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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

HAPPENING NOW: Pres. Trump participates in bilateral meeting with French Pres. Macron at NATO summit.


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He has the vocabulary of a 5 year old! My apologies to the 5 year old’s out there.

Simply brilliant childpsychology by macron francegetsit

Why does Trump look basically like a toddler needing to leave - as he wiggles i his seat?!!! So embarrassing!!! From one public appearance to the next one couldn’t tell where he was without a reader feed - he always looks rumpled, uncomfortable & out of his depth!!

I feel like Macron cleaned Donald’s clock for him.Trump doesn’t like people that he can’t shove around! I think Macron wanted or could have said more but held back.

Here he is faking it again, he’s really a dictator at heart 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

World leaders do not respect him or believe a word he says. Just another Trump reality show. Unfortunately, they have to deal with our mentally unstable President.

I feel sick in my stomach with all the comments about President Trump.

Trump is embarrassing himself and all of us. What a complete jerk.


The comb over isn't working!

President Trump 2020 was strong to speak up, straight talk into the subject and he will never back down,

All he does is babble nonsense. How can ANYONE take him seriously?

Stocks down 400 pts after realDonaldTrump's manbaby incoherent whiny performance

As far as I understand what Trump will do in this meeting with France, I now feel that there is a secret conspiracy against Christianity, that I think has been taken down from the chair in 2020. WASI AHMAD ANSARI WASI AHMAD QADRI Viewer in Universe

My reaction? 1. What is Trump going to say or do to further embarrass decent Americans? 2. This is a distraction attempt. 3. I don’t care what he says. He is a liar and cannot be trusted.

He is a NON NEGOTIATOR! I am so embarrassed for all of us Americans! All this kindergartener can say is “it’s not fair” and “stuff” that makes him sound DUMB🤦🏻‍♀️ We’re spending a lot on nuclear? US, then Russia, then China...REALLY!?

Very hard to listen to. DT very limited in his ability to talk and use words.

There goes trump defending Putin again. This is awful.

What the outlook would be from the two presidents

Another embarrassing performance

For the people of France. nous sommes vraiment désolés pour notre président. Nous allons le réparer en 2020.

Trump Putin puppet


Macron is SCHOOLING Trump right now. 😂🤣

realDonaldTrump is a DISGRACE! He rolls his eyes and has the attention span of a Gnat! 🇺🇸Time for Impeachment! Enough !

Trump needs a nap

Not going well

I love this President for making other NATO members pay their share.

LOL. It looks as if Trump is sitting in a child’s size chair.

So what and who cares. He's gonna bitch and moan and tell more lies

WHAT an embarrassment for the USA

Trump has zero understanding of NATO.

Is the dead rat on his bald spot trying to run away? realDonaldTrump ETTD GOP VP MoscowMitch LindseyGrahamSC senatemajldr marcorubio

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