A man saw a list of his town's school lunch debt. So he paid the entire bill

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One man in Jupiter, Florida, decided that he could make a difference in his town by paying off the lunch debt for every child in the system. Sharing his small spark of kindness started a fire within others, and hundreds offered to help.

Angie Vyas-Knight, administrator of the"Jupiter Mamas" Facebook group, told CNN she was disgusted by national news stories about children who couldn't afford to buy lunch at school. She asked the Palm Beach county school board for her district's stats. To spread awareness, she shared the list of nine schools' outstanding lunch debt of $944.34. Weeks later, the list made its way to Jupiter real estate agent Andrew Levy.

Children shouldn't learn hungry," Levy told CNN affiliate WPEC.But he isn't stopping there. "I'm going to do either a GoFundMe page or a fundraising page that can raise money every quarter, so lunch debt never accumulates so that children never have to worry about a hot meal and parents never have to worry about paying the bill," he said. Sharing his small spark of kindness started a fire with those who found out about his personal initiative.


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I do that! I give extra tochildren who don’t have any or don’t have enough!

$900 to be a hero to 400 is a cheap ratio

Good for him.

God bless him. Hey what ever happened to free lunch programs? Why hasn't the President's Sec. of Education done something about this?

Still no comment from CNN: Field Production Supervisor Gerald Sisnette: “The Only Way This Will Go Away is When He (realDonaldTrump) Dies. Hopefully Soon.” ExposeCNN

Food IS something you should have to think about when you have children.

We also need to start feeding kids quality food because the stuff they serve in public schools is cheap and nasty purely for profit maximization aka someone is rich off of mass amounts of kids eating poor quality food

A wonderful and caring soul,to do good to our fellow humans,also part of religion. Religion just not about prayers,but good of the soul.

Embarrassing in the wealthiest country in the world and the country with the highest number of billionaires and multi millionaires. Am embarrassed for America!

I mean, it should not be a kind of extraordinary thing...

That’s so cool! We should give all this campaign money To the schools. We should charge churches taxes give to the schools! Text the Wealthy 1% give to schools. That’s how you pay for things! Free lunches , free college, free medical care. That’s how you pay for it!

Rediculos that we as a nation do not pay for this out of our tax money. Give the wealthy a tax cut so we can starve children. Do we all live in the same dimension? This is beyond reprehensible for any American!

All about priorities. Almost 193,000 students in this district with parents sacrificing so their kids are taken care of. With numerous programs out there, no child is going hungry from lack of food. It's from neglect and ignorance.

But there are people with billons of dollars and folks go hungry

Yea, but is this bigshot going to want to undertake this all the time? He probably just put off their starving till another day. Nothing they can count on.

OK, good, but please, please start feeding them food instead of that stuff masquerading as food and get rid of the plastic packaging. It can be done.

That was very nice of him.

There must not exist a word such as 'students' lunch debt'. realDonaldTrump TulsiGabbard

Good heart Thank you

Good guy.

How do we do that? I’d like to follow his example.

Feed your kids before you send expensive weapons to YPG/PKK terrorists realDonaldTrump

Have you ever requested our youth to QUIT Smoking, Alcohol, Drug, PORN, Premarital Sex and Extramarital Affairs ? OUR AMERICA IS CRYING FOR HELP. YOU ARE SLEEPING DEEPLY LIKE OUR POLITICIANS AND SUPREME COURT.

God bless u

Bless him 🙏

Good people

Private charity is much more efficient than Government.. always


God bless u sir for kindness.

Lunch debt? 😑

You guys should meet biglew8...

Good things breed good things.



God bless Andrew Levy. No child should ever have to go hungry....ever. People, especially children, should never go to bed hungry. One wonders how this will affect them as adults. It’s shameful.

God bless him

Parents can't manage a sandwich and fruit sack lunch? Take their children away

What kind of fucked up society puts children in debt for eating? What kind of journalism doesn't ask that question?

Clearly not a democrat.

Is that BillPulte ?

Didn't know there's even a town called Jupiter.

This is just as bad as employees having to pool their PTO for each other to cover cancer treatment. It's not inspiring, it shows the callousness of our cracked system.

Go Jupiter

thank god for this man stepping up when the city would let children have pathetic cheese sandwiches over a measly $900 collectively.

What a great man

Students parents have lunch debt not the students and they were still eating lunch they were not going hungry

Kindness is one of the most beautiful aspects of life❣️

Definitely a Republican

jaketapper I'll say it again, some unpaid debt is a result of forgetfulness, or even laziness, on the parent's part.

I read this article which translated in Japanese and most comments Japanese readers left were 'kids should not eat school lunch if they do not pay for, just blame parents. Thats the rule' 'Good story but not in Japan' 😔

So basically. It would only take $12.6M to make sure no child went into “debt” over eating lunch at school (Per census data on school districts). Doesn’t seem like a big ask elonmusk JeffBezos jack

Thank you, sir! This is a great story showing that community and private donations can fill some economic gaps, not taxation at government gunpoint.

The current average price for a gallon of regular gas is $2.655 in the US. I would consider gas a luxury item over food. Just sayin....

Your an inspiration sir, thank you

jaketapper chrissyteigen I am sure you can call two ur friends and pay off all the lunch debt for all schools in the U.S.

jaketapper Also, 'student lunch debt' is not a phrase that should exist in the English language. Or any language.

There’s such a thing as lunch debt . Wow . This system

Glad you are on this earth!

Congress has turned America into a Death Trap for Children. 'American kids are 70 percent more likely to die before adulthood than kids in other rich countries'

Meanwhile we got billionaires hiding thier money or prancing around Instagram pretending to he self made off a sex tape family fame

So charity works better than a government ran program.. I'm shocked..

Most schools write it off

One time for the Black Panthers who started the Breakfast Program for this exact reason. Children who do not eat while in school or before starting school will never perform at their best.

School lunches should be free in public school they should be covered with all that we pay in TAXES

Brilliant! Just made it so failing parents can fail again with no consequences.

finally a good Florida man

Their debt averaged around $2 Parents can't afford $2 ... Don't have kids.

Citizen- 'Local man uses private money to help people' Government - 'KCMO Health Dept. defends pouring bleach on food intended for homeless'

A kindred spul! God bless you Sir!

Seems like some people here don't mind paying for golf weekend for the president, but food for kids is socialism!!! There aren't enough slurs to describe this people...

Better to ask why does one man have so much and children go hungry.

There are zero politics here. A man did something good for many children. End of story.

Florida Man goes rogue! Good on you, sir 👏🏽

Aw, socialism in action 😉

Charity is no substitute for organised justice

So awesome! Thank you!!

Remember the madness is not their Fight.

More of these stories. I forget that there is kindness and there is goodness in this country these days.

If only there was a way to do this systematically...

Very kind and generous thing to do.

Food for thought


'Lunch debt'? Bad enough these kids will have to live with a 'student debt' for the rest of their lives. The whole thing stinks.

Food is absolutely something you should think about. Right up there with shelter.

Hungry is the biggest problem in today's world. Everyone should do their best to prevent from hungrt.

As a country we should be ashamed if one child goes hungry. One man is worth 120 billion and children are starving. Do you think there might be a problem? Erosion of the middle class is the greatest threat to keeping America strong. Children going hungry - a symptom.

How in the f**k do we have kids being denied lunch because they can't afford it and still have billionaires? If every one of the top 500 corporations in America donated one single days worth of profits no kid would have to pay for lunch. Ever again.

FakeNewsCNN trying to act like they haven’t been totally exposed as the joke they are

MonopointAmy Heading to Jupiter soon myself. If I see him, he drinks for free..

It comes out to about $2.25 per student.🤷

Now that’s a “Florida Man” we can applaud


ChrisCuomo Awesome nice to see something today besides that vile video!

I live in Jupiter, as well. There are many immigrant children in need here. For all the vast wealth in Jupiter, there is need.

ChrisCuomo Was there a STONE in his name?

Rare W for Florida

God I wish there were more people in the world just like him. I act of kindness can change someone's life. Thank you sir!

Yes, because Jupiter Florida, home of actors, rock stars, golfers, MLB, NFL, and NBA players, is just full of lunch debt I'm sure... LOL

Thanks God bless you

God Bless him,some people still have a heart when other's dont.

School lunch debt should be a non issue in a country with the riches we have in America.

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