Alabama doctor pledges to stop treating unvaccinated patients

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A doctor says he will soon refuse to treat unvaccinated patients in Alabama, where low vaccination rates and the highly transmissable delta variant are overwhelming hospitals.

Dr. Jason Valentine, a physician at Diagnostic and Medical Clinic Infirmary Health in Mobile, recently posted a photo on his Facebook page showing him next to a sign that says, “Effective Oct. 1, 2021, Dr. Valentine will no longer see patients that are not vaccinated against COVID-19.”

NBC News has not verified the authenticity of the post, which is now private. Neither Valentine nor representatives at the medical clinic where he works could be reached for comment.After sharing the picture on social media, Valentine wrote that three unvaccinated patients asked where they could get a vaccine, according to“If they asked why, I told them COVID is a miserable way to die and I can’t watch them die like that,” Valentine wrote.

Valentine planned on mailing a letter to his patients about his decision. He posted the letter online, the newspaper reported. “We do not yet have any great treatments for severe disease, but we do have great prevention with vaccines. Unfortunately, many have declined to take the vaccine, and some end up severely ill or dead. I cannot and will not force anyone to take the vaccine, but I also cannot continue to watch my patients suffer and die from an eminently preventable disease,” the letter stated, according to the newspaper.

As the delta variant of the coronavirus increases infection rates throughout the country, Alabama has been pummeled with new cases that are burdening hospitals. The state ran out of intensive care beds this week, according to


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Good. If they were too stupid to trust the science re vaccines, why should a doctor, who makes decisions based on science, help them? He has smarter patients to save. Cruel? Yes, but so is ignorance.

GOOD. If you’re not vaccinated you should not be taking up hospital resources and causing people to die bec they can’t be treated. They don’t believe in the science to prevent getting sick but all the sudden believe in it when they need it to save them. I’m losing sympathy

there is no test for the “delta” variant does not exist! and the PCR test is being misused

send em home

jennycohn1 Docs have refused to treat unvaccinated patients before the pandemic.

Republicans American children as bargaining to remaking in power.. trashing CDC guidance and falsifying the danger of the delta pandemic is an act of war.. strip naked Republican leaders vote Democrat Blue 2022

Seems like a slippery slope, will doctors stop treating flu patients who didn’t get the shot? Or all of the other preventable ailments that come from choices? I’m curious to see where this goes.

This is only the 20th time you've tweeted this story. It's no longer news.

My CA doctor won't see unvaccinated.

And here I thought doctors were ethically obligated to treat everyone 🤷🏻‍♀️

Docs have the right! Or they will pay higher insurance premiums


His chouce. Just like it's theirs. But the hate and contempt in these comments is ludicrous. Maybe if everyone would take their heads out of their butts and stop guilt tripping, name calling, and trying to act superior, everyone would do what needs to be done.

It’s awful that it has come to this. doctors now have to make hard choices to protect their other patients that have done everything right. I’m sure in the case of an emergency the doctors will follow their oath no matter how ignorant their patients are😕

Majority of patients are non-compliant tho

First, do no harm.

About time!

Shouldn’t he stop treating obese patients? They chose not to eat salads and are 70% occupied in hospitals. Same idiot logic. He needs his medical license taken.

Good for him its about time.


It's important that everyone realize that they're doing this because they believe a promoted 'alternative science'. In their minds they're choosing between experts. We must attack the source.

They can use prayer and their super immune system to fight C19

IslandGirlPRV his license should be suspended.

LeaBlackMiami I just read this elsewhere:

Take away his medical license

The smell of bodies in whole towns. Who are they going to get to collect the dead, surviors would guess.

If it’s his own practice, he can do that easily. I’m sure more medical facilities will start doing the same.

Pull his medical license. He can drive an Uber instead.

Empathy fatigued

Good for this doctor

Might want to rethink that. You probably still have student debt and you wont treat another patient ever if you don’t have a license.

That's a violation of the doctors hippocratic oath!!

Hippocratic oath,be damned!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop with possums and hog renderin gs as your main diet. No one has mentioned DIET and all the overweight folks out there in Coronaland. Eliminate terrible food,quickly!!!!

Doctors have rights!

On that premise he shouldn’t treat fat people or people that smoke etc.

That’s against his oath maybe he should lose his license.

They should’ve been doing that for along time. Quit wading resources on people who don’t want it

As much I despise people not getting the Vaccinated and understand how hard it is for healthcare workers, Hospitals and Drs. should be treating the desperately ill 1st. Vaccinated people less likely to die. Doctors took an oath to save lives.

He should lose his license or become an administrator.

Great! He can collect data on how lethal vaccine resistant variants of the virus are!

Is this Doctor going to stop treating smokers, stop treating people that are overweight or obese, stop treating people that are drug users, alcoholics, etc, etc, etc. Perhaps he shud have his medical licence reviewed?

Sounds good


God is watching you..and soon will punish all those who try to modify human beings with their covid vaccine..the truth is there is no Covid in this world..

It's important that everyone realize that they're doing this because they believe a promoted 'alternative science'. In their minds they're choosing between experts. We must attack the source.

So if you can still get sick being fully vaxxed, what's the difference in him treating unvaxxed patients They BOTH have the same virus.

Give them a list of churches they can attend and send them on their way.

Why doesn’t this doctor set up early Covid treatment medications for people when they test positive, the treatment is free. Instead of threatening to let someone die, I think doctor statement is against his hypocritic oath to do no harm.

AnnetteTracy7 1905 supreme court voted in favor of Cambridge, MA having a vaccine mandate for smallpox: “every well-ordered society is obligated to keep its citizens safe and that sometimes under the pressure of great dangers citizens may be subject to reasonable regulations.”

What about children, will he not treat them either?

Goes against his oath. Should be fired on the spot & should never be able to practice ever again.

Pulmonologist should refuse to intubate these morons.

Good. No reason to have these idiots endanger his staff and other patients. Skip the stupid comparisons with other diseases. Diabetes and heart disease are not contagious.

How much more does an unvaxxed person have to see happen in their own State, hear from their own Doctor, before they will protect themselves, friends, family from a deadly virus? The unvaccinated are prolonging our misery. GetVaccinated

Good! I don't blame him one bit

Maybe he should just stop treating all people that do things that are bad for them. Why do doctors treat drunk drivers or gang related shootings? Clumsy people got no business being on ladders. Screw them. Is Vaccinated Rage a thing now?

Well, the non vaccinators are crowing about ‘medical freedom’. This physician is giving them a taste of their own medicine!

“DO NO HARM”. Take his license away. That’s like saying he won’t treat addicts

Guess doctors are finally sayin, “You don’t give a fuck about me why should I give a shit about you”.

He won't. He took an oath, plus he wants that money

This is Jim Crow on steroids

Any Doctor that refuses to treat a patent should be charged with violations of his Hypocritic Oath and stripped of his license immediately.

Weird that anti-vaxxers would want to go to go to a doctor anyway, since doctors administer vaccines and wear masks and use evil science.

He will be seeing very few patients in Alabama then.

If he does, he needs to lose his license. As it stands now, he should be disciplined—as should the doctors in Palm Beach County. Their frustration is understandable—but the message they’re sending badly damages trust between patient and doctor.

Sad to find out this however,it is what it is!!!

Settle down, he’s not an ER doc. Doctors can and do discharge patients due to philosophical differences. It happens every day.

All doctors should do the same. It’s time to let them face their fates if they are too stupid to get the jab.

This is nothing new, at the beginning of the pandemic the doctors at my facility stop coming to the facility. More people died from neglect.

I think those doctors who refuses to treat patients are not qualified to be doctors.... Do your job or get out of the way

thats rite! these unvaccinated ppl won't take the shot but wen thay catch the virus they want help, well help starts with the SHOT PPL!!!😡

Chance of COVID with variants completely disappearing in near future is zero. 100% chance of pandemic ending with VACCINATIONS! Not mandatory but penalize the willfully Unvaccinated. Just like with Polio and a dozen others. It ends when everyone is vaccinated.

donwinslow Salute. Give us more of this.

Will they stop treating fat pig humans too? They are the biggest burden on healthcare and most likely to die with covid. Bring Back Fat-shaming

Good. I dont blame them.

Definitely not the answer. People have the right to make stupid choices.

His right as a service provider.

Under the common law “no duty” rule, unless the physician-patient relationship has formed, the doctor has no legal obligation to treat.

That doctor needs to loose his license.

This is the greatest idea I've ever heard from a doctor. They have the right to protect their health. These people made of educated decision that they don't want to be vaccinated. That decision said they will die . The decision will come true let them die

Good for him!!!

That's his choice!

All doctors should do this - Americans who are vaccinated are so sick of the TRUMPLICANS - can't wait for all the mandates to go in effect. Take it or loss your job.

rmayemsinger I dont blame the doctor or any doctors who are thinking the same. If they don't trust science when it comes to the vaccine then why trust science when it comes to doctors and hospitals. If God will protect you then go to a church when you get sick.

knomia If you make the choice to not get a vaccine...YOU have decided thst your life is not worth saving...this dr. is just agreeing with you. Live, or die, with that choice

donwinslow The Governor of Arkansas signed a law last year that allows health care workers to refuse to treat a patient if that patients ideals, beliefs, sexuality makes the health care worker uncomfortable. This might backfire . The original intent was to deny services to transgender folks

donwinslow He can give up his license & find another line of work. No matter how frustrated you are. Even in the south you can't do that.

Because he is too busy treating vaccinated ones

donwinslow Finally someone with a backbone down there !!!

Tell them to call trump for help.

Hard to blame them. They’re working around the clock putting their life & families life on the line, just to face people so stubborn they call them names & liars for telling them they have Covid & trying to save their lives. Facing this day in & day out…Saints!

However Nurses must care for murderers, rapists, paedophiles & the rest or lose their registration.

If COVID-19 is anywhere, it is potentially everywhere. COVID-19 vaccines will save many lives.

Good for him.

Even Forrest got vaccinated when he went to Vietnam .


Kind of sways against the Hippocratic oath, do medical professionals even know what that oath represents, he should have his license to practice removed or at least suspended pending review!

I don't blame him.

Pre-existing condition: Not vaccinated.

The Broken Oath of Physicians.The Demonic World like When Bill Clinton Broken a Oath when he was in office and he Damned the World to he'll and Damn Nation NAFTA. The Lexus Nexus Computer Program with its Cookie Cutter People. How the World of the Rich and Poor Started to grow.

Hope he goes out of practice! His oath means nothing!

This needs to start happening everywhere!

Insurance companies should stop covering treatment fir the unvaccinated

I agree! Let them fight for themselves!

Now this is wrong. As a medical professional myself I find this completly wrong .he should be dibarred from practice in the US..

Another failure. Where is the physician creed?

He took an oath, you break that oath you get fired!! It’s that simple!!

Hopefully word will get around and he will lose his practice

Finally some common sense... can we get insurance companies not to pay for treatment when the policy holder is where they are because of negligence?


Good for him.

Going against his oath! Pull license now!

I agree with the doc! No vax-no vent!

Unconscionable. Imagine if we didn’t treat those who smoke, have transmissible STD’s, TB patients, influenza patients, or those with strep. All can do significant harm to the community. Refusing to treat is not the way to encourage people to be vaccinated. We can’t give up.

Despicable. Shameful. Disheartening.

Please arrest Mark Zukerberg and Rupert Murdoch to Gain 100% of their attention about the pandemic carnage they caused. They have been called in for hearings before and all they do is thumb their noses at Congress. Require them to build Tent Hospitals!

He may be the first, he won't be the last.

Reap what you sow antivax peeps

No sure he can do that. But insurance companies and Medicare / Medicare can require it or pay a hefty increase in your premium. I don't know what they are waiting for. As a insurance company I wouldn't want to pay these hospital bills for them.

I’d do the same

All private clinics should do the same. We cannot let the ignorant rule our lives.

Can he do that legally?

I honestly don’t blame them. People anymore don’t care who they infect and kill. It’s so sad what our society has become.

Drive him out of business

Perhaps he can refuse to see in person and just do Telehealth.

I’m angry with the anti-vaxers too but let’s not go overboard. They are still our brothers and sisters.


This should be standard practice for everyone.

I do Not blame him. these people don't trust doctors: go to FoxNews TuckerCarlson seanhannity GovRonDeSantis GovAbbott and gop for medical advice.

They are making this up to divert your attention from the failure in Afghanistan! The Alzheimer’s patient has put a death sentence on the Americans he left there! The Taliban are going house to house killing people! This administration is killing Americans!

Doctor's who do this should get license revoked. They have to take an oath. Use proper ppe for proper situations.

Any doctor that refuses a sick person in need can miss me with that shit.

Sounds good

Fear mongering, if a patient shows up at an ER they cannot be refused treatment

He violated the Hippocratic Oath and should have his license to practice medicine revoked.

Just curious, couldn't that be considered medical malpractice discrimination- based off of medical history of not being vaccinated?

Long overdue! Should’ve done that already. Don’t waste resources on them.

Sad is this what it is coming to! Are doctors going to have to refuse treatment? covidisnotover DoctorsSpeakUp HealthcareHeroes vaccination

He is not a good doctor

Or make them the last priority...

good. they dont take their recommendations on prevention but all of a sudden believe in their methods of treatment? i recall those same ppl saying dont call the cops for an emergency if you think PDs need to be retrained.

Oath Hippocratic Says first do no harm the doctor could be sued and should be and he’s relationship be taken away of his license

His license should be revoked...

Can’t blame the health care providers they’ve had enough & if people won’t help themselves by getting the vaccine then no reason for them to go into the hospital when they get sick with covid

So no more narcan for people that od then right? Isn’t that how this works?

I love the fact that the anti vax crowd simultaneous doesn’t believe in science, yet when they get sick with covid and end up in the ICU, they suddenly believe in science. Go figure.

He should lose his license! He took an oath to help people. What will stop him from not treating smokers, or people with diabetes, or someone who is overweight



Isn’t that a violation of the Hippocratic Oath? You can’t refuse treatment of the flu, chicken pox, measles, etc…

Finally! Now it’s time for hospitals to deny unvaccinated Covid patients.

Good. Darwinism at work.

He took an oath

I think a doctor who does that should lose his license. If a patient died because of his failure to treat or from the delay caused by his refusal to treat he should be charged with negligent homicide .

Doctor's code of ethics A physician shall be dedicated to providing competent medical care, with compassion and respect for human dignity and rights. ... A physician shall respect the rights of patients, colleagues, and other health professionals, and shall safeguard patient...

Don’t think that reconciles with the hypocratic oath.

Say no more.....

'NBC News has not verified the authenticity of the post, which is now private. Neither Valentine nor representatives at the medical clinic where he works could be reached for comment.'

That whole oath they take was just a formality for some I guess.

Overwhelmed systems should implement this triage system, and treat the unvaccinated who come down with covid, just like you’d treat a DNR

Sounds great. If they want to get sick and die have at it

Great. Take a stand. Tough stand. There is no logic for not getting vaccination. None other than being foolish, selfish and anti social

“First, do no harm” Letting asshats that choose to be unvaccinated into his office around those who can’t be IS causing harm. So good on this doctor 👏🏻👏🏻

I do not blame the doctor. The unvaccinated is a killer.


He should be fired immediately

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