A restless Trump wants to end the country's isolation -- and his own

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Antsy at being sealed off, with no visiting dignitaries and no large crowds, President Trump has wondered aloud to aides when life will again return to normal in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic — not just for the nation, but for himself

As Americans enter another week of self-isolation, President Donald Trump is enduring the same Covid-era hazards befalling the rest of the country. Visits from friends and outside advisers have been limited, making the always-isolating White House feel even more so. With no meals to prepare, menus to taste, floral arrangements to procure, décor to design or invitations to calligraphy, the back-of-house life of the White House has essentially ground to a halt as well.

"I just give public health advice, completely clean unconnected with everything else."Still, the tensions that have emerged during the outbreak extend beyond the President and Fauci. Some of Trump's senior aides have grown frustrated with the vice president's team, believing they have taken too much control over the situation and largely cut them out. Some of Pence's aides have started occupying unused space in the West Wing, which also has irked officials there.Dr.


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Captain Jackass is getting cabin fever Awww poor baby!! Go cuddle the First Lady if she'll have you.😂😂

😐 how can a reliable news company get by with lies....oh they can’t...social media

The US government leadership has handled the COVID 19 pandemic like a horror movie and it only gets worse everyday especially our president and his cabinet

He knows something the smart people know , cnn with there hatred and childish minds couldn’t possinle know why we need to open .im not gonna tell you

To play golf...

CNN all you Trump haters will never get over it that Trump is the President. You all cannot give this man a chance and any success he has there is always ways that CNN will taper down any progress we made. I was never an Obama or Clinton guy, but I was always respectful.

That's because hes losing money an he would lose more if Fl Gov lockdown fl something smells fishy between trump an fl governor. I'm sure trump told him in secret behind closed doors not to shutdown Florida cause he will lose more of his money ...

Watching him jump away from Dr. Fauci, I imagine Mr. Trump is not eager to get too close to anyone. He is hankering for the time when the crowds will get close to each other so he can speak to them from a safe distance.

Your attacks and cheering for our country’s economic downfall for the sake of hurting Trump is backfiring already, his approval rating continues to climb, 50%, you Trump haters are losing yet again, when you finally learn he can’t be beat, we will all benefit from your new wisdom

SethAbramson Give him a VR rally complete with canned audience responses.

Can CNN get any more trivial?

SethAbramson I suggest he make a state visit to Italy or Spain as soon as possible if he’s bored being president. Asshole!


What is your point?

Fake news with another BS source!!!


Hopefully he gets to sit now to read his realDonaldTrump twitter feed like he loves to do hoping to pat himself on the back but instead see that this country officially hates him now and he has proven time and time again to be the worst leader this country has ever seen....

At the cost of thousands of lives.

CNN is not news it is An American bashing organization.

How does his properties profit from the bailout? They probably all losing money because they too are closed!


It is important at this time to bring critical manufacturing back to the USA. And repatriate non-american citizens of back to their own country ASAP. The strain on our country has become dramatic. We need to stop the influx of individual who are unable to provide for themselves

Not true President Trump Only wants the best for US CITIZENS 🇺🇸🇺🇸

wow CNN good thing NONE of us also wonder when things will return to normal in our own lives 🙄🤷🏽‍♂️ Epic journalisming 🤦🏽‍♂️

And there you have. Trump only cares about himself.


Nows the time to examine all the 'other stuff' besides showmanship - get up on intelligence reports, listen to environment experts. Right now, all the aides that fight to see him, should get in now! whitehouse washingtonpost potus wsj

You guys are so Disrespectful for the highest position. Respect the Position. It's embarrassing that you are Americans. Really. While Hillary and so many more are Eating Babies and drinking Blood. How dare you say anything about Our President.

Of course. Malignant narcissist

He only cares about himself. It’s the only thing he’s ever cared about.

omg he needs to put on his big boy pants and grow up. This is not about him. There is a new normal and it includes people dying and if he does that it will speed it up. 10/10 Selfish

Especially for himself!

So, people will die because trump is bored. Seems like a good trade off.

He needs the attention of his red hat rallies

Lol. Just your opinion. Seems like most Americans disagree!!!!

It's called Zoom. Use it.

That’s exactly what I thought was behind this stop social distancing!! He wants to get out and play golf and not really have to do his job. Be our President and leader!! Such a narcissis !!

Of course. Because as always, this president is more concerned about himself than he is the American people.

You act as if we all haven’t wondered when that will happen.. Seeing grand children, elderly parents, sisters, etc... We are all asking ourselves the same question. Of course, NY, CA, WA seem to have trouble social distancing, it’s gonna be a long time.

ChefCaseyT He needs to be an adult here. Not a child longing for playdates and birthday parties.

Well-he’ll be permanently isolated soon.


Like a child on a road trip, “are we there yet?”

Keep that fool from getting so much AIR-TIME!! If Truth is what the News outlets are suppose to GIVE us, why are they allowing this man to spout his nonsense logic

Get him a mirror so he can focus on negotiating with himself.

He's bored with this virus. He's gotten all of the press he's going to get off COVID19 and wants to move on. I for one am relieved he abducted his responsibility to the Governors. At least here in the Northeast they're doing their best. ABC NBCNews CBS nytimes

REMINDER: he doesn't care about you

Trump should be permanently isolated from the rest of the world. He has turned the US upside down and it is not sure that it will ever recover. The European community will never trust the USA again


He can hear the golf courses calling to him.

WhiteHouse no, only for himself

If you believe he’s restless you’re crazy. If anything he needs people to leave him the hell alone!! After 5 years you guys don’t know Trump at all!!

Shelter in place until November. At least for the White House staff.

SethAbramson If all goes well, his f*ing life will NEVER return to normal, once he’s in jail.

CNN has no other function in society but to spread AntiAmerican, antiTrump, antiConservative propaganda. CNN is not a news organization. They are societal cancer.

The only isolation Trump deserves is in solitary confinement.

Fake fake.

As we all have.

Plaster is cracking, any day now I'd say we will have a full blown tantrum! CoronavirusLockdown TrumpVirus TrumpIsTheWORSTPresidentEVER

CNN-Crap news network shame on your guys

Stop airing his press conferences without fact checking them first! You are being complicit in the spread of lies. Be journalists, FFS.

I agree who wants to sit in the house all day.

....... Pleased to meet you Hope you guess my name 'Cause what's confusing you is just theNature of my game.......

Same feelings as everyone else

He came up with this harebrained idea AFTER his properties were shut down. UnfitToBePresident 25thAmendmentNow ImpeachmentWasntEnough

hopefully without his cult to sustain him he will no longer be able to retain human form

He has nothing in his life but golf, thinking he’s the most Important person in the world, and whatever toy comes out of the cereal box/or comes with a happy meal.

To all trump followers please listen to your leader he is correct. Socialize please

He has the attention span of gnat! Why don’t you visit with your family instead

What is the source for this info?

I wish he would take his family along with Mike Pence, to Easter mass.


realDonaldTrump Just put your big boy pants on and deal with it like a man, like everyone else. No one likes putting their life on hold.

When you're the most powerful person on the planet, it must really sting when good old nature shows you how irrelevant that claim is.

That’s a fair question

It’s getting easier and easier to spot the made up stories

Fuck him.

Trump is a disgusting human being.

That gives him plenty of time to work.

Bullshit CNN. Stop lying

Are we really following this Insane person advice? StayHomeSaveLives

Hope so,if we can survive

So now CNN even knows what Trump is wondering about 😂 You just throw yourselves over a fake news cliff again and again.

He’s worried about his businesses being closed. This is all about him not the people.

More made up facts from CNN.

Everyone is asking the question when things will return to normal. He should be no different. We all want normal again. Only FakeNewsCNN would make it a crime to feel that way. No wonder your ratings suck mud

It is entirely about Trump wanting to go back to taking personal weekly vacations. Apparently, this going to work thing is much too hard for him.

CNN is Fake News

Duh, nobody likes this scenario except for the Trump haters..Obviously, it's much better to have the wurld open for biz, as usual..Time off is great, but not sure why anyone would want to lay around in the house for 5 months...realDonaldTrump WinterbleShow liquidlunchtv

Insane journalism

What? When Trump said last January that America must ban people coming from China as precautionary measure? You called it racist and xenophobic. Was that for him as well?

think their being slick. 😂 We see you throwing shade at the pathetic excuse of a leader we have.

Y’all are such fake news. Full of hatred and it’s truly disgusting.

He's hoping for a fast recovery for everyone. Your democrats are hoping for political gains. What a sad bunch

He needs a test for being insane!

Can somebody please take Donald for a walk?

He has never stayed at the White House this long.

Cant believe anything CNN says

Someone get that man a hobby before he kills us. LOL

Truly Hate Him..

He’s losing money

A cult leader who can’t preach to his followers

Only for himself. Not for the nation.

No one is fanning his ego!

The economy is tanking and people are hurting. Why are you attacking the President for wanting the quarantine to end? Don’t you want it to end or is CNN enjoying watching our country burn?

Not odd. We all wonder that.

imagine that - somebody actually wants to get back to work

If you still tarnishing the sick man of Asia, they will never help you.

SethAbramson Shame doesn't have a job to do 🙄

Brownsville, Texas started shelter in place at midnight. Luckily my city is run by Democrats, while the state by Republicans.

An entitled 73 year old child

I came here to get entertained by the idiots.

realDonaldTrump CONTINUES to have the SUPPORT OF THE USA !!!! KAG🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 WE THE PEOPLE!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

FakeNews GameOver Goodbye

His base is still going strong, saying what a great job he’s done at saving the country.

Well THAT explains his stupidity in wanting to return to normal by Easter. Idiot.

Trump doesn't understand science. And, as you suggest, a narcissist can't handle NOT having (maniacally) adoring crowds.


Nobody around to bloat his ego. No mass of people wearing red hats, chanting his name. goldencalf

He doesn't give a shit about the Nation or it's people. It's all about his disgusting self and his ego.

Freaking moron 😡

SethAbramson Please note the typo, the 'just' is in the wrong place.

chestnut_daniel Hopefully the Me Myself and I Show will be canceled in Nov.

and Democrats are terrible people and it's so bad.

If he is bored he should go and visit an ICU and shake hands with the victims. That should cure his boredom permanently.

Removing the just in that last sentence would make it accurate.

Ego not being stroked enough for you realDonaldTrump I thought being stroked was what you kept Yvanka around for? TrumpRally TrumpVirus

All he cares about is himself. He's a lot like Kim Jung -un. They feed off attention and get pouty when they don't get their way. But so far, trump's machinations are much worse than Kim's flaccid missiles.

WalkMom1 He should be bustled off to Mar-a-Lago with no access to the internet, no access to the media, no visitors, no staff, and no possibility of leaving ever again.

OMG, what absolutely shitty journalism. Did the college freshmen interns write this?

Well, since Coron-a-Lago is closed to the public, he could go there and self isolate and let the adults take charge.

Will you people stop at anything?

Trump needs to resign.

SethAbramson OMG...I just had de javu reading this.

Is anyone surprised about this? Trump is willing to sacrifice lives so he isn't bored.

SethAbramson Well then Mr. Trump, you fit the criteria, you are over 70, in lousy shape, sacrifice yourself for the common good.

He misses his fix from his rallies poor critter!

Why is msnbc reporters getting paid and feeding their family while we can’t. F you msnbc

Give us the vaccine and antidote. We will be back to normal Sir Trump

Can we shelter him in the bathroom for next three weeks?

Source please? Oh, more opinion, fake news BS.

But women are so emotional and but her fucking emails!

SethAbramson He can go to mar a Lago right fukkking now

SethAbramson No he gives two shits about the nation, it’s all about him.

SethAbramson Not surprising that Trump's motivation to risk human lives is loss of income and adoration for himself. realDonaldTrump

This man's ego is going to kill us all!

Hippity Hoppity Easters on its way!!

STOP IT! You’re absolutely disgusting cnn

SethAbramson No surprise.

Yeah he’s “”dying “ to get to his famous kiss his ass rallies!!

We will all stay isolated and safe. He can go out and do whatever he wants to do by himself, leave the Secret Service safe inside. See how easy that was to solve.

So he's human ? Good.

SethAbramson Go ahead, do it.

Hey your things together realDonaldTrump there is a country that needs to be protected

SethAbramson I dont think that Trump gives a shit about the nation part...

SethAbramson He wants to get back to acting presidential, you know, playing golf.

beyond his need to feel/appear important, it’s absolutely more about keeping his failing businesses afloat. he’ll send everyone out there to die if it protects his own portfolio. FuckTrump

SethAbramson Just for himself. He cares about no one else.

SethAbramson There’s a new normal.

SethAbramson He’s not even offering rolls of paper towels such a sleeze bag



SethAbramson He misses his Dear Leader Klan Rallies.

SethAbramson Poor baby.

SethAbramson I don't really give a flying fuck. Do you?

Trump wants to end quarantine so he has a hope of reelection. He doesnt care about the thousands who will die that didnt have to.

SethAbramson I hate him so much

He misses his buddies

Fake news..turn off CNN to save your mental health..

This is not leadership in a crisis.

Oh FFS let him go golf! He is worthless and a danger to the American people! Put him on a plane to Mar-A-Lago!

What a frickin selfish BABY!!

I would be OK with Trump satisfying his appetite for large crowds… Perhaps he could go on spring break in Florida, then get on a crowded civilian plane and lick a tray table.

The States hardest hit are blue. No aid going to those states or limited aid..just wondering.....

I’d like to see him try to find toilet paper, Lysol, a test, masks, and fresh milk for his family and elderly relatives while in lock down like many of us ...

I dont care about pouting POTUS. Americans are in survival mode. They need leadership and financial relief.


Liberals hate work and want to stay home forever

Things will return to normal on November 3rd. Count on it. Biden2020

CNN is garbage

In November...

Of course it's about himself.

Let him go. Let him go visit his buddies in FL, Saudi Arabia, back to India where they threw a big rally for him b/c that's what he's missing. He's useless.

Yeah OK,

It would be great if he could be sealed off even further.

He is probably dying to go golfing. Am sure he wasn't expecting to work this hard 🙄🙄 asshole

Hey, realDonaldTrump could always resign & return to his life of golf & business. The country would be better off.

This is honestly a joke you guys continuously twist his words to make him look bad the entire Democratic Party is a joke apart from very select few. Instead of patronizing him and trying to under cut everything he is doing like the 1.8 billion dollar bill he tried to send to help

While Europeans and Arabs are being absorbed by the coronavirus, Anglo-Saxons are changing the world order.

He's gonna end up turtling in Air Force One, though. You know he's gonna go airborne indefinitely if the coronavirus cruises too heavy in DC and Florida, and Florida governance is...

Just his own

Too bad for your hotels. It’s all about America’s health. NOT YOUR HOTELS!!!

So the president of the US wants to end this for no other reason but so he can play golf.

He’s ONLY thinking of himself I promise you

He only cares about his LAZY self, cares zero about the American people!

If only there were something for him to busy his time with

He can easily end his isolation. He can go shake hands with all the untested symptomatic patients waiting for a test, while emptying bedpans at a covid19 hospital, without PPE of course. realDonaldTrump

You know what. Please let it never end. As long as he feels miserable... it's worth it. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Life will not return to normal during the Trump presidency. This is the end of empire and appropriately the US had it's own Nero in charge. The US will become a leper colony for the foreseeable future.

The FakestOfFakeNews! How desperate are you ? This kind of crap does not bring you market share of which you are sorely lacking! lifesupport

I think the word 'just' is misplaced in this tweet. Just saying.

CNN is full of shit.

He needs his Big Macs. Next you hear, Ronald McDonald is going to be appointed to the HHS task force.

He's dying to have time off to go golfing with O.J.

The trumpet is a FKNG I D I O T realDonaldTrump More people will die. Their blood will be on your hands. S T O P the L I E S ! ! ! A restless Trump wants to end the country's isolation -- and his own - CNNPolitics

We do not want your opinions we want actually news and facts

The virus condition is serious now

He needs his audience. 🤬



You guys just write fiction now, huh? CNNisFakeNews

He is only worried about no customers at Trump Tower Hotels

Landslide 2020.

Democrats hope this drags out If we overcome, he looks good. He must fail.

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