A mouthful of nickels? Some say they taste metal after a Covid-19 vaccination

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A mouthful of nickels? Some say they taste metal after a Covid-19 vaccination. The metallic taste is not considered to be dangerous, and should diminish with time, an infectious disease expert says.

In addition to arm soreness and a little malaise, some people are reporting an unusual side effect following their Covid-19 vaccinations: an intense metallic taste that can last for days.

He is not alone. Dave Bischel, 52, of Sacramento, California, said he tasted something that reminded him of nickels after both of his Pfizer shots. The metallic taste went away after a few days.And Paul Wartenberg, 50, of Mulberry, Florida, said he tasted metal for several hours after his Moderna injection. It disappeared after eating dinner.

"We've seen a few individuals with unusual taste after vaccines, commonly a metallic taste that lasts for several days," said Dr. Buddy Creech, an infectious disease expert and the director of the Vanderbilt Vaccine Research Program at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee.detailed such a reaction in a woman after she received an injection of lidocaine, a type of anesthetic.


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Innate Immune System vs Gene Therapy Injections... Immune system any day

medications can do the same. nothing unusual

Does peoples even know difference of taste of nickel and mercury?!

Who the fuck cares?

A rare but real phenomenon that the experts have no biological explanation for... And I'm supposed to believe this is totally safe? Okie dokie. 👍

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Its complicated. They r incentivize to run a nickel collection during hyper external bioplastics treatment. I know a man who loves the payout in third world regions such as United States. Dont trust any casino property

- illegal & corrupt marketing practices - bribing physicians - suppressing adverse trial results ... habitually ... ?

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I had the same taste briefly after getting IVs during labor and deliveries for all my kids. So I recognized it when I had it after the Pfizer. Didn't worry a bit. It IS normal. It was gone in like 30 seconds.

Huh! Not I, and glad for it!

Thank you for the coverage but can you please not include an image of a needle going into arms all the time. There are a lot of people with serious needle phobia and this is disturbing and unhelpful

I don’t care how many side effects people can get, that doesn’t mean the whole world is going to get them, more fuel for the morans with no medical or science degree discouraging other idiots not to take the vaccine.

How would an infectious disease ‘expert’ know what a new vaccine would cause a metallic taste and that it would ‘diminish’ with time?

I'm still not understand why people allowed this evil agenda to continue with the name of vaccine.people should go back to bill gate interview before this virus started after that you will rethink.and start asking Questions.they how successful taken over american.and other nation

Just stop. What’s the expression? A nickel of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Or something like that. Stop getting people to think about the vaccine. Everyone should just get it. Period.

Yes. I had that about 30 min after 1st shot. Glad Im not the only one!

Lol so did the engineers at Chernobyl

I definitely had a metralic taste in my mouth after the 1st Moderna shot. Which also happened to be one of my side effects of actually having covid.

Everyday more people are coming forward with side effects from the vaccine. Why the fuck is anyone getting these shots...?

How would someone know how a mouthful of nickels taste unless they have actually has a mouthful of nickels?🥴🥴🥴🥴

I've only received 1 of 2, of the Moderna vaccine last week. I had zero side effects. Arm was a little sore, the next day, but that only lasted a couple hours after waking up. My phone started acting crazy afterwards though. Must be that GPS tracking device causing interference

Pedal on the metal? 💉🧬🔥

Never tasted nickels, nevermind having a mouthful of them!

The blood clots and mysterious growths are also not considered to be dangerous.

I heard Gloria Estefan say she tasted metal when she got in that bus accident. Something about leaking spinal fluid.

False news claims from anti vaccine nut cases

Good luck to anyone who took or is taking this experimental gene therapy shot being sold to you as a vaccine

All I had was heartburn 5 mins after , & then for about 2hrs then nothing, no other side effects. 1st shot was no symptoms, 2nd heartburn. Couldn't be happier & now feel safe again which is very refreshing after the past year

Well ... so I just put a bunch on nickels in my mouth (well along with a few pennies and quarters) so I could tell if I had the same symptom. Didn't taste metallic. More like old sweat and pocket lint, but now my tongue is swelling up. Is that from the vaccine too?

I did not experience this at all.

Peter Griffin ate a lot of nickels, and it blinded him.

Thank God for bringing bitcoin to man,it has being a great source of blessing to all of man kind who have passion for bitcoin trading. Now the poor are getting rich over night and the rich getting richer. SamuelEddiy thank you for your proper management .

Not me. I had Pfizer

But it for sure 100% can not possibly the vaccine. Just a coincidence. 100% safe, nothing to see here. Just normal side effects. It means it is working. Don't ask questions please.

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