A high school student is growing out his hair for his sick sister. When administrators asked him to cut it, he withdrew from school

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When 16-year-old Newt Johnson found out his little sister was sick, he decided to grow out his hair until it was long enough to make a wig, in case she needed it. But because of his school's policies, that also meant withdrawing from his high school.

That included growing out his hair until it was long enough to make a wig, in case she needed it. But because of his school's policies, that also meant withdrawing from his high school.His sister and best friend, Maggie Johnson, was recently diagnosed with Wegener's disease. The rare auto immune disease affects her kidneys, leaving her with severe nausea and headaches that forced her to leave school in October.

"Rules are rulesJohnson was asked by his high school to cut his hair before the beginning of winter break in December. The school gave him until Tuesday, January 21, before the code of conduct consequences would be implemented, according to Poth ISD Superintendent Paula Renken.But when he returned to school, he hadn't gotten a hair cut. Johnson's mother, Jamie Mathis-Johnson, was called into the school to pick up Johnson to get a haircut that Tuesday, Renken said.


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Congrats Newt! You are an example!School? They don’t teach any of the importan things in life One should be: “be open to changes, if that is going to make you better” And to the rest of the students, they should teach them “to stand for what it’s right, even, if they stand alone”

Do you people have the same outrage for companies, such as UPS and Discount Tire, for example, that don't allow facial hair?

This story almost seems made up. The girl will either be cured or will pass away before he grows his hair out long enough to make a wig. Anyway, whe someone has cancer, you're supposed to shave your head to show solidarity.

PattyArquette Newt Johnson is amazing. The school administrators should have their hearts checked.

Some people should be given the world, or at least understanding... But I strongly believe sacrificial acts of kindness should be greatly rewarded

PattyArquette A few weeks ago a kid couldn't graduate because his hair was too big. This kid drops out befirenge is tossed out so he can grow his hair. Why is America more afraid of hair than it is guns? (Yes I know there is a joke set up there)

How moronic is that

Long hair is a no-no?

School policy doesn't allow boys to grow their hair long? Are they kicking the girls out who have long hair?

As Long as it is clean & brushed, their appearance outside of being hygienically clean & appropriately dressed, is Not the schools concern, other than to TEACH & Offer Guidance. Shame on such policies, & those who support them🤬🚫‼️

Wait. Your schools dictate hair length? Wtf. What others aspects unrelated to education do you control In schools? And here everyone was thinking the US was a bastion of freedom.

.... So..... For those that rely on CNN headlines (which are constantly exaggerated from the actual story).... it was one day and they are getting a meeting with the school about it, the school was letting him grow his hair out till January 21st. Meeting is still happening.

Honestly, he should have just put it in a Man-bun. That should've solved that problem.

Who calls their kid newt?

They should zoom his classes for he with the golden heart shouldn’t receive such treatment of isolation

Damn liberal indoctrination centers! 🤦‍♂️


Must be a Trump loving school

It's a shame we don't address the issue that is the diet they probably suffered through. The poor are getting sick because they thrive off McDonalds and Walmart Quantity over quality; cheapness from necessity. There is no second parent; often there isn't one around during youth~

I can't understand this school policy against long hair?

How regressive are American schools!?! Damn.

This is just wrong the school could make a one time exception

Seriously, can schools please just stop policing the length of male students hair. Totally unnecessary, ridiculously sexist.

As a Gen X'er.. I was a teenager in the 80's.. and guys HAD LONG HAIR. Didn't affect grades, attendance, performance, morale or ANY OF THAT bs. And that was just fashion! THIS IS A LABOR OF LOVE!! What is WRONG with that school YOUR RULES ARE RIDICULOUS! Heartless bastards.

But he's not even black.

There are more things to worry about than the length of some ones hair

Didn’t we resolve this whole hair length thing 50 years ago?

I hope soon doing better

The kid will be better off with homeschooling!

Family first!

Wow these school policies are getting out of hand


Then let the school pay the wig in exchange

I taught middle school for 40 years and have never heard of schools dictating how long a student’s hair can be. This is the 2nd time in the last couple weeks I have heard this. This is just wrong! Parents in these communities need to stand up for their students’ rights.

As long as he's home schooling..,. That's cool

As an educator, let me say...the district is simply WRONG here. You can 100% make an exception and they chose to not. He is doing such a great thing. Shouldn’t we commend students for things like this? 🤦🏻‍♀️

School personnel rank right up there with cops imo.

So much for not discriminating against natural hairstyle. Oh...wait...it’s a toxic white male. No such thing as doing something nice for your sister.

Texas of course

Why does everyone think they are exempt from the rules?


that is the way it should be.

Oh, so it happens to white people, too?

What is it with schools and hair?!?

I wonder what it is with schools and hair...

Whatever happened to common sense and dignity? Let the kid back in school and encourage support from all students for his sister and others in need. Where is the humanity?

will never get the correlation between hair and getting an education. HeyTeacherLeaveThemKidsAlone

So WTAF with schools and policies about hair

This is mostly because Evangelicals see males with long hair as feminine. They won’t allow that. Of course Jesus had a crew cut.

Make an exception to the policy. Common sense is not common.

cblackst Please tell me they quickly invited him back!

Most of these cases are from Texas

1950s all over again.

as if going to school wasn't enough of a drag right?

If a public school‘s hair policy discriminates based on sex, it’s not legal. I’m sure his parents have enough to deal with, but maybe ACLU could take a look?

Ah America, land where the length of your hair is more important than the quality of your education. Why the hell do schools care how long a student’s hair is? And why do dress codes have to differentiate between boys and girls?

I thought America was a free country? 🤔

Brotherly and conditional love..amazing young man.

newt johnson, you're a hero! and to the school-board: if rules are stupid, change them!

Why are school administrators sometimes such small people

Pure love 🌹🌿

💋 Kisses 😘 From this side

He needs to make a wig for Trump


Rules are rules.

Unconditionally love

The policy is far more disgusting than long hair, imo.


All a diversion to avoid school. He might as well have joined the FridaysForFuture demonstrations.

persephinae School uniform rules are insane.

Apparently common sense has left the building. Not recognizing the acceptable exceptions to our rules is a basic error in logic.

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