet they won’t put a rapist in there for 99 years.

Think they'd focus on more pressing things.....but no, lets allow more kids to be born into poverty.

Alabama has always been stupid.


Only in the good old US of A. Back to the dark ages !!

Move to Virginia .

They can pass all they want. Just pissing away taxpayer money when they get dragged into court and the law is overturned. I have yet to understand this facination or rather fanaticism about abortion.

Let the waste of tax dollars begin with this fight. I hope this state stocks up on wire hangers! Besides, federal law supersedes state law!

How about gun control!? GOP is quick to blame the Dems but their own agenda kills people!


When do they pass sharia law ?

Just sick, not right

This is why our country is so far in dept. over paid law makers spend years on stupid laws that violate constitutional rights knowing it will never pass but they collect their pay checks and say good work this year.

Dark ages. Wow

One someone shots you, he or she will get less than that. This is criminal on the part of politicians. These prophets are impregnating women and demanding abortions. They must pay part of the sentence. Class action, these politicians get into. They must be republicans. Shame.

This should only imply to people who decide to not have safe sex knowing the outcome...... if the child’s health will make it suffer or rape really the bill outrageous but what can we do they don’t listen to us the people who pay taxes

So the surrounding states will soon get busier

They cant tell a women what to do with her body the AG is corrupt as hell screw them

How about gun laws?

For men too, right? It takes two to impregnate. Lets put these men in prison and see how they like it.

And so the pendulum swings. Keep religion out of politics. Their both beyond FUBAR.

Coming from the people who wanted pedophile RoyMooreSenate to be elected...who’s surprised?

The reason I will never live in the racist state again and it's my home. The only place I've ever lived where I was called N----- and I have travelled the world thanks to the AF(retired)

Pedophiles for Senate and exercising legal right is a felony. ‘Bama, you earn being butt end of jokes.

Make every member adopt a kid. And increase social services, it’s like the va all these republicans love goin to watt till it’s time to pay these kids back

What a joke!

Who, in this case, is the felon? The provider, or the requestor? Or both?

Oh no. Now all the female cousins are fucked

Let me guess, no punishment for the man


What a waste of time and taxpayer funds. This bill has zero chance of becoming law. 🙄

Pretty sure that’s not legal to do per the Supreme Court...

I will advise any woman from the age of 10 should leave Alabama

How many foster kids do those “good Christian bitches” in the Alabam House personally care for?

Ridiculous! Alabama legislature,

2019 or 1919?

Simply outrageous 😡

They should add to the law that men who impregnate women must be responsible for supporting their child under penalty of imprisonment & sterilization if they don’t.

I guess I better move to avoid jail. Oops, I can’t. I am the sole caretaker to my mother with dementia & I have 2 children. My abortion was to terminate a severely deformed fetus that was not viable & could possible cause me to die during a miscarriage.

this isnt ok. governments should not and do not have the right to take someone's body autonomy away from them. if someone needs to get an abortion for any reason she has the right to do so and the only person who should have a say besides her is the father if he is in the picture

1 in 4 in the State of Alabama is functionally illiterate

Seriously? That’s ridiculous

KingSaiga Damn guess you’re finna carry our child to term now

Terrorists shooters don't get that much time! Wow! 99 years?

If AL's HB 314 reaches the Senate, there must be an Amndmnt that states the moment a ,3 is detected, the inseminator is immediately req to pay for ALL medical bills, food, clothing, & any other means for the child until it turns 18. This burden will not fall on the incubator.

the women will go underground as they have done for centuries. The men who designed and signed this bill will rot in hell forever. For every woman who dies with our without an illegal abortion will chalk up further suffering. You cannot play God without consequences.

BoycottAlabama - Typical ignorant backward traitorous confederate state. These swamp people forget that the 1st Amendment in the Constitution guarantees that religion shouldn’t determine law. Freedom OF religion and Freedom FROM religion. BoycottAlabama tourism, businesses etc

It’s a woman’s choice not AMERICAS!!

Reminder to GOP backward states: abortion is LEGAL in the U.S. and over 7 in 10 American voters prefer to keep it that way -- and that is growing (SOURCE: support for Roe v. Wade hit a high in 2018; 71% of voters do not believe it should be reversed, an NBC/WSJ poll found)

Just nuke Alabama and Florida. It's time

Law makers there should be forced to adopt all unwanted and unplanned and unaffordable babies now. Time for another law.

Shameful and ridiculous!!!

What the actual fuck.

Good, because extinguishing a heart beat is murder.

Hillbillies are really scary ...

For whom, the pregnant woman, the doctor that does the procedure or the man whom impregnants the woman. I can guarantee which one the law will not touch.

Thank you Radical Christians and Evangelicals. 👏

It's not clear from this article....Who is the defendant in such a case? The mother, the doctor, or both?

As the male sperm causes pregnancy to occur, seems the felony shld b directed at the original perp. How many women voted 4 this ridic bill? Only 99 yrs? B sure to monitor the pregnancies of all lawmakers, their kids, donors, etc. Stop the madness!

Justice in the USA. Probation for a male who raped a 14 year-old girl in New York, life in prison for a girl undoing what a rapist does in Alabama... shouldn’t there at least be parody in punishment?

Alabama, 1950 called, they'd like their obsurd laws back! But then again the whole state is ass backwards so...

Alabama heads for the dark ages ....

There is only 1 question that matters ... Is it life at conception, or is it not? If it IS life at conception then you have to be pro life Psalm 139 says You knit me together in my mother's womb

Hideous.. how did we go backwards in this country instead of forwards

Alabama is proving once again why they are almost single-handedly lowering the collective IQ of the United States one decision at a time🙄

Crazy assholes.

Perhaps they should start putting the men in prison for impregnating a woman and causing an unplanned pregnancy. No semen = no pregnancy

Will it apply to the father as well?

You condemn and demonize people who wear a veil as a symbol of their faith, claiming that it doesn't respect women. Yet you pass laws like this to dictate what a woman can and can't do to her body. You're religion is no better than anyone else's - and this is fucking bonkers.

This will have a devastating effect on already vulnerable girls and women this bill no doubt passed by men who do not have any idea what these girls or women go through no one wants to go back to the days of back street abortions

Are natural abortions included in this bill?

Yet a guy that raped a 14 year old only got probation umm ok 😡

99 years,lol, why couldnt reach 100 ? how many people to 116, idiots

Headline should just be Alabama takes a big shit on women.

Here’s a trivia question for y’all. What’s the first “Christian country in North America to impose Shria law. Answer: The United States of America, in a little backwards state called Alabama. They still angry over those empty cotton fields. I guess ISIS did actually win.

Wait. You're punishing women harsher for murdering spirits than those who rape murder present small children, large children and animals ok

There must be a lot of siblings shaking in their boots right now in Alabama.

But they marry their cousins down there.

Prison reform


How is this even possible today?

That's so sad. People may really need the help. 😔😢

Save the whales but kill the seals.

I hope Alabama is also funding birth control as well and ready to take care of these kids after they are born.

Alabama has always been a backwards thinking state. They will never get away from the 1800’s mentality. Vote all the Bible thumpers out of office and move that state into the future. No lottery no casinos and still can’t buy beer on Sunday’s. Glad I moved away.

Babies in the womb everywhere let out a collective, hooray!

Crazy club

And a judge will block it, and we get to spend more time and money fighting shit in court. There needs to be repercussions to legislators who pass blatantly unconstitutional legislation for political purposes.

What? Is this 2019 or 1819?

Employers should cross over the Alabama border and bee line to Kansas.

Go Alabama! MAGA

If everyone lies and obstructs the investigation then there won’t be a crime. The new Barr justice system...

What the fuck

LOL...soon they'll ban women from voting in Alabama I guess

All the women should walk through the streets or show up to work wearing Full Burkas.

Ok if they want to stop abortion lets mandate vasectomies immediately for every man in that state To force women to carry a child against their will, for any man, should be criminal.

Ok, drive North and keep driving and keep driving until you smell Tree Sauce and there is a Tim Hortons on every street corner...only then will you be free and live in a supportive Democracy.

I wonder how this will stand in court.

Who’s the idiot that thought this up? Hope they get thrown out of office! Republican or Democrat!

Alabama is going to put women receiving an abortion in prison for life? I guess Alabama wants to be more harsh than Saudi Arabia, Russia, Cuba, and North Korea... they want people to think 'Dominican Republic and Nicaragua'

What year is it? Time warp!


So Bible thumping Christian people I have a question. When the kid you made it illegal to abort grows up GAY are you still going to give it equal rights?

Maybe men should wear condoms? Just a thought...I mean aren't they conplicit?

Currently there are approximately 6000 children in foster care in Alabama.

Is rape bad? nah. How about murder? meh. Abortion? FELONY, FELONY, FELONY!!! Alabama is officially the State to take a lesson from, people. Just do the opposite of anything and everything Alabama does!


Surely this will not happen.

Time travel is possible

Decades of progress lost in 2 years

In other news, sexual assault is now punishable by death in Alabama and free birth control is now available to all.

Let's start making laws about men's bodies if you cheat on your wife your d*** gets cut off

Well, what does the man get for impregnating?

AlabamaPolitics if you are going to persecute women then let’s trrat Johns the same way. There is no crime if Adam doesn’t choose to participate right

Until R V. Wade is overturned, this is unconditional, at best


See this is, why People who get elected can't be trusted. The public needs to pay close attention. Is it necessary to criminalize abortion this, way? This punishment fits the doctor more than the patient.

Good,abortion is murder

I hope for both the mother AND father. 🙄

How long of a sentence does an Alabama rapist get? Just trying to understand things in this state...

...their Cadillac now has both wheels in the ditch.

And they wonder why we look down on the South...


Well, it is Alabama, so there's that...

I’m so embarrassed by my state !

Because those hillbillies in Alabama will stop at nothing to ensure their straight family trees......

Alabama simply Alabama-ing

When CNN is getting beat in the rating by reruns of Leave It To Beaver and Green Acres, time to regroup.

What do expect from pedophile roy moore endorsing Alabama

A regressive backward leaning state is attempting to pull the entire country back.

AKA alabama is now the new owner of every female residents body... abortions Alabama abortionrights mybodymychoice

Some USA states on reverse wasting time we don't have.

Unconstitutional..and wasting taxpayers' money to litigate it.

Good for Alabama. While they don't speak for me, this is the natural byproduct of pro-life advocates equating abortion with murder.

FFS, HOW about anesthesia free vasectomies for the boy's?

Ok but stop asking federal tax $$ to pay for your healthcare. Pay your own way and stop with the handouts.

CNN the most trusted liberal news.

Imagine throwing a woman in prison for life for getting an abortion in the same state where bestiality is a misdemeanor

Yet they won’t support welfare to take care of the child after birth. Makes sense.

Get ready for the return of dangerous backalley abortions and many more unwanted kids. abortionishealthcare

'Alabama, living in the 1800s since the 1800s.'

Well it is Alabama so this isn’t too surprising, just disappointing.

ROE vs. WTF?

But it's ok for you great grandfather to marry your sister at 16.

Garage_Floor 99 year sentence for an abortion, but 18 months for a foreign spy Maria Butina.

Yet the GOP doesn't want to get between you and your doctor.


Because this is the kind of crap the American people care so much about right now What utter garbage. Fix healthcare. Fix immigration. Fix student loan debt. Fix the environment. Quit wasting time and money on something SCOTUS adjudicated decades ago.

Alabama, where it’s ok to sleep with your kin.

No man has the right to tell a woman what she can or can not do with her own body !!!!

This is fucking terrible!

Life is winning again!

The American Justice. Other places where this kind of 'Justice' is in place: Brunei and Saudi Arabia.

Old Republican men are always so eager to control women. If they can't control them, they want to punish them.

My state is so backwards.

And pedophile, Roy Moore, is the leading GOP candidate for the Senate in Alabama..... again.

It will last less than a week before it gets shut down by the federal court, but this was all a ploy to get it to the Supreme Court.


Alyssa Milano is going to have an absolute fit.😤

Can’t we just abort Republicans? I hear they think post-birth abortion is a thing so it might work you guys

And who wants to live in Alabama

Stupid hayseeds.

Very good


Can we just talk about how there are kids starving & being neglected right now because someone wanted them in this world but aren’t helping the mom take care of them

Once again proving the “pro birth” point, and not the “pro life” one.

More 'small government' from the GOP..

Take it to Court, Supreme Court has already ruled on this subject.

Well. then. uhhhhh......(Redacted) So there

Sweet Home Alabama was yesterday

Even if its your sister? alabamajoke

But when do they plan to stop fucking their own kin?

This is a despicable attack on women’s rights.

What a waste of time.. it will be unconstitutional and sued to oblivion. Never become law.

What kind of bs is that?🤔😳

That's sure to get someone's attention...

In other words, this is a murder sentence with maximum consequences.

Um Roe v wade?

Fuck any government official that thinks they have the right to tell someone what they can or can’t do with their body

Talk about going backwards in the world!!!

hee haw but we are all free to bang our sisters they just cannot abort!!!

Wouldn’t expect less from Alabama. 😂

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