Ad spending soars as Trump plays defense in red states

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A group of anti-Trump Republicans is spending $2 million on new TV and digital ads supporting Joe Biden in two states President Trump won in 2016 -- the latest in a blitz of ad buys in red states from both sides of the presidential race

Republican Voters Against Trump, which launched last month and announced a $10 million ad campaign, told CNN it is allocating a fifth of that budget to ads that target Republican or Republican-leaning voters in both Arizona and North Carolina. Both states have voted for the GOP presidential nominee all but once in every election since 1980, but recent polling shows Biden leading Trump in Arizona and with a smaller lead over Trump in North Carolina.

Meanwhile, Biden's campaign has spent nearly $4 million on ads across those same seven states Trump won in 2016 -- including more than $2 million in Florida and $500,000 each in Arizona, Texas and North Carolina since the beginning of June. According to a Biden campaign memo obtained by CNN, some of those ads are aimed at potential red-state voters, and airing during NASCAR races or on Fox News during the daytime.


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You idiots I’m talking about CNN and other media and of course the Democrats no matter how much money you spend no matter what lies you tell Biden will not win because he will have to debate Trump I guarantee it he will lose

Who ever is voting for trump like this. We will continue the trump train into the next 4 years

Trump is like Hitler in his bunker. Any chance that it ends the same way ?

They can spend all they want!

So real Republicans are alive and well--let's hear it for the two-party system!

Trump 2020!🇺🇸 Is this what you want America

Are they simply stupid OR part of the dnc plan? They, like all of America , have seen the mental decline of Biden. But still want a limited mind in WH? makes no sense unless they, like dnc, only want the WH in spite of biden? Once in, dnc calls the shots OR the VP takes over?

Trump has 96% approval rating among Republicans, but if the Never-Trump losers want to spend $2 million pretending otherwise...well...a fool & their money are soon parted! 😁🤣😭

They aren’t Republicans if they’re voting for joe Biden

The amount of money that is wasted on politics is so sad. Doesn't matter what side of the aisle you are on.

Too bad... as Trump is a key person in the upcoming hydrogene age. You should support him and not be against hydrogene. It would mean being against the future. Come to the Sunny Side of Life! 🌞 BY

*they aren’t republicans

For a moment there... I thought I've read '$2 million' worth of face mask to be distributed... Damn! My bad.

why is there only one dude in all that mess of people wearing a mask? Yeah anti Trump rally, thats funny!


Hoping 4 Success!!!

george Conway, mittens Romney and for some reason I think Lindsey Graham is on that list too 🤔


Since when do we have anti supporters?

You misspelled “dumbasses”.

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