Afghan women fear ‘dark’ future, loss of rights as Taliban makes gains

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Afghan women fear a 'dark' future' and loss of rights as the Taliban gains ground. 'Women in Afghanistan are the most at danger or most at-risk population of the country,' one activist says.

“The purpose would be enabling women to contribute to the country in a peaceful and protected environment,”Fawzia Koofi, a women's rights activist, former lawmaker and member of the Afghan delegation that was working to negotiate peace with the Taliban before the U.S. military's withdrawal, said that women in her country felt “betrayed.”

Women's rights activist and former Afghan MP Fawzia Koofi says she fears a future under Taliban rule would be "dark" for women in Afghanistan.Elsewhere, women expressed their fears of a future with"no right to education, no right to teach, no right to work," in a letter shared with NBC News by the office of Rohgul Khairzad, the deputy governor of Nimroz province.after U.S. forces began pulling out of the country.

The letter also expressed fears that women and girls could be forced to marry members of the militant group. While she did not believe this practice was widespread, Koofi said, that did not mean that misconduct was not happening, adding that it was likely that the Taliban’s political office was “disconnected with their military fighters.”


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Just remember, when they do this overseas we call them terrorists.. at home we call them Republicans.

Watch NBC and the rest of the media try to portray this is an 'orderly transition of power' successfully brokered by their leader - Joe Biden. nbcnews washingtonpost nytimes

What are you going to do about? Kneel? Cancel them? Have a vote? Make a video? Show solidarity. Easy to do those things when you are sitting in your privileged life. Lol. Really what are you going to do other than complain.

See this thread

And Black women inside the United States have felt this way for centuries. We need help too!

The invasion of the US and its allies to the Asian country with the sole objective of trying to undress the Afghan woman and allow the gay parade through the streets of Kabul

Women could lose right to abortion, equal pay, employment opportunities and be subject to sexual harassment, right? Kind of like Texas, right?

Teach your young men how to protect their women. They have no willpower to protect their women or their homes

At least no state in the US is offering a bounty of $10,000 for turning in women for doing 'bad things'.

They should take up arms, mobilize their brothers, and fathers to fight.

Of course women will be Hrmed! It’s what they have been doing to women and kids forever. Democrats don’t care! Never have.

Maybe is time for you to remind your readers 👇

I’ve never wished that America was Australia more than today. Nation building does not work; it is a thing only to the extent that it is a resentment factory because a nation builder can truly please no one.

If they obey, they will fine

The lack of resistance shows the arrogance of US and allies believe that everyone wants our way of life.Not one bullet was shot by the Afghan men to protect their daughters. If they are cowards, then give the weapons to the women! Love to see the men run for their lives.

welcome barbaric age

It’s very sad. After 20 yrs of guarding, training and having them equipped to fight their own battles, they won’t. It’s a forever war.

Pretty sad but if the Afghans wont fight for their women why should the world or us? Dark times ahead, you still have an army that is better equipped out number and are trained that wont fight for their government. I hear they are Not being paid, feed or getting supplies

It is their fight. They have to survive it and come as victorious. The internal fights are more difficult to win than that with external forces. It is like the case of domestic violence..where the first step is to say 'no'.

Joe Biden really messed up here. Pulling troops then sending back 3k and now you got a big fat mess in Kabul. They haven’t even shredded the papers at the embassy yet and the country has already fallen

that activist is perfectly right!! . Taliban, Al-Qaida, IRI, Jundallah, Hezbollah, ISIS, Houthis, Wahhabis, Shia, Sonnies, and all the other small or big Islamic groups & governments have 1 thing in common: . . controlling women and keeping them at home!! they don't want to ...

Fox news Detroit blocked me for tweeting them about the rapist robbin pastor's of Detroit. Fox News only reports what they are told, real robots. If you need anyone rescued from the sextrade contact me......for truth go to my YouTube Danielle Harris.

No Talibans will just impose laws similar to other Arab countries allies to US Saudi Arabia, Oman, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Qatar and Kuwait nothing much and worry

What is dark future? Obeying their Creator, covering their boadies and not being objectified by men? My afghan sisters, you are superior to these filthy white ladies dont immitate them.

Call mom Australian Gov to accelerate partner visas to save families of Aust residents

Looks like kamal Hassan viswaroopam first part coming into mind about taliban movement in Afghan 😂


Why the U.S. Troops do not save Afghan women?Two trillion dollars spent

Let them band together and, if needed, sacrifice themselves to better the future for their daughters and grand-daughters. We gave them 20 years of support.

While the Americans were in Afghanistan, they destroyed every social, political and economic systems that they deemed fit to sustain the nation so that they could control it. When they left, the Taliban took advantage of the American-created mess and void to do further harm!

Free_Media_Hub Atrocious article. The only rights women had was in Kabul... But the level of corruption meant most never seen any freedom..

Not our circus not our monkeys

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